Restricting type of companion object in Kotlin - kotlin

I want to create an interface with a print method that will print a value followed by a suffix.
interface Unitary<T>{
val value: T
fun print(){
interface HasSuffix{
val suffix: String
inline class Centimeters(val value: Double): Unitary<Double>{
companion object: HasSuffix{
override val suffix = "cm"
Currently I'm receiving the error:
Unresolved reference: suffix
Is there a way to indicate that suffix will be declared on the companion object of any implementing interface?

Is there a way to indicate that suffix will be declared on the companion object of any implementing interface?
I don't think there is.
You can work around that with something like:
interface Unitary<T>{
val value: T
fun suffixProvider() : SuffixProvider
fun print(){
interface SuffixProvider{
val suffix: String
inline class Centimeters(override val value: Double): Unitary<Double>{
companion object: SuffixProvider{
override val suffix = "cm"
override fun suffixProvider() = Centimeters

You cannot force subclasses to provide particular functionality namely via companion objects. Instead, you can force them provide a particular methods. How the classes implement this method is up to them.


Cloning object of subclass type in Kotlin

I wanted to be able to define a method to clone an object that is the same type of itself. I define the interface requesting such, but the following does not compile or run.
interface Foo {
fun <T: Foo> copy() : T
class Bar(private val v:Int) : Foo {
override fun copy():Bar = Bar(v)
main() {
val bar1 = Bar(1)
val bar2 = bar1.copy()
If however I write the implementing class in Java, it will compile
class Bar implements Foo {
private int v;
public Bar(int v) {this.v = v;}
public Bar copy() {
return new Bar(v);
I can rewrite the code like the following that compiles:
interface Foo<out Foo>{
fun copy(): Foo
class Bar(private val v:Int) : Foo<Bar> {
override fun copy(): Bar = Bar(v)
However the following will fail with error: no type arguments expected for fun copy(): Foo
val newF = f.copy()
fun <T: Foo> addFoo(
foo: T,
fooList: List<T>,
): MutableList<T> {
val result: MutableList<T> = arrayListOf()
for (f in fooList) {
val newF = f.copy<T>()
return result
Is there a good solution to the problem?
The problem here is that Foo doesn't know the exact type of the implementing class, so has no way to specify that its method returns that same type.
Unfortunately, Kotlin doesn't have self types (see this discussion), as they would handle this situation perfectly.
However, you can get close enough by using what C++ calls the curiously-recurring template pattern. In Kotlin (and Java) you do this by defining Foo with a type parameter explicitly extending itself (including its own type parameter):
interface Foo<T : Foo<T>> {
fun copy(): T
Then the implementing class can specify itself as the type argument:
class Bar(private val v: Int) : Foo<Bar> {
override fun copy(): Bar = Bar(v)
And because T is now the correct type, everything else works out. (In fact, the : Bar is redundant there, because it already knows what the type must be.)
Your addFoo() method will then compile with only a couple of changes: give it the same type parameter <T: Foo<T>>, and remove the (now wrong, but unnecessary) type parameter when calling f.copy(). A quick test suggests it does exactly what you want (creates a list with clones of fooList followed by foo).
Since it's often useful for a superclass or interface to refer to the implementing class, this pattern crops up quite often.
BTW, your code is easier to test if Bar has its own toString() implementation, as you can then simply print the returned list. You could make it a data class, or you could write your own, e.g.:
override fun toString() = "Bar($v)"

Can we implement Rust like Traits using Kotlin Interfaces

Can we implement Rust like Traits and generic Traits using Kotlin Interfaces?
Also is there any way of using fn(&self) like construct in Kotlin class/interface default function implementations?
Can some examples be shown please?
I don't know much about Rust, I'm referrring to these two videos as for what you're talking about, generic traits and &self explaination.
In kotlin you'd implement them using interfaces and classes as you've guessed.
An example of that is:
interface GenericTrait { // Same as traits
// <T:Any> just makes method to be called for non-null values, if you use <T>, you can pass null as well
fun <T: Any> method(value: T)
class TraitImpl : GenericTrait { // Same as structs
val isDisabled = Random.nextBoolean() // instance variable
// you can access instance parameter using the this or even not using it at all as in below
override fun <T: Any> method(value: T) {
println("Type of value is ${value::class}, and the value is $value. I am $isDisabled")
// or explicitly call ${this.isDisabled}, both are the same
fun main() {
TraitImpl().apply { // this: TraitImpl
Type of value is class kotlin.String, and the value is Hello. I am true
Type of value is class kotlin.Int, and the value is 23. I am true
Type of value is class kotlin.Int, and the value is 23. I am false
Type of value is class kotlin.Unit, and the value is kotlin.Unit. I am false
You can extract implementation outside if you want as an extension function just like you do in Rust.
interface GenericTrait {
val isDisabled: Boolean
class TraitImpl : GenericTrait {
override val isDisabled = Random.nextBoolean()
// define methods out of class declaration
fun <T: Any> GenericTrait.method(value: T) {
println("Type of value is ${value::class}, and the value is $value. I am $isDisabled")

How can I enforce that a class has a companion object?

What I want is this:
interface base {
abstract static fun foo()
class impl : base {
override static fun foo()
Normally, Kotlin solves problems using companion objects rather than static functions. But an interface can't define a requirement for a companion object with function. So how can I accomplish this? The code that uses this would look like
fun <T : base> bar() {
Any other way to get this behavior? Namely, that I can execute a function of a derivative of T, without knowing the specific type, and not assuming the derivative has a default constructor?
I was able to get this to do what I want by using value parameters of types that can be set on the companion objects of the classes I want to work with. An illustrative example of what I want to use this technique for.
import kotlin.reflect.full.*
interface DynamicBuilder {
fun build(sides: Int): Shape?
interface Shape {
companion object : DynamicBuilder {
override fun build(sides: Int) = null
abstract class Shape2D : Shape {
companion object : DynamicBuilder {
override fun build(sides: Int) = if(sides > 0) Square() else Circle()
abstract class Shape3D : Shape {
companion object : DynamicBuilder {
override fun build(sides: Int) = if(sides > 0) Cube() else Sphere()
class Square : Shape2D()
class Circle : Shape2D()
class Sphere : Shape3D()
class Cube : Shape3D()
fun Build(sides: Int, builder: DynamicBuilder): Shape? {
inline fun <reified T : Shape> Build(sides: Int): Shape? {
return Build(sides, T::class.companionObjectInstance as DynamicBuilder)
fun main() {
println(Build(0, Shape2D))
println(Build(4, Shape2D))
The goal is that I can create a new entire class of Shape, and have all the logic related to how it builds the concrete object contained in that file, rather than having some monolithic shared switch statement.
An interface can define a requirement for some object with function, and you can suggest it to be the companion object even if you can't force it to be.
interface BaseCompanion {
fun foo(): Unit
interface Base {
companion object : BaseCompanion {
fun foo() { println("in Base") }
fun companion(): BaseCompanion = Base
interface Derived : Base {
companion object : BaseCompanion {
fun foo() { println("in Derived") }
override fun companion() = Derived
// value parameter, not type parameter
fun bar(companion: BaseCompanion) {
The companion() function isn't actually used in this case, it's for when you want to access the companion from a Base instance:
fun baz(x: Base) {
Another (unsafe) option is to define companion() using reflection.
fun companion() = this::class.companionObjectInstance as BaseCompanion
Plus: no need to explicitly override it in Derived; minuses: 1. will crash at runtime if you forget to create the companion or to extend BaseCompanion; 2. slower than non-reflection definition.
How can I enforce that a class has a companion object?
You cannot.
Kotlin has no static methods. Even if it had them, they wouldn't be overridable, as they are not in Java. The same holds for companion objects. Kotlin code is eventually compiled to Java byte code, so what is not possible in Java won't be possible in Kotlin either.
It's interesting to see what the compiler has to say about it. Consider the following snippet:
open class Base {
companion object {
fun test() {}
inline fun <reified T : Base> staticCall() {
T.test() // <-- ERROR
The error message:
Type parameter 'T' cannot have or inherit a companion object, so it cannot be on the left hand side of dot
Based on your updated question, it seems like what you want is usually achieved using the factory pattern. Alternatively you could also use dependency injection. There are many options without the usage of reflection.
Why shouldn't you use reflection?
There are a few reasons here and here and you can find more if you google it. Generally reflection was created for a specific purpose, to discover the functionality of a class that was unknown at compile time. You do not use it for this purpose, since your implementation requires you to know the class, in order to pass it as a reified generic parameter. If you do require to discover classes that you don't know at compile time, you can use dependency injection.
The simpler solution for your version is a factory pattern:
interface Shape
class Square : Shape
class Circle : Shape
class Sphere : Shape
class Cube : Shape
object ShapeFactory {
fun build2DShape(sides: Int): Shape {
if(sides > 0) Square() else Circle()
fun build3DShape(sides: Int): Shape {
if(sides > 0) Cube() else Sphere()
fun main() {
In short, Build<Shape3D>(0) is replaced by ShapeFactory.build3DShape(0). The caller still has to know that there are 3DShapes and where they are. The only thing that changed is that you do not require Reflection.
This requires the person calling the function to know of the existence of 2D and 3D shapes. Same as in your implementation with reflection. This way you can have all the logic how to create the shapes in the same file as the shapes. You could even make the factory call some functions in the companion object of the shape if you wish to do so. Your factory knows of the existence of those subclasses. But since you can put the factory in the same file as the subclasses, that doesn't split the logic to somewhere else.
If you want to delegate the deciding whether it is a 2D or a 3D shape to a subclass you can do the following:
interface Shape
class Square : Shape
class Circle : Shape
class Sphere : Shape
class Cube : Shape
object ShapeFactory {
fun build2DShape(sides: Int): Shape {
return if(sides > 0) Square() else Circle()
fun build3DShape(sides: Int): Shape {
return if(sides > 0) Cube() else Sphere()
fun getBuilder(dimensions: Int): (sides: Int) -> Shape {
if (dimensions == 2)
return ShapeFactory::build2DShape
return ShapeFactory::build3DShape
fun main() {
print (getBuilder(2)(3))

Kotlin: common interface on Enum class with static method to map from String

Suppose I have many enum classes like the following:
enum class Hero(val alias: String) {
SUPERMAN("Clark Kent"),
BATMAN("Bruce Wayne");
companion object {
fun fromAlias(value: String): Hero? = Hero.values().find { it.alias.equals(value, true) }
enum class Villain(val alias: String) {
TWO_FACE("Harvey Dent"),
RIDDLER("Edward Nigma");
companion object {
fun fromAlias(value: String): Villain? = Villain.values().find { it.alias.equals(value, true) }
I'd like to be able to create a generic interface to handle the fromAlias method in such a way that I can still call it using Hero.fromAlias("Bruce Wayne"). So my enum classes would be simplified to something like:
enum class Hero(override val alias: String): AliasedEnum<Hero> {
SUPERMAN("Clark Kent"),
BATMAN("Bruce Wayne");
enum class Villain(override val alias: String): AliasedEnum<Villain> {
TWO_FACE("Harvey Dent"),
RIDDLER("Edward Nigma");
I attempted to incorporate the answer from Kotlin define interface for enum class values method, but couldn't see a way to access the enum values() from the companion object in the interface. Is there a clean way to do what I am wanting?
You can quite easily do this by using the fact that companion object objects can extend other classes.
Pretty much any solution will require two different parts, since you need:
A common interface that provides any data required for the function, so it is available regardless of the actual implementation.
A way to attach the shared function to the companion object for <Class>.function access. This can either be an abstract class with the required implementation or a marker class with the implementation as an extension function.
In the end the "cleanest" solution would probably be this:
// Attaching point for the extension function which provides the answer
interface EnumCompanion<T : Enum<T>>
// Marker interface to provide the common data
interface WithAlias {
val alias: String
inline fun <reified T> EnumCompanion<T>.fromAlias(
value: String
): T? where T : Enum<T>, T : WithAlias {
return enumValues<T>().find { it.alias == value }
// Define the enums and attach the helper to their companion object
enum class Hero(override val alias: String) : WithAlias {
SUPERMAN("Clark Kent"),
BATMAN("Bruce Wayne");
companion object : EnumCompanion<Hero>
enum class Villain(override val alias: String) : WithAlias {
TWO_FACE("Harvey Dent"),
RIDDLER("Edward Nigma");
companion object : EnumCompanion<Villain>
fun main() {
println(Hero.fromAlias("Bruce Wayne"))
println(Villain.fromAlias("Edward Nigma"))

Is it possible to avoid code repetition when an object should return a modified copy of itself?

I'm currently writing some classes that represent symbolic mathematical expressions. All of these are immutable.
However, I found myself often repeating the same kind of structure, so I created an interface to avoid repetition, but find myself unable to avoid duplicating the "substituteInside" method (see below), which returns a copy of the object with components corresponding to "find" replaced with "replace".
This behavior is the same for all instances of this interface.
In my current solution, the interface requires implementing a method createOp which returns the modified copy of the object.
interface UnarySymbolicOp<InType : Any,
OutType : Any,
OpType : UnarySymbolicOp<InType,OutType,OpType>> :
Symbolic<OutType> {
// Arg may be a complex expression
val arg: Symbolic<InType>
fun createOp(mesh: Symbolic<InType>) : OpType
override val variables
get() = arg.variables
override fun <V : Any> substituteInside(find: Symbolic<V>, replace: Symbolic<V>): OpType {
return createOp(arg.substitute(find, replace))
The interface can then be implemented as follows: these classes represent the operation of getting some component of an expression.
data class GetX(override val arg: Symbolic<Vector3d>) : UnarySymbolicOp<Vector3d, Double, GetX> {
override fun createOp(mesh: Symbolic<Vector3d>) = GetX(arg)
override fun eval() = arg.eval().x
data class GetY(override val arg: Symbolic<Vector3d>) : UnarySymbolicOp<Vector3d, Double, GetY> {
override fun createOp(mesh: Symbolic<Vector3d>) = GetY(arg)
override fun eval() = arg.eval().y
data class GetZ(override val arg: Symbolic<Vector3d>) : UnarySymbolicOp<Vector3d, Double, GetZ> {
override fun createOp(mesh: Symbolic<Vector3d>) = GetZ(arg)
override fun eval() = arg.eval().z
This improves things as other methods returning a copy of the object can use that method and thus can live in the interface, but I still have to copy this method everywhere, while it basically always does the same thing.