I want to open this folder which is a GitHub repository clone(D:\Acc\Tutorials\Programming\course-angularjs) from IntelliJ IDEA, using the windows command prompt. I can open the folder using commands like subl . for Sublime text and code . for VS Code. But I couldn't find the command to open it from the IntelliJ IDEA.
D:\Acc\Tutorials\course-angularjs>subl .
I found from some other answers that there is a way from IntelliJ IDEA, which is, Tools->Create command line Launcher. But I couldn't find it in mine. I am currently using IntelliJ IDEA Community version 2019.2.
I also used <Intelli IDEA> in the command prompt without knowing what it would do. But it also didn't work.
So is there any direct command for IntelliJ IDEA to open a folder, from the Command prompt?
Use idea . to open the project from the current directory.
To know more..
So I was following a lecture of CS61B for an exsercie question, and I've downloaded this .java file from the class's repo, and then when I opened it in IntelliJ, it shows "Project JDK is not defined", so I clicked on it and set it as Java 17.
After that, the interface is as follows:
enter image description here
when I right click on the ArraySet.java file there isn't a "run" option, it shows this:
enter image description here
However, if I simply open a new project and copy and paste the code there, it'll work just fine. It's just that when I open the file directly, it cannot run for some reason. I'm just starting to learn java and IntelliJ, and I've looked everywhere but still am not able to solve it, if someone can help me out on this, it'll be greatly appreciated!
I solved the problem by:
go to file-project settings-project, and change the SDK to 16 or whatever you have in your pc
Goto File->Project Structure->Modules->Choose Your Module->Make sure your folder is marked as "sources"
After that, I can run each configuration cooresponding to the lab
When I use the idea command line tool to open a file in LightEdit mode
$ idea myfile.txt
and IDEA is already open in project mode it will not open file file. IDEA gets focus but the file does not open.
However, when I used the idea command line to open a file in LightEdit mode and IDEA is not already open, it works as expected.
If you use the Create Command-line launcher option to recreate the idea launcher file it will start working as expected.
I want to open a directory as a project in Intellij. The directory contains automation/ansible scripts (yaml/sh/etc) files. Tried to search for solution but with no result. How can I do this in IntelliJ?
On Mac OS, do
$ cd /path/to/the/project/root/directory
$ open -a 'IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2' &
Project will be automatically created.
The following steps works for me. I am using Ultimate 2018.2 with YAML/Ansible support plugin installed.
File>New>Project from Existing Sources or if adding as a module in existing project(s) File>New>Module from Existing Sources, then select the folder that contains the scripts.
In next window, select the Create project from existing sources option. The click Next in succeeding windows then Finish.
How can I specify the file to open in new tab with IntelliJ IDEA via command line?
If I run in command line:
idea d:\Dropbox\Dropbox\featurea\featurea-common\src\com\featurea\common\util\FileManager.java
I get "No project found to open file in" error
Open file in new tab with opened project also fails.
Is there any way to manage IntelliJ IDEA to behave as I want?
You can't open individual files in the IDE from the command line when there is no open project and the IDE is not already running.
You can pass the project directory as an argument to open the project first, then you will be able to open individual files.
I have just started using IntelliJ IDEA.I am really novice to this IDE, so please bear if my question sounds silly.
I am facing a problem regarding copying of files from OS's File explorer to IntelliJ Project.
I am using following versions:
Operating System: Ubuntu v. 11.04
IntelliJ IDEA: v. 10.5.1
JDK: v. 1.6.0_27
For e.g. in the following image I have created a project having a Maven module.
I am unable to copy a schema file (.xsd) on my file system into the folder ..../src/main/conf/vehAvailRate.I tried out so many times but the file is not getting copied.Also I tried the Synchronize feature too but that too didn't helped.However when I open the project in file system and copy my desired schema file there ,IntelliJ IDEA relfects the change.
Am I doing something wrong or there is some other reason behind this behavior?
Such copy should be performed externally, using your favorite file manager. IDEA will refresh files under its project directory automatically.
If something goes wrong, check idea.log file in ~/.IntelliJIdea10/system/log directory.