open web page in ion-content usng in-app-browser - ionic4

I want to render web page in my app using in-App-Browser.
that page should display in ion-content section
Is there any way, I can open it. I will really appreciate some help.

You're supposed to share the code you have so far.
I thought that this would be solved by an iFrame but it sounds like the ios store might not approve of that method.
While researching I found this:
Ionic 4 InAppBrowser for third party payment solution | umeaworks
Which talks about how they did it. It seems pretty standard:
openBrowser(url: string, target: string) {
const browser: InAppBrowserObject = this.theInAppBrowser.create(url, target, this.options);
const btn: HTMLElement = this.hiddenBtn.nativeElement as HTMLElement;
if (browser.on('loadstop')) {
browser.on('loadstop').subscribe((ev: InAppBrowserEvent) => {
// do whatever is needed here, for example check the url of the browser event
if (ev.url) {
// do stuff based on url and url parameters
// in our solution we got an order id from a confirmation page
// for the event to trigger we added a hidden button to interact with the screen;
With these options:
options: InAppBrowserOptions = {
location: 'yes',
hidden: 'no',
clearcache: 'yes',
clearsessioncache: 'yes',
zoom: 'yes',
hardwareback: 'yes',
mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction: 'no',
shouldPauseOnSuspend: 'no',
closebuttoncaption: 'Close',
disallowoverscroll: 'no',
toolbar: 'yes',
enableViewportScale: 'no',
allowInlineMediaPlayback: 'no',
presentationstyle: 'pagesheet',
fullscreen: 'yes',
footer: 'yes'
The article also notes that a workaround was needed - triggering a fake button press to give focus to the screen otherwise it wouldn't run properly:
<ion-button #hiddenBtn style="display:none">hidden</ion-button>
#ViewChild('hiddenBtn') hiddenBtn: ElementRef;
If this doesn't solve your answer, please update your question with details about what you have tried and what specifically went wrong.


How to use Google search on a docusaruas blog

I'm wondering how i might go about adding this search box snippet to a docusarus blog.
<script async src="">
<div class="gcse-search"></div>
I've googled lot but can't find any examples or anything close that I could hack on.
I've also tried swizzling the local search and also navbar items but could not figure it out.
I also tried to add it as a html item into the navbar but didn't notice any change.
I'm new to docusarus and not a front end developer, just trying to help get our blog off WordPress :)
Any help/pointers/references would be greatly appreciated.
I seem to have one approach working by just using custom html item in the navbar.
Adding below script from Google:
scripts: [
{src:'', async: false, defer: false}
And then this item in the navbar:
items: [
type: "html",
position: "left",
value: '<div class="gcse-search"></div>',
This seems like the most simple to me as avoids having to swizzle anything. However i am having an issue in that i need to now f5 refresh the page for the search box to load for some reason. So i need to try figure that out before saying the html item in navbar approach 100% can work.
I am working in thie PR if ends up being useful to anyone:
Probably looking at something like this:
export default function NavbarContent(): JSX.Element {
const mobileSidebar = useNavbarMobileSidebar();
const items = useNavbarItems();
const [leftItems, rightItems] = splitNavbarItems(items);
const searchBarItem = items.find((item) => item.type === 'search');
return (
// TODO stop hardcoding items?
{!mobileSidebar.disabled && <NavbarMobileSidebarToggle />}
<NavbarLogo />
<NavbarItems items={leftItems} />
// TODO stop hardcoding items?
// Ask the user to add the respective navbar items => more flexible
<NavbarItems items={rightItems} />
<NavbarColorModeToggle className={styles.colorModeToggle} />
<div className="gcse-search"></div>
In a swizzled Navbar/Content.
scripts: [
src: '<ID>',
async: true,
in your docusaurus.config.js. This is untested.

How to Fetch data to dynamically build out a custom Menu for a Layout?

What I would like to do is, call an endpoint to get the list of categories to display in the Sidebar's Menu. I'm not seeing anything in the Layout that would handle this. Am I missing something? What would be the correct way to do this?
Thanks #François, good to know I don't need to look any further in the Layout or Menu files.
Looking at the Demo source code, I see this approach in action using Reacts useState and useEffect.
Posted for others, this is in my Admin component:
const [categories, setCategories] = useState({categories: []});
() => {
dataProvider.getList('tools', {
sort: '',
pagination: {
page: 1,
perPage: 10
}).then(data =>
setCategories({categories: data['data']}))

How do I get toolbar available items in CKEDITOR 5?

I wanted to configure the toolbar in CKEDITOR 5. I took a look at the documentation.
Yet, the only script related to my question is:
Array.from( editor.ui.componentFactory.names );
It is way too difficult for a frontend programmer to understand. Where do I put this script? How do I output the results? Is there a detailed tutorial?
Matter fact, it would be nice if CKEDITOR simply put the available items in the documentation. That will save a hell lot of troubles.
You can put this code right in the body of code samples which you can find e.g. in CKEditor 5 Build's Basic API guide. For example:
.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ) )
.then( editor => {
console.log( Array.from( editor.ui.componentFactory.names() ) );
} )
.catch( error => {
console.error( error );
} );
As #Szymon Cofalik mentioned in his answer – there's no single list of buttons which are available in all builds. CKEditor 5 builds may differ not only visually – they may also contain different plugins and hence different buttons. So, using that code snippet is the safest and future-proof solution.
you can use console.log( Array.from( editor.ui.componentFactory.names() ) ); which will give you:
["undo", "redo", "bold", "italic", "blockQuote", "ckfinder", "imageTextAlternative", "imageUpload", "heading", "imageStyle:full", "imageStyle:side", "link", "numberedList", "bulletedList", "mediaEmbed", "insertTable", "tableColumn", "tableRow", "mergeTableCells"]
Example code you can use to list available toolbar
var editor = ClassicEditor
.create(document.querySelector('#editor'), {
toolbar: ['headings', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'bulletedList', 'numberedList'],
heading: {
options: [
{modelElement: 'paragraph', title: 'Paragraph', class: 'ck-heading_paragraph'},
{modelElement: 'heading1', viewElement: 'h1', title: 'Heading 1', class: 'ck-heading_heading1'},
{modelElement: 'heading2', viewElement: 'h2', title: 'Heading 2', class: 'ck-heading_heading2'},
{modelElement: 'heading', viewElement: 'h3', title: 'Heading 3', class: 'ck-heading_heading3'}
.then(function (editor) {
For anyone coming here wondering how to make use of the Array.from(editor.ui.componentFactory.names()) solution (as described in the other answers) in Angular (e.g. Angular 8), here is a description. If you try to do it in ngOnInit or ngAfterViewInit, it is too early and you will get something like Cannot read property 'ui' of null. You need to listen for the ready event from the ckeditor and query the names at that point as follows.
In your component template code, give the editor an id and listen for the ready event:
Then in your component typescript code, add a #ViewChild annotation and implement onEditorReady as follows:
#ViewChild('editor', {static: false})
editorComponent: CKEditorComponent;
onEditorReady(event: any): void {
const toolbarItems = Array.from(this.editorComponent.editorInstance.ui.componentFactory.names());
console.log('Available toolbar items: ' + toolbarItems.join(', '));
You will then see something like this in the console:
Available toolbar items: undo, redo, bold, italic, blockQuote,
ckfinder, imageTextAlternative, imageUpload, heading, imageStyle:full,
imageStyle:side, indent, outdent, link, numberedList, bulletedList,
mediaEmbed, insertTable, tableColumn, tableRow, mergeTableCells
It is difficult to keep plugin names in one place in documentation because:
There are multiple builds which differs,
New plugins are developed and added.
If you want to check what toolbar items are available in the build you are currently using, open developer's console in the browser you are using and execute the quoted line of code
Array.from( editor.ui.componentFactory.names );
Of course, editor has to be the editor instance.
I hope this answers your question.
EDIT: Creating editor is described in the documentation too. But you have to assign editor instance to editor variable.
For example:
.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ) )
.then( editor => {
window.editor = editor;
// Or alternatively you could paste that line here and look at console.
} );
Adding to #DestinyB answer - perhaps a simpler solution for Vue - just listen for #ready="onReady" on the ckeditor component, and in the onReady method:
onReady(event) {
Adding to #user2846469 Response, It can be achieved in vue.js simply by the sample below;
import ClassicEditorfrom '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic';
export default {
data() {
return {
editor: ClassicEditor,
editorData: '',
editorConfig: {}
mounted() {
console.log( plugin => plugin.pluginName ));
In React
import { CKEditor } from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-react';
import ClassicEditor from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic';
export default class AddArticle extends Component {
render() {
return <CKEditor config={EditorConfig} editor={ClassicEditor} onReady={(event) => {
console.log(Array.from(event.ui.componentFactory.names()))}} />

Sencha Touch 2.0: Universal Ext.TitleBar title not changing

I am trying to create a universal titlebar with a back button for my application. I am including it in the various views by using {xclass:mUserStories.view.titlebar}.
Here is the code for the titlebar:
Ext.define('mUserStories.view.titlebar', {
extend: 'Ext.TitleBar',
id: 'narwhal',
config: {
docked: 'top',
// id: 'narwhal',
title: 'CHW Module',
items: [{
ui: 'back',
text: 'Back',
id: 'backButton'
// hidden: true
However, when I try to dynamically change the toolbar when switching to different pages, the console.log of the titlebar says the _title has changed but the text on the titlebar and the "hidden" property of the button does not change.
Here is the code for the logic that occurs when the button is pressed to switch the page:
toPage: function (arg) {
var t = Ext.getCmp('narwhal');
var b = Ext.getCmp('backButton');
if (arg === PAGES.PATIENT_LIST) {
t.setTitle('Patient List');
I have also tried to include a ref at the top for Narwhal : '#narwhal' and use var t = this.getNarwhal(), but this does not work either.
I am not sure if the problem lies with where the id is being kept, how the id is being called, or because the page is not refreshing properly. Any advice would help!
Thank you for your time :)
I have had the same situation in my project.
I managed to get everything to work like you want it by having a controller owning a reference to the title bar and listening to activeItemChange on my tabPanel.

creating a tab panel in extjs4 with different stores that loads only upon the particular tab is selected

I'm using extjs4 and I'm trying to create a tab panel, that each tab has a different grid that loads data from a store. (each grid different store)
I would like to load the particular store only when the user clicks on the respective tab.
I don't see how I can catch the user click on the panel.
How I can do that?
I had a similar performance loading issue and failed to solve it with deferredRender. You have to add the event activate for the tab you want to load when the tab is activated :
title: 'tab2',
bodyPadding: 10,
html : 'A simple tab',
listeners: {
'activate' : function(){
Worked fine for me even if it's a temporary solution. Extjs 4.1 should improve loading/rendering performances. We'll see.
You can activate the panel by placing setActiveItem() in tab handler.
Ok, I figured out, I just needed to have deferredRender=true and to add the respective store.load() on the beforerender event on every tab:
var lowerTabPanel = Ext.create('', {
deferredRender: true,
items: [
title: 'tab1',
bodyPadding: 10,
html : 'A simple tab',
listeners: {
'beforerender' : function(){
title: 'tab2',
bodyPadding: 10,
html : 'A simple tab',
listeners: {
'beforerender' : function(){
Ext.TabPanel has config option deferredRender. May be it helps you.
true by default to defer the rendering of child items to the browsers DOM until a tab is activated. false will render all contained items as soon as the layout is rendered. If there is a significant amount of content or a lot of heavy controls being rendered into panels that are not displayed by default, setting this to true might improve performance.
Update: Also look at autoLoad config option in, it should be false.