pass parameters to after-feature karate - karate

I discovered after-feature in karate which is very useful. But I didn't find how to pass parameters to after-feature from main feature. Ex: access token to delete a user account or a user_id.
Here is call of after-feature.feature in my main feature:
* configure afterFeature = function(){'classpath: AfterFeature.feature'); }
Here is my AfterFeature.feature
* url 'XXX'
* path 'YYY'
* param foo = bar which should come from main feature
* header Authorization = 'Bearer ' + accessToken which should come from main feature
* method delete
* status 204 can take parameters.'classpath: AfterFeature.feature', { some: 'value' });


Retrieve a JWT from a feature A in a feature B

I’m trying to retrieve a JWT from a feature A in a feature B.
For this I have in the feature A:
# create API access for the client
Given url baseUrl
And path 'admin', 'clients', clientApiId, 'accesses', 'api', 'api-key', 'renew'
And header Authorization = 'Bearer ' + authenticationJWT
When method put
Then status 200
* def clientApiJWT = response
And in feature B:
# Create a process with API access
* def clientApiAccess = call read('classpath:karate/common/create-client-api-access.feature')
* clientApiJWT = clientApiAccess.clientApiJWT
With this code I recover the following error:
Thank you for your help
Shouldn't it be:
* def clientApiJWT = clientApiAccess.clientApiJWT

Karate - Trouble passing correct headers for authorization

I am have some problems passing in the correct headers for my graphql endpoints
The use case in Postman:
call requestToken endpoint to obtain sessionToken value
requestToken response contains Key Value " and Token Value.
For subsequent calls, I set postman headers as:
Key = X_SESSION_TOKEN Value = Token Value
The user case in Karate
1st feature 'requestToken.feature' successfully calls and stores key + tokenValue
2nd feature successfully defines and prints the token value
here is my 2nd request:
Feature: version
* url ''
* def myFeature = call read('requestToken.feature')
* def authToken = myFeature.sessionToken
* configure headers = { 'X_SESSION_TOKEN': authToken , 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
Scenario: get version
Given path 'query'
Given text query =
query {
And request { query: '#(query)' }
When method POST
Then status 200
And print authToken
And print response
I am not sure I send the headers right. Its coming back 200, but I keep getting a error 'token malformed' in the response message
Any suggestions? New at this, thanks!
Honestly this is hard to answer, a LOT depends on the specific server.
EDIT: most likely it is this change needed, explained here:
* configure headers = { 'X_SESSION_TOKEN': '#(authToken)' , 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
2 things from experience:
should it be X-SESSION-TOKEN
add an Accept: 'application/json' header
And try to hardcode the headers before attempting call etc.
Here is an example that works for me:
* url ''
* text query =
user(id: 1) {
posts {
data {
* request { query: '#(query)' }
* method post
* status 200

Karate websocket send request body replace token failed

I am using karate to test websocket, this worked:
* def token = TOKEN
* def handler = function(msg){ return msg.startsWith('a[')}
* def socket = karate.webSocket(WS_HOST + 'socket/761/f4t0so3p/websocket', handler)
Scenario: Demo Real
checking dcube-dev
* socket.send('{"type":"1ffe4b5d___AC_GET_MY_AVAILABLE_TASKS___N","token": "myhardcodedtoken","content":{"msg":null,"counter_api_enabled":false}}')
You can see here, I am hard coding the token inside the request body, not good, so I tried to move it out and use environment token instead as below:
* def token = TOKEN
* def handler = function(msg){ return msg.startsWith('a[')}
* def socket = karate.webSocket(WS_HOST + 'socket/761/f4t0so3p/websocket', handler)
Scenario: Demo Real
checking dcube-dev
* def body = {"type": "1ffe4b5d___AC_GET_MY_AVAILABLE_TASKS___N", "token": '#(token)', "content": {"msg":null,"counter_api_enabled":false} }
* print "Body:", body
* socket.send( '#(body)')
But this is always wrong, seemed the msg never sent out . Can anyone tell me how to resolve this issue?
Actually I think you need to make this one change:
* socket.send(body)
Think of the round brackets as being JS - not standard Karate expressions:
Also note, for strings (instead of JSON) you can use replace:
* def text = 'hello <foo> world'
* replace = 'bar'
* match text == 'hello bar world'

Want to pass multiple URL in karateDSL Scenario with same Path

Multiple URL i am going to pass in background for each url path should run scenario
* header Authorization = call read('basic-auth.js') { username: 'admin', password: 'admin' }
* header Authorization = call read('basic-auth.js') { username: 'admin', password: 'admin' }
Scenario: Creates the webservices api page
Given path 'rest/activescript/about'
When method get
Then status 200
* def B = response
* print B
Actual Result : is last url in background will consider in scenario to execute
expected Result : all Url in background should run with diff scenario
The following should work. Though I'm not sure it is recommended to do this. The url is usually defined in karate-config.js for the whole run.
Scenario Outline: Scenario called multiple times
* url '<newUrl>'
* header Authorization = call read('basic-auth.js') { username: 'admin', password: 'admin' }
Given path 'rest/activescript/about'
When method get
Then status 200
* def B = response
* print B
|newUrl |
|URL2 |

Karate - switch between headers

Presume I have 2 users and I use basic authentication. I'd like to generate the 2 basic auth tokens once and reuse it per scenario in one feature. On top of that I have scnearios where no authorization is needed. How could I achieve this with the least biolerplate? Currently I have
function(creds) {
var temp = creds.username + ':' + creds.password;
var Base64 = Java.type('java.util.Base64');
var encoded = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(temp.bytes);
return 'Basic ' + encoded;
config.apitester1AuthHeader ='classpath:auth-headers.js', {username:'apitester1', password:'xxx'});
config.apitester2AuthHeader ='classpath:auth-headers.js', {username:'apitester2', password:'xxx'});
Feature: project end-point
* url baseUrl
Scenario: get projects user has right to
* configure headers = {Authorization : '#(apitester1AuthHeader)'}
Given path 'project'
What you have looks reasonable.
Note that if you do:
* configure headers = null
It will have the effect of temporary no authorization. I would recommend stick with what you have and it is quite modular already.