How do I rearrange the follow up prompts in the QnA Maker without editing the prompt? - qnamaker

I would like to organize my follow-up prompts to be in a specific order but when I edit them they move around and not in the order.
I've tried clicking and dragging the prompts but that does not move the prompts
I would like to arrange the prompts in a specific order

There is an open issue for this. Please see here:


How do i create my own right click menu on the desktop?

i have searched up and down the internet but cannot figure this out. So ive finally come here for the aid of some utter genius people.
I dont like the windows right click function as it has too many options. Some of the options like properties cannot be removed. So, i thought i could disable right click to remove the menu and create my own.
The problem i have is i cannot figure out for VS2010 how to right click on the desktop outside of the form/project and make a box pop up like the same behaviour as the built in one. I am ultimately wanting to be able to expand and add things but im falling at the first hurdle.
Can someone please tell me how to right click on the desktop and create a context menu popup where i can add my own items. i want it to behave the same as windows but i want it my own essentially. This way in the future i will be able to enable or disable my own functions i.e open/winrar/7zip / remove edit on the fly.
Remove/Disable the default menu of desktop is not a good idea at all
But you can add your own items as well using 3rd party apps
I made an app modifies the default menu ,it can append more items an sub items
I wrote it long time ago I do not remember if i still have the source code or not
App link

Google forms conditional sections

In the latest Google Forms, how can I make questions or sections conditional based on answers?
For example, in the image below, "Would you play again?", a "No" answer should reveal "If no, why not?" question:
I've searched this, but found old articles, like:
this one from 2012 that says it's not available
and this one, from 3 months ago that suggests awkward page breaks to lead to a new page
I'm hoping to have questions seamlessly appear as needed.
Is this possible with Google forms?
This question brings up the same issue as the very recent one asked at:
How to pull data from Google Form and display result before submission?
So the answer would still be the same.
What you are asking for is to create dynamic data in Google Forms
without clicking the submit button.
This is NOT possible in Google Forms. Please have a look at the available
Since there can be no triggers activated after the form is loaded,
there can be no interaction while filling and before submitting the
form. Not even using a script. Having said that your other choice
would be to use the HtmlService or the UiServise instead and build
your own web app.
To conclude. Many may have changed in Google Forms since the 2012 answer. Unfortunately, what you are asking for is not one of them.
I'm thinking it's the "awkward page breaks" as you mentioned, through sections.
Create a section (section 1) for your "would you play again?" question.
Create another section underneath (section 2) with the question "why not?"
Create another section to continue to if they chose "yes" on section 1.
On section 1's "yes, no" list click the menu next to the "Required" toggle and select "go to section based on answer"
On "yes", select "Go to section 3"
On "no", select "Go to section 2"

How can i automate my computer?

On windows 10.
I need to automate the repeated process of these steps.
1. Open up an image in GIMP. Scale it to 110%.
2. Export as somefile name(for example input001.jpg).
3. Go to in a browser. click on button, browse to the exported file.
4. Wait for it to generate result, save image as result file (for example dream001.jpg).
then repeat from step 1 with the result file from step 4...but keep increasing the filename number so export it as input002.jpg...
What software would allow me to do this?
the only software i know of that * MIGHT * be able to automate that process is AutoHotKey
You would need to keep the windows which you're automating static (ie. make sure they don't move) and then write keyboard and mouse macros in autohotkey to press the buttons and do the things you want.
I tried AutoHotKey but didn't feel like learning a whole new scripting language so I found something simpler called GhostMouse.
It just has record,play,stop buttons.
after recording and closing out of program it asks if i want to save script. clicked yes gave it a name, and then edited the script file..and copied and pasted as many times as i wanted the script to run (before copying and pasting i deleted the last 3 lines which has to do with clicking the stop button which i didn't want the script to do).
You can also try Sikuli for same. It's an image comparator
Reference :-

How to let users add settings to My.Settings

I actually have two questions here. First one is exactly what the title says. Example: I want users to be able to add a setting into My.Settings from the application. I want them to be able to add an unlimited amount and I want the scope to be set to user and the type set to string. I don't want them to be able to change the scope or type, only the "Title" and "Value". What I need this for is so users can make a setting so if they type "sof" into the URL bar of a browser it will go to "" of course I want them to be able to change the shortcut and the site and add new ones. I also want them to be able to view a list of all of them and edit or delete the ones on the list.
Second question is how do I make the code search through all of my settings and see if any of them are titled what the person put into the URL bar and if there is get the value of it and navigate too it.
I know this is a lot to ask, and I am not asking for someone to do it for me, I am asking someone what procedure would I follow to do this. If there is already a tutorial or an answer to this please link me to it. If you have the time please answer.
Actually, not to make Douglas look bad, but you can easily do what you want with the user settings. See this My.Settings page from MS. What you will want is the "System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection" setting type. The link I gave you shows you how to read, change, and save the data. It also shows you how to make a simple UI for the user to be able to change them, if you want.
As for the second part, also easy using LINQ. This is not exactly what you want but it is close and has a lot of good examples.

Microsoft SQL Server not letting me open .bak

I am taking a class and our instructor gave us a file to download called cs.bak and its supposed to be formatted for the version of SQL we are using. So I downloaded the one for Microsoft SQL Server.
Well I tried to do the restore but when I get to the part that I choose device and locate the file cs.bak it loads and now I am suppose to be able to choose destination. Well after I choose destination I do not have the OK button to go through with the restore.
On these instructions
If you count the window screens. I can only get as far as the 6th screen.
I am suppose to do this, "Some questions will ask you to write out query results from a database. In order to answer these questions you will need to have the example database available to you."
Well I can't open it to do this. Any help would appreciated. Thank you.
Check this:
This checkbox might be unchecked - and then the [OK] button remains disabled...
This seems to be a Windows Layout issue. To resolve this, reset the SSMS Window Layout by selecting from the main menu Window -> Reset Windows Layout.