Cannot get mutual authentication with Keycloak and OpenLDAP working - ssl

I've been attempting to get mutual authentication working between Keycloak and OpenLDAP. I've configured the truststore on Keycloak under security realms, which works. I can view the certificate on requests. I've also configured OpenLDAP's truststore/keystore and set it to demand a client certificate. When using ldapsearch I can provide Keycloak's cert which allows me to connect. I've also verified that Keycloak accepts OpenLDAP's cert by changing OpenLDAP to not demand a client certificate, which allows Keycloak to connect (albeit after fixing the truststore). At this point, it appears everything is fine except Keycloak doesn't present it's certificate while acting as a client, and I get the following error in OpenLDAP.
TLS trace: SSL3 alert write:fatal:handshake failure
TLS trace: SSL_accept:error in error
TLS: can't accept: error:140890C7:SSL routines:ssl3_get_client_certificate:peer did not return a certificate.
Unfortunately I cannot share details about the configuration or environment beyond the above due to project constraints.


IBM App Connect error

I created a message flow having rest request node to connect to an API. API security enabled received the following error:
BIP3165S: An error occurred whilst performing an SSL socket operation.
Operation: connect. Error Text: PKIX path building failed: unable to find
valid certification path to requested target.
How do I solve this issue in my message flow?
I disabled SSL but still received the same error.
What is the SSL client and server endpoints? Assuming this connection is:
WAS (server) <------SSL------> API (Client)
In one-way SSL, the solution is to add the root or intermediate certificate (from the WAS server's chain) to the client's trust store.
"PKIX path building failed" usually indicates that the SSL client was unable to authenticate the SSL server (remote host). To authenticate the server, the client needs to have the server's root or intermediate certificate in its trust store.
If this is happening with traditional WebSphere as the client, we can try to add the signer certificate with retrieve from port.
If mutual authentication is enabled, the issue can be with the server being unable to authenticate the client.
Either way, an SSL exception should not occur with SSL disabled. Maybe the server wasn't re-started after disabling SSL? Maybe SSL wasn't disabled correctly (on both endpoints)? Maybe the API was still trying to use HTTPS with SSL disabled?

How to setup IIS to verify a client certificate and pass it to the backend as an http header?

I've read quite a few articles on the client certificate authentication in IIS but they mostly talk about the Required mode for the client certificate. In this case, the authentication is fully done on the web server side and the user is redirected to the error page in case the certificate is missing or invalid. What I need is to configure IIS to check the client certificate if it exists and pass the results as http headers to my backend. It can be easily done with nginx or apache web servers. The client authentication can be set up as optional. Then, the web server checks the certificate and pass the results of the check as SSL_CLIENT_CERT (PEM representation of the certificate) and SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY (the result of the check - SUCCESS, NONE,...) headers to the application backend. So, on the backend part, I can read the headers and use the values to do the actual authentication -- find a user in the database, issue an auth token. Is it possible in IIS? If yes, is there any documentation on how to bypass the certificate and the check state as http headers?
After a while, I'm writing an answer to my question.
IIS has to be set up with ARR extension to act as a reverse proxy. Then, the client certificate authentication can be enabled for the default web site. Here are several links to instructions how to achieve it:
and couple of links to very solid explanations of the SSL/TLS handshake and certificates in general:
Basically, the Application Request Routing (ARR) extension should be enabled for the IIS to act as a proxy. Then, you set up proxy bypass routes. Next, you need to set up a valid server certificate for the IIS server and use it in the Default Web Site https bindings. The certificate should be issued by a CA which certificate should be placed into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities and Intermediate Certification Authorities of the Local Computer. Then, you should require SSL in the SSL settings of the Default Web Site with the client certificates setting equal to Accept. In this case, any client that connects to the web server will be asked for a valid client certificate that has been issued by the same CA as the server certificate.
Actually, IIS sends a list of distinguished names of root issuers that are trusted by the web server to the client browser. The browser finds an intersection of this names with client trusted certificate issuers and looks for valid certificates that have been issued by the issuers in the intersection. After that, the user selects one of them (or none) and the selected certificate is checked against the CA certificate. If the certificate passes the check the request is "redirected" to the backend application with the certificate in the X-ARR-ClientCert header. The name of the header can be changed in the Server -> Configuration Editor -> system.webServer/proxy -> clientCertHeaderName IIS parameter. In case the user selects (or has) none of the required certificates, the request is "redirected" to the app backend without the header.
Seems, there is no need in the SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY header with the state of the check at all. If the certificate is valid it is passed in the header. If the certificate is missing the header is empty. If the certificate is provided by the client but is invalid then the request fails and is not "redirected" to the backend app server at all. Seems, it is a rare case but I have an example.
Imagine, a server certificate is issued by a CA with a distinguished name XXX, and there is a client certificate YYY (on the client computer) that is issued by a CA with the distinguished name XXX but those CAs are not the same (one or both of them are self-signed). In this case, the YYY certificate is present in the certificate selection dialog that is shown by a browser but the certificate doesn't pass the further validation against the real web server CA.
That's it. Also, seems IIS has no way to require (or accept) a client certificate for some app endpoints (addresses) only. I haven't found any other option apart from enabling in for the whole web site.
IIS ARR can also be configured with a client certificate for the backend or upstream server. In this case users connecting to this IIS do not need to provide the certificate as it will be attached by IIS automatically.
This configuration is available on IIS server level only.

Client certificates with AWS API Gateway

I am trying to implement mutual authentication for the communication between aws api gateway and my server. I want to use the client side certificates that amazon offers for authentication. I know that my server is configured correctly because previously I was using a lambda function and mutual authentication was working.
I have exported the (.PEM) certificate and added it into a truststore. I have configured my Jetty server to use that truststore for authentication. I have set client-auth to :need. I know my server is set up correctly because it was working with with my self-implemented mutual SSL. All I did was change the truststore. When I test my method gateway returns a 200:
{ "message": "Unknown endpoint error."}
Here is an excerpt from the server log files. It appears that the server side handshake completes, but there is an error with the client certificate.
pConnection#3a0a2e84{FILLING} server-side handshake completed
2015-09-28 13:04:29,856 DEBUG [qtp1980278840-19]
o.e.j.i.ChannelEndPoint - flushed 45
2015-09-28 13:04:29,856 DEBUG [qtp1980278840-19]
o.e.j.i.s.SslConnection -
SslConnection#50e2de43{NOT_HANDSHAKING,eio=0/0,di=-1} ->
HttpConnection#3a0a2e84{FILLING} flush exit, consumed 0 2015-09-28
13:04:29,856 DEBUG [qtp1980278840-19] o.e.j.i.s.SslConnection -
SslConnection#50e2de43{NOT_HANDSHAKING,eio=0/-1,di=-1} ->
HttpConnection#3a0a2e84{FILLING} unwrap Status = BUFFER_UNDERFLOW
HandshakeStatus = NOT_HANDSHAKING
I have solved this problem. The server logs I posted are misleading. No handshake occurs because the server certificate I was using was self signed, not signed by a trusted CA. As of 9/28/2015, aws api gateway requires a certificate signed by a trusted certificate authority. Because my cert was self signed, the server (and client) handshakes do not complete. Hopefully this problem will be solved in future versions.

WSO2 Identity Server Example Travelocity OpenID Peer Not Authenticated

During the testing of the Travelocity sample application at Login screen, option2 OpenID, I get the following error at the client side:
0x704: I/O transport error: peer not authenticated
Any recommendation about the required steps to activate SSL protocol
support in the Travelocity sample application running under the Tomcat7?
More details from the Tomcat7 log:
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [ForwardingServlet] in context with path [/] threw exception [0x704: I/O transport error: peer not authenticated] with root cause peer not authenticated
at org.apache.http.conn.ssl.AbstractVerifier.verify(
at ...
Thanks for assistance.
As WSO2IS contains a self-signed certificate by default, So you need to configure its certificate as a trusted certificate to the sample application. We can configure a truststore file for the Tomcat server. you can add following two java parameters in to the "" file in /bin directory.
As an example. Please note that the PATH_TO_TRUST_STORE_FILE file must contains the WSO2 server's certificate.
If your WSO2 server's certificate's CN value is not equal to the WSO2 Server's hostname, you would be probably hit by following error as well
hostname in certificate didn't match: !=. So, you need to make sure CN is equal to hostname as well.

tomcat client authentication using clientAuth=want

My application requires client authentication for a specific URL, after client authentication succeeds the application itself also does some verification on the client certificate subject (using spring security x509 filter). I wanted to configure tomcat to force client authentication (clientAuth=true) for the specific URL, but based on this post it seems I can't do this only using tomcat - configure tomcat for client authentication only for specific URL patterns.
My question is, if I use clientAuth=want, will the following be as below when the server requests a certificate:
If device has an identity certificate but not trusted by the CA configured in tomcat truststoreFile, no certificate will be passed and the request will fail in the spring security filter (certificate will be null)
If device has an identity certificate trusted by the CA configured in tomcat truststoreFile, but is invalid (not sure what validations are done) or expired, either the authentication will fail in tomcat (before the security filter) or as in option 1 no certificate will be passed and the request will fail in the spring security filter (certificate will be null)
Is there a security hole I may be missing using this configuration of want + security filter? I guess the question is - if a certificate is eventually passed from the device to the server, the server will always validate it (not expired, trusted etc) even when using clientAuth=want and will not allow the client to continue if the certificate is invalid? The case where no certificate is passed is covered by the security filter that will check the certificate is not null..
Your assumptions in both 1. and 2. are correct. Tomcat will not allow untrusted or invalid certificates through to your application. If you get a null certificate, you can assume that either no certificate was passed, or an untrusted/invalid certificate was passed.
On the project I am working on we have the same requirement as you: client certificates for certain URLs only. We found out by experimentation how "clientAuth=want" works.