Why is Kotlin ignoring the delay(timeMillis: Long) function - kotlin

The context
Following the Kotlin Coroutines basics guide at this point
using this code
fun coroutinesAreLightWeight()
runBlocking {
repeat(100_000) {
launch {
print("$it, ")
When I run the program on my computer it prints out all the digits in one go instead of waiting for 1 second to elapse before printing the next digit. This behaviour is the same when running the exact code as seen in the kotlin guide. It seems like the delay() function is being ignored
At first this block of code worked fine but then it stopped working as intended. I am using IntelliJ 2019.2.1 with kotlin version 1.3.50 and I have tried restarting the program but that didn't solve my problem.
Here is how the whole class looks like
class CoroutinesBasics
fun ...
fun ...
fun coroutinesAreLightWeight()
runBlocking {
repeat(100_000) {
launch {
print("$it, ")
and the coroutinesAreLightWeight() function is called like this
fun main()
Can anyone point me to what is going on? Is this a Kotlin bug?
Kotlin dependencies
implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.3.0'

I'll take another angle to answer this.
The example is given in a specific context. Namely, "coroutines are not like threads". The goal of the example is not to demonstrate how to print numbers with delays, but to demonstrate that coroutines, unlike threads, can be launched in thousands simultaneously. And that's exactly what this code is doing. It submits them all, then executes them all.
You may ask then, why they are all sequential? Shouldn't they run concurrently?
For that, let's print the thread name:
repeat(100_000) {
launch {
println("$it, ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
You'll quickly see the reason: 99999, main
Since you're using runBlocking, all your coroutines are executed by a single thread.
We can change it, though:
runBlocking {
repeat(100_000) {
launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
println("$it, ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
By using Dispatchers.Default, we're running our coroutines on a default thread pool. And then the results become much less predictable:
98483, DefaultDispatcher-worker-6
99898, DefaultDispatcher-worker-5
99855, DefaultDispatcher-worker-1
99706, DefaultDispatcher-worker-2
The default thread pool starts with 2 threads, and goes up to number of CPU cores by default. You can look at createDefaultDispatcher() for the actual implementation.
Regarding Thread.sleep(), you should know a few things:
Never use Thread.sleep() inside coroutine
Never use Thread.sleep() inside coroutine
IntelliJ will even warn you to never use Thread.sleep() inside coroutine
Let's look at the following example to understand why:
repeat(100_000) {
launch {
println("$it, ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
You may assume what you're saying is "don't do anything in this block for 100ms".
But what you're actually saying is "don't do literally anything for 100ms".
Since launch will execute on context it got from runBlocking, and runBlocking is a single threaded context, you block executions of all coroutines.

This is the intended behavior as far as I know because coroutines are working simultaneously, so your code will only wait for 1 second for all coroutines that are currently working.
A good talk that I recommend about the coroutines is:
KotlinConf 2017 - Introduction to Coroutines by Roman Elizarov
And it has the exact same example in the slides :)
if you want them to wait you should move the repeat to outside the 'runBlocking'


How to cancel kotlin coroutine with potentially "un-cancellable" method call inside it?

I have this piece of code:
// this method is used to evaluate the input string, and it returns evaluation result in string format
fun process(input: String): String {
val timeoutMillis = 5000L
val page = browser.newPage()
try {
val result = runBlocking {
withTimeout(timeoutMillis) {
val result = page.evaluate(input).toString()
return#withTimeout result
return result
} catch (playwrightException: PlaywrightException) {
return "Could not parse template! '${playwrightException.localizedMessage}'"
} catch (timeoutException: TimeoutCancellationException) {
return "Could not parse template! (timeout)"
} finally {
It should throw exception after 5 seconds if the method is taking too long to execute (example: input potentially contains infinite loop) but it doesent (becomes deadlock I assume) coz coroutines should be cooperative. But the method I am calling is from another library and I have no control over its computation (for sticking yield() or smth like it).
So the question is: is it even possible to timeout such coroutine? if yes, then how?
Should I use java thread insted and just kill it after some time?
But the method I am calling is from another library and I have no control over its computation (for sticking yield() or smth like it).
If that is the case, I see mainly 2 situations here:
the library is aware that this is a long-running operation and supports thread interrupts to cancel it. This is the case for Thread.sleep and some I/O operations.
the library function really does block the calling thread for the whole time of the operation, and wasn't designed to handle thread interrupts
Situation 1: the library function is interruptible
If you are lucky enough to be in situation 1, then simply wrap the library's call into a runInterruptible block, and the coroutines library will translate cancellation into thread interruptions:
fun main() {
runBlocking {
val elapsed = measureTimeMillis {
withTimeoutOrNull(100.milliseconds) {
runInterruptible {
println("Done in ${elapsed}ms")
private fun interruptibleBlockingCall() {
Situation 2: the library function is NOT interruptible
In the more likely situation 2, you're kind of out of luck.
Should I use java thread insted and just kill it after some time?
There is no such thing as "killing a thread" in Java. See Why is Thread.stop deprecated?, or How do you kill a Thread in Java?.
In short, in that case you do not have a choice but to block some thread.
I do not know a solution to this problem that doesn't leak resources. Using an ExecutorService would not help if the task doesn't support thread interrupts - the threads will not die even with shutdownNow() (which uses interrupts).
Of course, the blocked thread doesn't have to be your thread. You can technically launch a separate coroutine on another thread (using another dispatcher if yours is single-threaded), to wrap the libary function call, and then join() the job inside a withTimeout to avoid waiting for it forever. That is however probably bad, because you're basically deferring the problem to whichever scope you use to launch the uncancellable task (this is actually why we can't use a simple withContext here).
If you use GlobalScope or another long-running scope, you effectively leak the hanging coroutine (without knowing for how long).
If you use a more local parent scope, you defer the problem to that scope. This is for instance the case if you use the scope of an enclosing runBlocking (like in your example), which makes this solution pointless:
fun main() {
val elapsed = measureTimeMillis {
println("Completely done in ${elapsed}ms")
private fun doStuff() {
runBlocking {
val nonCancellableJob = launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val elapsed = measureTimeMillis {
withTimeoutOrNull(100.milliseconds) {
println("Done waiting in ${elapsed}ms")
} // /!\ runBlocking will still wait here for the uncancellable child coroutine
// Thread.sleep is in fact interruptible but let's assume it's not for the sake of the example
private fun uncancellableBlockingCall() {
Outputs something like:
Done waiting in 122ms
Completely done in 3055ms
So the bottom line is either live with this long thing potentially hanging, or ask the developers of that library to handle interruption or make the task cancellable.

Is coroutineScope just like block function in Kotlin? [duplicate]

I was reading Coroutine Basics trying to understand and learn it.
There is a part there with this code:
fun main() = runBlocking { // this: CoroutineScope
launch {
println("Task from runBlocking")
coroutineScope { // Creates a new coroutine scope
launch {
println("Task from nested launch")
println("Task from coroutine scope") // This line will be printed before nested launch
println("Coroutine scope is over") // This line is not printed until nested launch completes
The output goes like so:
Task from coroutine scope
Task from runBlocking
Task from nested launch
Coroutine scope is over
My question is why this line:
println("Coroutine scope is over") // This line is not printed until nested launch completes
is called always last?
Shouldn't it be called since the:
coroutineScope { // Creates a new coroutine scope
is suspended?
There is also a note there:
The main difference between runBlocking and coroutineScope is that the latter does not block the current thread while waiting for all children to complete.
I dont understand how coroutineScope and runBlocking are different here? coroutineScope looks like its blocking since it only gets to the last line when it is done.
Can anyone enlighten me here?
I don't understand how coroutineScope and runBlocking are different here? coroutineScope looks like its blocking since it only gets to the last line when it is done.
There are two separate worlds: the suspendable world (within a coroutine) and the non-suspendable one. As soon as you enter the body of runBlocking, you are in the suspendable world, where suspend funs behave like blocking code and you can't get to the next line until the suspend fun returns. coroutineScope is a suspend fun that returns only when all the coroutines inside it are done. Therefore the last line must print at the end.
I copied the above explanation from a comment which seems to have clicked with readers. Here is the original answer:
From the perspective of the code in the block, your understanding is correct. The difference between runBlocking and coroutineScope happens at a lower level: what's happening to the thread while the coroutine is blocked?
runBlocking is not a suspend fun. The thread that called it remains inside it until the coroutine is complete.
coroutineScope is a suspend fun. If your coroutine suspends, the coroutineScope function gets suspended as well. This allows the top-level function, a non-suspending function that created the coroutine, to continue executing on the same thread. The thread has "escaped" the coroutineScope block and is ready to do some other work.
In your specific example: when your coroutineScope suspends, control returns to the implementation code inside runBlocking. This code is an event loop that drives all the coroutines you started within it. In your case, there will be some coroutines scheduled to run after a delay. When the time arrives, it will resume the appropriate coroutine, which will run for a short while, suspend, and then control will be again inside runBlocking.
While the above describes the conceptual similarities, it should also show you that runBlocking is a completely different tool from coroutineScope.
runBlocking is a low-level construct, to be used only in framework code or self-contained examples like yours. It turns an existing thread into an event loop and creates its coroutine with a Dispatcher that posts resuming coroutines to the event loop's queue.
coroutineScope is a user-facing construct, used to delineate the boundaries of a task that is being parallel-decomposed inside it. You use it to conveniently await on all the async work happening inside it, get the final result, and handle all failures at one central place.
The chosen answer is good but fails to address some other important aspects of the sample code that was provided. For instance, launch is non-blocking and is suppose to execute immediately. That is simply not true. The launch itself returns immediately BUT the code inside the launch does appear to be put into a queue and is only executed when any other launches that were previously put into the queue have completed.
Here's a similar piece of sample code with all the delays removed and an additional launch included. Without looking at the result below, see if you can predict the order in which the numbers are printed. Chances are that you will fail:
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
launch {
coroutineScope {
launch {
coroutineScope {
launch {
launch {
for (i in 7..100) {
The result is:
The fact that number 6 is printed last, even after going through nearly 100 println have been executed, indicates that the code inside the last launch never gets executed until all non-blocking code after the launch has completed. But that is not really true either, because if that were the case, the first launch should not have executed until numbers 7 to 101 have completed. Bottom line? Mixing launch and coroutineScope is highly unpredictable and should be avoided if you expect a certain order in the way things should be executed.
To prove that code inside launches is placed into a queue and ONLY executed after ALL the non-blocking code has completed, run this (no coroutineScopes are used):
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
launch {
launch {
launch {
for (i in 4..100) {
This is the result you get:
Adding a CoroutineScope will break this behavior. It will cause all non-blocking code that follows the CoroutineScope to not be executed until ALL code prior to the CoroutineScope has completed.
It should also be noted that in this code sample, each of the launches in the queue are executed sequentially in the order that they are added to the queue and each launch will only execute AFTER the previous launch executes. This may make it appear that all launches share a common thread. This is not true. Each of them is given their own thread. However, if any code inside a launch calls a suspend function, the next launch in the queue is started immediately while the suspend function is being carried out. To be honest, this is very strange behavior. Why not just run all the launches in the queue asynchronously? While I don't know the internals of what goes on in this queue, my guess is that each launch in the queue does not get its own thread but all share a common thread. It is only when a suspend function is encountered does it appear that a new thread is created for the next launch in the queue. It may be done this way to save on resources.
To summarize, execution is done in this order:
Code inside a launch is placed inside a queue and are executed in the order that they are added.
Non-blocking code following a launch executes immediately before anything in the queue is executed.
A CoroutineScope blocks ALL code following it BUT will execute all the launch coroutines in the queue before resuming to the code following the CoroutineScope.
runBlocking is for you to block the main thread.
coroutineScope is for you to block the runBlocking.
Well, after having read all the answers here, I found none of them answered the question beyond repeating the wording of the fragments of the documentation.
So, I went on to search for an answer elsewhere and found it here. It practically shows the difference in behavior of coroutineScope and runBlocking (i.e. the difference between suspending and blocking)
runBlocking just blocks the current thread until inner coroutines will be completed. Here, thread that executes runBlocking will be blocked until the coroutine from coroutineScope will be finished.
First launch just won't allow the thread execute instructions that come after runBlocking, but will allow proceed to the instructions that come immediately after this launch block - that's why Task from coroutine scope is printed before than Task from runBlocking.
But nested coroutineScope in the context of runBlocking won't allow the thread to execute instructions that come after this coroutineScope block, because runBlocking will block the thread until the coroutine from coroutineScope will be finished completely. And that's why Coroutine scope is over will always come after Task from nested launch.
From this wonderful article https://jivimberg.io/blog/2018/05/04/parallel-map-in-kotlin/
suspend fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.pmap(f: suspend (A) -> B): List<B> = coroutineScope {
map { async { f(it) } }.awaitAll()
With runBlocking, we were not using Structured Concurrency, so an invocation of f could fail and all other executions would continue unfazed. And also we were not playing nice with the rest of the code. By using runBlocking we were forcefully blocking the thread until the whole execution of pmap finishes, instead of letting the caller decide how the execution should go.

Kotlin coroutines - how to run in background and use result in the caller thread?

The main idea is to have non-suspend function runInBackgroundAndUseInCallerThread(callback: (SomeModel) -> Unit) which run some work asynchronously in background (another thread) and after work is done - run callback in the caller thread (thread that launched runInBackgroundAndUseInCallerThread).
Below I wrote an example code, but I'm not sure how correct it is and whether it is possible at all. With the println("1/2/3/...") I marked the desired call order.
getDispatcherFromCurrentThread - if is possible to implement this function, then solution can be used, but I don't know how to implement it and is it right to do it like that at all.
Therefore, please do not consider it as the only solution.
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlin.concurrent.thread
fun main() {
runInBackgroundAndUseInCallerThread {
println("Hello ${it.someField} from ${Thread.currentThread().name}") // should be "Hello TestField from main"
thread(name = "Second thread") {
runInBackgroundAndUseInCallerThread {
println("Hello ${it.someField} from ${Thread.currentThread().name}") // should be "Hello TestField from Second thread"
fun runInBackgroundAndUseInCallerThread(callback: (SomeModel) -> Unit) {
val dispatcherFromCallerThread: CoroutineDispatcher = getDispatcherFromCurrentThread()
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
val result: SomeModel = getModelResult()
launch(dispatcherFromCallerThread) { callback(result) }
data class SomeModel(val someField: String)
suspend fun getModelResult(): SomeModel {
return SomeModel("TestField")
fun getDispatcherFromCurrentThread(): CoroutineDispatcher {
// TODO: Create dispatcher from current thread... How to do that?
Unless the thread is designed to work as a dispatcher there isn't a universal way to make it do so.
The only way which comes to mind is the fact that runBlocking is re-entrant and will create an event-loop in the existing thread, however it will block all non-coroutine code from executing on that thread until it completes.
This ends up looking like:
fun runInBackgroundAndUseInCallerThread(callback: (SomeModel) -> Unit) {
callback(runBlocking(Dispatchers.IO) {
dispatcher really is a coroutineContext and it is meaningful when used inside a scope
thus if you want pass dispatcher of parent scope to child scope you can do it.
GlobalScope.launch {
val dispatcher = this.coroutineContext
CoroutineScope(dispatcher).launch {
therefor getDispatcherFromCurrentThread should be like this.
fun getDispatcherFromCurrentThread(scope: CoroutineScope): CoroutineContext {
return scope.coroutineContext
GlobalScope.launch {
val dispatcher = getDispatcherFromCurrentThread(this)
CoroutineScope(dispatcher).launch {
which run some work asynchronously in background (another thread) and after work is done - run callback in the caller thread
First try to answer this question: what is the calling thread supposed to do while the background work is in progress?
Clearly it can't go on to the next line of your code, which is supposed to run after finishing the background work.
You also don't want it to block and wait.
What code should it run, then?
And the only reasonable answer is as follows: the calling thread should, at its topmost level of execution (entry-point function), run an infinite event loop. The code in your question should be inside an event handler submitted to the event loop. At the point you want to wait for the background work, the handler must return so the thread can go on handling other events, and you must have another handler ready to submit when the background work is done. This second handler, corresponding to your callback, is called the continuation and Kotlin provides it automatically. You don't in fact need your own callback.
However, now the most sensitive issue arises: how will you submit the continuation to the event loop? This is not something you can abstract over, you must use some API specific to the event loop in question.
And this is why Kotlin has the notion of a Dispatcher. It captures the case-specific concern of dispatching continuations to the desired thread. You seem to want to solve it without the need to write a dispatcher dedicated to each specific event loop, and unfortunately this is impossible.

How to create this coroutines in kotlin?

I am trying to print Hello in between World 4 from this code.
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import java.util.*
fun main() = runBlocking <Unit> {
launch { //COR-1
var now = Date().time
val c= timeConusmingFunct(now) //may be some IO work
print(" World $c") //once done lets process it
launch{ //COR-2
print(" in between")
print("Hello ")
suspend fun timeConusmingFunct(now: Long): Int{
while(Date().time-now <4000){
//a way to block the thread
return 4
My understanding is that when main thread execute it will face COR-1 and move onto next COR-2 and then move to final print("Hello"). As COR-1 will take some time (~4s) and the time consuming funct is marked suspend [which indicates that it will take some time].
The call should have gone to COR-2.
However it prints : Hello World 4 in between
Why this happens, and how do I make my code work as intended Hello in between World 4 with help of coroutine ?
You need this minimal change to your spin-waiting loop:
while (Date().time - now < 4000) {
The concurrency in coroutines is cooperative, suspension happens when the code explicitly asks for it. Normally it happens transparently because you call a suspendable function, but in your case you must add it in since you aren't otherwise calling any suspendable functions.
what if I had some Image processing in that timeConsumingcode to do. It will block the main thread. I want it to be handled by co routine.
Image processing is a CPU-bound task and, since it's not a task that must be pinned to the GUI thread, you are better off handing it over to a thread pool. The most convenient way to do it is to write
withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
This way your coroutine, that otherwise runs on the main GUI thread, will temporarily jump over to the thread pool to do the long task, and then move back to the GUI thread to go on. While it's running on the thread pool, the GUI thread will be able to serve other GUI events and keep your UI live.

Coroutines: runBlocking vs coroutineScope

I was reading Coroutine Basics trying to understand and learn it.
There is a part there with this code:
fun main() = runBlocking { // this: CoroutineScope
launch {
println("Task from runBlocking")
coroutineScope { // Creates a new coroutine scope
launch {
println("Task from nested launch")
println("Task from coroutine scope") // This line will be printed before nested launch
println("Coroutine scope is over") // This line is not printed until nested launch completes
The output goes like so:
Task from coroutine scope
Task from runBlocking
Task from nested launch
Coroutine scope is over
My question is why this line:
println("Coroutine scope is over") // This line is not printed until nested launch completes
is called always last?
Shouldn't it be called since the:
coroutineScope { // Creates a new coroutine scope
is suspended?
There is also a note there:
The main difference between runBlocking and coroutineScope is that the latter does not block the current thread while waiting for all children to complete.
I dont understand how coroutineScope and runBlocking are different here? coroutineScope looks like its blocking since it only gets to the last line when it is done.
Can anyone enlighten me here?
I don't understand how coroutineScope and runBlocking are different here? coroutineScope looks like its blocking since it only gets to the last line when it is done.
There are two separate worlds: the suspendable world (within a coroutine) and the non-suspendable one. As soon as you enter the body of runBlocking, you are in the suspendable world, where suspend funs behave like blocking code and you can't get to the next line until the suspend fun returns. coroutineScope is a suspend fun that returns only when all the coroutines inside it are done. Therefore the last line must print at the end.
I copied the above explanation from a comment which seems to have clicked with readers. Here is the original answer:
From the perspective of the code in the block, your understanding is correct. The difference between runBlocking and coroutineScope happens at a lower level: what's happening to the thread while the coroutine is blocked?
runBlocking is not a suspend fun. The thread that called it remains inside it until the coroutine is complete.
coroutineScope is a suspend fun. If your coroutine suspends, the coroutineScope function gets suspended as well. This allows the top-level function, a non-suspending function that created the coroutine, to continue executing on the same thread. The thread has "escaped" the coroutineScope block and is ready to do some other work.
In your specific example: when your coroutineScope suspends, control returns to the implementation code inside runBlocking. This code is an event loop that drives all the coroutines you started within it. In your case, there will be some coroutines scheduled to run after a delay. When the time arrives, it will resume the appropriate coroutine, which will run for a short while, suspend, and then control will be again inside runBlocking.
While the above describes the conceptual similarities, it should also show you that runBlocking is a completely different tool from coroutineScope.
runBlocking is a low-level construct, to be used only in framework code or self-contained examples like yours. It turns an existing thread into an event loop and creates its coroutine with a Dispatcher that posts resuming coroutines to the event loop's queue.
coroutineScope is a user-facing construct, used to delineate the boundaries of a task that is being parallel-decomposed inside it. You use it to conveniently await on all the async work happening inside it, get the final result, and handle all failures at one central place.
The chosen answer is good but fails to address some other important aspects of the sample code that was provided. For instance, launch is non-blocking and is suppose to execute immediately. That is simply not true. The launch itself returns immediately BUT the code inside the launch does appear to be put into a queue and is only executed when any other launches that were previously put into the queue have completed.
Here's a similar piece of sample code with all the delays removed and an additional launch included. Without looking at the result below, see if you can predict the order in which the numbers are printed. Chances are that you will fail:
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
launch {
coroutineScope {
launch {
coroutineScope {
launch {
launch {
for (i in 7..100) {
The result is:
The fact that number 6 is printed last, even after going through nearly 100 println have been executed, indicates that the code inside the last launch never gets executed until all non-blocking code after the launch has completed. But that is not really true either, because if that were the case, the first launch should not have executed until numbers 7 to 101 have completed. Bottom line? Mixing launch and coroutineScope is highly unpredictable and should be avoided if you expect a certain order in the way things should be executed.
To prove that code inside launches is placed into a queue and ONLY executed after ALL the non-blocking code has completed, run this (no coroutineScopes are used):
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
launch {
launch {
launch {
for (i in 4..100) {
This is the result you get:
Adding a CoroutineScope will break this behavior. It will cause all non-blocking code that follows the CoroutineScope to not be executed until ALL code prior to the CoroutineScope has completed.
It should also be noted that in this code sample, each of the launches in the queue are executed sequentially in the order that they are added to the queue and each launch will only execute AFTER the previous launch executes. This may make it appear that all launches share a common thread. This is not true. Each of them is given their own thread. However, if any code inside a launch calls a suspend function, the next launch in the queue is started immediately while the suspend function is being carried out. To be honest, this is very strange behavior. Why not just run all the launches in the queue asynchronously? While I don't know the internals of what goes on in this queue, my guess is that each launch in the queue does not get its own thread but all share a common thread. It is only when a suspend function is encountered does it appear that a new thread is created for the next launch in the queue. It may be done this way to save on resources.
To summarize, execution is done in this order:
Code inside a launch is placed inside a queue and are executed in the order that they are added.
Non-blocking code following a launch executes immediately before anything in the queue is executed.
A CoroutineScope blocks ALL code following it BUT will execute all the launch coroutines in the queue before resuming to the code following the CoroutineScope.
runBlocking is for you to block the main thread.
coroutineScope is for you to block the runBlocking.
Well, after having read all the answers here, I found none of them answered the question beyond repeating the wording of the fragments of the documentation.
So, I went on to search for an answer elsewhere and found it here. It practically shows the difference in behavior of coroutineScope and runBlocking (i.e. the difference between suspending and blocking)
runBlocking just blocks the current thread until inner coroutines will be completed. Here, thread that executes runBlocking will be blocked until the coroutine from coroutineScope will be finished.
First launch just won't allow the thread execute instructions that come after runBlocking, but will allow proceed to the instructions that come immediately after this launch block - that's why Task from coroutine scope is printed before than Task from runBlocking.
But nested coroutineScope in the context of runBlocking won't allow the thread to execute instructions that come after this coroutineScope block, because runBlocking will block the thread until the coroutine from coroutineScope will be finished completely. And that's why Coroutine scope is over will always come after Task from nested launch.
From this wonderful article https://jivimberg.io/blog/2018/05/04/parallel-map-in-kotlin/
suspend fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.pmap(f: suspend (A) -> B): List<B> = coroutineScope {
map { async { f(it) } }.awaitAll()
With runBlocking, we were not using Structured Concurrency, so an invocation of f could fail and all other executions would continue unfazed. And also we were not playing nice with the rest of the code. By using runBlocking we were forcefully blocking the thread until the whole execution of pmap finishes, instead of letting the caller decide how the execution should go.