automation error catastrophic failure with user check code on open - vba

I have some VBA code that checks a person's job title before allowing someone to edit the document. After adding this code in I occasionally get an "Automation Error Catastrophic Failure" message only when opening the spreadsheet. As far as I can tell it does not damage any part of the workbook, and you just have to exit the command debugger twice before it opens. Obviously others at work see this message and overreact to it. Please see my functions that activate when opening the workbook.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Sheets("Start Here").Select
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
If Usercheck() = True Then
Range("A1:V260").Locked = True
End If
End Sub
Function Usercheck() As Boolean
Dim user As String
Dim title As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
user = UserName()
title = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(user,
Sheets("BaseTables").Range("tblStaff[[#All],[Username]:[Title1]]"), 2, False)
If Left(title, 20) = "Technical Specialist" Then
Usercheck = True
ElseIf Left(title, 19) = "Engineering Manager" Then
Usercheck = True
ElseIf Left(title, 9) = "Team Lead" Then
Usercheck = True
Usercheck = False
End If
Exit Function
Usercheck = False
End Function
Public Function UserName()
UserName = Environ$("UserName")
End Function


popup message shown while form closing

I have a database with the following
Mainfrm Form (Main Form - it has popup messages on load event)
kikThemOut Form (Loads hidden with Main Form and every 5 sec it checks for field value on table if it is 1 then call the Function fGetOut())
GetOutMod Module (has fGetOut() Function)
it works all fine, except when application closing it loads the popup alerts from Mainfrm again! which should not load.
Mainfrm Form Code
Private Sub Form_Load()
'to check for T&I notifications
Dim trs As Recordset
Set trs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Y22_CurrMonth")
If trs.EOF = False Then
Dim tMsg, tStyle, tTitle, tHelp, tCtxt, tResponse, tMyString
tMsg = "There are Notifications Due, Do you want to view them?"
tStyle = vbYesNo + vbExclamation + vbDefaultButton2
tTitle = "Notifications Alert"
tHelp = "DEMO.HLP"
tCtxt = 1000
tResponse = MsgBox(tMsg, tStyle, tTitle, tHelp, tCtxt)
If tResponse = vbYes Then ' User chose Yes.
DoCmd.OpenReport "Notifications Current Month", acViewReport, acWindowNormal
tMyString = "No"
End If
End If
'to load the checker form
DoCmd.OpenForm "kikThemOut", , , , , acHidden
End Sub
and this is the GetOutMod Module to force users to exit the db
GetOutMod Module
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function fGetOut() As Integer
Dim RetVal As Integer
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As Recordset
On Error GoTo Err_fGGO
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("KickEmOff", dbOpenSnapshot)
If rst.EOF And rst.BOF Then
RetVal = True
GoTo Exit_fGGO
If DSum("GetOut", "KickEmOff") = "1" Then
RetVal = True
End If
End If
fGetOut = RetVal
Exit Function
'Note lack of message box on error
Resume Next
End Function
And this code in the load event of kikThemOut form to check for the same condition, if it is 1 then load this popup message (I could not add popup message to my GetOutMod Module with the function fGetOut)
kikThemOut form Code
Private Sub Form_Timer()
If DSum("GetOut", "KickEmOff") = "1" Then
Set TaskDialogAC = New cTaskDialog
With TaskDialogAC
.MainInstruction = "Dashboard Maintenance"
.Content = "The Dashboard will be closed after 20 seconds for maintenance"
.Footer = "Closing in 20 seconds..."
.Title = "Dashboard Maintenance"
.AutocloseTime = 20 'seconds
.ParenthWnd = Me.hwnd
End With
Call fGetOut
If DSum("GetOut", "KickEmOff") = "0" Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Really hard to read your code and figure out where your function is being called from.
But I'm assuming this should work for you as described
Add this before your fGetOut function
Public blClosing as Boolean
And then add this inside your function at the top (after On Error GoTo Err_fGGO)
if blClosing then
blClosing = False
Exit function
blClosing = True
End if

How to send focus to a text box of a VBA form during its initialization/activate event?

I have a VBA form in Corel. Behaving exactly like a similar one in Excel...
Initially, when the form initialize event used to contain only some lines of code, the simple ending line me.txtCsv.Setfocus used to send the focus on it. I mean, it appeared being in edit mode with the cursor blinking inside.
After a period of time, after the application became complex, I am not able to send the focus to the text box in discussion.
I know that Activate event goes last and I also have in it the line me.txtCsv.Setfocus. But without expected result. Inside the Initialization event code I inserted that line Debug.Print Me.ActiveControl.Name & " - 1", changing 1 in 2, 3 up to 6 in many places, including the last line and all the time the name of the text box in discussion (txtCsv) appears in Immediate Window.
So, the control in discussion is the activate one, but the cursor is not inside it when the form is loaded.
TabStop is set to True. I set the TabIndex to 0.
The control is enabled and not blocked. I have created a new simple form with three text boxes and it works well.
I mean the text box which I want to send the focus, has the focus when the form is loaded, keeping a similar code in its Initialize or Activate events.
I compared all properties of the two forms and all text box controls and they are the same...
When I send the focus from another control on the form, the text box in discussion receives it.
It does not receive the focus (anymore) only when the form is shown, the focus being sent by Initialize or Activate evens.
Events code:
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim P As Printer, i As Long, NrImp As Long, prDefault As String, strJustEngr As String
Dim Printers() As String, n As Long, s As String, boolFound As Boolean
Dim strEng As String, MEngr As Variant, m As Variant, el As Variant, defSize As String
Dim strDropbox As String
boolOpt = True: boolFound = False
If Me.chkNewStyle.Value = True Then boolNewStyle = True
prDefault = Application.Printers.Default.Name
strEng = GetSetting(ECA_K, ECA_set, ECA_Engr, "No settings...")
If strEng <> "No settings..." Then
boolSelectedEngravers = True ' only adding engraver is possible...
MEngr = Split(strEng, "|")
'Incarcare in combo:
For Each el In MEngr
m = Split(el, ":")
Me.cbPrinters.AddItem m(0)
If m(0) = prDefault Then
boolFound = True
defSize = m(1)
End If
Me.cbPrinters.Value = Me.cbPrinters.List(0)
With Me.btChoosePrinters
.Caption = "Add an Engraver"
.ControlTipText = "Add another Engraver(must be installed)"
End With
Me.btEliminatePrinters.Enabled = True
Me.lblPrinters.Caption = "Engravers: "
Me.cbPrinters.ControlTipText = "Select Engraver to be used!"
Printers = GetPrinterFullNames()
For n = LBound(Printers) To UBound(Printers)
Me.cbPrinters.AddItem Printers(n)
If Printers(n) = prDefault Then boolFound = True
Next n
boolSelectedEngravers = False
End If
Debug.Print Me.ActiveControl.Name & " - 1"
If boolFound Then
Me.cbPrinters.Value = prDefault
Me.lblStatus.Caption = "The default printer (""" & prDefault & """) is not a laser Engraver..."
End If
If GetSetting(ECA_K, ECA_set, "LowRAM", "No settings...") <> "No settings..." Then
boolLowRAM = CBool(GetSetting(ECA_K, ECA_set, "LowRAM", "No settings..."))
End If
If boolLowRAM = True Then
Me.chkLowRAM.Value = True
Me.chkLowRAM.Value = False
End If
Debug.Print Me.ActiveControl.Name & " - 2"
'Direct engrave setting:
Dim strDirectEngrave As String
strDirectEngrave = GetSetting(ECA_K, ECA_set, ECA_Direct_Engrave, "Nothing")
If strDirectEngrave <> "Nothing" Then
Me.chkDirectEngrave.Value = CBool(strDirectEngrave)
If CBool(strDirectEngrave) = True Then
boolDirectEngrave = True
boolDirectEngrave = False
End If
End If
strJustEngr = GetSetting(ECA_K, ECA_set, ECA_Just_Engrave, "Nothing")
If strJustEngr <> "Nothing" Then
'Application.EventsEnabled = False
boolChangeEngr = True
Me.chkJustEngrave.Value = CBool(strJustEngr)
boolChangeEngr = False
'Application.EventsEnabled = True
If CBool(strJustEngr) = True Then
Me.chkDirectEngrave.Enabled = True
boolJustEngrave = True
Me.frLocFoldPath.Enabled = True
Me.frLocFoldPath.Enabled = False
Me.chkDirectEngrave.Enabled = False
End If
End If
Debug.Print Me.ActiveControl.Name & " - 3"
If boolSelectedEngravers Then
Application.EventsEnabled = False
Me.btGo.ForeColor = RGB(45, 105, 7)
Me.txtCsv.BackColor = RGB(153, 255, 51)
Me.btGo.Enabled = False
Application.EventsEnabled = True
End If
strDropbox = GetSetting(ECA_K, ECA_set, ECA_Dropbox, "No value")
If strDropbox <> "No value" Then
If CBool(strDropbox) = True Then
Me.chkDropbox.Value = True
End If
End If
Me.chkCloseDoc.Value = True
Debug.Print Me.ActiveControl.Name & " - 4"
End Sub
Private Sub AllRefresh()
Application.Optimization = False
Application.EventsEnabled = True
If Documents.Count > 0 Then
ActiveDocument.PreserveSelection = True
End If
End Sub
Is there something else, crossing your mind, to be tested?
In the meantime I did some more tests, respectively:
I created a new project (.GMS file) and I imported the form in discussion.I started commenting all the Initialize event code, except the last two code lines.
It didn't set the focus! Commenting everything, letting only the Activate event code, it worked.
I started to un-comment lines in Initialize event code and I found a line not allowing the focus to be sent to that text box.
Setting the value of the combo: Me.cbPrinters.Value = Me.cbPrinters.List(0), moving it in the Activate event code, before the part pointing to txtCSV, worked well.
Now, I tried to do the same in the original form and it does not work...
The above question has been solved by Disabling followed by Enabling of the text box in discussion, but only doing that in Form Activate event. It did not work in Initialize event...
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Me.txtCsv.Disable: Me.txtCsv.Enable
End Sub

Catia VBA Automation Error Run-Time 80010005 - Selection ERROR

I have a Problem with my Userform. It should automatically Switch to another TextBox when an selection in the catpart made. I get the Automation Error: It is illegal to call out while inside message filter.
Run-time error '-2147418107 (80010005)
Sub Auswahl_Click()
Dim sel As Object, Objekt As Object, ObjektTyp(0)
Dim b, Auswahl, i As Integer
ObjektTyp(0) = "Body"
Set sel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
For i = 1 To 6
UserFormNow.Controls("Textbox" & i).SetFocus
Auswahl = sel.SelectElement2(ObjektTyp, "Wähle ein Body aus...", False)
Set b = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection.Item(i)
If Auswahl = "Normal" Then
Set Objekt = sel.Item(i)
UserFormNow.ActiveControl = Objekt.Value.Name
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
' EXCEL DATEI ÖFFNEN____________________________________
Sub Durchsuchen1_Click()
Dim FPath As String
FPath = CATIA.FileSelectionBox("Select the Excel file you wish to put the value in", "*.xlsx", CatFileSelectionModeOpen)
If FPath = "" Then
DurchsuchenFeld.AddItem FPath
ListBox1.AddItem "Bitte wählen Sie das Panel"
End If
End Sub
' FORMULAR SCHLIEßEN____________________________________
Sub ButtonEnd_Click()
ButtonEnd = True
Unload UserFormNow
End Sub
First you have to know that when you use an UI and still want to interact with CATIA, you have to choices:
Launch the UI in NoModal: mode UserFormNow.Show 0
Hide the UI each time you want to interact with CATIA: Me.Hide or UserFormNow.Hide
Then, I strongly recommend you to avoid looking for items with names:
UserFormNow.Controls("Textbox" & i).SetFocus
If you want to group controls and loop through them, use a Frame and then use a For Each loop.
For Each currentTextBox In MyFrame.Controls
MsgBox currentTextBox.Text
Regarding your code, many simplifications can be done:
Private Sub Auswahl_Click()
Dim sel As Object
Dim currentTextBox As TextBox
Dim Filter As Variant
ReDim Filter(0)
Filter(0) = "Body"
Set sel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
'Loop through each textbox
For Each currentTextBox In MyFrame.Controls
'Ask for the selection and test the result at the same time
If sel.SelectElement2(Filter, "Wahle ein Body aus...", False) = "Normal" Then
'Get the name without saving the object
currentTextBox.Text = sel.Item2(1).Value.Name
'allow the user to exit all the process if press Escape
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Run-time error '424;" Object Required for case function

i can not figure this out below is the code.... I hit the error for the 2nd case to open the form the form name is correct. I can't figure this out. the line with the **** us the error line. HELP!!
Public Sub SendBookingEmail()
StartTime = Timer
With Session
'check first 2 letters of shipper's code, if not US raise error
If IsStartPositionCorrect(5, 14, 2, "US") <> True Or IsStartPositionCorrect(5, 2, 8, "Customer") <> True And GetDisplayText(4, 20, 1) <> "0" Then
If MsgBox("You don't appear to be in Logis ocean export US file. Please enter the file first and then run the macro.", vbOKOnly, "Export file verification....") Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
sTypeOfMessage = "booking"
sShipmentType = Trim(.GetDisplayText(9, 61, 3))
sFileType = Trim(.GetDisplayText(4, 32, 1))
bFullVersion = False
'On Error GoTo ErrHand
'Get Outlook if it's running
Set oOutlookApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
'collect data fields for the e-mail body
'Blow up the question form
Select Case sShipmentType
Case "FCL", "CMF", "CCS", "FPR"
Case "LCL", "GWY", "CLD"
frmBookingLCL.Show**********ERROR HERE
Case Else
End Select
End With
Finish = Timer
TimeTook = Finish - StartTime
MyMacroStats = GetProcedureStats("Booking Confirmation", TimeTook)
Exit Sub
If Err = 429 Then
MsgBox "Please note you must start Microsoft Outlook first."
End If
End Sub
Most likely, the error is in your user form. See the code comments.
I tried to replicate the issue below:
Sub test()
'/Sub to load the user form.
Dim x As String
x = "a"
Select Case x
Case "a", "b", "c"
UserForm1.Show '/ It Will error-out here during debugging.
End Select
End Sub
Code in UserForm1
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'/ Code from :
'/ Actually the error happens here.
Dim RetVal ' Implicitly a Variant.
' Default property is assigned to Type 8 Variant RetVal.
RetVal = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
RetVal.Visible = True ' Error occurs here.
End Sub
So going by your intialize code, either you are missing or have incorrect name for one of these controls.
frTrucker,CheckBox1,txtPickupDate. Once you correct them, the error will be gone.

MS Access, DoEvents to exit loop

What I'd like to accomplish:
Do While ctr < List and Break = False
code that works here...
If KeyDown = vbKeyQ
Break = True
End If
Break out of a loop by holding down a key (eg, Q). I've read up on DoEvents during the loop in order to achieve the functionality that I want. The idea is to have a Do While loop run until either the end of the list is reached or when Q is held down. I'm having issues getting the code to work the way I want, so I'm reaching out to hopefully end the frustration. My experience with VBA is very limited.
UPDATE - More code to expose where the problem might be. This is all in the order I have it (in case order of subs makes a difference:
Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Dim strChar As String
strChar = UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))
If strChar = "Q" Then
blnQuit = True
Debug.Print "Q pressed"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Master_Report_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim Deptarray
blnQuit= False
If IsNull(Me.Hospital) Then
MsgBox ("Please Choose a Hospital")
DoCmd.OpenForm "Report Print/Update", acNormal, , , , acDialog
If Report_choice = "Current_List" Then
Debug.Print "Create master rec report"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Master Rec Report", acViewPreview
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdZoom100
ElseIf Report_choice = "Update_All" Then
total = (DCM_Dept.ListCount - 1)
ctr = 1
Do While ctr < (DCM_Dept.ListCount) And LoopBreak = False
Debug.Print "LoopBreak: "; LoopBreak
Debug.Print "Counter: "; ctr
DCM_Dept.Value = DCM_Dept.Column(0, ctr)
Update_Site (Me.Hospital)
ctr = ctr + 1
' If vbKeyQ = True Then
'LoopBreak = True
'End If
Debug.Print "Update loop exited"
Debug.Print "Create master rec report"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Master Rec Report", acViewPreview
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdZoom100
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Update_Site(Site As String)
If IsNull(Me.Hospital) Then
MsgBox ("Please Choose a Hospital")
ElseIf IsNull(Me.DCM_Dept) Then
MsgBox ("Please Choose a Department")
ElseIf Site = "FORES" Then
Debug.Print "Run FORES update macro"
DoCmd.RunMacro "0 FORES Master Add/Update"
ElseIf Site = "SSIUH" Then
Debug.Print "Run SSIUH update macro"
DoCmd.RunMacro "0 SSIUH Master Add/Update"
End If
End Sub
Report_choice and LoopBreak are both Public variables. My original idea was to have a popup form floating over the main form to display a counter ("Processing department X of Y") and a button to break the loop on there. I realized that the form was unresponsive while the Update_Site() was running its macro so I decided to go with holding a key down instead.
So, where do I go from here to get OnKeyDown to work? Or, is there a better way to do it?
Try to set the Key Preview of the form to Yes and add a variable blnQuit and a key press event in your form like this:
Private blnQuit As Boolean
Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Dim strChar As String
strChar = UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))
If strChar = "Q" Then
blnQuit = True
End If
End Sub
Then check the blnQuit in your Do While condition, like this:
blnQuit = False
Do While ctr < List And Not blnQuit
code that works here...