I'm working on a command-line library, #namespace/cli.
When I'm in my local project directory, I can run npx . and the cli starts as expected.
However, after I npm publish and then run npx #namespace/cli, I get the error "cli is not a command".
What's the correct way to structure this project so it can be invoked using npx?
I'm facing this bizzare problem with my project. Here are the steps I followed
npm create vite#latest
cd to project folder.
npm i
npm run dev
This works well but the vite.config.js file is not generated. I tried to run vite but then it gives this error.
vite: The term 'vite' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
Also using npm run dev --host is not making it available on LAN. Works fine with live-server.
I'm using the latest npm.
I was running into a similar problem.
npm run dev|build|preview works from shell.
vite build --mode other does not work from shell.
npm exec vite -- build --mode other works from shell.
I wanted a build that would use a .env.other distinct from .env.development or .env.production.
So running:
npm exec vite -- build --mode other
npm run preview
Correctly launches VITE with site-server set to mode 'other' and correctly uses the '.env.other' ENV settings.
I have no idea why on MacOS, I was seeing VITE not properly installed as a bin by npm. I did all the tricks (delete node_modules, re-install etc.)
I'm trying to add a create-react-app app inside a Turborepo monorepo.
Problem is that if I run npm install from the root of the monorepo and then try to start the CRA app by running npm run dev, I get the following error during compile time:
Loading PostCSS "postcss-preset-env" plugin failed: Cannot find module 'postcss-preset-env'
I noticed that if I run npm install from within the CRA app folder (/apps/my-app), and then run npm run dev from the root of the monorepo, it runs just fine.
I also noted that depending from where I run npm install, the contents of /apps/my-app/node_modules will be different, but I think is the expected behaviour.
If I understand correctly the npm workspaces docs, you should always run npm install from the root of the monorepo.
Any idea on what I'm missing here?
I'm using npm 8.3.1.
Here is a public repo with an example: https://github.com/oncet/turborepo-cra
I just got a Mac Mini M1 for personal use, and I'm trying to run a preexisting React app. I installed nodejs and npm successfully, and running npm install does add the node_modules folder correctly as far as I can tell; but whenever I run npm start or npm run <script>, I get an error. It seems that npm can't access any of the project's dependencies. I've tried this using the rosetta terminal as well with the same results.
For an example, I initialized a new React project with npx create-react-app test_app, then cded into it and ran npm start. I got:
test_repo#0.1.0 start
> react-scripts start
sh: react-scripts: command not found
How do I get these commands to run properly and launch the app?
Here's what I'm using for node and npm:
➜ test_repo npm -v
➜ test_repo node -v
I found a (very) hacky solution for now. I'm no expert with npm, but what I discovered is that npm scripts refer to dependencies indirectly - for example, having a command that says
"test": "jest"
tells npm to look in node_modules/.bin for a file called jest and to run that.
the issue is something to do with npm understanding this. But it's possible to get around that by putting the address of each dependency in the script, for example:
"test" "node_modules/.bin/jest"
I was able to get things to build this way. If someone comes along with a better answer, please show me up :P
Apparantly it takes 30 seconds to deploy a react app on netlify!
I have followed exactly the following steps :
create-react-app hello-world2
cd hello-world2
npm run build
npm install netlify-cli -g
netlify deploy
The CLI then gives me a bunch of options. I selected the "." for publish directory. Is that right?
This is what is in my console :
I then go to :
and I get :
How is this possible if I am following the steps exactly?
Create-React-App will build your app into production files that it places in the ./build folder - see docs here.
You need to tell Netlify to look in there, so set publish directory to build.
After installing vue cli globally by running npm install -g vue-cli, I have installed all the modules in the project folder "myBlog" by running npm install and can run the project in my local environment by using npm run dev. But when I am going to move this project in the live server is this is the right way to run the batch program (npm run dev) continuously or there are other ways to run the project without running npm run dev continuously?
It's not Vue specific but you also should be able to run npm run build which generates production bundles in /dist subfolder of your project. You are supposed to copy this folder to the production server and configure the server so that it serves dist/index.html for every URL.
If you are using the "webpack", "webpack-simple" or "pwa" template there is a dedicated command for creating the production build, which allows a static hosting (with no need to run any npm process in the server):
npm run build
It will create a dist folder which content you can upload to the root of your server.
Some more info about:
"webpack" template:
"pwa": https://github.com/vuejs-templates/pwa#whats-included
Very simple. To launch a VueJs project, you must type "npm run serve".