Set branch postback url parameter with track url parameter - branch

I'm trying to add just one parameter to my postback url to a custom partner. What I need is to pass a Click Id that advertiser will put into link. For example hi'll make traffic to this link - how could i map that click_id parameter to postback url?

You should use a macro to extract the click_id value. Append to the postback URL as a GET-parameter the following:
?clickid=${ (last_attributed_touch_data.~click_id)! }


TYPO3 9.5 LTS route enhancer with f:select

I'm using a simple extension, which displays a list of properties from a domainobject in a f:select. After using the dropdown the form redirects to an controller action and the repository gets all records according to the choosen property by argument.
<f:form class="filter-select" name="filter-select" method="post" action="showByProperty" pageUid="{settings.detailShowByProperty}">
< name="filter-form" options="{properties}" optionLabelField="title" optionValueField="uid" prependOptionLabel="Please choose..." prependOptionValue="0" />
Show matching records
How can i use route enhancers with select field to create an url like:
Especially i dont know how to append the property / argument.
Thanks in advance!
This wont't work. Sending an form is completly handled by client / browser. Only option is to send the form to another action which creates an redirect with uriBuilder and form data as parameters to get an speaking url.

How to make seo url for Yii $_GET method using url manager?

I'm working on a site on local server. I have made a form to search country,state and city. After getting the results I see the URL formatted as URL
I want to make this URL as URL
So here I want to know about URL manager rules so I can make it as I want.
Simply add this rule in your url-manager
"site/searchme/<country>/<state>/<city>" => "site/searchme"
Now, you need to have an action with this signature:
public function actionSearchme($country, $state, $city)
You can access $country, $state, $city from url inside this action. For example if your url be like http://localhost/yii_1/site/searchme/UnitedStates/Washington/NewYork, $country will equal "UnitedStates" and so on.

Yii transform url from param/param/param/ to param/param?param

Suppose I have a url like:
I need to convert this url when a user writes it in url line to:
P.S. - the number of parameters is variable.
How can I do it?
You need to change the UrlManager Rules according to the situation.
You need to configure the Url manager to handle the first two params as path url and let the rest

get value from one view & set it on element in another view in yii

I have a view file called "user" .There it has a select tag called 'uid'.I will select a user id from the select tag and click on 'add' button.When I click 'add' button it will redirect to another view called 'projects' . There I have a select tag called 'userID' I want to set the value of this option to 'uid' which I have selected in 'user' view. How can I do this?
I don't want to pass the variable in url
I have never worked on PHP but you can try one of the following options:
You can pass that value in URL and access it on project view.
eg: /project/uid=1001
Use can store on client side using Local Storage or Session Storage.
You can also use Route Parameters:
Use following link:
Hope this might

Hiding parameters in createURL - YII Framework

I am trying to pass array of values as parameter to controller action in YII Framework,
My URL is like very hard to see with array values.
Calling Controller Action:
var jString = JSON.stringify(val); ('".$this->createUrl('campaign/reportdrill')."/id/'+jString,'_blank');
URL Formed :
How to hide this parameter from user or is anyother way to pass array of values to controller action ?
This is the only way to pass parameters via the GET method of URLs. If you want to 'hide' the URL, use an AJAX load instead.
var jString = JSON.stringify(val);
However, AJAX load cannot apply to opening a new window. You will still need to use your URL for that purpose.