How to store large ever-changing tile map in a database efficiently - sql

I'm currently developing a game as a personal project! One of the main aspects of the game is the map - it will be a multiplayer game whereby players can capture different areas of a map by building things.
The map will be very big! Around 1000x1000 (so 1M tiles). The game will also have a fair amount of players on the map at the same time (100-1000), who will be constantly capturing new areas and stealing areas from other players, as such the tile database will be constantly changing in real time.
My question is - does anyone have any recommendations on how to go about this? My initial ideas were:
Have a MongoDB database with a collection of tiles.
Pros: Can query for certain areas of the map so that the client only has to download a portion of the map every time
Cons: Collection will be very large (several GB) (each tile would need to have X, Y coordinates, a resource level, an owner, and whether another player is contesting the tile)
Have an SQL database
Pros: Will be lighter in size, probably quicker to query.
Cons: Might not be able to be written to and edited easily in real time.
Any thoughts / direction would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!

If I understand the question, It sound like spatial indexing is the way to go. with a good spatial index it will be trivial to locate the player and determine which parts of the map are nearby. I've only ever used it for geo-data, but with the correct polygons it should be usable in your scenario as well.
Microsoft does a much better explanation than I can give in a stackoverflow answer, and similar functionality exists in MongoDB. Hope that helps.

A million tiles is not necessarily a large quantity of objects for a database to manage. Like other types of addressable assets (e.g. airline seats, hotel rooms, concert tickets), each map tile will have a primary key identifier that is indexed for fast retrieval and precise, targeted updates.
Depending on the rules regarding movement across tiles and how much volatile information is involved in rendering a tile, you may want to devise a prefetching scheme that anticipates which tiles a player might need next and downloads them in advance to minimize delays.
In order for your application to accommodate hundreds or thousands of users who are simultaneously viewing, modifying, and taking ownership of specific records without suffering from lock timeouts and deadlocks, your database model and query workload will need to be designed for concurrency. SQL-based databases allow you to use normalization techniques to arrive at a data model which not only accurately represents the data you're managing, but also eliminates the risk of duplicate records, double-booking, lost updates, and other anomalies. If your data model is adequately normalized and your application is making proper use of atomic transactions (units of work), the A.C.I.D. properties of SQL-based databases offer powerful, built-in protection for your data with minimal application coding.


In MongoDB, if my queries do not involve any joins, can I assume that it will scale?

I have an APP that will be demanding in terms of pulling data. Each time a user logs in, data is pulled, each time a new page is visited data is pulled, etc.
Let's suppose that these queries will never involve joins.
Can I assume then that the queries will scale?
No, it does not follow that using MongoDB and not using joins means "your queries will scale." That's a myth told by MongoDB marketing, not real software engineering.
It depends what your query is doing. Every query has a cost, no matter what brand of datastore you use. Every data access needs to use resources on the server, and that resource usage adds up. Do you queries scan thousands or millions of documents in the MongoDB datastore? Do they need to do map-reduce? How many documents are in the query response? Is it pulling data that is cached, or will it cost I/O overhead to pull that data? How many requests per second do you need to serve? Can MongoDB support the rate of queries you need to do? Are you configuring a MongoDB replica set or a sharded cluster? How many shards do you queries need to visit to get their result? How powerful are the servers hosting each node?
These are some examples of the types of questions you need to understand and analyze for your queries and your MongoDB cluster (the list is not complete).
You don't need to give me the answers to these questions. I'm just using them to illustrate why it's a naive question to ask "will it scale?"
It's like asking "I'm need to drive my car to my brother's house, will I have to refill my fuel tank?" That's not enough information to answer the question. How far away is your brother's house? What type of vehicle do you have? What is its fuel efficiency? Is your vehicle laden with a lot of heavy cargo? How many times do you need to make the trip? How fast are you driving? How rough are the roads on the route?
There are probably many things to consider depending on your needs but i think the main difference comes from the document data model (that MongoDB is made to support and scale on)
Document => more related data in 1 place
fewer joins (expensive especially if data are in different machines)
fewer transactions (single document updates are atomic)
simpler smaller schema, more tailored to your application
data model, similar to the way programmers save their data on
If you have many applications or too many different ways to access the same data, maybe you end up normalizing more your data to a more general data representation => losing some of the above benefits or duplicating some of your data to serve the different needs.

Are there any REAL advantages to NoSQL over RDBMS for structured data on one machine?

So I've been trying hard to figure out if NoSQL is really bringing that much value outside of auto-sharding and handling UNSTRUCTURED data.
Assuming I can fit my STRUCTURED data on a single machine OR have an effective 'auto-sharding' feature for SQL, what advantages do any NoSQL options offer? I've determined the following:
Document-based (MongoDB, Couchbase, etc) - Outside of it's 'auto-sharding' capabilities, I'm having a hard time understanding where the benefit is. Linked objects are quite similar to SQL joins, while Embedded objects significantly bloat doc size and causes a challenge regarding to replication (a comment could belong to both a post AND a user, and therefore the data would be redundant). Also, loss of ACID and transactions are a big disadvantage.
Key-value based (Redis, Memcached, etc) - Serves a different use case, ideal for caching but not complex queries
Columnar (Cassandra, HBase, etc ) - Seems that the big advantage here is more how the data is stored on disk, and mostly useful for aggregations rather than general use
Graph (Neo4j, OrientDB, etc) - The most intriguing, the use of both edges and nodes makes for an interesting value-proposition, but mostly useful for highly complex relational data rather than general use.
I can see the advantages of Key-value, Columnar and Graph DBs for specific use cases (Caching, social network relationship mapping, aggregations), but can't see any reason to use something like MongoDB for STRUCTURED data outside of it's 'auto-sharding' capabilities.
If SQL has a similar 'auto-sharding' ability, would SQL be a no-brainer for structured data? Seems to me it would be, but I would like the communities opinion...
NOTE: This is in regards to a typical CRUD application like a Social Network, E-Commerce site, CMS etc.
If you're starting off on a single server, then many advantages of NoSQL go out the window. The biggest advantages to the most popular NoSQL are high availability with less down time. Eventual consistency requirements can lead to performance improvements as well. It really depends on your needs.
Document-based - If your data fits well into a handful of small buckets of data, then a document oriented database. For example, on a classifieds site we have Users, Accounts and Listings as the core data. The bulk of search and display operations are against the Listings alone. With the legacy database we have to do nearly 40 join operations to get the data for a single listing. With NoSQL it's a single query. With NoSQL we can also create indexes against nested data, again with results queried without Joins. In this case, we're actually mirroring data from SQL to MongoDB for purposes of search and display (there are other reasons), with a longer-term migration strategy being worked on now. ElasticSearch, RethinkDB and others are great databases as well. RethinkDB actually takes a very conservative approach to the data, and ElasticSearch's out of the box indexing is second to none.
Key-value store - Caching is an excellent use case here, when you are running a medium to high volume website where data is mostly read, a good caching strategy alone can get you 4-5 times the users handled by a single server. Key-value stores (RocksDB, LevelDB, Redis, etc) are also very good options for Graph data, as individual mapping can be held with subject-predicate-target values which can be very fast for graphing options over the top.
Columnar - Cassandra in particular can be used to distribute significant amounts of load for even single-value lookups. Cassandra's scaling is very linear to the number of servers in use. Great for heavy read and write scenarios. I find this less valuable for live searches, but very good when you have a VERY high load and need to distribute. It takes a lot more planning, and may well not fit your needs. You can tweak settings to suite your CAP needs, and even handle distribution to multiple data centers in the box. NOTE: Most applications do emphatically NOT need this level of use. ElasticSearch may be a better fit in most scenarios you would consider HBase/Hadoop or Cassandra for.
Graph - I'm not as familiar with graph databases, so can't comment here (beyond using a key-value store as underlying option).
Given that you then comment on MongoDB specifically vs SQL ... even if both auto-shard. PostgreSQL in particular has made a lot of strides in terms of getting unstrictured data usable (JSON/JSONB types) not to mention the power you can get from something like PLV8, it's probably the most suited to handling the types of loads you might throw at a document store with the advantages of NoSQL. Where it happens to fall down is that replication, sharding and failover are bolted on solutions not really in the box.
For small to medium loads sharding really isn't the best approach. Most scenarios are mostly read so having a replica-set where you have additional read nodes is usually better when you have 3-5 servers. MongoDB is great in this scenario, the master node is automagically elected, and failover is pretty fast. The only weirdness I've seen is when Azure went down in late 2014, and only one of the servers came up first, the other two were almost 40 minutes later. With replication any given read request can be handled in whole by a single server. Your data structures become simpler, and your chances of data loss are reduced.
Again in my own example above, for a mediums sized classifieds site, the vast majority of data belongs to a single collection... it is searched against, and displayed from that collection. With this use case a document store works much better than structured/normalized data. The way the objects are stored are much closer to their representation in the application. There's less of a cognitive disconnect and it simply works.
The fact is that SQL JOIN operations kill performance, especially when aggregating data across those joins. For a single query for a single user it's fine, even with a dozen of them. When you get to dozens of joins with thousands of simultaneous users, it starts to fall apart. At this point you have several choices...
Caching - caching is always a great approach, and the less often your data changes, the better the approach. This can be anything from a set of memcache/redis instances to using something like MongoDB, RethinkDB or ElasticSearch to hold composite records. The challenge here comes down to updating or invalidating your cached data.
Migrating - migrating your data to a data store that better represents your needs can be a good idea as well. If you need to handle massive writes, or very massive read scenarios no SQL database can keep up. You could NEVER handle the likes of Facebook or Twitter on SQL.
Something in between - As you need to scale it depends on what you are doing and where your pain points are as to what will be the best solution for a given situation. Many developers and administrators fear having data broken up into multiple places, but this is often the best answer. Does your analytical data really need to be in the same place as your core operational data? For that matter do your logins need to be tightly coupled? Are you doing a lot of correlated queries? It really depends.
Personal Opinions Ahead
For me, I like the safety net that SQL provides. Having it as the central store for core data it's my first choice. I tend to treat RDBMS's as dumb storage, I don't like being tied to a given platform. I feel that many people try to over-normalize their data. Often I will add an XML or JSON field to a table so additional pieces of data can be stored without bloating the scheme, specifically if it's unlikely to ever be queried... I'll then have properties in my objects in the application code that store in those fields. A good example may be a payment... if you are currently using one system, or multiple systems (one for CC along with Paypal, Google, Amazon etc) then the details of the transaction really don't affect your records, why create 5+ tables to store this detailed data. You can even use JSON for primary storage and have computed columns derived and persisted from that JSON for broader query capability and indexing where needed. Databases like postgresql and mysql (iirc) offer direct indexing against JSON data as well.
When data is a natural fit for a document store, I say go for it... if the vast majority of your queries are for something that fits better to a single record or collection, denormalize away. Having this as a mirror to your primary data is great.
For write-heavy data you want multiple systems in play... It depends heavily on your needs here... Do you need fast hot-query performance? Go with ElasticSearch. Do you need absolute massive horizontal scale, HBase or Cassandra.
The key take away here is not to be afraid to mix it up... there really isn't a one size fits all. As an aside, I feel that if PostgreSQL comes up with a good in the box (for the open-source version) solution for even just replication and automated fail-over they're in a much better position than most at that point.
I didn't really get into, but feel I should mention that there are a number of SaaS solutions and other providers that offer hybrid SQL systems. You can develop against MySQL/MariaDB locally and deploy to a system with SQL on top of a distributed storage cluster. I still feel that HBase or ElasticSearch are better for logging and analitical data, but the SQL on top solutions are also compelling.
Schema-less storage (or schema-free). Ability to modify the storage (basically add new fields to records) without having to modify the storage 'declared' schema. RDBMSs require the explicit declaration of said 'fields' and require explicit modifications to the schema before a new 'field' is saved. A schema-free storage engine allows for fast application changes, just modify the app code to save the extra fields, or rename the fields, or drop fields and be done.
Traditional RDBMS folk consider the schema-free a disadvantage because they argue that on the long run one needs to query the storage and handling the heterogeneous records (some have some fields, some have other fields) makes it difficult to handle. But for a start-up the schema-free is overwhelmingly alluring, as fast iteration and time-to-market is all that matter (and often rightly so).
You asked us to assume that either the data can fit on a single machine, OR your database has an effective auto-sharding feature.
Going with the assumption that your SQL data has an auto-sharding feature, that means you're talking about running a cluster. Any time you're running a cluster of machines you have to worry about fault-tolerance.
For example, let's say you're using the simplest approach of sharding your data by application function, and are storing all of your user account data on server A and your product catalog on server B.
Is it acceptable to your business if server A goes down and none of your users can login?
Is it acceptable to your business if server B goes down and no one can buy things?
If not, you need to worry about setting up data replication and high-availability failover. Doable, but not pleasant or easy for SQL databases. Other types of sharding strategies (key, lookup service, etc) have the same challenges.
Many NoSQL databases will automatically handle replication and failovers. Some will do it out of the box, with very little configuration. That's a huge benefit from an operational point of view.
Full disclosure: I'm an engineer at FoundationDB, a NoSQL database that automatically handles sharding, replication, and fail-over with very little configuration. It also has a SQL layer so you you don't have to give up structured data.

Pros and Cons of using MongoDB instead of MS SQL Server [closed]

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I am new to NoSQL world and thinking of replacing my MS Sql Server database to MongoDB. My application (written in .Net C#) interacts with IP Cameras and records meta data for each image coming from Camera, into MS SQL Database. On average, i am inserting about 86400 records per day for each camera and in current database schema I have created separate table for separate Camera images, e.g. Camera_1_Images, Camera_2_Images ... Camera_N_Images. Single image record consists of simple metadata info. like AutoId, FilePath, CreationDate. To add more details to this, my application initiates separate process (.exe) for each camera and each process inserts 1 record per second in relative table in database.
I need suggestions from (MongoDB) experts on following concerns:
to tell if MongoDB is good for holding such data, which eventually will be queried against time ranges (e.g. retrieve all images of a particular camera between a specified hour)? Any suggestions about Document Based schema design for my case?
What should be the specs of server (CPU, RAM, Disk)? any suggestion?
Should i consider Sharding/Replication for this scenario (while considering the performance in writing to synch replica sets)?
Are there any benefits of using multiple databases on same machine, so that one database will hold images of current day for all cameras, and the second one will be used to archive previous day images? I am thinking on this with respect to splitting reads and writes on separate databases. Because all read requests might be served by second database and writes to first one. Will it benefit or not? If yes then any idea to ensure that both databases are synced always.
Any other suggestions are welcomed please.
I am myself a starter on NoSQL databases. So I am answering this at the expense of potential down votes but it will be a great learning experience for me.
Before trying my best to answer your questions I should say that if MS
SQL Server is working well for you then stick with it. You have not
mentioned any valid reason WHY you want to use MongoDB except the fact
that you learnt about it as a document oriented db. Moreover I see
that you have almost the same set of meta-data you are capturing for
each camera i.e. your schema is dynamic.
to tell if MongoDB is good for holding such data, which eventually will be queried against time ranges (e.g. retrieve all images of a particular camera between a specified hour)? Any suggestions about Document Based schema design for my case?
MongoDB being a document oriented db, is good at querying within an aggregate (you call it document). Since you already are storing each camera's data in its own table, in MongoDB you will have a separate collection created for each camera. Here is how you perform date range queries.
What should be the specs of server (CPU, RAM, Disk)? any suggestion?
All NoSQL data bases are built to scale-out on commodity hardware. But by the way you have asked the question, you might be thinking of improving performance by scaling-up. You can start with a reasonable machine and as the load increases, you can keep adding more servers (scaling-out). You no need to plan and buy a high end server.
Should i consider Sharding/Replication for this scenario (while considering the performance in writing to synch replica sets)?
MongoDB locks the entire db for a single write (but yields for other operations) and is meant for systems which have more reads than writes. So this depends upon how your system is. There are multiple ways of sharding and should be domain specific. A generic answer is not possible. However some examples can be given like sharding by geography, by branches etc.
Also read A plain english introduction to CAP Theorem
Updated with answer to the comment on sharding
According to their documentation, You should consider deploying a sharded cluster, if:
your data set approaches or exceeds the storage capacity of a single node in your system.
the size of your system’s active working set will soon exceed the capacity of the maximum amount of RAM for your system.
your system has a large amount of write activity, a single MongoDB instance cannot write data fast enough to meet demand, and all other
approaches have not reduced contention.
So based upon the last point yes. The auto-sharding feature is built to scale writes. In that case, you have a write lock per shard, not per database. But mine is a theoretical answer. I suggest you take consultation from group.
to tell if MongoDB is good for holding such data, which eventually
will be queried against time ranges (e.g. retrieve all images of a
particular camera between a specified hour)?
This quiestion is too subjective for me to answer. From personal experience with numerous SQL solutions (ironically not MS SQL) I would say they are both equally as good, if done right.
What should be the specs of server (CPU, RAM, Disk)? any suggestion?
Depends on too many variables that only you know, however a small cluster of commodity hardware works quite well. I cannot really give a factual response to this question and it will come down to your testing.
As for a schema I would go for a document of the structure:
_id: {},
camera_name: "my awesome camera",
images: [
url: "" ,
// All your other fields per image
This should be quite easy to mantain and update so long as you are not embedding much deeper since then it could become a bit of pain, however, that depends upon your queries.
Not only that but this should be good for sharding since you have all the data you need in one document, if you were to shard on _id you could probably get the perfect setup here.
Should i consider Sharding/Replication for this scenario (while considering the performance in writing to synch replica sets)?
Possibly, many people assume they need to shard when in reality they just need to be more intelligent in how they design the database. MongoDB is very free form so there are a lot of ways to do it wrong, but that being said, there are also a lot of ways of dong it right. I personally would keep sharding in mind. Replication can be very useful too.
Are there any benefits of using multiple databases on same machine, so that one database will hold images of current day for all cameras, and the second one will be used to archive previous day images?
Even though MongoDBs write lock is on DB level (currently) I would say: No. The right document structure and the right sharding/replication (if needed) should be able to handle this in a single document based collection(s) under a single DB. Not only that but you can direct writes and reads within a cluster to certain servers so as to create a concurrency situation between certain machines in your cluster. I would promote the correct usage of MongoDBs concurrency features over DB separation.
After reading the question again I omitted from my solution that you are inserting 80k+ images for each camera a day. As such instead of the embedded option I would actually make a row per image in a collection called images and then a camera collection and query the two like you would in SQL.
Sharding the images collection should be just as easy on camera_id.
Also make sure you take you working set into consideration with your server.
to tell if MongoDB is good for holding such data, which eventually
will be queried against time ranges (e.g. retrieve all images of a
particular camera between a specified hour)? Any suggestions about
Document Based schema design for my case?
MongoDB can do this. For better performance, you can set an index on your time field.
What should be the specs of server (CPU, RAM, Disk)? any suggestion?
I think RAM and Disk would be important.
If you don't want to do sharding to scale out, you should consider a larger size of disk so you can store all your data in it.
Your hot data should can fit into your RAM. If not, then you should consider a larger RAM because the performance of MongoDB mainly depends on RAM.
Should i consider Sharding/Replication for this scenario (while
considering the performance in writing to synch replica sets)?
I don't know many cameras do you have, even 1000 inserts/second with total 1000 cameras should still be easy to MongoDB. If you are concerning insert performance, I don't think you need to do sharding(Except the data size are too big that you have to separate them into several machines).
Another problem is the read frequency of your application. It it is very high, then you can consider sharding or replication here.
And you can use (timestamp + camera_id) as your sharding key if your query only on one camera in a time range.
Are there any benefits of using multiple databases on same machine, so
that one database will hold images of current day for all cameras, and
the second one will be used to archive previous day images?
You can separate the table into two collections(archive and current). And set index only on archive if you only query date on archive. Without the overhead of index creation, the current collection should benefit with insert.
And you can write a daily program to dump the current data into archive.

Leaderboard design and performance in oracle

I'm developing a game and I'm using a leaderboard to keep track of a player's score. There is also the requirement to keep track of about 200 additional statistics. These stats are things like: kills, deaths, time played, weapon used, achievements gained and so on.
What players will be interested in is is the score,kills,deaths and time played. All the other stats are not necessarily needed to be shown in the game but should be accessible if I want to view them or compare them against other players. The expected number of players to be stored in this leaderboard table is about 2 million.
Currently the design is to store a player id together will all the stats in one table, for instance:
player_id,points,stat_1 .. stat_200,date_created,date_updated
If I want to show a sorted leaderboard based on points then I would have to put an index on points and do a sort on it with a select query and limit the results to return say 50 every time. There are also ideas to be able to have a player sort the leaderboard on a couple of other stats like time played or deaths up to a maximum of say 5 sortable stats.
The number of expected users playing the game is about 40k concurrently. Maybe a quarter of them, but this is really a ballpark figure, will actively browse the leaderboard, the rest will just play the game and upload their scores when they are finished.
I have a number of questions about this approach below:
It seems, but I have my doubts, that the consensus is that leaderboards with millions of records that should be sortable on a couple of stats don't scale very well in a RDBMS. Is this correct ?
Is sorting the leaderboard on points through a select query, assuming we have an index on it, going to be extremely slow and if so how can I work around this ?
Should I split up the storing of the additional stats that are not to be sorted in a separate table or is there another even better approach ?
Is caching the sorted results in memory or in a separate table going to be needed, keeping the expected load in mind, and if so which solutions or options should I consider ?
If my approach is completely wrong and I would be better of doing things like this in another way please let me know, even options like NoSQL solutions in cloud hosting environments are open to be considered.
1) With multiple indexes it will become more costly to update the table. It all boils down to how often each player status is written to the db.
2) It will be very fast as long as the indexes are small enough to fit into RAM. After that, performance takes a big hit.
3) Sometimes you can gain performance if you add all fields you need to the index, cause then the DBMS doesn't need to access the table at all. This approach has the highest probability to work if the accessed fields are small compared to the size of a row.
4) Oracle will probably be good att doing the caching for you, but if you have a massive load of users all doing the same query it is probably better to run that query regularly and store the result in memory (or a memory-mapped file).
For instance, if the high-score list is accessed 50 times/second you can decrease the load caused by that question by 99% by dumping it every 2 seconds.
My advice on this is: don't do it unless you need it. Measure the performance first, and add it if necessary.
I've been working on a game with a leaderboard myself recently, using MS SQL Server rather than Oracle, and though the number of records and players aren't the same, here's what I've learnt - in answer to your questions:
As long as you have the right underlying hardware, creating a leaderboard with millions of records and sorting on score etc. should work just fine - databases are really, really efficient at querying and sorting based on indexes.
No, it will be fast.
I see no reason to partition into other tables - you'll have to join to those tables to retrieve the data, and that will incur a performance penalty. Though this might be the issue the normalization comment was aimed at.
I assume you will need to include caching to reach the scale you mention; I wouldn't cache in the database layer (your table is effectively a denormalized, flat record already - I don't think you can partition it much more). Not sure what other layers you've got, but I'd look at how "cacheable" your data is (sounds like leaderboards are fairly static), and cache either in the layer immediately above the database, or add something like ehcache to the mix.
General points:
I'd try it out to get a feel for how it would work. Use something like dbmonster to populate a test system with millions of records, and query against that puppy to get a feel for what works and doesn't.
Once you have that up and running, I'd invest in some more serious load and performance testing before deciding to add caching etc. - the more complex you make the architecture, the harder it is to debug, the more costly it is to build, and the more there is to go wrong. So, only add caching if you really need to because you can prove - through load and performance tests - that you can't meet your response time goals.
Whilst it's true that adding indexes to a table slows down insert/update/delete statements, in most cases that's a negligible penalty - I'd definitely not worry too much about it at this stage.
I don't like tables having hundreds of columns, to begin with but it could be ok. Personally I would prefer having separate ID table and scores table having ID, score types and values, both indexed on only the ID columns. If you organize them as cluster, the parent and child records are all fetched in 1 IO.
The number of transactions you mention asks for some scalability. You have no real idea about the load. I assume there is some application server[farm] that handles the requests.
That is a good fit for the Oracle In-Memory Database Cache option. See result caches ..... what about heavily modified data. This is a smart way of caching you Oracle data on the application server. You create a cache grid, consisting of at least one grid member and for best performance, combine them with the application server[s]. When you add application server, you automatically add Cache Grid Members. It works very well, it is the good old TimesTen technology that is integrated in the database.
You can make the combination, but don't have to. If you don't, you have a no top performance but are more flexible in the number of Grid Members.
meh - millions of records? not a big table.
I'd just create the table (avoid the "stat_1, stat_2" naming - give them their proper names, e.g. "score", "kill_count", etc.), add indexes with leading columns on what the users are most likely to want to sort on (that way Oracle can avoid a sort by using the index to access the table in sorted order).
If the number of stats grows too large, you could "partition" it vertically - e.g. have most of the most frequently accessed stats in one table, then have one or more other tables which have extra stats. Each table would have an identical primary key.

What are the best uses of document stores?

I have been hearing a lot about document oriented data stores like CouchDB. I understand the uses of BigTable like stores such as Cassandra. After reading this question, I was wondering what the conditions would be to merit using a document store?
Column-family stores such as Bigtable and Cassandra have very limited querying capabilities. The application is responsible for maintaining indexes in order to query a more complex data model.
Document databases allow you to query the content, not just the key. It will also manage the indexes for you, reducing the complexity of your application.
Domain-driven design evangelizes the use of aggregates and value objects. As Ayende points out, (complex) aggregates are very natural candidates to be stored as a single document, instead of normalizing them over multiple tables or column families. This will reduce the complexity of your persistence layer. There's also less chance that related data is scattered across multiple nodes, as all the data is contained in a single document.
If your application needs to store polymorphic objects, document databases are also a good candidate. Of course, this could also be stored in Cassandra, but you won't have as much querying capabilities. At least not out of the box.
Think of a document database as a luxurious sports car. It doesn't need a professional driver (read: complex application) to get you from A to B, it has features such as air conditioning and comfortable seats and it will lap the high-scalability track in an acceptable time. However, if you want to set a lap record on the high-scalability track, you will need a professional driver and a highly optimized car (e.g. Cassandra), which lacks features such as air conditioning.
Another feature of CouchDB is that you can create those aggregations, not as documents stored manually, but as views (which are derived from the stored data, and updated automatically.)
This is like power windows, heated seats, or the kicking stereo.