How to fix "AADSTS90102: 'redirect_uri' value must be a valid absolute Uri." error in Microsoft Graph -

Following this procedure:
I'm trying to get a refresh token from this microsoft end point:{tenantId}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
Using PostAsync method from System.Net.Http.HttpClient class from nuget ( core 2.2) library, I'm able to get a response back with this error: "AADSTS90102: 'redirect_uri' value must be a valid absolute Uri.":
I tried to set some redirect url in the Azure Portal including:
The post request is the following (Using PostAsync method from System.Net.Http.HttpClient class from nuget ( core 2.2)):
Here are the configured redirect urls form the registred application in the Azure Portal:
I expect a valid response from the endpoint.
How do I configure the redirect_uri to be valid?
I fixed the redirect_uri parameter.

From the screenshot, it appears that the URLEncoding is incorrect. The '/' character in the path should be encoded to %2F, while your code has %2. (After '.com' and before 'Configurations'.)
Also, have you considered the Authorization Provider from the SDK?

I was getting this error and for me the issue was that I was encoding the redirect_uri value in the post request to the /oauth2/v2.0/token endpoint. Notice how redirect_uri is not encoded in this request.
POST /{Tenant ID}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cookie: {cookie}
Content-Length: 941
client_id={Application (client) ID}
I used the Postman sample provided by Microsoft to find the root cause.

You seem to be mixing the authorize and token endpoints.
If you want the user to authenticate, you have to redirect the user to that URL, not send a POST request to it.
After the user returns to your app, you need to exchange the authorisation code for tokens.
If you want a token just for your app without user authentication, you need to call the token endpoint.

I also faced the same problem:
AADSTS90102: 'redirect_uri' value must be a valid absolute Uri.
I tried few URL variants (with encoding, without, etc.) in Chrome, but was getting different exceptions about a wrong URL. Then I used the Safari browser and voila, I got a response code.
In the final result, I just copied the URL from the documentation, pasted tenant and client_id values from the registered application into the return_url parameter, and instead of the /myapp/ prefix I pasted %3A8080, where %3A it's the : symbol. The redirect_utl param has to be the same as URL in the registered application.


Getting back 401 from Dynamics 365 despite being issued valid token

I am attempting to rewrite a client app that currently connects to Dynamics 365 using JavaScript
let URL = "https://<company-name>";
let body = '';
var headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json'};
let response = ai.https.authorizedRequest(URL, 'GET', body, headers);
Currently this JavaScript application works and gets back JSON data. I am attempting to rewrite this application using C#. I am first starting with Postman to make sure I have all the authentication steps in place before moving on the writing the C# code.
Using Postman I am able to successfully obtain a JWT token using the "Client Credentials" flow where I pass the Client ID and the Client Secret to the Access Token Request URL. However, when trying to access an API endpoint within Dynamics 365 I receive back an HTTP 401 even though I am passing the JWT access token properly.
Here is the Access Token Request URL:<company-domain-here>
I am thinking that I must be authenticating properly or I would not get back a valid access token. Also since the JavaScript application already in place works without issue I am assuming that Dynamics 365 is provisioned properly to allow API access.
What I am trying to figure out is what I might be doing wrong within Postman that results in my receiving a 401? What could be different between the working JavaScript request and what I am sending via Postman?
Issue is finally solved.
As mentioned follow the documentation mentioned.
If you face 401 Error, here is the last trick.
In postman Under Authorization--> Add authorization data to--> select Request Headers.
Now fire the query you shall have the 200 ok.
Ref Article which helped me figure it out.

TopDesk: Unable to get authorization token using Login API

Referring to TopDesk's Login API,
I'm using PostMan to be authorized.
Authorization: Basic <base64 encoded password removed>
However, I get 404 Not Found Error and Content-Type is html.
I was expecting it to be either:
200 - OK
401 - Unauthorized
in JSON format.
Any ideas?
Looking at the docs I don't think is the base URL for the API. I don't know what your specific API URL is.
Do you have a set up like the screen shots in this example, if so then the url will be available in that
A 404 code suggests the URL is wrong - http://topdesk-url/tas/api/login/person is the one in the API docs which is slightly different than the one you provided in the question.
The base path that you’re using and the /tas/ (this might be a username or account name etc) section is missing from your example request. is not a real TOPdesk instance, it's just a website. A real TOPdesk instance's address looks like one of these: (if it is hosted in the cloud) (if it is hosted locally)
The reason why you got a 404 is because that url simply doesn't exist.

eBay API request error: 'Invalid access token. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.'

I've registered as a developer with eBay and created an app.
I generated an Oauth (not Auth'n'Auth)
Using Postman to generate a simple request (image) and recieving an error for token invalidity
Error: Invalid access token. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.
What am I doing wrong here?
If your token is for "sandbox" environment, make sure you use sandbox API endpoints for your requests as well.
Instead of,
One of the issues which might have happened is:
The access token might have expired
Use the refresh token to refresh the access token when it expires — you know when to do this when your call to the API returns a status code of 401 and the above body you saw in Postman.

Azure App Service Authentication with Google oAuth 2.0 Bearer Token

We are using App Service Authentication to protect a web API and using Google as authentication provider. It works as expected when we fire a request from a browser (when the session information is in the cookie)
IIS log:
2016-05-29T13:51:19 PID[3600] Verbose Received request: GET 2016-05-29T13:51:19
PID[3600] Verbose Found 'AppServiceAuthSession' cookie for site
''. Length: 728. 2016-05-29T13:51:19
PID[3600] Verbose Authenticated successfully
using 'Session Cookie' authentication.
But when we use API testing tool such as Postman and set the Authorization header with bearer token, it always results in redirection.
IIS log:
2016-05-29T13:53:38 PID[3600] Verbose Received request: POST 2016-05-29T13:53:38
PID[3600] Information Redirecting:
We also tried to set X-ZUMO-AUTH header with the same bearer token, we see error as the token is not in expected format. Apparently it expects encoded JWT token.
IIS log:
016-05-29T13:51:52 PID[3600] Verbose Received request: POST 2016-05-29T13:51:52
PID[3600] Warning JWT validation failed: IDX10708:
'System.IdentityModel.Tokens.JwtSecurityTokenHandler' cannot read this
string: 'Bearer
The string needs to be in compact JSON format, which is of the form:
'..'.. 2016-05-29T13:51:52 PID[3600]
Information Redirecting:
Bearer token obtained from Google is valid as we can verify the detail by making call to[token]
Please suggest.
The Google token you're using is an access token, not a bearer token. It can be used to access Google resources but cannot be used to authenticate with your Web API.
I wasn't able to find good documentation on this, but I can tell you it works here instead:
In your client app, you must obtain an id_token and an authorization code from Google. You normally get this when the user logs in using the Google OpenID Connect login. I assume you already know how to do this since you already know how to get the access token.
Send a POST request to https://{hostname}/.auth/login/google with a JSON payload that looks like {"authorization_code":"<code>", "id_token":"<id_token>"}.
A successful login response will contain a JSON payload that contains an authenticationToken field. Cache this token.
You can use the authentication token from #3 to make authenticated calls to your web API. Put it in the x-zumo-auth HTTP request header.
Turn on Authentication / Authorization from App Service Portal
Browse to the web app or API that requires authentication, you will be redirected to google login page, when you authenticate successfully, the response will contain:
"id_token": this token can be extracted from the response, or by accessing the Token Store /.auth/me
"redirect_uri" this token will be included in the response body, also you can just set it statically in the following step since this is the callback URL and it shouldn't change unless you change it from the google console
POST a request to https://{hostname}/.auth/login/google with the following JSON payload, {"redirect_uri":"", "id_token":""}. a successful response will contain "authenticationToken" store this token or cache it
Subsequent requests to the APIs that requires authentication should contain an HTTP request header:
"x-zumo-auth" with the value of "authenitcationToken"
In order to verify your token you can POST to https://{hostname}/.auth/login/google with the following JSON pay load {"id_token":""}, the response should specify if the token is valid or not

Issue during migration from Google OAuth 1.0 to OAuth 2.0

I have to migrate from Google OAuth 1.0 to OAuth 2.0.
I just have wrote a small request in Chrome Rest Client:
Headers: Authorization: OAuth realm="", oauth_signature="PU3W5uRL0eAyEi", oauth_nonce="1396865138306881000", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_consumer_key="", oauth_token="YYYYY", oauth_timestamp="1396865138", Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Payload: grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:migration:oauth1&
For that I receive an error message:
Status: 400 Bad Request
error: "invalid_request"
error_description: "Invalid authorization header."
The problem could be that I try to migrate from one Project in Google Developers Console to another.
Could that really be a problem?
The reason that I moved to another project is because I cannot create OAuth 2.0 Client ID in the original Project. I receive the following error message:
"You can not create OAuth 2.0 client ID because this project already contains an Oauth 1.0 client ID."
Please suggest.
Thank you,
As pointed out in a similar post, when constructing the base string to sign your migration requests, please make sure that the string uses a POST method and that it contains all relevant migration parameters as per the migration documentation.
As per OAuth1 spec, a valid base string for a migration request should look like:
Note that, for readability purpose, the above is the decoded version of the base string (check out the OAuth1 spec for more examples).
Hope that helps, Miguel.
When generating the base string you will need to ensure that each individual parameter is URL encoded before constructing the base string.
As per the oAuth documentation to sign OAuth 1.0 requests the base string is made up of 3 components
The HTTP request method
The base URL the request is being sent to
A normalized string of the parameters in the request
When constructing the base string you need to do the following
Ensure HTTP request method is POST
URL encode the base URL
Ensure the three POST body parameters [client_id, client_secret, grant_type] are included in the normalized request parameters
Ensure each parameter is individually URL encoded and then URL encode the complete normalized request parameters string. So in effect, some of the paramters are double URL encoded. This double URL encoding is mentioned in Using OAuth with the Google Data APIs#Signing Requests for the oauth_token
Only after doing all these steps did I get the migration request to work and I received a valid refresh_token
Below is a sample base string