How to pass a logical R object to a data block in a Stan file - rstan

If a list of data includes a logical variable x, namely, x=TRUE or x=FALSE.
Then how to declare such a variable in a Stan file?
For example, if an R object x is an integer, then
int <lower=0>x;
I want to know its logical version. I guess
bool x;
and it does not work as following;
error in 'foo' at line 16, column 0
16: bool x;
PARSER EXPECTED: <one of the following:
a variable declaration, beginning with type,
(int, real, vector, row_vector, matrix, unit_vector,
simplex, ordered, positive_ordered,
corr_matrix, cov_matrix,
cholesky_corr, cholesky_cov
or '}' to close variable declarations>
Error in stanc(filename, allow_undefined = TRUE) :
failed to parse Stan model 'foo' due to the above error.

Stan does not have a proper boolean type. Like C and C++, we use integer value 0 to denote false and value 1 to denote true. To implement a boolean type in Stan, declare it as an integer with a lower bound of 0 (false) and upper bound of 1 (true).
int<lower = 0, upper = 1> c;
R distinguishes integer types from logical types, but allows a lot of conversion. For example, if we define b to be the result of comparing 1 with itself, its value is TRUE and its type is logical (logi in R):
> b = (1 == 1)
> b
[1] TRUE
> str(b)
logi TRUE
So if I write this Stan program whose behavior differs on a passed boolean,
data {
int<lower = 0, upper = 1> b;
parameters {
real y;
model {
if (b)
y ~ normal(0, 1);
y ~ normal(10, 10);
RStan is happy to coerce the boolean, so it's OK to have
fit <- sampling(model, data = list(b = b))
where the value b is a logi type in R.

I believe logicals are resolved to their integer values of 0L for FALSE and 1L for TRUE, so using int is appropriate.


Implementing map & min that takes the tables.keys iterator as argument in Nim

I would like to define overloads of map and min/max (as originally defined in sequtils) that works for tables.keys. Specifically, I want to be able to write something like the following:
import sequtils, sugar, tables
# A mapping from coordinates (x, y) to values.
var locations = initTable[(int, int), int]()
# Put in some random values.
locations[(1, 2)] = 1
locations[(2, 1)] = 2
locations[(-2, 5)] = 3
# Get the minimum X coordinate.
let minX = => xy[0]).min
echo minX
Now this fails with:
/usercode/in.nim(12, 24) Error: type mismatch: got <iterable[lent (int, int)], proc (xy: GenericParam): untyped>
but expected one of:
proc map[T, S](s: openArray[T]; op: proc (x: T): S {.closure.}): seq[S]
first type mismatch at position: 1
required type for s: openArray[T]
but expression 'keys(locations)' is of type: iterable[lent (int, int)]
expression: map(keys(locations), proc (xy: auto): auto = xy[0])
Below are my three attempts at writing a map that works (code on Nim playground: Attempts 1 & 2 failed and attempt 3 succeeded. Similarly, I implemented min using both attempt 1 & attempt 2, and attempt 1 failed while attempt 2 succeeded.
However, I'm confused as to why the previous attempts fail, and what the best practice is:
Why does attempt 1 fail when the actual return type of the iterators is iterable[T]?
Why does attempt 2 fail for tables.keys? Is tables.keys implemented differently?
Is attempt 2 the canonical way of taking iterators / iterables as function arguments? Are there alternatives to this?
Attempt 1: Function that takes an iterable[T].
Since the Nim manual seems to imply that the result type of calling an iterator is iterable[T], I tried defining map for iterable[T] like this:
iterator map[A, B](iter: iterable[A], fn: A -> B): B =
for x in iter:
yield fn(x)
But it failed with a pretty long and confusing message:
/usercode/in.nim(16, 24) template/generic instantiation of `map` from here
/usercode/in.nim(11, 12) Error: type mismatch: got <iterable[(int, int)]>
but expected one of:
iterator items(a: cstring): char
first type mismatch at position: 1
required type for a: cstring
but expression 'iter' is of type: iterable[(int, int)]
... (more output like this)
From my understanding it seems to say that items is not defined for iterable[T], which seems weird to me because I think items is exactly what's need for an object to be iterable?
Attempt 2: Function that returns an iterator.
I basically copied the implementation in def-/nim-itertools and defined a map function that takes an iterator and returns a new closure iterator:
type Iterable[T] = (iterator: T)
func map[A, B](iter: Iterable[A], fn: A -> B): iterator: B =
(iterator: B =
for x in iter():
yield fn(x))
but this failed with:
/usercode/in.nim(25, 24) Error: type mismatch: got <iterable[lent (int, int)], proc (xy: GenericParam): untyped>
but expected one of:
func map[A, B](iter: Iterable[A]; fn: A -> B): B
first type mismatch at position: 1
required type for iter: Iterable[map.A]
but expression 'keys(locations)' is of type: iterable[lent (int, int)]
proc map[T, S](s: openArray[T]; op: proc (x: T): S {.closure.}): seq[S]
first type mismatch at position: 1
required type for s: openArray[T]
but expression 'keys(locations)' is of type: iterable[lent (int, int)]
expression: map(keys(locations), proc (xy: auto): auto = xy[0])
which hints that maybe tables.keys doesn't return an iterator?
Attempt 3: Rewrite keys using attempt 2.
This replaces tables.keys using a custom myKeys that's implemented in a similar fashion to the version of map in attempt 2. Combined with map in attempt 2, this works:
func myKeys[K, V](table: Table[K, V]): iterator: K =
(iterator: K =
for x in table.keys:
yield x)
Explanation of errors in first attempts
which hints that maybe tables.keys doesn't return an iterator
You are right. It does not return an iterator, it is an iterator that returns elements of the type of your Table keys. Unlike in python3, there seems to be no difference between type(locations.keys) and type(locations.keys()). They both return (int, int).
Here is keys prototype:
iterator keys[A, B](t: Table[A, B]): lent A
The lent keyword avoids copies from the Table elements.
Hence you get a type mismatch for your first and second attempt: => xy[0]) has an incorrect first parameter, since you get a (int, int) element where you expect a iterable[A].
As for a solution, you can either first convert your keys to a sequence (which is heavy), like hola suggested.
You can directly rewrite a procedure for your specific application, mixing both the copy in the sequence and your operation, gaining a bit in performance.
import tables
# A mapping from coordinates (x, y) to values.
var locations = initTable[(int, int), int]()
# Put in some random values.
locations[(1, 2)] = 1
locations[(2, 1)] = 2
locations[(-2, 5)] = 3
func firstCoordinate[X, Y, V](table: Table[(X, Y), V]): seq[X] =
result = #[]
for x in table.keys:
let minX = locations.firstCoordinate.min
echo minX
This is not strictly adhering your API, but should be more efficient.

Match inside match - ocaml raises syntax error

Does anyone know why this function raises the syntax error? I haven't provided my written side functions, since they are probably not that relevant here, since it's revolving around proper syntax.
I tried deleting the brackets that raised the error (which I think.. should be there?), only to then raise another syntax error one line lower, at the begining of the row with the line "|".
type 'a grid = 'a Array.t Array.t
type problem = { initial_grid : int option grid }
type available = { loc : int * int; possible : int list }
type state = { problem : problem; current_grid : int option grid; available = available list }
let branch_state (state : state) : (state * state) option =
if prazni_kvadratki state.current_grid = [] then
let lst = prazni_kvadratki state.current_grid in
let loc = List.hd lst in
let st1_grid = copy_grid state.current_grid in
let st2_grid = copy_grid state.current_grid in
match razpolozljive state.current_grid loc with
| x :: xs -> (vstavi_vrednost st1_grid loc (Some x);
let st1 = {problem = state.problem; current_grid = st1_grid} in
match xs with
| [y] -> (vstavi_vrednost st2_grid loc (Some y);
let st2 = {
problem = state.problem;
current_grid = st2_grid
}) (* this is where it shows me a syntax error*)
| y :: ys -> let st2 = {
problem = state.problem;
current_grid = copy_grid state.current_grid;
available = {loc = loc; possible = xs}
Some (st1, st2)
On around the 5th last line or so you have let with no matching in. The let expression always must have an in.
The basic rule for nested match is that you should use parentheses or begin/end around the inner one:
match x with
| [] -> 0
| [_] ->
match y with
| [] -> 1
| _ -> 2
| _ -> 3
Otherwise the final cases of the outer match look like they belong to the inner one. I don't think this is your problem here because you have no outer cases after the inner match.
Syntax issues
You have a few syntax issues.
type state = { problem : problem; current_grid : int option grid; available = available list }
You likely meant to have:
type state = { problem : problem; current_grid : int option grid; available : available list }
However, given how you construct values later in your program where you provide a value for the available field in one case but not in the other, you may want a variant type that allows your state type to be constructed with or without this value, with distinct behavior when not constructed with this value. This might look like:
type state =
| With_available of { problem : problem;
current_grid : int option grid;
available : available list }
| Without_available of { problem : problem;
current_grid : int option grid }
The other syntax issue is missing an in to go with a let which brings us to:
Scoping issues
There are clearly some miunderstandings here for you in regards to how scope works with let bindings in OCaml.
Aside from a definition at the topmost level of a program, all let bindings are local bindings. That is, they apply to a single expression that trails an in keyword.
Consider this toplevel session.
# let x = 5;;
val x : int = 5
# let y =
let x = 42 in
x + 3;;
val y : int = 45
# x;;
- : int = 5
Here the x bound with let x = 42 in x + 3 is only in scope for the duration of the expression x + 3. Once we're done with that expression, that binding for x is gone. In the outer scope, x is still bound to 5.
In both cases in your match you bind names st1 and st2, which would have to be local bindings, but then you try to use them in an outer scope, where they don't exist.
If you want st1 and st2, you'd need to bind them in a similar way to a and b in the below simple example.
# let (a, b) = match [1; 2; 3] with
| [x] -> (x, x)
| x :: y :: _ -> (x, y)
| _ -> (1, 1)
a + b;;
- : int = 3
Please also note that the pattern-matching you're shown is not exhaustive. It does not handle an empty list. If you consider it impossible that an empty list will be a result, you still have to either handle it anyway or use a different data structure than a list which can by definition be empty.
You've shown pattern-matching of the basic pattern:
match some_list with
| x :: xs ->
match xs with
| [y] -> ...
| y :: xs -> ...
We can actually match against the two possibilities you've show in one level of match.
match some_list with
| x :: [y] -> ...
| x :: y :: ys -> ...
If you still need to address y :: ys as xs in the second case, we can readily bind that name with the as keyword.
match some_list with
| x :: [y] -> ...
| x :: (y :: ys as xs) -> ...

This expression has type 'a -> 'a array array but an expression was expected of type 'b array

How is it possible to correctly manipulate a matrix in Ocaml?
What am I missing here, when assigning a value to a position on the matrix?
let dynamic arraymoedas valor len =
let arrayAux = Array.make_matrix (len+1) (len+1) in
for i=0 to len+1 do
for j=0 to valor+1 do
arrayAux.(0).(j)= max_int
for i=1 to len+1 do
for j=1 to len+1 do
if(arraymoedas.(i-j) > j) then
arrayAux.(i).(j) = arrayAux.(i - 1).(j)
arrayAux.(i).(j) = min (1+arrayAux.(i).(j-arraymoedas.(i - 1))) arrayAux.(i-1).(j)
File "", line 38, characters 8-16:
38 | arrayAux.(i)(0)=0;
Error: This expression has type 'a -> 'a array array
but an expression was expected of type 'b array
As identified in the comments, there are three issues with the code you've written.
Primarily, you're not using Array.make_matrix properly. This function has type int -> int -> 'a -> 'a array array. You've only supplied the dimensions, but not a default value. When you do this, you get back a function that takes in the default value and returns an array of arrays.
Secondly, when modifying the values in an array, use <- instead of =. Rather than arrayAux.(0).(j) = max_int you want to use arrayAux.(0).(j) <- max_int.
Thirdly, at the end of your dynamic function, you're using the ! operator to deref arrayAux. The problem with this is that arrayAux is not a reference. This will cause a compiler error due to a type mismatch.

Why does `variable++` increment the variable but `variable + 1` does not?

Here's the problem in which I encountered this issue:
The function should compare the value at each index position and score a point if the value for that position is higher. No point if they are the same. Given a = [1, 1, 1] b = [1, 0, 0] output should be [2, 0]
fun compareArrays(a: Array<Int>, b: Array<Int>): Array<Int> {
var aRetVal:Int = 0
var bRetVal:Int = 0
for(i in 0..2){
when {
a[i] > b[i] -> aRetVal + 1 // This does not add 1 to the variable
b[i] > a[i] -> bRetVal++ // This does...
return arrayOf(aRetVal, bRetVal)
The IDE even says that aRetVal is unmodified and should be declared as a val
What others said is true, but in Kotlin there's more. ++ is just syntactic sugar and under the hood it will call inc() on that variable. The same applies to --, which causes dec() to be invoked (see documentation). In other words a++ is equivalent to (for Int or other primitive types that gets optimised by the compiler and increment happens without any method call) followed by a reassignment of a to the incremented value.
As a bonus, consider the following code:
fun main() {
var i = 0
val x = when {
i < 5 -> i++
else -> -1
println(x) // prints 0
println(i) // prints 1
val y = when {
i < 5 -> ++i
else -> -1
println(y) // prints 2
println(i) // prints 2
The explanation for that comes from the documentation I linked above:
The compiler performs the following steps for resolution of an operator in the postfix form, e.g. a++:
Store the initial value of a to a temporary storage a0;
Assign the result of to a;
Return a0 as a result of the expression.
For the prefix forms ++a and --a resolution works the same way, and the effect is:
Assign the result of to a;
Return the new value of a as a result of the expression.
variable++ is shortcut for variable = variable + 1 (i.e. with assignment)
variable + 1 is "shortcut" for variable + 1 (i.e. without assignment, and actually not a shortcut at all).
That is because what notation a++ does is actually a=a+1, not just a+1. As you can see, a+1 will return a value that is bigger by one than a, but not overwrite a itself.
Hope this helps. Cheers!
The equivalent to a++ is a = a + 1, you have to do a reassignment which the inc operator does as well.
This is not related to Kotlin but a thing you'll find in pretty much any other language

How to Compare Types for Equality?

I attempted to compare a String and String, expecting True.
Idris> String == String
Can't find implementation for Eq Type
Then I expected False when comparing a String to a Bool.
Idris> String /= Bool
Can't find implementation for Eq Type
Am I missing an import?
You can't as it would break parametricity, which we have in Idris. We can't pattern match on types. But this would be necessary to write the Eq implementation, for example:
{- Doesn't work!
eqNat : Type -> Bool
eqNat Nat = True
eqNat _ = False -}
Also, if one could pattern match on types, they would be needed in the run-time. Right now types get erased when compiling.
Just to add some simple examples to the above: types can't be pattern matched on, but there's a two parameter type constructor for propositional equality, described in the documentation section on Theorem Proving. Notice that the only constructor, Refl, makes only values of type (=) x x, where both type parameters are the same. (this is ≡ in Agda)
So this will typecheck:
twoPlusTwoEqFour : 2 + 2 = 4
twoPlusTwoEqFour = Refl
so will this:
stringEqString : String = String
stringEqString = Refl
but not this:
stringEqInt : String = Int
stringEqInt = Refl
-- type error: Type mismatch between String and Int
and this needs extra work to prove, because addition is defined by recursion on the left argument, and n + 0 can't be reduced further:
proof : n = n + 0