Firebase console cloud messaging - server time not recipient - firebase-cloud-messaging

I used to use the firebase console to send noticifications for a game app, and a little while ago, when I chose "scheduled" option and choose a time, the time will show as fixed depending on the machine timezone (e.g. +3:00 GMT Guatemala Time Zone). Now, the only option is "Recepient time zone" (see image below).
Does "Recipient time zone" mean if I choose 5 PM, it will be delivered to the end user at 5 PM his time? while it might be 7 for example on the server time and the notification was supposed to be sent two hours before that?
And if so, then how can I send it at fixed time on a fixed timezone like it used to be regardless of end-user timezone (I want to send a notification when the game is live which is 5 PM on the server, but clients might have different timezones so the notification will mean nothing if received earlier or later)?

For one-time scheduled delivery of notifications, the Firebase Cloud Messaging console has two options:
You can deliver the message at a fixed point in time to all your users, regardless of their timezone.
Say you set the message to be delivered to everyone at 7:30 am Pacific Time. Because I'm based in that timezone, I would receive it over morning coffee. But a friend in Holland would receive at at 4:30 pm their time, since they are 9 time zones ahead of Pacific. But if we'd pick up the phone and call each other, we'd both have just received the message at the same time.
You select this option by picking a specific time zone in the delivery time zone popup.
You can deliver the message at a specific time, according to their configured timezone.
Say you set the message to be delivered to everyone at 7:30 pm in their local timezone. In this case Firebase tries to deliver the message at the same local time to each user. So my Dutch friend would receive the message at 7:30 pm, about 3 hours from now. I would also receive the message at 7:30 pm my time, about 12 hours from now.
You select this option by picking Recipient time zone in the delivery time zone popup (it's at the top of the list).


How do we track time of guacamole rdp session?

Actually, I have a scenario where I want my user to be able to use my guacamole service to connect the RDP for 5 hours free. After that, I wanted to charge so I wanted to track down the usage time of the user. Is there any official parameter to set or some API that can help?
I first time using guacamole so have no idea about it. I found a property called api-session-timeout but turns out that it was used to disconnect users after a certain time of inactivity. Whereas in my case I wanted the user to not cross 5 hours. The sessions can also be broken into minutes or hours. I just want to get data on login and logout so I can count 5 hours of usage.

FCM recurring notification not work on second day

I have implemented the FCM in my react native app and it works perfectly with instant and schedule notification.
However, when I create a recurring notification in FCM console, the notification only able to send on the first time but not the second time and after it.
For example, the recurring notification start on today, 12.00PM and it should be repeat every day 12.00PM. Yes, today 12.00 PM the notification sent and recevied by the device. But on second day and the day after it, the notification not sent and not received by the device.
Could some help me on this?
you should change the scheduling option like this picture, in the custom option, u can use every 1 day and don't use daily option

Schedule local notification every x day of the week - React native & Firebase

I am using react-native-firebase to schedule local notifications every day at a certain time. However, I would like to allow the user to decide when to receive the notifications in a given week.
For example, he could set notifications from Monday to Friday and not receive any on Saturday and Sunday. Currently, I am only able to set a repeatInterval property to 'day' but am struggling to implement the mentioned feature. Any ideas?
(Yes, this could be done with FCM and a server, I am just asking if this is possible locally in RN)

Managing Various time zones in MVC by asking user input

How to handle various time zone users in a MVC application if they want to have data operations in their own time zone?
Server hosted in Oregon and working in UTC Time zone.
I need to have user time zone in their registration.

IOS : Push notification on user defined time duration

My app should get push notification on user defined time duration (like on each Monday 11 AM).
So for that App have to check for new updates on server (on background) on user defined date and time, App might not be running at this time, but it still has to check for new updates on server. If any update found, server will send push notification for the same.
How can I implement time based background process?
Why don't let the server do all that? I mean, you will have to do a post with the selected date by the user from the app, and the server at the selected time will send a push notification to that particular user (you know what user it is by his token id). Amazon Web Services works like that for example.