How to do conditional requirements for browserify? - browserify

I have some code that I'm compiling with Browserify. How can i create conditional requirements,
for example
const Worker = (node === true) ? require('tiny-worker') || window.Worker

The best answer I could find is to use browserify-shim


How to implement conditional When method in Karate

I would like to reuse a feature both for POST-ing and PUT-ing a JSON Object. In order to achieve that I am trying to use a condition in the call:
Given param admin = admin
And request role
When method ( == null) ? karate.POST : karate.PUT
The error I get:
no step-definition method match found for: method ( == null) ? karate.POST : karate.PUT
I checked the documentation and the examples and search for the solution here, but I did not find an answer to this question.
Thanks in advance for the help.
You can use a variable for the method step:
* def action = 'GET'
* url ''
* method action
Other than that I have no suggestions. I strongly advise you to not do this kind of "re-use" as it leads to un-readable and un-maintainable tests. Please read this once:

Syntax to check more than one condition on exclusive gateway using kiefunctions

I am trying to check more than one conditions to redirect the flow on an exclusive gateway using kiefunctions JavaScript in jbpm. I am using the below syntax but I think I might be using the wrong syntax
return Kiefunctions.isTrue(customer.isValid) && customer.status == “retired” || customer.status == “employed”;
Can someone suggest me the correct syntax please
Probably KieFunctions is not written correctly (case-sensitive)
Try this and share the result:
return KieFunctions.isTrue(customer.isValid) && (KieFunctions.equalsTo(customer.status, "retired") || KieFunctions.equalsTo(customer.status, "employed"));

Cucumber Ordered Tagged Hooks

I am trying to use an ordered, tagged hook using Java cucumber. For example:
#Before("#quicklink", order = 20)
The compiler doesn't seem to like it. Is it not possible to have an ordered, tagged hook ? Seems like a reasonable combination of functionality. If so, what is the syntax ?
I have tried the same but in a different way
#Before(value = "#quicklink", order = 20)
But, this may create odd issues if you have another hook method with the same order number for other tests. Like both the methods will run for this scenario.
So I suggest using the tagged expressions if you are using same order like as follows:
For other methods use
#Before(value = "~#quicklink", order = 20)
this will make sure this scenario will never run on other methods
and for this scenario alone,
#Before(value = "#quicklink", order = 20)
this will make sure the above method will never run for those.
If you are using 2x version of tagged expressions in your project, you can replace the '~' with a 'not'
This might come handy if you want to replace a method in hooks class in just a specific scenario.
#Before(value = "#quicklink", order = 20)
You should be able to specify the order for hooks like this:
Annotated method style (if you are using cucumber-java):
#Before(order = 10)
public void doSomething(){
// Do something before each scenario
Lambda style (if you are using cucumber-java8):
Before(10, () -> {
// Do something before each scenario

How to check if two paths are the same in npm?

In npm path module, people use path.join because it handles cross platform slashes and extra slashes. However, is there a way to compare two paths to see if its the same folder in a cross platform way?
I want to avoid situations where it ends up comparing /foo/bar to \foo\bar and says its not the same but it really is.
I've solved this by using path.resolve on both the paths I want to compare. This makes paths absolute against process.cwd() and solves the backslash/forwardslash issue. It also resolves ../../a/b/ paths.
The other answer doesn't take into account that paths on win32, unlike most other platforms, are case-insensitive. The following should do the trick:
function pathsAreEqual(path1, path2) {
path1 = path.resolve(path1);
path2 = path.resolve(path2);
if (process.platform == "win32")
return path1.toLowerCase() === path2.toLowerCase();
return path1 === path2;
path.resolve("C:\\Users\\user") == path.resolve("C:\\Users\\USER") // false
pathsAreEqual("C:\\Users\\user", "C:\\Users\\USER") // true

include multiple js files using Ti.include function

I can include 1 js file with Ti.include like:
But, i am having problem with including multiple js files.
As a work around, i write Ti.include multiple times, which is less readable.
Any idea, how to achieve that?
Tweetanium does it like so:
Generally we should avoid including js file. It will hamper performance. You can have common js functionality to call any function defined in other files..
var All = require('ui/common/All');
Tree = require('ui/common/Tree');
EBOM = require('ui/common/E-BOM');
MBOM = require('ui/common/M-BOM');
SBOM = require('ui/common/S-BOM');