Export COMMON block from DLL with gfortran - dll

I am having trouble correctly accessing a variable in a Fortran DLL from a Fortran EXE when the variable is part of a COMMON block.
I have a trivial code simple.f90 which I compile into a DLL using MSYS64/MinGW-w64 gfortran 9.2 as
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran simple.f90 -o simple.dll -shared
! simple.f90
module m
implicit none
integer :: a, b
!common /numbers/ a, b
end module
subroutine init_vals
use m
implicit none
a = 1
b = 2
end subroutine
This library is used from a even simpler program prog.f90, compiled as
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran prog.f90 -o prog -L. -lsimple
! prog.90
program p
use m
implicit none
print *, 'Before', a, b
call init_vals
print *, 'After', a, b
end program
When the COMMON block /numbers/ is commented out, the code works and prints the expected result:
Before 0 0
After 1 2
However, when I uncomment the COMMON block, the output becomes
Before 0 0
After 0 0
as if the variables used by the program were suddenly distinct from those used in the library.
Both variants work equally well in a Linux-based OS with gfortran 9.1.
I am aware that "On some systems, procedures and global variables (module variables and COMMON blocks) need special handling to be accessible when they are in a shared library," as mentioned here: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.9.0/gfortran/GNU-Fortran-Compiler-Directives.html . However, I was not able to insert a statement of the type
anywhere in the code without being snapped at by the compiler.

As pointed out by M. Chinoune in the comment, current gfortran lacks the ability to import common blocks from DLLs. Even though there has been a patch for some time, it is not yet merged. In the end, I needed two things to make the above code work:
First, apply the following patch to GCC 9.2 and compile the compiler manually in MSYS2:
--- gcc/fortran/trans-common.c.org 2019-03-11 14:58:44.000000000 +0100
+++ gcc/fortran/trans-common.c 2019-09-26 08:31:16.243405900 +0200
## -102,6 +102,7 ##
#include "trans.h"
#include "stringpool.h"
#include "fold-const.h"
+#include "attribs.h"
#include "stor-layout.h"
#include "varasm.h"
#include "trans-types.h"
## -423,6 +424,9 ##
/* If there is no backend_decl for the common block, build it. */
if (decl == NULL_TREE)
+ unsigned id;
+ tree attribute, attributes;
if (com->is_bind_c == 1 && com->binding_label)
decl = build_decl (input_location, VAR_DECL, identifier, union_type);
## -454,6 +458,23 ##
gfc_set_decl_location (decl, &com->where);
+ /* Add extension attributes to COMMON block declaration. */
+ if (com->head)
+ {
+ attributes = NULL_TREE;
+ for (id = 0; id < EXT_ATTR_NUM; id++)
+ {
+ if (com->head->attr.ext_attr & (1 << id))
+ {
+ attribute = build_tree_list (
+ get_identifier (ext_attr_list[id].middle_end_name),
+ attributes = chainon (attributes, attribute);
+ }
+ }
+ decl_attributes (&decl, attributes, 0);
+ }
if (com->threadprivate)
set_decl_tls_model (decl, decl_default_tls_model (decl));
Second, only the line
was needed in the main program (right after implicit none), but not any exports anywhere. This is apparently a different syntactical approach then in Intel Fortran, where one imports the COMMON block rather than its constituents. I also found out that I needed to import both a and b even if I only needed b. (When only a was needed, importing a only was enough.)


gfortran, DLL and nothing making sense (or working) at all [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Fortran functions returning unexpected types and values
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have the following short piece of code in Fortran, which I named myDLL.f90:
Real(Kind=8) Function mySinCos(x,y)
Real(Kind=8), Intent(In) :: x, y
mySinCos = Sin(x)*Cos(y)
End Function mySinCos
Real(Kind=8) Function myPiSinCos(x,y)
Real(Kind=8), Intent(In) :: x, y
Real(Kind=8), Parameter :: Pi = 4.0d0*Datan(1.0d0)
myPiSinCos = Sin(Pi*x)*Cos(Pi*y)
End Function myPiSinCos
And the following main program TestDLL.f90:
Program TestDLL
Real(Kind=8) :: x, y
Real(Kind=8) :: a, b
x = 2.0d-01
y = 9.0d-01
a = mySinCos(x,y) !Should be 0.12349483641187213
b = myPiSinCos(x,y) !Should be -0.5590169943749475
Write(*,*) a
Write(*,*) b
End Program TestDLL
I compiled and linked the above sources with:
gfortran -shared -fPIC -o myDLL.dll myDLL.f90
gfortran -o a.exe TestDLL.f90 -L. myDLL.dll
No compilation/linkedition errors and a.exe runs without error messages. What it produces is:
Which obviously aren't the expected results as sin(...)*cos(...) must never be > 0.5 (or < -0.5), let alone 6.0000[...].
In a nutshell: compiled well, linked well, executed well and produced garbage.
Changing either x or y doesn't change the results. They're always 6.0000[...].
What went wrong? The example above doesn't differ a lot from other simple examples I've found in the internet.
I'm using GNU Fortran (MinGW.org GCC Build-20200227-1) 9.2.0, Windows 10 64-bit.
It works fine if I turn the two functions into a module:
Module myDLL
Implicit None
... The two original functions are inserted here ...
End Module myDLL
and import/use the module in the main program:
Program TestDLL
Use myDLL
Implicit None
... Other commands are inserted here ...
End Program TestDLL
Then, and only then, the correct results are spit.

Confusion with Fortran submodules and gcc compliation flag -Wuse-without-only

What is the remedy for this gcc Fortran compilation warning?
USE statement at (1) has no ONLY qualifier
The warning occurs when using submodules in gcc 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and, 7.0.
The full compilation sequence and warning:
$ gfortran -c -Wuse-without-only -o mod_module.o mod_module.f08
$ gfortran -c -Wuse-without-only -o mod_module_sub.o mod_module_sub.f08
submodule ( mModule ) mSubModule
Warning: USE statement at (1) has no ONLY qualifier [-Wuse-without-only]
$ gfortran -c -Wuse-without-only -o demonstration.o demonstration.f08
$ gfortran -o demonstration demonstration.o mod_module.o mod_module_sub.o
$ ./demonstration
this + that = 3.00000000
expected value is 3
Main program (demonstration.f08):
program demonstration
use mModule, only : myType
implicit none
type ( myType ) :: example
example % this = 1.0
example % that = 2.0
call example % adder ( )
write ( *, * ) 'this + that = ', example % other
write ( *, * ) 'expected value is 3'
end program demonstration
Module (mod_module.f08):
module mModule
implicit none
type :: myType
real :: this, that, other
procedure, public :: adder => adder_sub
end type myType
private :: adder_sub
module subroutine adder_sub ( me )
class ( myType ), target :: me
end subroutine adder_sub
end interface
end module mModule
Submodule (mod_module_sub.f08):
submodule ( mModule ) mSubModule ! <=== problematic statement
implicit none
module subroutine adder_sub ( me )
class ( myType ), target :: me
me % other = me % this + me % that
end subroutine adder_sub
end submodule mSubModule
That is, what is the proper way to specify submodules? The flag -Wuse-without-only is essential in compilation of longer codes.
Depending on your perspective, it is just a compiler bug. File a bug report and wait for it to get fixed (or fix it yourself).
(An alternative perspective is that because that code gives submodules access to all the entities of their host, whether required or not, the warning is appropriate. But limiting host association requires F2015 support.)
-Wuse-without-only is just a warning to help enforce a particular programming style (one that I don't think is particularly useful). It cannot be "essential" to compile any code, short or long. If the warning bothers you in the meantime, remove that option.

Does g++ contain the functional library?

I have problems with using functional in g++. I compile with !g++ -o test test.cpp -std=c++11 and it does not give any errors and the program also runs fine. I use Syntastic to check any errors before compiling, and it gives me the following output.
This is my program test.cpp:
1 #include <functional>
3 using namespace std;
5 int f(int x){
6 return x;
7 }
9 void f2(function<int(int)> f){
11 }
13 int main(){
14 return 0;
15 }
The error is:
1 test.cpp|9 col 9 error| variable or field ‘f2’ declared void
2 test.cpp|9 col 9 error| ‘function’ was not declared in this scope
3 test.cpp|9 col 18 error| expected primary-expression before ‘int’
What does this error mean and how do I fix it?
The problem was that Syntastic was not checking c++11 code since functional can only be used with c++11. That was the reason the compiling went fine and the output file displayed correct results.
I found the answer in this question after discovering the root of the problem:
how to add c++11 support to syntastic vim plugin?
so I just had to add
let g:syntastic_cpp_compiler_options = ' -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++'
to my vimrc

Preprocessor macro C/Objective-C

Hello I am trying to Make A Macro that gets a parameter and tries to add postFix to it.
#define myPostFix HelloWorld
#define macro(x) x ##myPostFix
#define CAlgThreadHandleObject macro(CAlgThreadHandleObject)
Expected behavior is to get
What I actually get is:
Can Some1 help me to get the expected behavior please?
Please note that myPostFix is something I have to define in project GCC definitions and it should vary from project to project.
#define myPostFix HelloWorld
#define macro_2(x, y) x##y
#define macro_1(x, y) macro_2(x, y)
#define macro(x) macro_1(x, myPostFix)
#define CAlgThreadHandleObject macro(CAlgThreadHandleObject)
You need the intermediate macro_1 to let the preprocessor substitute myPostFix assignement, then macro_2 to concatenate strings.
This solution let you assign myPostFix to the value you want.
To clarify how preprocessor and symbol replacement works consider that the preprocessing translation phase is not recursive on parameters, so the translation need to pass through a forced parameter expansion more than one time up to expand all parameters.
In our case:
CAlgThreadHandleObject expands to : macro(CAlgThreadHandleObject)
macro(CAlgThreadHandleObject) expands to : macro_1(CAlgThreadHandleObject, myPostFix)
macro_1 expands to: macro_2(CAlgThreadHandleObject, HelloWorld)
And last macro_2 expands to: CAlgThreadHandleObjectHelloWorld
You actually need to go three layers deep with this one in order to get the macro to expand properly. I can't pretend to understand the exact reasoning why this is necessary (not that I want to understand...)
#define MY_ADDPOSTFIX3(x, y) x ## y
#define MY_ADDPOSTFIX2(x, y) MY_ADDPOSTFIX3(x, y)
You can test this:
$ gcc -E test.c -DMY_POSTFIX=HelloWorld
# 1 "test.c"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4
# 1 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "test.c"
$ gcc -E test.c -DMY_POSTFIX=Goodbye | tail -n 1
Simply pass it through another call of the macro macro so the define is expanded. I slightly changed the macros, but the functionality is the same:
#define myPostFix HelloWorld
#define macro2(x,y) x##y
#define macro(x,y) macro2(x,y)
#define CAlgThreadHandleObject macro(CAlgThreadHandleObject,myPostFix)

Forth as an interactive C program tester

I'm willing to use an interactive language to test some C code from a legacy project. I know a little Forth, but I haven't ever used it in a real world project. I'm looking at pForth right now.
Is it reasonable to use an interactive Forth interpreter to test the behavior of some function in a C program? This C code has lots of structs, pointers to structs, handles and other common structures found in C.
I suppose I'll have to write some glue code to handle the parameter passing and maybe some struct allocation in the Forth side. I want an estimate from someone with experience in this field. Is it worth it?
If you want interactive testing and are targeting embedded platforms, then Forth is definitely a good candidate. You'll always find a Forth implementation that runs on your target platform. Writing one is not even hard either if need be.
Instead of writing glue code specific to your immediate needs, go for a generic purpose Forth to C interface. I use gforth's generic C interface which is very easy to use. For structure handling in Forth, I use an MPE style implementation which is very flexible when it comes to interfacing with C (watch out for proper alignment though, see gforth %align / %allot / nalign).
The definition of generic purpose structure handling words takes about 20 lines of Forth code, same for single linked lists handling or hash tables.
Since you cannot use gforth (POSIX only), write an extension module for your Forth of choice that implements a similar C interface. Just make sure that your Forth and your C interface module uses the same malloc() and free() than the C code you want to test.
With such an interface, you can do everything in Forth by just defining stub words (i.e. map Forth words to C functions and structures).
Here's a sample test session where I call libc's gettimeofday using gforth's C interface.
s" structs.fs" included also structs \ load structure handling code
s" libc" add-lib \ load libc.so. Not really needed for this particular library
c-library libc \ stubs for C functions
\c #include <sys/time.h>
c-function gettimeofday gettimeofday a a -- n ( struct timeval *, struct timezone * -- int )
struct timeval \ stub for struct timeval
8 field: ->tv_sec \ sizeof(time_t) == 8 bytes on my 64bits system
8 field: ->tv_usec
timeval buffer: tv
\ now call it (the 0 is for passing NULL for struct timezone *)
tv 0 gettimeofday . \ Return value on the stack. output : 0
tv ->tv_sec # . \ output : 1369841953
Note that tv ->tv_sec is in fact the equivalent of (void *)&tv + offsetof(struct timeval, tv_sec) in C, so it gives you the address of the structure member, so you have to fetch the value with #. Another issue here: since I use a 64 bits Forth where the cell size is 8 bytes, storing/fetching an 8 bytes long is straightforward, but fetching/storing a 4 bytes int will require some special handling. Anyhow, Forth makes this easy: just define special purpose int# and int! words for that.
As you can see, with a good generic purpose C interface you do not need to write any glue code in C, only the Forth stubs for your C functions and structures are needed, but this is really straightforward (and most of it could be automatically generated from your C headers).
Once you're happy with your interactive tests, you can move on to automated tests:
Copy/paste the whole input/output from your interactive test session to a file named testXYZ.log
strip the output (keeping only the input) from your session log and write this to a file named testXYZ.fs
To run the test, pipe testXYZ.fs to your forth interpreter, capture the output and diff it with testXYZ.log.
Since removing output from an interactive session log can be somewhat tedious, you could also start by writing the test script testXYZ.fs then run it and capture the output testXYZ.log, but I prefer starting from an interactive session log.
Et voilà !
For reference, here's the structure handling code that I used in the above example :
\ *****************************************************************************
\ structures handling
\ *****************************************************************************
\ Simple structure definition words. Structure instances are zero initialized.
\ usage :
\ struct foo
\ int: ->refCount
\ int: ->value
\ end-struct
\ struct bar
\ int: ->id
\ foo struct: ->foo
\ 16 chars: ->name
\ end-struct
\ bar buffer: myBar
\ foo buffer: myFoo
\ 42 myBar ->id !
\ myFoo myBar ->foo !
\ myBar ->name count type
\ 1 myBar ->foo # ->refCount +! \ accessing members of members could use a helper word
: struct ( "name" -- addr 0 ; named structure header )
create here 0 , 0
# ;
\ <field-size> FIELD <field-name>
\ Given a field size on the stack, compiles a word <field-name> that adds the
\ field size to the number on the stack.
: field: ( u1 u2 "name" -- u1+u2 ; u -- u+u2 )
over >r \ save current struct size
: r> ?dup if
postpone literal postpone +
postpone ;
+ \ add field size to struct size
; immediate
: end-struct ( addr u -- ; end of structure definition )
swap ! ;
: naligned ( addr1 u -- addr2 ; aligns addr1 to alignment u )
1- tuck + swap invert and ;
\ Typed field helpers
: int: cell naligned cell postpone field: ; immediate
: struct: >r cell naligned r> postpone field: ; immediate
: chars: >r cell naligned r> postpone field: ; immediate
\ with C style alignment
4 constant C_INT_ALIGN
8 constant C_PTR_ALIGN
4 constant C_INT_SIZE
: cint: C_INT_ALIGN naligned C_INT_SIZE postpone field: ; immediate
: cstruct: >r C_PTR_ALIGN naligned r> postpone field: ; immediate
: cchars: >r C_INT_ALIGN naligned r> postpone field: ; immediate
: buffer: ( u -- ; creates a zero-ed buffer of size u )
create here over erase allot ;