How to UNION ALL tables with dynamic column headers - sql

I am trying to UNION ALL a bunch of tables. Most of them have the exact same structure and column headings and data types which works fine. The tables have some column headings which dynamically change each month. Most tables look like this:
Table 1:
Type 2018-08 2018-09 2018-10 2018-11 2018-12
------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
1 10 16 8 4 11
2 17 21 6 9 14
3 12 12 10 5 10
The month columns change every month. The new month is added and the oldest month removed. The number of columns doesn't change.
The problem is when I try to UNION ALL tables which have an extra column like so:
Table 2:
Type Category 2018-08 2018-09 2018-10 2018-11 2018-12
------ ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
1 A 10 16 8 4 11
2 B 17 21 6 9 14
3 A 12 12 10 5 10
Normally I would just:
SELECT [Type], '' AS Category, [2018-08], [2018-09], [2018-10], [2018-11], [2018-12]
FROM Table1
SELECT [Type], Category, [2018-08], [2018-09], [2018-10], [2018-11], [2018-12]
FROM Table2
The problem with this is that I would have to update the month column names manually every month.
I also have a table with a different extra column like so:
Table 3:
Type Organisation 2018-08 2018-09 2018-10 2018-11 2018-12
------ -------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
11 South 15 12 6 8 18
13 West 14 9 9 11 16
21 North 10 15 13 14 16
I tried to:
SELECT '' AS Category, '' AS Organisation, *
FROM Table1
SELECT Category, '' AS Organisation, *
FROM Table2
SELECT '' AS Category, Organisation, *
FROM Table3
But this also didn't work as it was still including all columns which weren't matching up.
Is it possible to UNION ALL these tables without specifying the column names?
Appreciate any help.


I need to count the average of each day's records and size in MB for each file created in a day. For a whole year

I ask for your help after several unsuccessful attempts.
I am learning with PL SQL. I am using Oracle SQL developer v.20
I have this situation. My data set looks like this:
id_file size_byte created_at
_________ _________ ____________________________
1 45323 17-FEB-22 17:21:13,726874000
2 41232 17-FEB-22 17:21:13,740587004
3 1234456 20-FEB-22 17:25:13,368874058
4 233545488 20-FEB-22 17:21:18,400049000
5 233545488 21-FEB-22 18:11:18,058746868
So my desired output would be something like this for year 2022:
TOT_records AVG_file_created_for_day TOT_size_files AVG_size_files_created_each_day
___________ ________________________ ______________ _______________________________
9.999.999 10.000 999.999.999 5 MB (default is byte)
My table is partitioned for each year, PARTITION_DATE is type DATE
There's some ambiguity on things like "average file size per day"... That could be:
sum all file sizes / total number of days, or
average of files size per day, then take average of that average
Anyway, here's some stuff to get you going (I'm assuming the latter above)
SQL> create table t as
2 select
3 rownum id_file,
4 dbms_random.value(1000,20000000) bytes,
5 date '2021-01-01' + dbms_random.value(1,700) created_at
6 from dual
7 connect by level <= 5000;
Table created.
SQL> select * from t
2 where rownum <= 20;
---------- ---------- ---------
1 19305636.7 02-SEP-22
2 6305773.83 10-OCT-21
3 11939117.8 04-NOV-21
4 11039507.9 01-SEP-21
5 15555516.8 02-NOV-22
6 2809048.47 13-SEP-22
7 2070381.41 18-DEC-21
8 11116786.1 11-MAR-22
9 17519679.8 21-DEC-21
10 6728222.84 02-APR-22
11 7569442.31 07-AUG-22
12 16949454.2 06-JUL-21
13 8019443.02 03-JUN-21
14 13147674.9 31-AUG-21
15 14590702.5 16-JUL-22
16 13028609.7 11-MAY-21
17 5466477.07 06-APR-22
18 4469902.12 08-MAY-21
19 14511096 31-MAY-22
20 5245726.03 12-JUL-21
20 rows selected.
SQL> select
2 count(*) total_records,
3 avg(daily_size_avg)/1024/1024 avg_size_files_per_day_mb,
4 sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 tot_bytes_gb,
5 avg(files_per_day) avg_files_per_day
6 from
7 (
8 select
9 bytes,
10 avg(bytes) over ( partition by trunc(created_at) ) daily_size_avg,
11 count(*) over ( partition by trunc(created_at) ) files_per_day
12 from t
13 );
------------- ------------------------- ------------ -----------------
5000 9.5313187 46.5396421 8.092

SQL Temp table Array to perfrom rolling caluclations

I wish to use some sort of SQL array to subtract values from a certain row (QTYOnHand) that decreases that row value every time and throws it into a rolling calculation for the other rows. I've been thinking of some sort of Self Join/Temp Table solution, but not sure how to formulate. Also, All the results will be partitioned by the ItemID below. Help would be appreciated.
Here's some data, If I do a simple row by row subtraction I will get this: 17-3 = 14, 17-5 = 12 and so on.
(Item_ID) (ItemQty) (QTYOnHand) (QtyOnHand - ItemQty)
123 3 17 14
123 5 17 12
123 4 17 13
456 7 12 5
456 8 12 4
456 2 12 10
456 3 12 9
789 2 6 4
789 2 6 4
789 2 6 4
These are the results that I want, where I subtract every next value from the new QTYOnHand-ItemQty column value. Looks like 17-3 then 14 -5 then 9 -4 for Item_ID (123):
(Item_ID) (ItemQty) (QTYOnHand) (QtyOnHand - ItemQty)
123 3 17 14
123 5 17 9
123 4 17 5
456 7 12 5
456 8 12 -3
456 2 12 -5
456 3 12 -8
789 2 6 4
789 2 6 2
789 2 6 0
try the following:
;with cte as
select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by Item_ID order by Item_ID) rn
from YourTable
, cte2 as
select Item_ID, ItemQty, QTYOnHand, Case when rn = 1 then QTYOnHand else 0 end - ItemQty as calc, rn
from cte
select Item_ID, ItemQty, QTYOnHand, sum(calc) over (partition by Item_ID order by rn) as [QtyOnHand - ItemQty]
from cte2 t1
Please find the db<>fiddle here.

Selecting from a table that contains ALL of another table

Let's say I have three tables:
---------- -------------------- ----------
10234 Able 8
11567 Baker 9
3289 George 10
88331 Alice 11
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
10234 11 24 3
10234 12 6 1
10234 13 24 1
10234 21 6 1
10234 23 4 1
10234 31 48 6
11567 23 4 1
11567 31 1 1
88331 11 6 1
---------- ---------- ------------------------------
12 2 hamburger on wheat
13 2 cheese burger
21 1.75 fish burger on rye
23 1.75 fish burger on wheat
31 3 veggie burger on wheat
11 2 hamburger on rye
I need to list all the employees who have made ALL the different sandwiches, and display their names and PID. What I've gotten so far is:
From employees E, employee_made EM, sandwich S
Where =
Which tells me the matching PIDs from the employees and employee_made table. Where I'm not sure to go is how to display the employees who have made ALL the sandwiches, so matching not any SID to the employee_made table, but ALL of them.
First, never use commas in the FROM clause. Always use proper, explicit JOIN syntax.
You can approach this by counting the number of sandwiches mades by employees and then comparing to the total count of sandwiches:
from employee_made em
group by
having count(distinct em.sid) = (select count(*) from sandwich);
This gives the pid of the employee. I'll let you figure out how to bring in the employee name (hint: in, exists, and join could all be used).

TSQL query to return most recent record based on another columns value

I have a table that contains a list of expiration dates for various companies. The table looks like the following:
ID CompanyID Expiration
--- ---------- ----------
1 1 2016-01-01
2 1 2015-01-01
3 2 2016-04-02
4 2 2015-04-02
5 3 2014-01-03
6 4 2015-04-09
7 5 2015-07-20
8 5 2016-05-01
I am trying to build a TSQL query that will return just the most recent record for every company (i.e. CompanyID). Such as:
ID CompanyID Expiration
--- ---------- ----------
1 1 2016-01-01
3 2 2016-04-02
5 3 2014-01-03
6 4 2015-04-09
8 5 2016-05-01
It looks like there is a exact correlation between ID and Expiration. If that is true, ie the later the Expiration the higher the ID, then you could simply pull Max(ID) and Max(Expiration) which are 1:1 and group by CompanyID:
Select max(ID), CompanyID, max(Expiration) from Table group by Company ID

Access SQL - Select only the last sequence

I have a table with an ID and multiple informative columns. Sometimes however, I can have multiple data for an ID, so I added a column called "Sequence". Here is a shortened example:
ID Sequence Name Tel Date Amount
124 1 Bob 873-4356 2001-02-03 10
124 2 Bob 873-4356 2002-03-12 7
124 3 Bob 873-4351 2006-07-08 24
125 1 John 983-4568 2007-02-01 3
125 2 John 983-4568 2008-02-08 13
126 1 Eric 345-9845 2010-01-01 18
So, I would like to obtain only these lines:
124 3 Bob 873-4351 2006-07-08 24
125 2 John 983-4568 2008-02-08 13
126 1 Eric 345-9845 2010-01-01 18
Anyone could give me a hand on how I could build a SQL query to do this ?
Thanks !
You can calculate the maximum sequence using group by. Then you can use join to get only the maximum in the original data.
Assuming your table is called t:
select t.*
from t join
(select id, MAX(sequence) as maxs
from t
group by id
) tmax
on = and
t.sequence = tmax.maxs