pass variable into GraphQL query in Gridsome/Vue.js - vue.js

I have a Vue.js app running with a GraphQL backend, and Gridsome as the Vue.js boilerplate generator.
I'm trying to write a GraphQL query to only return the data of the logged in user, like this :
query Blah($test: String!) {
db {
settings (where: {user_id: {_eq: $test}})
with the $test variable defined here:
export default {
data() {
return {
test: "Va123",
user: null
But I get this error message:
An error occurred while executing query for src/pages/Profile.vue
Error: Variable "$test" of required type "String!" was not provided.
This is for a Girdsome page, not a template

It looks like the only way is to create pages programmatically using createPage() and pass the page context variable down the the page-query.


Difficulty parsing JSON 3 levels deep

React native is having difficulties parsing JSON three levels deep. The object is structured like so:
data: {
post: {
user1: {
name: "user name"
} works fine and returns an object; however, when I try to get the name parameter react-native throws the following error:
undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
Is this a known issue? I am getting data from response.json in a fetch call. EDIT: Object.keys( returns the same error.
First, declare it in a variable and then make an object :
const data = {
post: {
user1: {
name: "user name"
Get the value like this :

Nestjs: Cannot PUT, Cannot DELETE (404 not found)

I'm on a task to write a simple CRUD program for a users list, following a similar nestjs example. While GET, POST and GET by id works fine, PUT and DELETE does not work properly. I get 'User does not exist' however user exists in database.
export class UsersController {
constructor(private userService: UsersService) {}
//Update a user's details
async updateUser(
#Res() res,
#Query('userid') userID,
#Body() createUserDto: CreateUserDto
) {
const user = await this.userService.updateUser(userID, createUserDto);
if (!user) throw new NotFoundException('User does not exist!');
return res.status(HttpStatus.OK).json({
message: 'User has been successfully updated',
//Delete a user
#ApiParam({ name: 'id' })
async deleteUser(#Res() res, #Query('userid') userID) {
const user = await this.userService.deleteUser(userID);
if (!user) throw new NotFoundException('Customer does not exist');
return res.status(HttpStatus.OK).json({
message: 'User has been deleted',
// Edit user details
async updateUser(userID, createUserDto: CreateUserDto): Promise<User> {
const updatedUser = await this.userModel
.findByIdAndUpdate(userID, createUserDto, { new: true });
return updatedUser;
// Delete a customer
async deleteUser(userID): Promise<any> {
const deletedUser = await this.userModel
return deletedUser;
I'm using swagger to perform my tests. I'm passing id as a parameter to find and update user.
Based on your code repository, you aren't using URL Parameters, but rather you are using Query Parameters. The difference in the two is how they are passed to the server and how they are told to the server to listen for them.
Query Parameters
With query parameters, you pass them to your server starting with a ? in the url, and concatenating each one after by using a &. An example could look something like http://localhost:3000?name=Test&id=a26408f3-69eb-4443-8af7-474b896a9e70. Notice that there are two Query parameters, one named name and one named id. In Nest, to get these parameters in your route handler, you would use the #Query() decorator. A sample class could look like
export class AppController {
getHello(#Query() query: { name: string, id: string }) {
return `Hello ${name}, your ID is ${id}`;
Notice how with the url above, the route called is the base route (/), with the query parameters added on.
URL Parameters
URL parameters are a way to dynamically build your routes without needing to specify what each possible URL. This is useful for things like IDs that are dynamically generated. Taking a similar URL as above, the sample URL this time could look like http://localhost:3000/Test/a26408f3-69eb-4443-8af7-474b896a9e70. Notice how this time there is no ? or & and it just looks like a full URL. To specify URL Params in nest, you need to a a colon(:) before the param name in the resource declaration decorator, along with any other part of the path necessary. Then to access the URL Parameters, you need to use the #Param() decorator in the route handler, similar to how you would the #Query() decorator. The class sample for this would be
export class AppController {
getHello(#Param() params: { name: string, id: string })
return `Hello ${name}, your ID is ${id}`;
Problem and Solution
You're currently calling off to http://localhost/users/update/<ID> acting as if you are using URL parameters, but in your route handler you are expecting #Query() to grab the id. Because of this, there is no handler to find /users/update/:id and so you are getting a 404 in return. You can either modify your server to listen for URL Parameters as described above, or you can modify the URL to send the request using Query Parameters instead of URL parameters.

VueJs - using template strings inside the data function returns undefined

When I'm trying to use Template strings inside the data function in vuejs but, it always returns undefined any idea how to solve this ?
I was trying to make a URL for an API call dynamic
data() {
return {
baseUrl: `${this.key}`,
key: "IzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc"
This is a JavaScript issue. If you run the following simple example in JavaScript you'll get a "is not defined" error (when running in strict mode).
{ a: `${b}`, b: "123" }
> VM246:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: b is not defined
You can't reference an adjacent variable ('key' in your example) in an object literal declaration.
You can use a computed property for baseURL:
computed: {
baseUrl() {
return `${this.key}`;
The data property cannot be made dynamic. Use a computed property like below:
computed: {
baseUrl() {
return `${this.key}`

GraphQL gql Syntax Error: Expected Name, found }

I'm attempting to set up Apollo GraphQL support in a new React project, but when I try to compile a query using gql I keep receiving the error:
Syntax Error: Expected Name, found }
This is generated by the following code:
import gql from 'graphql-tag'
const query = gql`
user(id: 5) {
I'm basing this code off the example code found here:
What is the Name referred to in the error message? Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?
This error occurs mostly when there are unclosed curly braces or when some fields are not properly defined while calling the query.
The accepted answer didn't solve my issue. Instead, it worked if you remove the initial curly brackets.
The query should look like this instead:
const query=gql`
user(id: 5) {
The causes could be:
you are adding a "()" at the beginning for no reason
you need to add more 'nested' parameters.
Especially if you are using an online GraphiQL editor. Examples:
1- Wrong code (extra parenthesis)
allFilms() {
films {
2- Wrong code (more parameters need it eg: title)
allFilms {
films {
3- Correct code
allFilms {
films {
GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found "$".
One more example of a similar error (For other users).
theErrorIsHere (Could be extra ( or { before the $varName) added before $speakerId
Error code:
mutation markFeatured($speakerId: ID!, $featured: Boolean!){
markFeatured(speaker_id: theErrorIsHere$speakerId , featured: $featured){
Correct code:
mutation markFeatured($speakerId: ID!, $featured: Boolean!){
markFeatured(speaker_id: $speakerId , featured: $featured){
I'm not 100% sure what the root of my problem was, but moving all the query code into a separate es6 module fixed the issue. There must have been some kind of contamination from the surrounding code. For reference my query was embedded within a React component.
This works:
import gql from 'graphql-tag'
const query = gql`
user(id: 5) {
export default query
Another cause for this error: you are referencing a type that is defined further down. Move the type you are referencing up.
For example:
type Launch {
rocket: Rocket
type Rocket {
name: String
will throw an error, as Launch references Rocket before Rocket is defined.
The corrected code:
type Rocket {
name: String
type Launch {
rocket: Rocket
In my case, I got the error simply because I'm adding : which I shouldn't have done.
const query = `
query($id: String!) {
getUser(id: $id) {
user: {
If you pay close attention to line 4 of the code above you'll realize that I added : after the user before the curly brace, then I began to list the user's data I wanna query and THAT WAS EXACTLY WHERE THE ERROR WAS!
Removing the : solve the issue!
It should be:
user {
In NestJS framework, this error happened to me because I defiled GraphQL field in my schema.graphql file as:
lastUpdated(): Date
Instead it should be just
lastUpdated: Date
(it doesn't take any argument)
I was receiving a similar error server side:
GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found ]
I realized the cause in my case was a type definition with an empty array.
This breaks:
type Settings {
requires: []
But this works:
type Settings {
requires: [String]
I had this problem and the cause was a string value with double-quotes inside double-quotes, like so: "this "is" bad".
In my case I got the error because of the following:
const GET_POSTS_OF_AUTHOR = gql`
query GetPostsOfAuthor($authorId: Int!) {
postsOf($authorId: Int!) {
When it should have been:
const GET_POSTS_OF_AUTHOR = gql`
query GetPostsOfAuthor($authorId: Int!) {
postsOf(authorId: $authorId) {
erroneously thought $authorId passed through identically to the function call instead of setting a property inside the function call.
This can happen if you use gql from #clinet/apollo and in the backticks you try to inject dynamic js value. Remove it and replace with normal scalar and it will fix your issue.
On ny side the error was caused by extra {} Curly braces. Solved by just removing them.
I was getting the same error. In my case putting the id inside double quote solved the issue as the type of id required string value.
product(id: "${id}") {
Posting here in case anyone else had this problem but you also get this error if you accidentally make your query look like json with colons (:).
data {
property {
key: {
will give the same error from GQL compile

var within firebase set

I am trying to create some dynamic JSON based on a value of a name like below
this.merchantFirebase.child(firebase.auth().currentUser.uid).update({ {
status: this.state.productSwitch
I was thinking this would create something like
latte: {
status: this.state.productSwitch
but it is just given me an error of unexpected token
You'll need to use a different notation for this:
var updates = {};
updates[] = { status: this.state.productSwitch };
By using square-bracket notation, JavaScript "knows" that it needs to evaluate as an expression, instead of using it as the literal name of the property (as it tries to do in your code).