X.PagedList, manual Paging and a pre-existing webapi for data only advance 1 record at a time - asp.net-core

Setting up a PagedList in .netcore against a webapi that already exists.
The webapi allows me to call data using a 2 parameters, a FROM and a TAKE. I've implemented X.PagedList and it appears to work except for how it/I calculate the actual Page..
Using the code at X.PagedList, I implemented the Manual Paging. The issue is that when I click on a page number, my TAKE only takes 1 new record, as opposed to the NEXT 10.
On the first load, my api call looks like this
The Page 2 call looks like
Obviously the 1 should be 11 i think in this case
PagedResults Class
public class PagedResults<T> : List<T>
public List<T> Results { get; set; }
public string Search { get; set; }
public bool Empty { get; set; }
My Controller
public IActionResult PagedList(int? page)
ViewData["Title"] = Title;
ViewData["PageTitle"] = Title + " List";
var pageIndex = (page ?? 1) - 1;
var pageSize = 10;
//Perform API Call
var response = GetList(pageIndex, pageSize);
//Returns List<Institution>
var Institutions = response.Data;
//Returns 200, which is the total from the Headers
string total = response.Headers.Where(x => x.Name == "total").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault().ToString();
var PagedList = new StaticPagedList<Institution>(Institutions, pageIndex + 1, pageSize, Convert.ToInt32(total));
var model = new InstitutionViewModel
CurrentUser = CurrentUser //From BaseController
string view = string.Format("~/views/Portal/{0}/List.cshtml", Title);
ViewData["PagedList"] = PagedList;
return View(view, model);
#region Helpers
public static IRestResponse<List<Models.Institution>> GetList(int from, int take)
//this create /api/v1/institutions?from=0&Take=10
string ActionPath = string.Format("Institutions");
var client = new RestClient(Connect.url);
var request = new RestRequest(ActionPath, Method.GET);
request.AddParameter("from", from, ParameterType.QueryString);
request.AddParameter("take", take, ParameterType.QueryString);
var result = client.Execute<List<Models.Institution>>(request);
return result;
My View
#using X.PagedList.Mvc.Core;
#using X.PagedList;
#foreach (var item in ViewBag.PagedList)
#Html.PagedListPager((IPagedList)ViewBag.PagedList, page => Url.Action("PagedList", new { page }))

Here is a simple workaround like below:
ViewBag.Title = "Product Listing";
var pagedList = (IPagedList)ViewBag.PageList;
#using X.PagedList.Mvc.Core; #*import this so we get our HTML Helper*#
#using X.PagedList; #*import this so we can cast our list to IPagedList (only necessary because ViewBag is dynamic)*#
#using X.PagedList.Mvc.Common
#using X.PagedList.Mvc.Core.Fluent
#foreach (var name in ViewBag.PageList)
#Html.PagedListPager(pagedList, page => Url.Action("Index", new { page }))
public IActionResult Index(int page = 1)
ViewBag.PageList = GetPagedNames(page);
return View();
protected IPagedList<string> GetPagedNames(int? page)
// return a 404 if user browses to before the first page
if (page.HasValue && page < 1)
return null;
// retrieve list from database/wherever
var listUnpaged = new List<string> { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "aa", "bb", "cc", "dd", "ee", "aaa", "bbb", "ccc" ,"ddd","eee","fff","ggg","1","s","f","sd","dsfds"};
// page the list
const int pageSize = 10;
var listPaged = listUnpaged.ToPagedList(page ?? 1, pageSize);
// return a 404 if user browses to pages beyond last page. special case first page if no items exist
if (listPaged.PageNumber != 1 && page.HasValue && page > listPaged.PageCount)
return null;
return listPaged;


Rendering #Html.Action("actionName","controllerName") at runtime , fetching from database in MVC4

My requirement is to fetch html data from database and render it on view. But if that string contains #Html.Action("actionName","controllerName"), i need to call perticular controller action method also.
I am rendering my html on view using #Html.Raw().
Eg: Below is the html string stored in my database
'<h2> Welcome To Page </h2> <br/> #Html.Action("actionName", "controllerName")'
So when it render the string, it execute mentioned controller and action too.
Any help will be appreciated.
You can try RazorEngine to allow string template in razor executed.
For example, sample code from the project site http://antaris.github.io/RazorEngine/:
using RazorEngine;
using RazorEngine.Templating; // For extension methods.
string template = "Hello #Model.Name, welcome to RazorEngine!";
var result =
Engine.Razor.RunCompile(template, "templateKey", null, new { Name = "World" });
But there is one catch, Html and Url helpers are defined in the Mvc framework, hence it is not supported by default.
I will suggest you try to create your template by passing model so that you don't have to use #Html.Action.
If you can not avoid it, then there is possible a solution suggested by another so answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/19434112/2564920:
public class HtmlTemplateBase<T>:TemplateBase<T>, IViewDataContainer
private HtmlHelper<T> helper = null;
private ViewDataDictionary viewdata = null;
public HtmlHelper<T> Html
if (helper == null)
var writer = this.CurrentWriter; //TemplateBase.CurrentWriter
var context = new ViewContext() { RequestContext = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext, Writer = writer, ViewData = this.ViewData };
helper = new HtmlHelper<T>(vcontext, this);
return helper;
public ViewDataDictionary ViewData
if (viewdata == null)
viewdata = new ViewDataDictionary();
viewdata.TemplateInfo = new TemplateInfo() { HtmlFieldPrefix = string.Empty };
if (this.Model != null)
viewdata.Model = Model;
return viewdata;
viewdata = value;
public override void WriteTo(TextWriter writer, object value)
if (writer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
if (value == null) return;
//try to cast to RazorEngine IEncodedString
var encodedString = value as IEncodedString;
if (encodedString != null)
//try to cast to IHtmlString (Could be returned by Mvc Html helper methods)
var htmlString = value as IHtmlString;
if (htmlString != null) writer.Write(htmlString.ToHtmlString());
//default implementation is to convert to RazorEngine encoded string
encodedString = TemplateService.EncodedStringFactory.CreateEncodedString(value);
Then you have to use HtmlTemplateBase (modified base on https://antaris.github.io/RazorEngine/TemplateBasics.html#Extending-the-template-Syntax):
var config = new TemplateServiceConfiguration();
// You can use the #inherits directive instead (this is the fallback if no #inherits is found).
config.BaseTemplateType = typeof(HtmlTemplateBase<>);
using (var service = RazorEngineService.Create(config))
string template = "<h2> Welcome To Page </h2> <br/> #Html.Action(\"actionName\", \"controllerName\")";
string result = service.RunCompile(template, "htmlRawTemplate", null, null);
in essence, it is telling the RazorEngine to use a base template where mvc is involved, so that Html and Url helper can be used.

RadioButton list Binding in MVC4

I have a radiobuttonList which is binding data from Enum Class and its working correctly in the view.
But my concern is how can I set inital value of radiobutton to CROCount.ONE.I have tried to set the initial value in the following way but couldnot get the desired result.
public enum CROCount
ONE = 1,
TWO = 2
ViewModel is
public class RegistraionVM
public EnumClass.CROCount CROCount { get; set; }
I generated the radio button list as follows.
#foreach (var count in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SMS.Models.EnumClass.CROCount)))
<label style="width:75px">
#Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.RegistrationVenue, (int)count,
new { #class = "minimal single" })
Binding performed in the Controller is
public ActionResult Index(int walkInnId)
var _studentReg = new RegistraionVM
return View(_studentReg);
catch (Exception ex)
return View("Error");
Your binding your radio button to property CROCount (not RegistrationVenue) so your code should be
#Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.CROCount, count, new { id = "", #class = "minimal single" })
Note that the 2nd parameter is count (not (int)count) so that you generate value="ONE" and value="TWO". Note also the new { id = "", removes the id attribute which would otherwise result in duplicate id attributes which is invalid html.

MVC Ajax with Dynamic Partial View Creation

How can I create dynamic ajax.actionlinks that will call dynamic partial views.
For example:
I have a page that will generate x number of comments
Each comment can be voted up or down (individually)
The number of up votes and down votes are counted into a single integer
Each comment div will have its own ajax.actionlink
Each ajax.actionlink will pass to the controller the ID of the comment
The controller will calculate the total votes and call the partial view to display back into the div with the correct ID.
What have I done so far:
I have been able to create successful ajax.actionlink
That will call a controller and sum the votes
That will call the partial view and display the votes
What is the issue
I don't want to hard code 30-100 different ajax.actionlinks to call 30-100 hard coded partial views.
How can I accomplish this dynamically?
Existing Code:
My ajax.actionlink inside my razor view
#Html.Raw(Ajax.ActionLink("[replacetext]", "VoteUp",
new { UserPostID = #Model.Id },
new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "POST", InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace, UpdateTargetId = "CountVote" }).ToHtmlString().Replace("[replacetext]",
"<img src=\"/Images/up_32x32.png\" />"))
My div inside the same razor view to display the returning results from the partial view.
<div id="CountVote" class="postvotes"></div>
My controller
public PartialViewResult VoteUp(int UserPostID)
UserVotes vote = new UserVotes();
vote.SubmitedVote = 1;
vote.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["id"]);
vote.UserPostID = UserPostID;
ViewBag.SumVotes = postRepository.InsertUserPostVote(vote);
catch (Exception e)
return PartialView("_TotalVotes");
And finally my partial view (_TotalVotes.cshtml)
Now my main view for Viewpost shows the comments in a loop using the viewbag.
foreach (var item in (List<UserComment>)ViewData["Comments"])
CommentVote = "cv" + i.ToString();
<div class="postlinewrapper">
<div class="postvotesframe">
<div class="postvotes">
#Html.Raw(Ajax.ActionLink("[replacetext]", "VoteUp",
new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "POST", InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace, UpdateTargetId = "CountVote" }).ToHtmlString().Replace("[replacetext]",
"<img src=\"/Images/up_32x32.png\" />"))
<div id="#CommentVote" class="#CommentVote">0</div>
<div class="postvotes">
#Html.Raw(Ajax.ActionLink("[replacetext]", "VoteDown",
new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "POST", InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace, UpdateTargetId = "CountVote" }).ToHtmlString().Replace("[replacetext]",
"<img src=\"/Images/down_32x32.png\" />"))
<div class="postleftbar">
<div class="postrightbar">
<div class="post_spec">
<div class="post_spec_title">Call Sign: </div>
<div class="post_spec_detail">#item.CallSign</div>
<div class="post_spec">
<div class="post_spec_title">When: </div>
<div class="post_spec_detail">#item.CommentDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")</div>
<br />
<br />
i += 1;
I have implemented the login to increase or decrease votes up and down:
public PartialViewResult VoteUp(int userPostId)
UserVotes vote = new UserVotes();
vote.SubmitedVote = 1;
vote.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["id"]);
vote.UserPostID = userPostId;
ViewBag.SumVotes = postRepository.InsertUserPostVote(vote);
catch (Exception e)
return PartialView("_TotalVotes");
public PartialViewResult VoteDown(int userPostId)
UserVotes vote = new UserVotes();
vote.SubmitedVote = -1;
vote.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["id"]);
vote.UserPostID = userPostId;
ViewBag.SumVotes = postRepository.InsertUserPostVote(vote);
catch (Exception e)
return PartialView("_TotalVotes");
Now all this code works for 1 ajax call just fine, but what I need to is to display separate ajax calls for separate divs dynamically.
Try it this way.
Main view
I'm supposing you have a model with a collection property Comments of Comment items
#model MyNamespace.CommentAndOtherStuff
#foreach(item in Model.Comments)
<a href="#Url.Action("VoteUp", "VoteControllerName", new { UserPostId = item.Id })"
data-id="#item.Id">#item.Votes</a><img src="vote.jpg" />
And your controller just returns a class called VoteResult as JSON.
public ActionResult VoteUp(int UserPostID)
var model = new VoteResult
UserPostID = UserPostID,
Votes = service.tallyVote(UserPostID)
return Json(model);
Now hook all of those up with a jQuery event handler and setup an AJAX call
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a.vote-link").on("click", function(event) {
var link = $(this); // the link instance that was clicked
var id = link.attr("data-id");
var url = link.attr("href");
url: url,
type: "post"
.done(function(result) {
// JSON result: { UserPostID: 1, Votes: 5 }
// replace link text
But I want a partial view html fagment.
public ActionResult VoteUp(int UserPostID)
var model = new VoteResult
UserPostID = UserPostID,
Votes = service.tallyVote(UserPostID)
return PartialView("_TotalVotes", model);
_TotalVotes partial
#model MyNamespace.VoteResult
#if (Model.Votes < 0)
<span class="unpopular">#Model.Votes</span>
<span class="awesome">#Model.Votes</span>
And adjust the AJAX callback
.done(function(result) {
Now you could write a helper for the link fragment but it obfuscates things in my opinion (it's a judgement call). All you really need here is the class name and the data-id which your javascript will bind.
Using the Ajax helpers here seems an unnecessary overhead and I suggest you just use jquery methods to update the DOM. Your current code suggests you might be missing some logic to make a comment voting system work, including indicating what action the user may have already performed. For example (and assuming you want it to work similar to SO), if a user has previously up-voted, then clicking on the up-vote link should decrement the vote count by 1, but clicking on the down-vote link should decrement the vote count by 2 (the previous up-vote plus the new down-vote).
Refer to this fiddle for how this might be styled and behave when clicking the vote elements
Your view model for a comment might look like
public enum Vote { "None", "Up", "Down" }
public class CommentVM
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public Vote CurrentVote { get; set; }
public int TotalVotes { get; set; }
and assuming you have a model that contains a collection of comments
public class PostVM
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<CommentVM> Comments { get; set; }
and the associated DisplayTemplate
#model CommentVM
<div class="comment" data-id="#Model.ID" data-currentvote="#Model.CurrentVote">
<div class="vote">
<div class="voteup" class="#(Model.CurrentVote == Vote.Up ? "current" : null)"></div>
<div class="votecount">#Model.TotalVotes</div>
<div class="votedown" class="#(Model.CurrentVote == Vote.Down ? "current" : null)"></div>
<div class="commenttext">#Html.DisplayFor(m => m.Text)</div>
Then in the main view
#model PostVM
.... // display some properties of Post?
#Html.DisplayFor(m => m.Comments)
var voteUpUrl = '#Url.Action("VoteUp")';
var voteDownUrl = '#Url.Action("VoteDown")';
$('.voteup').click(function() {
var container = $(this).closest('.comment');
var id = container.data('id');
var voteCount = new Number(container.find('.votecount').text());
$.post(voteUpUrl, { id: id }, function(response) {
if (!response) {
// oops, something went wrong - display error message?
container.find('.votecount').text(response.voteCount); // update vote count
if (response.voteCount < voteCount) {
// the user previously upvoted and has now removed it
} else if (response.voteCount == voteCount + 1) {
// the user had not previously voted on this comment
} else if (response.voteCount == voteCount + 2) {
// the user previoulsy down voted
$('.votedown').click(function() {
... // similar to above (modify logic in if/elseif blocks)
and the controller method
public JsonResult VoteUp(int id)
int voteCount = // your logic to calculate the new total based on the users current vote (if any) for the comment
return Json(new { voteCount = voteCount });

multiple using for editorforModel

editorforModel but Now I need several different ones and I dont want to use html helpers onebyone. So I need something like this ;
#model JobTrackingSystem.Areas.Panel.ViewModels.Member.NewMemberModel
#model JobTrackingSystem.Areas.Panel.ViewModels.Member.MemberDashboardModel
So I want to keep them in 2 different divs in 1 page but also my controller wont allow using something like this
here is my controller ;
public ActionResult Add(NewMemberModel input, HttpPostedFileBase Resim)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
ShowErrorMessage("Hatalı İşlem Yaptınız.");
return RedirectToAction("Index");
if (Resim == null)
ShowErrorMessage("Lütfen Boş Alan Bırakmayın.");
return RedirectToAction("Index");
var epostaKontrol = Db.MyMembers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Mail == input.Mail);
if (epostaKontrol != null)
ShowErrorMessage("E-Mail Adresi Adı Kullanımda.");
return RedirectToAction("Index");
string[] folders = new string[] { "Uploads/Member/Orjinal/", "Uploads/Member/Kucuk/" };
string fileExt = Path.GetExtension(Path.GetFileName(Resim.FileName)).ToLower();
string orjName = Guid.NewGuid() + fileExt;
string filePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/" + folders[0]), orjName);
string fileThumbPath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/" + folders[1]), orjName);
if (!(fileExt.Equals(".jpg") || fileExt.Equals(".jpeg") || fileExt.Equals(".png")))
ShowErrorMessage("Yalnızca .Jpg .Jpeg ve .Png Uzantılı Dosyalar Yükleyebilirsiniz.");
return RedirectToAction("Index");
var thumber = ImageHelper.Thumber(750, filePath, fileThumbPath);
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(thumber))
return RedirectToAction("Index");
var item = new Member
Name = input.Name,
Mail = input.Mail,
SurName = input.SurName,
Phone = input.Phone,
Sira = Db.MyMembers.Max(m => (short?)m.Sira) ?? 0 + 1,
DepartmentType = (DepartmentTypeForUser)input.DepartmentTypeFor,
MemberType = (MemberTypeForUser)input.MemberTypeFor,
Image = "/" + folders[1] + orjName
ImageResizeModel model = new ImageResizeModel()
ImagePath = "/" + folders[1] + orjName,
ImageThumbPath = "/" + folders[1] + orjName,
SelectionSize = "[ 750, 750 ]",
return View("CropImage", model);
So How can I use multiple editorforModel for multiple times with different model field ? can I do anything in NewMemberModel class something like 2 methods and then call editorforModelMethod1 - editorforModelMethod2 ?
It's not entirely clear to me what you're asking (especially "controller won't allow", an actual error message would help us and could help you research the issue), but it looks like you could use a composite viewmodel:
public class NewMemberWithDashboardModel
public NewMemberModel NewMember { get; set; }
public MemberDashboardModel MemberDashboard { get; set; }
Then use it like this:
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.NewMember)
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.MemberDashboard)
And in your controller:
public ActionResult Add(NewMemberWithDashboardModel model, ...)

Populating Nested List<> in MVC4 C#

I've got a problem populating nested List<>
The object graph looks like this:
Route ⇒ Section ⇒ Co-ordinates
Whenever I try to populate Сoordinates list it just overwrites previous record and at the end gives me only the last Coordinate record. But I want all the Co-ordinates.
Here is my controller code:
List<RequestRouteDataClass> result = new List<RequestRouteDataClass> {
new RequestRouteDataClass() {
RouteRequestId = objRouteManagement.RouteRequestId,
RouteName = objRouteManagement.RouteName,
RouteDescription = objRouteManagement.RouteDescription,
RouteSections = new List<RouteSections> {
new RouteSections() {
Route_Sections_Id = objSections.Route_Sections_Id,
Section_Speed = objSections.Section_Speed,
Section_Description = objSections.Section_Description,
RouteCordinatesSections = new List<SectionCoordinatesRelationData> {
new SectionCoordinatesRelationData() {
SectionCoordinate_Relat_Id = objSectionsCordinates.SectionCoordinate_Relat_Id,
CoordinateLat = objSectionsCordinates.CoordinateLat,
CoordinateLag = objSectionsCordinates.CoordinateLag
If you want to use Nested List.
Your Model Contains =>
public class MainModelToUse
public MainModelToUse()
FirstListObject = new List<FirstListClass>();
public List<FirstListClass> FirstListObject { get; set; }
public class FirstListClass
public FirstListClass()
SecondListObject = new List<SecondListClass>();
public List<SecondListClass> SecondListObject { get; set; }
public class SecondListClass
public SecondListClass()
ThirdListObject = new List<ThirdListClass>();
public List<ThirdListClass> ThirdListObject { get; set; }
public class ThirdListClass
Your Code to Nested List =>
FirstListClass vmFirstClassMenu = new FirstListClass();
vmFirstClassMenu.SecondListClass = new List<SecondListClass>();
FirstListClass vmFirstClassCategory = new FirstListClass();
var dataObject1 = //Get Data By Query In Object;
foreach (Model objModel in dataObject1)
vmFirstClassCategory = new FirstListClass
//Your Items
var DataObject2 = //Get Data By Query In Object;
vmFirstClassCategory.SecondListClass = new List<SecondListClass>();
foreach (SecondListClass menuItem in DataObject2)
SecondListClass vmFirstClassMenuItem = new SecondListClass
//Your Items
var DataObject3 = //Get Data By Query In Object;
vmFirstClassMenuItem.ThirdListClass = new List<ThirdListClass>();
foreach (ThirdListClass price in DataObject3)
ThirdListClass vmThirdClassobj = new ThirdListClass
//Your Items
Hope this is what you are looking for.
First off: spacing helps with readability (edit: but I see you fixed that in your question already):
List<RequestRouteDataClass> result = new List<RequestRouteDataClass>
new RequestRouteDataClass()
RouteRequestId = objRouteManagement.RouteRequestId,
RouteName = objRouteManagement.RouteName,
RouteDescription = objRouteManagement.RouteDescription,
RouteSections = new List<RouteSections>
new RouteSections()
Route_Sections_Id = objSections.Route_Sections_Id,
Section_Speed = objSections.Section_Speed,
Section_Description = objSections.Section_Description,
RouteCordinatesSections = new List<SectionCoordinatesRelationData>
new SectionCoordinatesRelationData()
SectionCoordinate_Relat_Id = objSectionsCordinates.SectionCoordinate_Relat_Id,
CoordinateLat = objSectionsCordinates.CoordinateLat,
CoordinateLag =objSectionsCordinates.CoordinateLag
Next: what you are doing with the above is initiating your lists with a single element in each list. If you want more elements, you have to add them. I recommend using a foreach and the Add() functionality to fill your lists.
From your example it is not clear how your source data is stored, but if you have multiples of something I would expect those too to be in a list or an array of some kind.