Authentification with ldap without user's password - ldap

I am trying to create login authentication with ldap js. I set up all Credentials and everything is working fine, but the problem is I can bind a user just with his Uid (user id aka username), it didn't ask for a password and I don't know how to fix this it must ask for Uid and userPAssword to connect
I tried to connect to with the same credentials including userPassword but it didn't work for me
in this file i set up all ldap config
'url': 'ldap://*************',
'port': '***',
'timeout': '',
'connectTimeout': '',
'secret': '**********',
'reconnect': true,
'filtre': '(&(ObjectClass=*******)',
'search_dn': 'ou=******,dc=****,dc=****',
'domain': 'cn=******,dc=****,dc=****'
in this file i tried to connect to ldap server and it work realy fine and then i want to get user by uid
const server = ldapConfig.url
const ldapDomain = ldapConfig.domain
const password = ldapConfig.secret
const searchDomain = ldapConfig.search_dn
const client = ldap.createClient({
url: server
client.bind(ldapDomain, password, err => {
const opts = {
scope: 'sub',
filter: ldapConfig.filtre + `(mail=${request.body.mail}))`
}, opts, (err, res) => {
res.on('searchEntry', entry => {
} )
I hope it's clear . Thanks

Unauthenticated bind (a seemingly successful bind when you supply a userID and null password) may be enabled in your directory. If you are using OpenLDAP, as the quesstion tags indicate, check slapd.conf for allow bind_anon_cred.
Unless there is a specific need for unauthenticated bind, I disable it on the directory servers. In the rare cases where unauthenticated bind is required, all applications authenticating against the directory need to validate user input before attempting to bind -- that is, verify that the input username and password values are not null.


Way to verify username and password of user in aws cognito using adminInitiateAuth() method

Below code is having 2 functions. 1st verify the username and password of user and if it is true it trigger OTP in SMS(Default behavior of AWS as 2 factor authentication is enabled). But we do not want OTP in SMS. We want OTP in Email with custom template, so implemented 2nd function with AuthFlow: 'CUSTOM_AUTH'(and 2nd method works as expected).
We do not want OTP to be triggered in SMS(But also can not disable 2 factor auth because it is used in other use cases). Also, only need solution using aws-sdk. There are ways using amplify and other library but it is not useful in case of App client secret is there.
//verify username,password and send code in sms
response0 = await cognitoIdentityServiceProvider.adminInitiateAuth({
ClientId: tenant.cognitoClientId,
UserPoolId: tenant.cognitoUserPool,
AuthParameters: {
SECRET_HASH: crypto.createHmac('SHA256', tenant.cognitoClientSecret).update(username + tenant.cognitoClientId).digest('base64'),
USERNAME: username,
PASSWORD: password
// send code to email using custom auth flow
response1 = await cognitoIdentityServiceProvider.adminInitiateAuth({
AuthFlow: 'CUSTOM_AUTH',
ClientId: tenant.cognitoClientId,
UserPoolId: tenant.cognitoUserPool,
AuthParameters: {
SECRET_HASH: crypto.createHmac('SHA256', tenant.cognitoClientSecret).update(username + tenant.cognitoClientId).digest('base64'),
USERNAME: username,
Need solution where we can check username password using AuthFlow: 'CUSTOM_AUTH'(Can change lambda triggers) or any other way where OTP should not be triggered and able to check username and password correctly.

OIDC-react signtOut doesn't end Cognito session

My stack: oidc-react, Amazon Cognito
When I log out on the site and call auth.signOut();, the userManager signs out the user and redirects to the login page, but when you log in again by calling auth.signIn(); makes a request to Cognito with the token it has, but won't ask for credentials and logs the user in, I guess because the user still has a running session with the same token, if I am right. It only asks for login credentials after an hour because the session expires after 60minutes.
I want Congito to ask for credentials after signing out. I've tried passing the config these options after some research, but doesn't seem to be working:
revokeTokenTypes: (["access_token", "refresh_token"]),
revokeTokensOnSignout: true,
automaticSilentRenew: false,
monitorSession: true
This is the OIDC setup I pass to the provider:
const oidcConfig: AuthProviderProps = {
onSignIn: (user: User | null) => {
onSignOut: (options: AuthProviderSignOutProps | undefined) => {
autoSignIn: false,
loadUserInfo: true,
postLogoutRedirectUri: "localhost:3000/",
automaticSilentRenew: false,
authority: "https://" + process.env.REACT_APP_AWS_COGNITO_DOMAIN,
clientId: process.env.REACT_APP_AWS_COGNITO_CLIENT_ID,
redirectUri: window.location.origin,
responseType: 'code',
userManager: new UserManager({
authority: "https://" + process.env.REACT_APP_AWS_COGNITO_DOMAIN,
client_id: process.env.REACT_APP_AWS_COGNITO_CLIENT_ID!,
redirect_uri: window.location.origin,
revokeTokenTypes: (["access_token", "refresh_token"]),
revokeTokensOnSignout: true,
automaticSilentRenew: false,
monitorSession: true
AWS Cognito does not yet implement the RP Initiated Logout specification or return an end_session_endpoint from its OpenID Connect discovery endpoint. I expect this is your problem, since the library is probably implemented in terms of these standards.
Instead, AWS Cognito uses these parameters and a /logout endpoint. In my apps I have implemented Cognito logout by forming a URL like this, then redirecting to it by setting location.href to the URL value:
public buildLogoutUrl(): string {
const logoutReturnUri = encodeURIComponent(this._configuration.postLogoutRedirectUri);
const clientId = encodeURIComponent(this._configuration.clientId);
return `${this._configuration.logoutEndpoint}?client_id=${clientId}&logout_uri=${logoutReturnUri}`;
This will enable you to end the Cognito session and force the user to sign in again. It will also enable you to return to a specific location within your app, such as a /loggedout view.

handle user after Oauth2 redirect

I create an application that client (vue) runs on localhost:3000 and server (express) on localhost: 8080.
I use passport-google-oauth20 strategy to log in using google and only JWT token.
My Question is:
How do I redirect to a client in a callback strategy so that the receives information about the logged-in user on client side? I'm using in passport jwt, which i send on local-login strategy and there everything works.
At the moment, it looks like this to me:
passport.authenticate('google', { session: false, scope: ['email', 'profile']})
passport.authenticate('google', { session: false }), (req, res) => {
// let token = sign(req.user);
// how to redirect to the CLIENT,
// who will receive data about the logged-in user?
// how get user data, catch this situation?

How can I authenticate PeerJS connections to the PeerServer?

I am currently running my own PeerServer while I develop an application. I am wondering how I can authenticate each individual ID so that when someone connects, then have to have the right API key (unique to their name).
Could I set up a service where, when they register, a new key is generated and peerjs will recognize it?
You can send a token in the options, for example a JWT with the userId encoded:
const myPeer = new Peer(userId, {
host: '/',
token: userJwt
Receive it when the user connects and validate it. If the ids don't match, close the socket:
peerServer.on('connection', client => {
const decodedToken = decodeToken(client.token)
if (!decodedToken || decodedToken.userId !=

auth0 - email verification - user account does not exist or verification code is invalid

Here is my problem : In auth0 dashboard, I select a user within my users list and click on send a verification email... The user receive the mail, click on the link and get an error "User account doesn't exist or verification code is invalid" But the user exists and I do not use passwordless or sms authentication , my users have to enter their password and are also stored in mongodb. Any ideas to solve this?
-- edited precision added --
I'am actually using a customDB and here is my getUser script, but I don't know what to change, could you help me?
Thank you!
function getByEmail (email, callback) {
mongo('mongodb://', function (db) {
var users = db.collection('user');
users.findOne({ email: email }, function (err, user) {
if (err) return callback(new Error("my error message"));
if (!user) return callback(null);
var profile = {
user_id: user._id,
nickname: user.username,
callback(null, profile);
Ok, just re-read your question - where you state "my users have to enter their password and are also stored in mongodb." - are you referring to your own Mongo DB? Are you using an Auth0 Custom DB Connection? Confusingly, Auth0 also uses MongoDB for its own DB storage, hence the clarification. If you are using a Custom DB connection to your own DB, then this may be a misconfiguration of one of your Custom DB Scripts. If using Custom DB Script, please double-check the implementation of your GetUser.js script.
In the event, you are using an Auth0 DB (not a custom DB) then definitely check with Auth0 support team (as per comment and your reply above).