day of week function for week day aggregates - sql

I currently have a query that reads from a table and aggregates based on category. It gives me what I need but I"m trying to add another column that looks at all records for that category/employee combo for the days of this past week. SO if the job with this query runs on Wednesday Night, it needs to get a total of all category/employee records for Monday and Tuesday Night as well.
The query:
SELECT employee,
sum(case when category = 'Shoes' and date_of_report >= current_date - 1 days then daily_total else 0 end) as Shoes_DAILY,
sum(case when category = 'Shoes' and date_of_report >= ( current date - ( dayofweek(current date) - 1 ) days ) then sum(daily_total) else 0 end) as dailyTotalWeek
from shoeTotals
where date_of_report >= current_date
group by employee;
So the third column there is what's messing me up saying function use not valid. here's what I want:
The source table has these records for this past week:
employee | daily_total | date_of_report
123 14 2019-08-26
123 1 2019-08-27
123 56 2019-08-28
123 6 2019-08-29
123 8 2019-08-30 * today
My desired output would get (based on employee and category) the total for today (8) and then the sum of all the employees' records for that category on each preceding weekday. Running on Monday night would only count that days records, friday night would count monday through friday's as shown above.
employee | shoes_daily | dailyTotalWeek
123 8 85
What am I doing wrong with the dayofweek function?

You cannot nest aggregation functions. I think you simply want:
select employee,
sum(case when category = 'Shoes' and date_of_report >= current_date - 1 days
then daily_total else 0
end) as Shoes_DAILY,
sum(case when category = 'Shoes' and date_of_report >= ( current date - ( dayofweek(current date) - 1 ) days )
then daily_total else 0
end) as dailyTotalWeek
from shoeTotals
where date_of_report >= current date - ( dayofweek(current date) - 1 ) days
group by employee;


Calculate number of workdays PER MONTH from start_date and end_date

So I have a table that looks like this :
task_id | start_date |end_date
I want to calculate the number of workdays (just days from mondays to fridays , no holidays) per month.
for example : if a task took from 02-01-2022 to 05-02-2022 to be accomplished, i need the result to look something like this
task_id | january |february |march |april .............|december
1 21 4 0 0 .......... 0
You can try to use generate_series function to generate date during your start_date and end_date which we can easy to count then the condition aggregate function to make pivot.
extract can get the month number or workdays(from Mondays to Fridays) by TIMESTAMP type, we can use that be count condition in aggregate function.
SELECT t1.task_id,
count(CASE WHEN extract(isodow from dt) BETWEEN 1 AND 5 AND EXTRACT(MONTH from dt) = 1 THEN 1 END) january,
count(CASE WHEN extract(isodow from dt) BETWEEN 1 AND 5 AND EXTRACT(MONTH from dt) = 2 THEN 1 END) february,
count(CASE WHEN extract(isodow from dt) BETWEEN 1 AND 5 AND EXTRACT(MONTH from dt) = 3 THEN 1 END) march
-- more months you can write
CROSS JOIN generate_series(t1.start_date,t1.end_date,'1 day'::interval) dt
group by t1.task_id

SQL - How to group/count items by age and status on every date of a year?

I am trying to build a query from multi-year data set (tickets table) of support tickets, with relevant columns of ticked_id, status, created_on date and closed_on date for each ticket. There is also a generic dates table I can join/query to a list of dates.
I'd like to create a "burn down" chart for this year that displays the number of open tickets that were at least a year old on any given date this year. I have been able to create tables that use a sum(case... statement to group by a date - for example to show how many tickets were created on a given week - but I can't figure out how to group by every day or week this year the number of tickets that were open on that day and at least a year old.
Any help is appreciated.
Example Data:
ticket_id | status | created_on | closed_on
1 open 1/5/2019
2 open 1/26/2019
3 closed 1/28/2019 2/1/2020
4 open 6/1/2019
5 closed 6/5/2019 1/1/2020
Example Results I Seek:
Date (2020) | Count of Year+ Aged Tickets
1/1/2020 0
1/2/2020 0
1/3/2020 0
1/4/2020 0
1/5/2020 1
1/6/2020 1
... (skipping dates here but want all dates in results)...
1/25/2020 1
1/26/2020 2
1/27/2020 2
1/28/2020 3
1/29/2020 3
1/30/2020 3
1/31/2020 3
2/1/2020 2
... (skipping dates here but want all dates up to current date in results)...
ticket_id 1 reached one year of age on 1/5/2020 and is still open
(remains in count)
ticket_id 2 reached one year of age on 1/26/2020 and is still open (remains in count)
ticket_id 3 reached one year of age on 1/28/2020 and was still open, adding to the count, but was closed on 2/1/2020, reducing the count
ticket_id 4 will only add to the count if it is still open on 6/1/2020, but not if it is closed before then
ticket_id 5 will never appear in the count because it never reached one year of age and is closed
One option is to build a sequential list of dates, then bring the table with a ‘left join` and conditional logic, and finally aggregate.
This would give the results you want for year 2020.
select d.dt, count(t.ticket_id) no_tickets
from (
select date '2020-01-01' + I * interval '1 day' dt
from generate_series(0, 365) i
) d
left join mytable t
on t.created_on + interval '1 year' <= d.dt
and (
t.closed_on is null
or t.closed_on > d.dt
group by d.dt
If your version of Redshift does not support generate_series(), you can emulate it a custom number table, or with row_number() against a large table (say mylargetable):
select d.dt, count(t.ticket_id) no_tickets
from (
select date '2020-01-01' + row_number() over(order by 1) * interval '1 day' dt
from mylargetable
) d
left join mytable t
on t.created_on + interval '1 year' <= d.dt
and (
t.closed_on is null
or t.closed_on > d.dt
where d.dt < date '2021-01-01'
group by d.dt
If ticket_id is unique then you can do this to get all ticket at least 1 year old
select ticket_id, created_on , status where status = 'open' and created_on <= dateadd(year,-1,getdate())
if you want to count number of ticket per month then
select count(ticket_id), month(created_on) , status where status = 'open' and created_on <= dateadd(year,-1,getdate())
group by month(created_on)

DB2/SQL aggregates with preceeding weekdays

I have a query that currently gets daily records against a weekly number from a prepopulated table:
SELECT Employee,
sum(case when category = 'Shirts' then daily_total else 0 end) as Shirts_DAILY,
sum(case when category = 'Shirts' then weekly_quota else 0 end) as Shirts_QUOTA, -- this is a static column, this number is the same for every record
sum(case when category = 'Shoes' then daily_total else 0 end) as Shoes_DAILY,
sum(case when category = 'Shoes' then weekly_quota else 0 end) as Shoes_QUOTA, -- this is a static column, this number is the same for every record
from SalesNumbers
where date_of_report >= current_date
group by Employee;
This runs in a script nightly and returns records like this:
Employee | shirts_DAILY | shirts_QUOTA | Shoes_DAILY | Shoes_QUOTA | DATE_OF_REPORT
123 15 75 14 85 2019-08-30
That's the record from last Friday Night's report. I'm trying to figure out a way to add a column for each category that would take the sum of daily totals (shirts_DAILY, shoes_DAILY) for each category on preceding weekdays (running sunday through saturday as a week) and divide by that category's quota (shirts_QUOTA, shoes_QUOTA).
For example, here are records from sunday through thursday
Employee | shirts_DAILY | shirts_QUOTA | Shoes_DAILY | Shoes_QUOTA | DATE_OF_REPORT
123 15 75 16 85 2019-08-25
123 4 75 2 85 2019-08-26
123 8 75 6 85 2019-08-27
123 2 75 8 85 2019-08-28
123 15 75 14 85 2019-08-29
With my new change, I would want Friday night's record to take the sum of sunday through thursday's daily records and divide by the quota (including friday's daily in the sum)
Friday night's record with new column:
Employee | shirts_DAILY | shirts_QUOTA | shirtsPercent | Shoes_DAILY | Shoes_QUOTA | shoesPercent | DATE_OF_REPORT
123 2 75 61.3 7 85 62.4 2019-08-30
So friday's run added 15,4,8,2,15,2 for the shirts for 46/75 and 7,14,8,6,2,16 for shoes for 53/85. So the daily sum of each for the preceding week, including present day daily totals, if that makes sense.
What is the best way for me to achieve this?
SELECT Employee,
sum(case when category = 'Shirts' and date_of_report >= current date then
daily_total else 0 end) as Shirts_DAILY,
sum(case when category = 'Shirts' and date_of_report >= current date then
weekly_quota else 0 end) as Shirts_QUOTA,
( sum(case when category = 'Shirts' then
daily_total else 0 end) * 100 ) /
( sum(case when category = 'Shirts' and date_of_report >= current date then
weekly_quota else 0 end) ) as Shirts_PERCENT,
from SalesNumbers
where date_of_report >= ( current date - ( dayofweek(current date) - 1 ) days )
group by Employee

Group by Week Number and Week Ending

I am trying to show sql query by grouping by week number and to show week ending of the week rather beginning of week but thus far have been futile in achieving this. How can I do this?
select extract(week from actual_sale_date) as week_number,
to_char(date_trunc('week', actual_sale_date) as date, 'MM/dd/yyyy'), count(*)
from data
where project_id = 'ABC'
and actual_sale_date >= date_trunc('year',current_date)
group by rollup( (actual_sale_date))
week_number date count
1 01/02/2017 2
1 01/02/2017 1
2 01/09/2017 1
2 01/09/2017 1
2 01/09/2017 1
3 01/16/2017 3
3 01/16/2017 1
week_number week_ending count
1 01/08/2017 3
2 01/15/2017 3
3 01/22/2017 4
You were grouping by the actual_sale_date hence the results for a week weren't getting aggregated by week. To get week ending date, add 6 days to the start of week. Use week_number and week ending date in rollup.
select extract(week from actual_sale_date) as week_number,
to_char(date_trunc('week', actual_sale_date) + interval '6' day,'MM/dd/yyyy'),
from data
where project_id = 'ABC'
and actual_sale_date >= date_trunc('year',current_date)
group by rollup((extract(week from actual_sale_date)
,to_char(date_trunc('week', actual_sale_date) + interval '6' day,'MM/dd/yyyy')))

SQL - How to count records for each status in one line per day?

I have a table Sales
There are several status e.g. Complete, Incomplete, SaveforLater, ViewRates etc.
I want to have my results in this form for the last 8 days(including today).
Expected Result:
Date Part of FormUpdated, Day of Week, Counts of ViewRates, Counts of Sales(complete), Counts of SaveForLater
2015-05-19 Tuesday 3 1 21
2015-05-18 Monday 12 5 10
2015-05-17 Sunday 6 1 8
2015-05-16 Saturday 5 3 7
2015-05-15 Friday 67 5 32
2015-05-14 Thursday 17 0 5
2015-05-13 Wednesday 22 0 9
2015-05-12 Tuesday 19 2 6
Here is my sql query:
select datename(dw, FormUpdated), count(ID), TrackingStatus
from Sales
where FormUpdated <= GETDATE()
AND FormUpdated >= GetDate() - 8
group by datename(dw, FormUpdated), TrackingStatus
order by datename(dw, FormUpdated) desc
I do not know how to make the next step.
I forgot to mention, I only need the Date part of the FormUpdated, not all parts.
You can use SUM(CASE WHEN TrackingStatus = 'SomeTrackingStatus' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) to get the status count for each tracking status in individual column. Something like this. SQL Fiddle
CONVERT(DATE,FormUpdated) FormUpdated,
SUM(CASE WHEN TrackingStatus = 'ViewRates' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) c_ViewRates,
SUM(CASE WHEN TrackingStatus = 'Complete' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) c_Complete,
SUM(CASE WHEN TrackingStatus = 'SaveforLater' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) c_SaveforLater
from Sales
where FormUpdated <= GETDATE()
AND FormUpdated >= DATEADD(D,-8,GetDate())
group by CONVERT(DATE,FormUpdated)
order by CONVERT(DATE,FormUpdated) desc
You can also use a PIVOT to achieve this result - you'll just need to complete the list of TrackingStatus names in both the SELECT and the FOR, and no GROUP BY required:
WITH DatesOnly AS
SELECT Id, CAST(FormUpdated AS DATE) AS DateOnly, DATENAME(dw, FormUpdated) AS DayOfWeek, TrackingStatus
FROM Sales
SELECT DateOnly, DayOfWeek,
-- List of Pivoted Columns
[Complete],[Incomplete], [ViewRates], [SaveforLater]
FROM DatesOnly
-- List of Pivoted columns
FOR TrackingStatus IN([Complete],[Incomplete], [ViewRates], [SaveforLater])
) pvt
WHERE DateOnly <= GETDATE() AND DateOnly >= GetDate() - 8
Also, I think your ORDER BY is wrong - it should just be the Date, not day of week.