Can we call a function from view page in rails5 - ruby-on-rails-5

I've a function/method defined with name "check_is_null" under the file condition.rb in rails-root/bin folder which checks whether the provided array is null or not and returns true if it's null.
Now in my view page, I want to use the "link_to_if" provided with condition to call the check_is_null function from the rails-root/bin folder.
Is it possible?
I'm a learner and google suggestions didn't help!
Method in rails-root/bin/condition.rb
def check_is_null(var)
if var.none? 'Array is null'
Current View page without using link_to_if:
link_to "View", result_path(var), target: "_blank"
Expected result:
Link to be disabled when the passed array is null

Create a method in helper file and call that helper method inside the view.


How to assert that a label is not displayed using WinAppDriver

I am trying to create a method the returns False when a specific label is not found. However, the method continues to return True and my test is failing.
public bool DeliveredDisplayed()
Boolean labelDisplayed = session.FindElementByName("Delivered").Displayed;
return labelDisplayed;
Assert.IsFalse(OrderHistory.DeliveredDisplayed(), "The order is still delivered");
Are You sure, this particular "FindElementByName" method did not have possibility to find another element with such a Name? We are using "Displayed" property and it is working fine.
Maybe better is to use "AutomationId" or in case where You need to check for one particular item where on page there are bunch of others with name "Displayed", XPaths?

Why jqgrid URL is invoked only one time?

I have a javascript function in which i receive a value of drop down. function is below:
function SetTemplateId(id) // this method is called on drop down change event
templateId=id; // template id is global variable
showjqgrid(); //this method show the Jqgrid
ShowJqgrid method is below
function showjqgrid()
datatype: 'json',
url: '/Home/DynamicGridData?id='+templateId,
jqgrid is works fine but the problem is when "setTemplateid" function is called first time it works fine and data is show correctly and after first time when i change drop down value the "setTemplateId" function is called(i checked by alert()) and showgrid is also called but the URL is not invoked. If i destroy jqgrid in "setTemplateId" function then jqgrid is not shownn. If i reload jqgrid then also the data show only first time. I debuged it. Only first time action method is called. After that its not called. What is the problem?
The reason is very easy. The function showjqgrid convert empty table <table id="grid"></table> in relatively complex structure of divs and tables. After that jqGrid makes request to the url.
So you have two main options (alternatives) to fix the problem:
include call of GridUnload method as the first line of showjqgrid. It will destroy the complex structure of divs and tables created previously and reduce there to one empty <table>.
you can create grid once. On the next time you should update url parameter using setGridParam and then trigger reloadGrid which will update the content of the grid holding the outer part unchanged.
Additionally I would recommend you to read the old answer which shown how to use postData parameter of jqGrid where the properties are defined as functions. I suppose that templateId which you use as the value of id parameter of url will be evaluated in some way inside of dropdown change event. So you can consider to do this inside of the function defined inside of In the case you could use url: '/Home/DynamicGridData and the part ?id='+templateId will be appended by jqGrid.

NSTokenField click completion list item

I have an NSTokenField in my application and I implemented the tokenField:completionsForSubstring:indexOfToken:indexOfSelectedItem: method in which I specify the receiver’s tokenizing character set with the setTokenizingCharacterSet: method:
def tokenField(tokenField, completionsForSubstring:substring, indexOfToken:tokenIndex, indexOfSelectedItem:selectedIndex)
It works as expected when I click on the space bar or the enter button. I would also like to have the same behavior when I click on one of the item of the completion list with my mouse.
How is that possible?
Thanks for your help.
I don't know if it's possible to have this behaviour with a NSTokenField.
But you should take a look at MTTokenField which do what you want out of the box.
To do so, you will have to:
1.Create an Xcode Project as a Static Library(Do not enable ARC).
2.Save your project to vendor/MTTokenField
3.Drag and drop all the files of MTTokenField located in the subdirectory 'MTTokenField' to your new XCode project. Choose to copy the files.
4.Add this to your rakefile in order to compile and link the library with your Rubymotion project.
app.vendor_project("vendor/MTTokenField/", :xcode, :xcodeproj => "MTTokenField.xcodeproj", :target => "MTTokenField", :products => ["libMTTokenField.a"], :headers_dir => "MTTokenField")
5.In Interface Builder change the class of your NSTokenField to NSTextField and then set its custom class to MTTokenField, and also change the custom class of the cell: MTTokenFieldCell instead of NSTextFieldCell.
6.Then you have to set the delegate of your MTTokenField to a class which has to respond to :
def tokenField(tokenField, completionsForSubstring: substring )
# your have to return an array containing your results matching substring.
And that's it. It should work.
Hope it helps !
I found another solution using NSTokenField instead of MTTokenField.
In the delegate of my NSTokenField, I used the controlTextDidChange method of NSControl which is called anytime I write a character in my token field. In this method I check if there is a NSLeftMouseUp event which is triggered, and if it's the case, I simulate a click on Return. And that's it.
def controlTextDidChange(aNotification)
application = NSApplication.sharedApplication
event = application.currentEvent
if event.type == NSLeftMouseUp
e1 = CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent(nil, 0x24, true)
CGEventPost(KCGSessionEventTap, e1)
There is one more thing to do to make it properly work: the issue here is that if I have a completion list with 3 items for instance, one of them will be selected by default, let's say the first one. In this case, the solution will work as expected if I click the second or the third item but I will have to double click the first item to make it work.
To fix this, turn off the autocompletion and only display the suggestion box, i.e add this line to the tokenField:completionsForSubstring:indexOfToken:indexOfSelectedItem: method:
selectedIndex[0] = -1

Testing that a function will not be called in CoffeeScript (and JS)

I have this function called render that has the following code in CoffeeScript. This is on a Backbone view that only calls the afterRender function if one is defined, like shown below:
#afterRender() if #afterRender
How can I test that afterRender is not being called if it doesn't exist?
Here's the positive test:
it 'calls afterRender when defined', ->
called = false
#view.afterRender = -> called = true
But everything I tried to come up with a good way to test failed me.
I am using sinon.js, so I can use its spies, mocks and stubs if you think that it would help.
Any ideas?
You can use a mock to test both of your cases—that it's called once, in the first case (what you're currenlty manually doing with the called variable), and that it's never called in the second:
First case:
Second case:

Yii Retrieve and store in a variable a renderPartial file

I have a php file under protected/views/directory_controller_name with formatting like that
<?php echo $model->title;?>
I display the file with classic method in the controller :
But know, I need to send an email with the same template/layout so I want to store the render of the file in an variable like
$msgHTML = $this->renderInternal('_items', array('model'=>$model));
But it doesn't work!
How can I get render view from a file and store in a variable?
Is it possible?
I don't want to use:
$msgHTML = '<p>'.$model->title.'</p>'
Because the file is very long and I don't want to duplicate code!!!
Don't use the renderInternal method, use renderPartial instead. Render internal is low level method and should not be used in such context. To catch the output just set the $return parameter to true:
<?php $output = $this->renderPartial('_subView', $dataArray, true); ?>
$msgHTML = $this->renderInternal('_items', array('model'=>$model), true);
I might be missing something, but can't you just use regular render() with the return argument set to true? Then you can just use a view 'name' instead of knowing the path. (And unless my trusty stack trace logger is broken, renderFile and renderInternal take the same fully qualified path argument. At least I can see renderPartial() passing the full path to my view file to renderFile.)
you can do this with these ways
1) if you want to get the output with header and footer (i.e ) full layout then do this
//add true in the last parameter if you want a return of the output
2) similarly if you don't want to get the layout files just use renderpartial in the same way
you will get the html of files in the variable . use this anywhere