Published an npm but its nowhere to be seen on the internet - npm

I just published an npm while following the procedure and it is found as published on also.
Like -
However, I am unable to find it on the internet when I search it.

Not all the packages you publish come to the top of google search results.
Google searches the results across a wide range of content across internet. Not just npm registry.The search results are based on the relevance of search term with content across the internet. Results from other websites may also pop up.
It can also depend on popularity(usage) of the package and other criteria which I'm not aware of. Since you have published the package recently, google won't be even aware of it. Next time when the google crawlers crawl npmjs they might see the package(May be its possible that npm registry might have custom feed pushing to google depending on package usage rather than google crawlers crawl them) .
So don't worry if it doesn't appear in google search. Your package can be searched from npmjs and is available for all to use, and can be shared with everyone. May be eventually you reach the top of google search results :)
Also you can add relevant description, keywords to your package.json that so that people can find it easily in npm registry search. Right now it shows up only if its an exact package name match.


Google Cloud Repositories does not show images in markdown file

It is almost 3 days that I am working on finding a solution to display the images in my Google cloud repository.
I did the same on bitbucket account and it works fine, but when I push everything into the google cloud repository the image does not show up in my file.
I do not have any nested folder and all the files are placed into the root.
bellow you can find the syntax I used in my markdown file:
![google](google.png "Optional title")
![google](/google.png "Optional title")
![google](/master:google.png "Optional title")
None of them are working, I found another post on stack overflow that Google cloud repositories are a kind of bare repository. does it means there NO way to do that?
Could you please help me out with this?
I think this is not possible. Such a feature is not listed in the official documentation. Too bad are not a lot of people complaining about this. The only thing I could find was the following:
The only option is mirroring to Github or Bitbucket, but I think that is not what something you want. You could also just use Github instead of Cloud Repositories, which now integrates nicely with the google cloud platform, specifically Cloud Build.

NPM download count by package version?

I know there's a public API for getting NPM download counts, as well as tools built on top of it like npm-stat and npmtrends. However, I'd like to get more granular and see downloads for a particular package by version. I don't see this documented in the API docs anywhere. Is it possible?
Per version download counts are now available from the npm registry.
Download count for specific versions of a package are only available for the previous 7 days. They have a unique API end point
Note: for scoped packages, the / needs to be percent encoded. (#slack/client -> #slack%2Fclient).
They're also displayed in the Versions tab of the package's home page.

running eslint on github repos through api

I am working on multiple projects, i.e. multiple repos on github and have more than 10 repositories with multiple people contributing to different repos on daily basis.
It was getting hard to manage various aspects of repos, so I decided to build a dashboard using github graphql api, to visualize and display
summary on one page.
I want to show status for each repo, if eslint passed or not. Currently I am in dilemma on how to run eslint on each repository progamatically, and report the errors and warnings on one page using some api,
I did setup a node-graphql project and getting various information from the repos. Not really sure how to approach for this particular feature.Any help or suggestion is deeply appreciated.

How do I search for packages using yarn?

How do I search for packages with yarn?
I want to get a list of results that have the search term in the name of the package as well as in descriptions (similar to how various utilities work like npm search, apropos, apt-cache search).
I tried yarn info <pkg>, but this gave a bunch of json data that was limited to just that package.
Using yarn help and duckduckgo was educational, but still didn't answer how to do this.
there is no command for showing the tabular data format of package information
if you what more information about the packages you can try below commands you will get more information
yarn info package
yarn info package --json
yarn info package#version
yarn info package description
yarn info package time
yarn info package readme
I came here via google and none of the answers really explained anything about WHY search was "missing", so I dug in a bit.
From the Yarn dev's github issue tracker, this exact topic was brought up:
kittens commented on Oct 12, 2016
We've deliberately decided not to add these sorts of commands to Yarn. There's a lot of them that don't actually see much use and the maintenance burden isn't really worth it. If the functionality of the commands is so simple (just opening a browser) then you can just do it yourself. Thanks for the report!
So there you go, it has been intentionally not included and there are currently no plans to include it.
As others have said, you can either use npm's search as both yarn and npm fetch from the same list of packages, or you can use a web-based solution:
Hope this helps others save a few minutes in their quest for an answer.
I use npms-cli:
yarn global add npms-cli
Then you will have available /usr/bin/npms and can search like: npms search <desired package>.
Yarn has a website which has information and a detail page for every package in the registry. It’s available on and provided by Algolia.
Since the npm and Yarn registry are the same, you can also use every tool that shows this data, like or similar.
Fair disclosure: I work for Algolia and am in charge of the search page of Yarn.

How to install stellard on a server with integrate design?

I want to install stellard on my server. I download the stellard from github directory, here is link. Now I want to install and implement the design. I want step by step procedure to install like all configuration and database setup, etc. So how can I do this?
What I already done..
I am new in this open source and need deep demonstration of its installation and implementation. I also search out google, But can't get any useful tutorial how to work on this. I see there are some commands for installation but I can't way to work. Someone who really experience in stellard can give view to work on stellard. First I want to install stellard on my local host and after that on my live server.
My review about stellard..
This is very rare use open source.I search out is solution in some programing sites but can't get any help. Even I search stellard/ripple in youtube but no tutorial available there?