CKEditor5 Custom Plugin changes the Model but not the View - ckeditor5

I have create a custom build of CKEditor5 and created a plugin BorderColor. The Plugin isn't working good. The problem is that the model is changing, but the view isn't changed.
import Plugin from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/src/plugin';
import BorderColorEditing from './border-color-editing';
import BorderColorUi from './border-color-ui';
export default class BorderColor extends Plugin {
* #inheritDoc
static get requires() {
return [ BorderColorEditing, BorderColorUi ];
* #inheritDoc
static get pluginName() {
return 'BorderColor';
import ColorUI from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-font/src/ui/colorui';
export default class BorderColorUi extends ColorUI {
* #inheritDoc
constructor( editor ) {
const t = editor.locale.t;
super( editor, {
commandName: 'borderColor',
componentName: 'borderColor',
dropdownLabel: t( 'Rahmenfarbe' )
} );
* #inheritDoc
static get pluginName() {
return 'BorderColorUI';
import Plugin from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/src/plugin';
import BorderColorCommand from './border-color-command';
import { isDefault, isSupported, supportedOptions } from './utils';
export default class BorderColorEditing extends Plugin {
* #inheritDoc
constructor( editor ) {
super( editor );
editor.config.define( 'borderColor', supportedOptions );
* #inheritDoc
init() {
const editor = this.editor;
const schema = editor.model.schema;
// Filter out unsupported options.
const enabledOptions = editor.config.get( 'borderColor.colors' );
// Allow alignment attribute on all blocks.
schema.extend( '$block', { allowAttributes: 'borderColor' } );
editor.model.schema.setAttributeProperties( 'borderColor', { isFormatting: true } );
editor.model.schema.addAttributeCheck( ( context, attributeName ) => {
if ( context.endsWith( 'table' ) || context.endsWith( 'tableRow' ) || context.endsWith( 'tableCell' )) {
return true;
} );
const definition = _buildDefinition( enabledOptions.filter( option => !isDefault( option ) ) );
editor.conversion.attributeToAttribute( definition );
editor.commands.add( 'borderColor', new BorderColorCommand( editor ) );
// Utility function responsible for building converter definition.
// #private
function _buildDefinition( options ) {
const definition = {
model: {
key: 'borderColor',
values: options.slice()
view: {}
for ( const option of options ) {
const _def = { key: 'style', value: {} };
_def.value[ 'border-color' ] = option.color;
definition.view[ option ] = _def;
return definition;
import Command from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/src/command';
import first from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/first';
import { isDefault } from './utils';
const BORDER_COLOR = 'borderColor';
export default class BorderColorCommand extends Command {
* #inheritDoc
refresh() {
let childBlocks;
if ( this.editor.model.document.selection.getSelectedElement() != null )
childBlocks = this.getSelectedBlocks( this.editor.model.document, 'all-tablerow' );
const firstBlock = this.editor.model.document.selection.getSelectedElement() != null
? this.editor.model.document.selection.getSelectedElement()
: first( this.editor.model.document.selection.getSelectedBlocks() );
// As first check whether to enable or disable the command as the value will always be false if the command cannot be enabled.
this.isEnabled = !!firstBlock && this._canBeAligned( firstBlock );
* A value of the current block's alignment.
* #observable
* #readonly
* #member {String} #value
if ( this.isEnabled && firstBlock.hasAttribute( BORDER_COLOR ) )
this.value = firstBlock.getAttribute( BORDER_COLOR );
else if ( this.isEnabled && childBlocks && childBlocks[ 0 ].hasAttribute( BORDER_COLOR ) )
this.value = childBlocks[ 0 ].getAttribute( BORDER_COLOR );
this.value = '';
* Executes the command. Applies the alignment `value` to the selected blocks.
* If no `value` is passed, the `value` is the default one or it is equal to the currently selected block's alignment attribute,
* the command will remove the attribute from the selected blocks.
* #param {Object} [options] Options for the executed command.
* #param {String} [options.value] The value to apply.
* #fires execute
execute( options = {} ) {
const editor = this.editor;
const model = editor.model;
const doc = model.document;
const value = options.value;
model.change( writer => {
let childBlocks;
if ( this.editor.model.document.selection.getSelectedElement() != null )
childBlocks = this.getSelectedBlocks( this.editor.model.document, 'all-tablerow' );
const firstBlock = this.editor.model.document.selection.getSelectedElement() != null
? this.editor.model.document.selection.getSelectedElement()
: first( this.editor.model.document.selection.getSelectedBlocks() );
let currentAlignment;
if ( firstBlock.hasAttribute( BORDER_COLOR ) )
currentAlignment = firstBlock.getAttribute( BORDER_COLOR );
else if ( childBlocks && childBlocks[ 0 ].hasAttribute( BORDER_COLOR ) )
currentAlignment = childBlocks[ 0 ].getAttribute( BORDER_COLOR );
// Remove alignment attribute if current alignment is:
// - default (should not be stored in model as it will bloat model data)
// - equal to currently set
// - or no value is passed - denotes default alignment.
const removeAlignment = isDefault( value ) || currentAlignment === value || !value;
console.log( 'childBlocks / firstBlock', childBlocks, firstBlock, currentAlignment);
const blocks = childBlocks ? Array.from( childBlocks ) : [];
blocks.push( firstBlock );
if ( removeAlignment ) {
removeAlignmentFromSelection( blocks, writer );
} else {
setAlignmentOnSelection( blocks, writer, value );
} );
getSelectedBlocks( doc, value ) {
let blocks;
if ( doc.selection.getSelectedElement() == null )
blocks = Array.from( doc.selection.getSelectedBlocks() ).filter( block => this._canBeAligned( block ) )
else {
blocks = [ doc.selection.getSelectedElement() ];
if ( value.indexOf( 'tablerow' ) > -1 ) {
var children = doc.selection.getSelectedElement().getChildren();
console.log( 'Selected Element Children', children );
var out = [];
let _next =;
while ( !_next.done ) {
console.log( _next );
if ( _next.value.getChildren ) {
const children2 = _next.value.getChildren();
let _next2 =;
while ( !_next2.done ) {
console.log( _next2 );
out[ out.length ] = _next2.value;
_next2 =;
else {
out[ out.length ] = _next.value;
_next =;
blocks = out;
return blocks;
* Checks whether a block can have alignment set.
* #private
* #param {module:engine/model/element~Element} block The block to be checked.
* #returns {Boolean}
_canBeAligned( block ) {
return this.editor.model.schema.checkAttribute( block, BORDER_COLOR );
// Removes the alignment attribute from blocks.
// #private
function removeAlignmentFromSelection( blocks, writer ) {
for ( const block of blocks ) {
writer.removeAttribute( BORDER_COLOR, block );
// Sets the alignment attribute on blocks.
// #private
function setAlignmentOnSelection( blocks, writer, border ) {
for ( const block of blocks ) {
writer.setAttribute( BORDER_COLOR, border, block );
The code can also be seen at Github: CKEditor Custom Build Github.

I have found a solution.
I edited border-color-editing.js:
I replaced following code:
editor.conversion.attributeToAttribute( definition );
editor.conversion.for( 'downcast' ).attributeToAttribute( {
model: 'borderColor',
view: function( option ) {
const allSelectedBlocks = getAllSelectedBlocks( this.editor );
const borderAttribute = allSelectedBlocks[ 0 ].getAttribute( BORDER );
if ( !borderAttribute || !option )
return { key: 'style', value: '' };
const _value = {};
const styleOption = borderAttribute.replace( '-tablerow', '' );
_value[ 'border' + ( styleOption == 'all' ? '' : '-' + styleOption ) + '-color' ] = option ? option : 'black';
return { key: 'style', value: _value };
}.bind( this )
} );


Variable is not modified in this loop - no-unmodified-loop-condition from ESLint

I have a project where ESLint throws this error from while loop. It does not make sence to me. Error says:
497:14 error 'from' is not modified in this loop no-unmodified-loop-condition
497:22 error 'to' is not modified in this loop no-unmodified-loop-condition
This is the code (look at while cycle):
mediaSettings: (state) => {
const timestamps = [];
const events = []; medium => {
if( !medium.settings.dates ) return;
medium.settings.dates.forEach( dateRange => {
if( !dateRange.date_from || !dateRange.date_to ) return;
const from = new Date( dateRange.date_from );
const to = new Date( dateRange.date_to );
while ( from <= to ) {
if( timestamps.includes(from.getTime()) ) {
from.setDate( from.getDate() + 1 );
date: new Date( from.getTime() ), // Need Date clone via new Date().
from.setDate( from.getDate() + 1 );
return events;
What is that? Can somebody tell me plase how to fix it? It does not make sence. This is not an error.
I found clever solution on this page which disables ESLint for some block of code and also a specific ESLint rules. It looks like:
mediaSettings: (state) => {
const timestamps = [];
const events = []; medium => {
if( !medium.settings.dates ) return;
medium.settings.dates.forEach( dateRange => {
if( !dateRange.date_from || !dateRange.date_to ) return;
const from = new Date( dateRange.date_from );
const to = new Date( dateRange.date_to );
/* eslint-disable no-unmodified-loop-condition */
while ( from <= to ) {
if( timestamps.includes(from.getTime()) ) {
from.setDate( from.getDate() + 1 );
date: new Date( from.getTime() ), // Need Date clone via new Date().
from.setDate( from.getDate() + 1 );
/* eslint-enable no-unmodified-loop-condition */
return events;
You wouldn't get this error if you are using reassignable variables like this:
let from = new Date(dateRange.date_from)
let to = new Date(dateRange.date_to)
while (from <= to) {
if (timestamps.includes(from.getTime())) {
from = from.setDate(from.getDate() + 1)
date: new Date(from.getTime()), // Need Date clone via new Date().
from = from.setDate(from.getDate() + 1)

Ckeditor 5, image src to data-src

Ckeditor 5 image upload by default outputs <img src="url">, while I want to integrate UI kit images with output like <img uk-img data-src="url" data-srcset="sourcet">.
I am having trouble getting src and srcset from the uploaded image in downcastCustomImg() function, because viewElement is an EmptyElement class and getIdentity() method returns an empty img without attributes.
My idea is to convert src to data-src and srcset to data-srceset, also add empty uk-img.
How do I achieve that?
P.s. using vue.js 3 with cli
I am trying to use the official guide. my code is as follows:
export default class CustomFigureAttributes {
* Plugin's constructor - receives an editor instance on creation.
constructor( editor ) {
// Save reference to the editor.
this.editor = editor;
* Sets the conversion up and extends the table & image features schema.
* Schema extending must be done in the "afterInit()" call because plugins define their schema in "init()".
afterInit() {
const editor = this.editor;
editor.model.schema.extend('image', {
allowAttributes: ['data-src', 'data-srcset', 'uk-img']
editor.conversion.for( 'upcast' ).add( upcastCustomClasses( 'figure' ), { priority: 'low' } );
editor.conversion.for( 'downcast' ).add( downcastCustomImg( 'img', 'image' ), { priority: 'low' } );
// Define custom attributes that should be preserved.
setupCustomAttributeConversion( 'img', 'image', 'uk-img', editor );
setupCustomAttributeConversion( 'img', 'image', 'src', editor );
setupCustomAttributeConversion( 'img', 'image', 'srcset', editor );
function downcastCustomImg( viewElementName, modelElementName ) {
return dispatcher => dispatcher.on( `insert:${ modelElementName }`, ( evt, data, conversionApi ) => {
if ( conversionApi.consumable.consume( data.item, 'insert' ) ) {
const modelElement = data.item;
const viewFigure = conversionApi.mapper.toViewElement( modelElement );
const viewElement = findViewChild( viewFigure, viewElementName, conversionApi );
if ( !viewElement ) {
const src = viewElement.getAttribute( 'src' ) || [];
// CANNOT GET SRC & SRCSET from viewElement, because it is an EmptyElement !!!
conversionApi.writer.setAttribute( 'uk-img', '', viewElement );
conversionApi.writer.setAttribute( 'data-src', src, viewElement );
// conversionApi.writer.setAttribute( 'data-srcset', srcSet, viewElement );
} );
* Helper method that searches for a given view element in all children of the model element.
* #param {module:engine/view/item~Item} viewElement
* #param {String} viewElementName
* #param {module:engine/conversion/downcastdispatcher~DowncastConversionApi} conversionApi
* #return {module:engine/view/item~Item}
function findViewChild( viewElement, viewElementName, conversionApi ) {
const viewChildren = Array.from( conversionApi.writer.createRangeIn( viewElement ).getItems() );
return viewChildren.find( item => 'element', viewElementName ) );
* Sets up a conversion for a custom attribute on the view elements contained inside a <figure>.
* This method:
* - Adds proper schema rules.
* - Adds an upcast converter.
* - Adds a downcast converter.
function setupCustomAttributeConversion( viewElementName, modelElementName, viewAttribute, editor ) {
// Extends the schema to store an attribute in the model.
const modelAttribute = `${ viewAttribute }`;
editor.model.schema.extend( modelElementName, { allowAttributes: [ modelAttribute ] } );
editor.conversion.for( 'upcast' ).add( upcastAttribute( viewElementName, viewAttribute, modelAttribute ) );
editor.conversion.for( 'downcast' ).add( downcastAttribute( modelElementName, viewElementName, viewAttribute, modelAttribute ) );
* Returns the custom attribute upcast converter.
function upcastAttribute( viewElementName, viewAttribute, modelAttribute ) {
return dispatcher => dispatcher.on( `element:${ viewElementName }`, ( evt, data, conversionApi ) => {
const viewItem = data.viewItem;
const modelRange = data.modelRange;
const modelElement = modelRange && modelRange.start.nodeAfter;
if ( !modelElement ) {
conversionApi.writer.setAttribute( modelAttribute, viewItem.getAttribute( viewAttribute ), modelElement );
} );
* Returns the custom attribute downcast converter.
function downcastAttribute( modelElementName, viewElementName, viewAttribute, modelAttribute ) {
return dispatcher => dispatcher.on( `insert:${ modelElementName }`, ( evt, data, conversionApi ) => {
const modelElement = data.item;
const viewFigure = conversionApi.mapper.toViewElement( modelElement );
const viewElement = findViewChild( viewFigure, viewElementName, conversionApi );
if ( !viewElement ) {
conversionApi.writer.setAttribute( viewAttribute, modelElement.getAttribute( modelAttribute ), viewElement );
} );

integrate vue-i18n in vue-beautiful-chat

I try to integrate (vue-i18n) at this library ( in src folder but I have some integration problems
in this file ./i18n/translations.js => we have the translations
in src/index.js
import Launcher from './Launcher.vue'
import VTooltip from 'v-tooltip'
import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n'
import messages from './i18n/translations.js'
const defaultComponentName = 'beautiful-chat'
const Plugin = {
install (Vue, options = {}) {
* Makes sure that plugin can be installed only once
if (this.installed) {
const locale = navigator.language
const i18n = new VueI18n({
fallbackLocale: 'fr',
locale: locale,
this.installed = true
this.event = new Vue({i18n})
this.dynamicContainer = null
this.componentName = options.componentName || defaultComponentName
* Plugin API
Vue.prototype.$chat = {
_setDynamicContainer (dynamicContainer) {
Plugin.dynamicContainer = dynamicContainer
* Sets custom component name (if provided)
Vue.component(this.componentName, Launcher)
export default Plugin
And i start to change in the file "src/Launcher.vue" "you" in the header of the chat
computed: {
chatWindowTitle() {
if (this.title !== '') {
return this.title
if (this.participants.length === 0) {
return $t('participant.you_only')
} else if (this.participants.length > 1) {
return $t('participant.you_and_participants', { participant: 'this.participants[0].name' })
} else {
return 'You & ' + this.participants[0].name
but i receive this error
i have try few others methods as this.$i18n and others.
Can you help me please ?
Thanks a lot.
Are you possible missing the "this" when referring to "$t" on the computed property?
computed: {
chatWindowTitle() {
if (this.title !== '') {
return this.title
if (this.participants.length === 0) {
return this.$t('participant.you_only')
} else if (this.participants.length > 1) {
return this.$t('participant.you_and_participants', { participant: 'this.participants[0].name' })
} else {
return 'You & ' + this.participants[0].name

Rename & Copy Multiple Files (Different names) to One Name With Numbers

how can I rename or copy multiple files (with different name without numbers like "jhf.mp4" "JJHGF.flv" ..) to one name with numbers like (input_01.mp4 input_02 ....) (order by case) by batch file by giving just path of (folder files) to batch file or dropping the files to it (patch file).
-- MEAN USING VARIABLE OR (dropping with %*) .
Note 1: I need this technique for encoding animes with X264 if any other good ideas I'll be happy to hear it.
Note 2: I'm using Windows 10.
I think you can solve this problem using WSHost-scripts. WSHost-system should be preinstalled on any modern Windows computer.
I designed a system of utilities to tackle your problem:
You can find source code for 3-4-5 at the bottom of this answer, and for 1-2 - in separate answers (there is a limit of characters per answer).
1 and 2 are workhorses of this system. Powerful but not user-friendly. Yes you can use them as stand-alone utilities if you understand what input they use.
3-4-5 - are glue that bind this system and expose user-friendly controls.
This system is dependent on absolute paths. But all absolute paths are set as variables at the start of 3-4-5 - so if you want to reorganize system - you need change things there and only there.
This is how it should be deployed at filesystem:
C:\1\ <- this is the root of system
C:\1\aOrig <- folder for original files
C:\1\norm\ <- folder with files that are part of this system + temp folders
C:\1\norm\backend <- place for non-user-friendly utilities
+files: (these are example international filesnames that you can use for playground to check how system works to make yourserf familiar with it)
C:\1\aOrig\English.txt <- test files, you could add unique content to each
How to use it:
You open your console and go to dir **C:\1\norm**
You call programs in this order:
What happened now is that two interesting temp folders are created:
C:\1\norm\bTemp <- here are normalized files.
C:\1\norm\mappingTemp <- it contains a file with mapping between original and normalized names.
What you must do now - is to process files in C:\1\norm\bTemp - that special processing you mentioned before. Right now for the purposes of learning, you can manually change extensions and contents.
And that's it.
So, if we condence it that's your typical session here, plain and simple -
before.cmd your stuff with files at "C:\1\norm\bTemp"...
Also, you don't need command line to use those - you can open **C:\1\norm** in Explorer and double click those utilities in the order that I explained above - cleanup-before-(..manually do your work with bTemp..)-after-cleanup
Listing for program cleanup.cmd :
:: name of this script...
:: useful for debugging...
SET me=%~nx0
:: aOrig - directory that contains source files...
:: bTemp - temporary working directory...
:: mTemp - temporary directory for mapping.txt...
SET aOrig=C:\1\aOrig
SET bTemp=C:\1\norm\bTemp
SET mTemp=C:\1\norm\mappingTemp
:: Removing temporary folders...
:: Be warned - this RD is working
:: in quiet mode /Q - so it wouldn't ask you politely
:: about del y/n - thus, please make shure that
:: %aOrig% doesn't point to anything
:: important for your personal data or system...
IF EXIST "%bTemp%" RD /S /Q "%bTemp%"
IF EXIST "%mTemp%" RD /S /Q "%mTemp%"
ECHO Script %me% failed on step cleanup-1: [Removing temporary folders]...
:: Successfully finished
ECHO Script %me% successfully finished!
Listing for program before.cmd :
:: name of this script...
:: useful for debugging...
SET me=%~nx0
:: aOrig - directory that contains original files...
:: bTemp - temporary working directory...
:: mTemp - temporary directory for mapping.txt...
SET aOrig=C:\1\aOrig
SET bTemp=C:\1\norm\bTemp
SET mTemp=C:\1\norm\mappingTemp
:: scriptBuild - name of .js-script for building a map
:: from original to normalized filenames...
:: scriptMapFi - name of .js-script interpreting
:: mapping file that was build by scriptBuild...
:: mappingFile - path for file that will contain mapping between
:: original filenames and normalized filenames...
SET scriptBuild=C:\1\norm\backend\build-mapping-to-normalized-filenames.js
SET scriptMapFi=C:\1\norm\backend\map-filenames.js
SET mappingFile=C:\1\norm\mappingTemp\mapping.txt
:: creating temporary folders...
IF NOT EXIST "%bTemp%" MKDIR "%bTemp%"
IF NOT EXIST "%mTemp%" MKDIR "%mTemp%"
ECHO Script %me% failed on step before-1: [Creating temporary folders]...
:: now we run build-mapping-to-normalized-filenames.js ...
:: that //U thing is important...
CSCRIPT //U //NoLogo "%scriptBuild%" "%aOrig%" 0 1 > "%mappingFile%"
ECHO Script %me% failed on step before-2: [Building a list of normalized filenames]...
:: now we run map-filenames.js ...
:: that //U thing is important...
CSCRIPT //U //NoLogo "%scriptMapFi%" "%aOrig%" "%bTemp%" /NotTraining < "%mappingFile%"
ECHO Script %me% failed on step before-3: [Copy files while simultaneously changing their names to normalised form]...
:: Successfully finished
ECHO Script %me% successfully finished!
Listing for program after.cmd :
:: name of this script...
:: useful for debugging...
SET me=%~nx0
:: aOrig - directory that contains original files...
:: bTemp - temporary working directory...
:: mTemp - temporary directory for mapping.txt...
SET aOrig=C:\1\aOrig
SET bTemp=C:\1\norm\bTemp
SET mTemp=C:\1\norm\mappingTemp
:: scriptBuild - name of .js-script for building a map
:: from original to normalized filenames...
:: scriptMapFi - name of .js-script interpreting
:: mapping file that was build by scriptBuild...
:: mappingFile - path for file that will contain mapping between
:: original filenames and normalized filenames...
SET scriptBuild=C:\1\norm\backend\build-mapping-to-normalized-filenames.js
SET scriptMapFi=C:\1\norm\backend\map-filenames.js
SET mappingFile=C:\1\norm\mappingTemp\mapping.txt
:: Removing files in original folder...
:: Not recursive
:: Be warned - this DEL is working
:: in quiet mode /Q - so it wouldn't ask you politely
:: about del y/n - thus, please make shure that
:: %aOrig% doesn't point to anything
:: important for your personal data or system...
IF EXIST "%aOrig%" DEL /Q "%aOrig%"
ECHO Script %me% failed on step after-1: [Removing files from original folder]...
:: now we run map-filenames.js ...
:: that //U thing is important...
CSCRIPT //U //NoLogo "%scriptMapFi%" "%bTemp%" "%aOrig%" /NotTraining /MapFrom2To1 /ResultExtension:2 /FuzzyExtensionsFrom < "%mappingFile%"
ECHO Script %me% failed on step after-2: [Copy files while simultaneously changing their names to normalised form]...
:: Successfully finished
ECHO Script %me% successfully finished!
Listing for program build-mapping-to-normalized-filenames.js :
// - - - - -
// #magicVars #config
// Purpose of basicOptions: organize set of most basic settings
// into a compact object package
var basicOptions = {
// Fist things first -
// "scriptName" will be important for error messages.
// Because when you debug a pipeline of scripts, it is always
// crucial to know - which program in pipeline of 10 utilities
// throws that cryptic stderr message "error: not enough arguments".
// I mean huh? Was that calc-tool.js? Or sort-tool.js? Go figure...
scriptName: WScript.ScriptName.toString(),
// What kind of End Of Line sequence
// (they call it New Line sometimes too)
// you prefer when using outputToolbox?
eolStdOut: '\r\n',
eolStdErr: '\r\n',
// Those are all possible errorCodes that this script
// was designed to fail with.
// You can define other error codes.
// Those SHOULD be integer (not strings).
// Code noErrors = 0 is indication that script finished without errors.
errorCodes: {
noErrors: 0,
badArguments: 1,
badGettingFileList: 2
// - - - - -
// thisOptions
// Purpose of thisOptions: organize set of hard-coded
// normalisation settings
// into a compact object package
var thisOptions = {
normNameBefore: 'input_',
normNameAfter: ''
// - - - - -
// outputToolbox depends on
// basicOptions && WScript
// Purpose of outputToolbox: organize in one group
// functions that are used to
// output chars or messages to stdout or stderr
var outputToolbox = {
// Syntactic sugar for printing exact set of chars to stdout.
print: function( data ) {
// For this script to output UTF characters correctly, program must
// run under /U switch - like
// cscript /U //NoLogo program-name-here.js arg1 arg2
WScript.StdOut.Write( data );
// Syntactic sugar for printing one line to stdout.
// terminated with your preferred line-terminator.
printLine: function( data ) {
outputToolbox.print( data );
outputToolbox.print( basicOptions.eolStdOut );
// Syntactic sugar for printing exact set of chars to stderr.
printErr: function( data ) {
WScript.StdErr.Write( data );
// Syntactic sugar for printing one line to stderr
// terminated with your preferred line-terminator.
printErrLine: function( data ) {
outputToolbox.printErr( data );
outputToolbox.printErr( basicOptions.eolStdErr );
// Syntactic sugar for printing one line to stderr
// prepended with meaningful script name (that is useful for debug)
// terminated with your preferred line-terminator.
printErrMessage: function( data ) {
outputToolbox.printErr( basicOptions.scriptName + ' failed' );
outputToolbox.printErr( data );
outputToolbox.printErr( basicOptions.eolStdErr );
// Syntactic sugar for printing one line to stderr
// prepended with meaningful script name (that is useful for debug)
// terminated with your preferred line-terminator.
printErrWarning: function( data ) {
outputToolbox.printErr( 'Warning for ' + basicOptions.scriptName + ': ' );
outputToolbox.printErr( data );
outputToolbox.printErr( basicOptions.eolStdErr );
// Syntactic sugar for printing Error objects
// catched by throw...catch construction
printErrCatchedErr: function( e ) {
' - catched error details - ' + + ': ' + e.message
// - - - - -
// flowToolbox depends on
// WScript
// Purpose of flowToolbox: organize in one group
// functions that are used to
// control general flow of program
var flowToolbox = {
// Shortcut to kill this script.
// When invoked it stops execution.
die: function ( code ) {
if ( typeof code === 'undefined' ) {
code = 0;
// - - - - -
// Here is a cleaner alternative: we pollute only name $b.
// Not so easy to type but later, you can easily find all code calls
// dependant on functions from 'basis'.
// '$b' stands for 'library-b' or more exactly - "library named 'basis'"
var $b = {};
$b.print = outputToolbox.print;
$b.printLine = outputToolbox.printLine;
$b.printErr = outputToolbox.printErr;
$b.printErrLine = outputToolbox.printErrLine;
$b.printErrMessage = outputToolbox.printErrMessage;
$b.printErrWarning = outputToolbox.printErrWarning;
$b.die = flowToolbox.die;
// ^ You can use those as functions now
// - - - - -
// $fileListToolbox
// depends on WScript && ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) && $b
var $fileListToolbox = {
* Input:
* any gibberish that is acceptable
* for your local version of
* Scripting.FileSystemObject
* - like
* getFileListForFolder( 'C:\' );
* getFileListForFolder( 'C:\abc' );
* getFileListForFolder( './' );
* getFileListForFolder( './abc/../abc/..' );
* Output:
* aFileList with format:
* empty array
* or
* array of oFileData
* oFileData has format:
* {
* fileNameBase: ...[string],
* fileNameExtension: ...[string],
* parentAbsolutePath: ...[string]
* }
getFileListForFolder: function( folderSpec )
var aResult = [];
var fso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );
if ( !fso.FolderExists( folderSpec ) ) {
$b.printErrMessage(' folder="' + folderSpec + '" doesn\'t exist');
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badGettingFileList );
var folder = fso.GetFolder( folderSpec );
var files = new Enumerator( folder.files );
for ( ; !files.atEnd(); files.moveNext() ) {
var thisFileItem = files.item();
fileNameBase: fso.GetBaseName( thisFileItem ),
fileNameExtension: fso.GetExtensionName( thisFileItem ),
parentAbsolutePath: (
fso.GetAbsolutePathName( thisFileItem )
return( aResult );
* Purpose:
* Sort files by fileNameBase
* Input:
* aFileList
* - format is the same
* as for function $fileListToolbox.getFileListForFolder
* Output:
* - format is the same
* as for function $fileListToolbox.getFileListForFolder
sortFileListByFileNameBaseAsc: function( aFileList ) {
var fSort = function( a, b ) {
if ( a.fileNameBase > b.fileNameBase ) {
return 1;
if ( a.fileNameBase < b.fileNameBase ) {
return -1;
return 0;
return aFileList.sort( fSort );
* Purpose:
* Tool for displaying contents of fileList
* Input:
* aFileList
* - format is the same
* as for function $fileListToolbox.getFileListForFolder
* Sideeffects:
* Prints aFileList to the stdout stream
printFileList: function( aFileList, callbackPrintLine ) {
if ( typeof callbackPrintLine === 'undefined' ) {
var i;
var L = aFileList.length;
var elem;
for ( i = 0; i < L; i++ ) {
elem = aFileList[i];
callbackPrintLine( 'i: ' + i );
callbackPrintLine( 'fileNameBase: ' + elem.fileNameBase );
callbackPrintLine( 'fileNameExtension: ' + elem.fileNameExtension );
callbackPrintLine( 'parentAbsolutePath: ' + elem.parentAbsolutePath );
// basic test:
$fileListToolbox.getFileListForFolder( 'bTmp' )
// - - - - -
// $mappingEngine
var $mappingEngine = {
// this is a relic from a more complex fileformat...
printHeader: function(
) {
printBasicFilePair: function(
aFileNameBase, aFileNameExtension,
bFileNameBase, bFileNameExtension
) {
var eol = '\r\n';
if ( aFileNameBase.match( /[\r\n]/ ) !== null ) {
throw new Error(
'error: bad input: aFileNameBase contains end of line symbols'
if ( bFileNameBase.match( /[\r\n]/ ) !== null ) {
throw new Error(
'error: bad input: bFileNameBase contains end of line symbols'
if ( aFileNameExtension.match( /[\r\n]/ ) !== null ) {
throw new Error(
'error: bad input: aFileNameExtension contains end of line symbols'
if ( bFileNameExtension.match( /[\r\n]/ ) !== null ) {
throw new Error(
'error: bad input: bFileNameExtension contains end of line symbols'
var ar = [
'baseName:' + aFileNameBase,
'extensionName:' + aFileNameExtension,
'baseName:' + bFileNameBase,
'extensionName:' + bFileNameExtension,
functionPrintChars( ar.join( eol ) );
//basic test:
$mappingEngine.printHeader( $b.print );
$mappingEngine.printBasicFilePair( $b.print, 'abcdef', 'ext', 'input_001', 'txt' );
$mappingEngine.printBasicFilePair( $b.print, 'ghijkl', 'jpg', 'input_002', 'png' );
// it should print to output:
// - - - - -
function generateFAddLeadingZeroes( minimumLength, startFrom ) {
if ( typeof minimumLength === 'undefined' ) {
minimumLength = 0;
if ( typeof startFrom === 'undefined' ) {
startFrom = 0;
minimumLength = parseInt( minimumLength ) - 1;
startFrom = parseInt( startFrom );
var fAddLeadingZeroes = function( i, L ) {
i += startFrom;
L += startFrom - 1;
var sResult = i.toString();
if ( minimumLength > 0 ) {
var level = 0;
var tmpL = L;
while (
( tmpL = parseInt( tmpL / 10 ) ) >= 1
) {
level = Math.max( level, minimumLength );
var iLength = sResult.length;
while ( iLength <= level-- ) {
sResult = '0' + sResult;
return sResult;
return fAddLeadingZeroes;
// - - - - -
var $thisArguments = {
getArgumentsObj: function() {
return WScript.Arguments;
// mockup for tests in browser
var testArr = [1,2,3,4,5];
var mockupArguments = function( i ) {
return testArr[i];
mockupArguments.length = testArr.length;
return mockupArguments;
printErrorMessageAndDie: function( meaningfulPart ) {
' - problem when ' +
'parsing command-line arguments (options): ' +
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badArguments );
getArgumentsDummy: function() {
return {
folder: 'C:\abc',
minNOfDigits: 0,
countStart: 1
print: function( argumentsObject ) {
$b.printErrLine( 'folder: ' + argumentsObject.folder );
$b.printErrLine( 'minNOfDigits: ' + argumentsObject.minNOfDigits );
$b.printErrLine( 'countStart: ' + argumentsObject.countStart );
// We don't use any flags it this script...
isThereAFlagInArguments: function( inString ) {
var normalizedEthalon = inString.toString().toLowerCase();
var objArgs = $thisArguments.getArgumentsObj();
var i;
var L = objArgs.length;
for ( i = 2; i < L; i++ ) {
var normalizedArgument = objArgs( i ).toString().toLowerCase();
if ( normalizedEthalon === normalizedArgument ) {
return true;
return false;
getArguments: {
folder: function() {
var rR = '';
var objArgs = $thisArguments.getArgumentsObj();
if ( objArgs.length < 1 ) {
' - reason: not enough arguments, ' +
'you MUST to provide at least 1 argument, ' +
'but ammount of arguments you provided ' +
'only: ' + objArgs.length
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badArguments );
rR = objArgs(0);
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
rR = fso.GetAbsolutePathName( rR );
return rR;
minNOfDigits: function() {
var rR = '0';
var objArgs = $thisArguments.getArgumentsObj();
if ( objArgs.length >= 2 ) {
rR = objArgs(1);
var intRR = parseInt( rR );
// test for NaN
if ( intRR !== intRR ) {
' - reason: bad argument 2, ' +
'you MUST to provide non-negative integer, ' +
'but you provided non-integer: ' +
'[' + ( typeof rR ) + ']' +
' "' + rR + '"' +
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badArguments );
// test for negative
if ( intRR < 0 ) {
' - reason: bad argument 2, ' +
'you MUST to provide non-negative integer, ' +
'but you provided negtive integer: ' +
'[' + ( typeof rR ) + ']' +
' "' + rR + '"' +
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badArguments );
rR = intRR;
return rR;
countStart: function() {
var rR = '1';
var objArgs = $thisArguments.getArgumentsObj();
if ( objArgs.length >= 3 ) {
rR = objArgs(2);
var intRR = parseInt( rR );
// test for NaN
if ( intRR !== intRR ) {
' - reason: bad argument 3, ' +
'you MUST to provide non-negative integer, ' +
'but you provided non-integer: ' +
'[' + ( typeof rR ) + ']' +
' "' + rR + '"' +
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badArguments );
// test for negative
if ( intRR < 0 ) {
' - reason: bad argument 3, ' +
'you MUST to provide non-negative integer, ' +
'but you provided negtive integer: ' +
'[' + ( typeof rR ) + ']' +
' "' + rR + '"' +
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badArguments );
rR = intRR;
return rR;
getArgumentsAll: function() {
var $get = $thisArguments.getArguments;
var rR = {
folder: $get.folder(),
minNOfDigits: $get.minNOfDigits(),
countStart: $get.countStart()
return rR;
var $a = $thisArguments;
// - - - - -
function main() {
var $inputOptions = $a.getArgumentsAll();
'Arguments for ' + basicOptions.scriptName +
' are interpreted this way:'
$a.print( $inputOptions );
try {
var aFileList = $fileListToolbox.getFileListForFolder( $inputOptions.folder );
} catch (e) {
' - problems while trying ' +
'to get list of files from folder: ' +
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badGettingFileList );
aFileList = $fileListToolbox.sortFileListByFileNameBaseAsc( aFileList );
// addLeadingZeroes
// is a function now.
// You can see what arguments it requires
// and output it produces in source for
// generateFAddLeadingZeroes
// function.
var addLeadingZeroes = generateFAddLeadingZeroes(
var normNameBefore = thisOptions.normNameBefore;
var normNameAfter = thisOptions.normNameAfter;
var i;
var L = aFileList.length;
for ( i = 0; i < L; i++ ) {
var elem = aFileList[i];
var aBase = elem.fileNameBase;
var aExtension = elem.fileNameExtension;
var count = addLeadingZeroes( i, L );
var bBase = normNameBefore + count + normNameAfter;
var bExtension = aExtension;
aBase, aExtension,
bBase, bExtension
$b.printErr( 'Script ' + basicOptions.scriptName + ' - finished!' );
Listing for program map-filenames.js :
// - - - - -
// #magicVars #config
// Purpose of basicOptions: organize set of most basic settings
// into a compact object package
var basicOptions = {
// Fist things first -
// "scriptName" will be important for error messages.
// Because when you debug a pipeline of scripts, it is always
// crucial to know - which program in pipeline of 10 utilities
// throws that cryptic stderr message "error: not enough arguments".
// I mean huh? Was that calc-tool.js? Or sort-tool.js? Go figure...
scriptName: WScript.ScriptName.toString(),
// What kind of End Of Line sequence
// (they call it New Line sometimes too)
// you prefer when using outputToolbox?
eolStdOut: '\r\n',
eolStdErr: '\r\n',
// Those are all possible errorCodes that this script
// was designed to fail with.
// You can define other error codes.
// Those SHOULD be integer (not strings).
// Code noErrors = 0 is indication that script finished without errors.
errorCodes: {
noErrors: 0,
badArguments: 1,
badCopy: 2,
badParsing: 3,
badGettingFileList: 4
// - - - - -
// - - - - -
// outputToolbox depends on
// basicOptions && WScript
// Purpose of outputToolbox: organize in one group
// functions that are used to
// output chars or messages to stdout or stderr
var outputToolbox = {
// Syntactic sugar for printing exact set of chars to stdout.
print: function( data ) {
// For this script to output UTF characters correctly, program must
// run under /U switch - like
// cscript /U //NoLogo program-name-here.js arg1 arg2
WScript.StdOut.Write( data );
// Syntactic sugar for printing one line to stdout.
// terminated with your preferred line-terminator.
printLine: function( data ) {
outputToolbox.print( data );
outputToolbox.print( basicOptions.eolStdOut );
// Syntactic sugar for printing exact set of chars to stderr.
printErr: function( data ) {
WScript.StdErr.Write( data );
// Syntactic sugar for printing one line to stderr
// terminated with your preferred line-terminator.
printErrLine: function( data ) {
outputToolbox.printErr( data );
outputToolbox.printErr( basicOptions.eolStdErr );
// Syntactic sugar for printing one line to stderr
// prepended with meaningful script name (that is useful for debug)
// terminated with your preferred line-terminator.
printErrMessage: function( data ) {
outputToolbox.printErr( basicOptions.scriptName + ' failed' );
outputToolbox.printErr( data );
outputToolbox.printErr( basicOptions.eolStdErr );
// Syntactic sugar for printing one line to stderr
// prepended with meaningful script name (that is useful for debug)
// terminated with your preferred line-terminator.
printErrWarning: function( data ) {
outputToolbox.printErr( 'Warning for ' + basicOptions.scriptName + ': ' );
outputToolbox.printErr( data );
outputToolbox.printErr( basicOptions.eolStdErr );
// Syntactic sugar for printing Error objects
// catched by throw...catch construction
printErrCatchedErr: function( e ) {
' - catched error details - ' + + ': ' + e.message
// - - - - -
// flowToolbox depends on
// WScript
// Purpose of flowToolbox: organize in one group
// functions that are used to
// control general flow of program
var flowToolbox = {
// Shortcut to kill this script.
// When invoked it stops execution.
die: function ( code ) {
if ( typeof code === 'undefined' ) {
code = 0;
// - - - - -
// Here is a cleaner alternative: we pollute only name $b.
// Not so easy to type but later, you can easily find all code calls
// dependant on functions from 'basis'.
// '$b' stands for 'library-b' or more exactly - "library named 'basis'"
var $b = {};
$b.print = outputToolbox.print;
$b.printLine = outputToolbox.printLine;
$b.printErr = outputToolbox.printErr;
$b.printErrLine = outputToolbox.printErrLine;
$b.printErrMessage = outputToolbox.printErrMessage;
$b.printErrWarning = outputToolbox.printErrWarning;
$b.die = flowToolbox.die;
// ^ You can use those as functions now
// - - - - -
// $fileListToolbox
// depends on WScript && ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) && $b
var $fileListToolbox = {
* Input:
* any gibberish that is acceptable
* for your local version of
* Scripting.FileSystemObject
* - like
* getFileListForFolder( 'C:\' );
* getFileListForFolder( 'C:\abc' );
* getFileListForFolder( './' );
* getFileListForFolder( './abc/../abc/..' );
* Output:
* aFileList with format:
* empty array
* or
* array of oFileData
* oFileData has format:
* {
* fileNameBase: ...[string],
* fileNameExtension: ...[string],
* parentAbsolutePath: ...[string]
* }
getFileListForFolder: function( folderSpec )
var aResult = [];
var fso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );
if ( !fso.FolderExists( folderSpec ) ) {
$b.printErrMessage(' folder="' + folderSpec + '" doesn\'t exist');
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badGettingFileList );
var folder = fso.GetFolder( folderSpec );
var files = new Enumerator( folder.files );
for ( ; !files.atEnd(); files.moveNext() ) {
var thisFileItem = files.item();
fileNameBase: fso.GetBaseName( thisFileItem ),
fileNameExtension: fso.GetExtensionName( thisFileItem ),
parentAbsolutePath: (
fso.GetAbsolutePathName( thisFileItem )
return( aResult );
* Purpose:
* Sort files by fileNameBase
* Input:
* aFileList
* - format is the same
* as for function $fileListToolbox.getFileListForFolder
* Output:
* - format is the same
* as for function $fileListToolbox.getFileListForFolder
sortFileListByFileNameBaseAsc: function( aFileList ) {
var fSort = function( a, b ) {
if ( a.fileNameBase > b.fileNameBase ) {
return 1;
if ( a.fileNameBase < b.fileNameBase ) {
return -1;
return 0;
return aFileList.sort( fSort );
when no results
when result found
getAnyFileWithBaseName: function( baseName, aFileList ) {
var i;
var L = aFileList.length;
for ( i = 0; i < L; i++ ) {
var a = aFileList[i];
if ( a.fileNameBase === baseName ) {
return a;
return false;
* Purpose:
* Tool for displaying contents of fileList
* Input:
* aFileList
* - format is the same
* as for function $fileListToolbox.getFileListForFolder
* Sideeffects:
* Prints aFileList to the stdout stream
printFileList: function( aFileList, callbackPrintLine ) {
if ( typeof callbackPrintLine === 'undefined' ) {
var i;
var L = aFileList.length;
var elem;
for ( i = 0; i < L; i++ ) {
elem = aFileList[i];
callbackPrintLine( 'i: ' + i );
callbackPrintLine( 'fileNameBase: ' + elem.fileNameBase );
callbackPrintLine( 'fileNameExtension: ' + elem.fileNameExtension );
callbackPrintLine( 'parentAbsolutePath: ' + elem.parentAbsolutePath );
// basic test:
$fileListToolbox.getFileListForFolder( 'bTmp' )
// test for fuzzy search only by file base name:
$fileListToolbox.getFileListForFolder( 'bTmp' )
var fuzzy = $fileListToolbox.getAnyFileWithBaseName(
$fileListToolbox.getFileListForFolder( 'bTmp' )
$b.printLine( 'fuzzy.fileNameBase: ' + fuzzy.fileNameBase );
$b.printLine( 'fuzzy.fileNameExtension: ' + fuzzy.fileNameExtension );
// $streamToolbox
var $streamToolbox = {
// when end of line returns '' (aka empty string)
getChar: function() {
if ( WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream ) {
return '';
return WScript.StdIn.Read(1);
// tests show that for Windows 7 it understands terminators
// CRLF or LF-only
// when end of line returns '' (aka empty string)
getLine: function() {
if ( WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream ) {
return '';
return WScript.StdIn.ReadLine();
var $s = $streamToolbox;
// it could be used like that:
var piece;
while ( ( piece = $s.getLine() ) !== '' ) {
$b.printLine( 'piece: ' + '>' + piece + '<' );
// $thisArguments
var $thisArguments = {
getArgumentsObj: function() {
return WScript.Arguments;
// mockup for tests in browser
var testArr = [1,2,3,4,5];
var mockupArguments = function( i ) {
return testArr[i];
mockupArguments.length = testArr.length;
return mockupArguments;
printErrorMessageAndDie: function( meaningfulPart ) {
' - problem when ' +
'parsing command-line arguments (options): ' +
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badArguments );
getArgumentsDummy: function() {
return {
direction: 'from-id-2-to-id-1',
resultExtension: 'auto',
folderFrom: 'C:\abc',
folderTo: 'D:\abc',
mode: 'training',
modeForExtensionFrom: 'strict'
print: function( argumentsObject ) {
$b.printErrLine( 'folderFrom: ' + argumentsObject.folderFrom );
$b.printErrLine( 'folderTo: ' + argumentsObject.folderTo );
$b.printErrLine( 'direction: ' + argumentsObject.direction );
$b.printErrLine( 'resultExtension: ' + argumentsObject.resultExtension );
$b.printErrLine( 'mode: ' + argumentsObject.mode );
$b.printErrLine( 'modeForExtensionFrom: ' + argumentsObject.modeForExtensionFrom );
isThereAFlagInArguments: function( inString ) {
var normalizedEthalon = inString.toString().toLowerCase();
var objArgs = $thisArguments.getArgumentsObj();
var i;
var L = objArgs.length;
for ( i = 2; i < L; i++ ) {
var normalizedArgument = objArgs( i ).toString().toLowerCase();
if ( normalizedEthalon === normalizedArgument ) {
return true;
return false;
getArguments: {
folderFrom: function() {
var rR = '';
var objArgs = $thisArguments.getArgumentsObj();
if ( objArgs.length < 2 ) {
' - reason: not enough arguments, ' +
'you MUST to provide at least 2 arguments, ' +
'but ammount of arguments you provided ' +
'is only: ' + objArgs.length
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badArguments );
rR = objArgs(0);
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
rR = fso.GetAbsolutePathName( rR );
return rR;
folderTo: function() {
var rR = '';
var objArgs = $thisArguments.getArgumentsObj();
if ( objArgs.length < 2 ) {
' - reason: not enough arguments, ' +
'you MUST to provide at least 2 arguments, ' +
'but ammount of arguments you provided ' +
'is only: ' + objArgs.length
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badArguments );
rR = objArgs(1);
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
rR = fso.GetAbsolutePathName( rR );
return rR;
direction: function() {
var rR = 'from-id-1-to-id-2';
var hasFlag = $thisArguments.isThereAFlagInArguments;
if ( hasFlag( '/MapFrom2To1' ) ) {
rR = 'from-id-2-to-id-1';
return rR;
resultExtension: function() {
var rR = 'auto';
var hasFlag = $thisArguments.isThereAFlagInArguments;
if ( hasFlag( '/ResultExtension:none' ) ) {
rR = 'none';
if ( hasFlag( '/ResultExtension:21' ) ) {
rR = '21';
if ( hasFlag( '/ResultExtension:12' ) ) {
rR = '12';
if ( hasFlag( '/ResultExtension:2' ) ) {
rR = '2';
if ( hasFlag( '/ResultExtension:1' ) ) {
rR = '1';
return rR;
mode: function() {
var rR = 'training';
var hasFlag = $thisArguments.isThereAFlagInArguments;
if ( hasFlag( '/NotTraining' ) ) {
rR = 'not-training';
return rR;
modeForExtensionFrom: function() {
var rR = 'strict';
var hasFlag = $thisArguments.isThereAFlagInArguments;
if ( hasFlag( '/FuzzyExtensionsFrom' ) ) {
rR = 'fuzzy';
return rR;
getArgumentsAll: function() {
var $get = $thisArguments.getArguments;
var rR = {
folderFrom: $get.folderFrom(),
folderTo: $get.folderTo(),
direction: $get.direction(),
resultExtension: $get.resultExtension(),
mode: $get.mode(),
modeForExtensionFrom: $get.modeForExtensionFrom()
return rR;
var $a = $thisArguments;
//you can use it like this:
var $inputOptions = $a.getArgumentsAll()
$a.print( $inputOptions );
// $parser
// mockup options for separate testing
var basicOptions = {
errorCodes: {
badParsing: 3
var $b = {
printErrMessage: function( a ) { console.log(a); },
die: function() { throw new Error(); }
var $parser = {};
$parser.generateDummyLineReader = function( textBlock ) {
var lines = textBlock.split( '\r\n' );
var i = -1;
var L = lines.length;
var f = function() {
if ( i >= L ) {
return '';
return lines[i];
return f;
$parser.generateDummyInputOptions = function() {
return {
direction: '1-to-2',
resultExtension: '12',
folderFrom: 'C:\abc',
folderTo: 'D:\abc'
$parser.generateDummyMappingLineReader = function() {
return $parser.generateDummyLineReader(
must be iterator that returns '' (aka empty string)
when stream of lines ends
functionForEachBlockDo must have
those arguments:
- id1Base
- id1Ext
- id2Base
- id2Ext
- $inputOptions
- functionCopyFile
$inputOptions must have properties
(wherever it mentioned in this block of comments):
- direction
- resultExtension
- folderFrom
- folderTo
functionCopyFile must have these arguments
- folderFrom
- fileFrom
- folderTo
- fileTo
$parser.parseLinesAndForEachBlockDo = function(
) {
var buffer = null;
var nOfLine = 0;
var states = [
function printErrorMessageAndDie( meaningfulPart ) {
' - problem when parsing line ' + nOfLine + ': ' +
'[' + typeof line + ']' +
'"' + line + '"' +
meaningfulPart +
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badParsing );
var state = 'waitingForId1';
var line;
while (
( line = functionReadNextLine() ) !== ''
) {
var arOrNull = line.match( /^([a-zA-Z0-9-]*):(.*)$/ );
if (
( arOrNull === null )
) {
'every line in mapping must be either' +
'"key:value" or ":"'
var key = arOrNull[1];
var value = arOrNull[2];
if (
( value.match( '\r' ) !== null )
) {
'if line is ' +
'"key:value" ' +
'then it MUST NOT contain \r (CR) symbols ' +
'exept in terminator'
if ( state === 'waitingForId1' ) {
if (
( key === 'id' )
( value === '1' )
) {
buffer = {};
buffer.nowGroup = {
id: 1
state = 'waitingForBase';
} else {
'but this line must be "id:1"'
if ( state === 'waitingForBase' ) {
if (
( key === 'baseName' )
) {
buffer.nowGroup.base = value;
state = 'waitingForExtension';
} else {
'but this line must be "baseName:...anything-here..."'
if ( state === 'waitingForExtension' ) {
if (
( key === 'extensionName' )
) {
buffer.nowGroup.ext = value;
if ( === 1 ) {
state = 'waitingForId2';
} else {
state = 'waitingForEndOfGroup';
} else {
'but this line must be "extensionName:...anything-here..."'
if ( state === 'waitingForId2' ) {
if (
( key === 'id' )
( value === '2' )
) {
buffer.group1 = {
base: buffer.nowGroup.base,
ext: buffer.nowGroup.ext
buffer.nowGroup = {
id: 2
state = 'waitingForBase';
} else {
'but this line must be "id:2"'
if ( state === 'waitingForEndOfGroup' ) {
if (
( key === '' )
( value === '' )
) {
buffer.group2 = {
base: buffer.nowGroup.base,
ext: buffer.nowGroup.ext
buffer = null;
state = 'waitingForId1';
} else {
'but this line must be ":"'
if ( buffer !== null ) {
'dangling state (not all properties group are defined) - ' + state
// test
// can be tested in for browser with only $parser object
function( a, b, c, d ) {
console.log( 'a:', a, 'b:', b, 'c:', c, 'd:', d );
$inputOptions must have properties:
- direction
- resultExtension
- folderFrom
- folderTo
$parser.reactionOnGoodParsedBlock = function(
id1Base, id1Ext,
id2Base, id2Ext,
) {
function glueExtensionToFileName(
fileName, extension
) {
fileName = fileName.toString();
extension = extension.toString();
if ( extension.length > 0 ) {
extension = '.' + extension;
return fileName + extension;
var folderFrom = $inputOptions.folderFrom;
var folderTo = $inputOptions.folderTo;
if ( $inputOptions.modeForExtensionFrom === 'fuzzy' ) {
var tmpFromBase = id1Base;
if ( $inputOptions.direction == 'from-id-2-to-id-1' ) {
tmpFromBase = id2Base;
var fuzzyFile = $fileListToolbox.getAnyFileWithBaseName(
$fileListToolbox.getFileListForFolder( folderFrom )
if ( fuzzyFile !== false ) {
if ( $inputOptions.direction == 'from-id-2-to-id-1' ) {
id2Ext = fuzzyFile.fileNameExtension;
} else {
id1Ext = fuzzyFile.fileNameExtension;
var fromSet = { base: id1Base, ext: id1Ext };
var toSet = { base: id2Base, ext: id2Ext };
if ( $inputOptions.direction == 'from-id-2-to-id-1' ) {
fromSet = { base: id2Base, ext: id2Ext };
toSet = { base: id1Base, ext: id1Ext };
if ( $inputOptions.resultExtension === '21' ) {
toSet.ext = glueExtensionToFileName( id2Ext, id1Ext );
if ( $inputOptions.resultExtension === '12' ) {
toSet.ext = glueExtensionToFileName( id1Ext, id2Ext );
if ( $inputOptions.resultExtension === '2' ) {
toSet.ext = id2Ext;
if ( $inputOptions.resultExtension === '1' ) {
toSet.ext = id1Ext;
if ( $inputOptions.resultExtension === 'none' ) {
toSet.ext = '';
var fileFrom = glueExtensionToFileName( fromSet.base, fromSet.ext );
var fileTo = glueExtensionToFileName( toSet.base, toSet.ext );
folderFrom, fileFrom,
folderTo, fileTo
// test
// can be tested in for browser with only $parser object
'originalA', 'extA',
'originalB', 'extB',
direction: 'from-id-2-to-id-1',
resultExtension: 'auto',
folderFrom: 'C:\abc',
folderTo: 'D:\abc'
folderFrom, fileFrom,
folderTo, fileTo
) {
'folderFrom:', folderFrom,
'fileFrom:', fileFrom,
'folderTo:', folderTo,
'fileTo:', fileTo
// expected result:
// folderFrom: C:abc fileFrom: originalA.extA folderTo: D:abc fileTo: originalB.extB
var $copyFileToolbox = {
copyFileTraining: function(
folderFrom, fileFrom,
folderTo, fileTo
) {
var fso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );
if ( !fso.FolderExists( folderFrom ) ) {
$b.printErrWarning('folderFrom="' + folderFrom + '" doesn\'t exist');
if ( !fso.FolderExists( folderTo ) ) {
$b.printErrWarning('folderTo="' + folderTo + '" doesn\'t exist');
var pathFrom = fso.BuildPath( folderFrom, fileFrom );
var pathTo = fso.BuildPath( folderTo, fileTo );
if ( !fso.FileExists( pathFrom ) ) {
$b.printErrWarning('no source file found, script looking for it at pathFrom="' + pathFrom + '" - this file doesn\'t exist');
if ( fso.FileExists( pathTo ) ) {
$b.printErrWarning('be advised - there was found a file at destination for copy command, and in "NotTraining" mode you will overwrite file at pathTo="' + pathTo + '"');
$b.printLine( '' );
$b.printLine( 'Training mode: you ask to copy file' );
$b.printLine( 'from: ' + pathFrom );
$b.printLine( '\\/' );
$b.printLine( 'to: ' + pathTo );
copyFile: function(
folderFrom, fileFrom,
folderTo, fileTo
) {
var fso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );
if ( !fso.FolderExists( folderFrom ) ) {
$b.printErrMessage(' folderFrom="' + folderFrom + '" doesn\'t exist');
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badCopy );
if ( !fso.FolderExists( folderTo ) ) {
$b.printErrMessage (' folderTo="' + folderTo + '" doesn\'t exist');
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badCopy );
var pathFrom = fso.BuildPath( folderFrom, fileFrom );
var pathTo = fso.BuildPath( folderTo, fileTo );
if ( !fso.FileExists( pathFrom ) ) {
$b.printErrMessage(' no source file found, script looking for it at pathFrom="' + pathFrom + '" doesn\'t exist');
$b.die( basicOptions.errorCodes.badCopy );
fso.copyFile( pathFrom, pathTo, true );
var $c = $copyFileToolbox;
// you can use it as:
'./', '123.txt',
'b', '345.txt'
// you will have a lot of problems testing if filename is unicode
// only way that I found for Windows 7 is to pass filename as stdin
// from some file (perhaps any streaming from file works ok here...)
// and yes, test shows that it works...
function main() {
var $inputOptions = $a.getArgumentsAll();
'Arguments for ' + basicOptions.scriptName +
' are interpreted this way:'
$a.print( $inputOptions );
var fCopyFile = $c.copyFileTraining;
if ( $inputOptions.mode === 'not-training' ) {
fCopyFile = $c.copyFile;
var fuzzy = $fileListToolbox.getAnyFileWithBaseName(
$fileListToolbox.getFileListForFolder( 'bTmp' )
$b.printErr( 'Script ' + basicOptions.scriptName + ' - finished!' );

In Specman, how can I tell if a reference to a unit has the do-not-generate modifier in front of it?

In Specman, how can I tell if a reference to a unit has the do-not-generate modifier, '!', at the reference's definition?
unit foo_u {
extend sys {
foo : foo_u is instance;
foo_ptr_generated : foo_u;
keep foo_ptr_generated == foo;
!foo_ptr_notgenerated : foo_u;
connect_pointers() is also {
foo_ptr_notgenerated = foo;
Without inspecting the code or relying on a naming convention, how can I tell that foo_ptr_generated went through Specman's constraint solver and foo_ptr_notgenerated was procedurally set?
Finally figured this out. This code will determine which references are generated and which aren't in Specman 6 via the reflection interface:
type my_t : [ A,B,C];
unit foo_u {
sub_typiness : my_t;
other_sub_typiness : my_t;
when A'sub_typiness foo_u {
!bar_ptr : bar_u;
when B'other_sub_typiness foo_u {
in_b_sub_type : int;
when A'sub_typiness B'other_sub_typiness foo_u {
in_a_b_subtype :int;
b : bah_u is instance;
unit bar_u {
sub_typiness : my_t;
other_sub_typiness :my_t;
when B'sub_typiness bar_u {
!foo_ptr : foo_u;
when C'other_sub_typiness bar_u {
inc_sub_type : int;
when A'other_sub_typiness bar_u {
!you_shouldnt_see_this_field : bah_u;
when B'sub_typiness C'other_sub_typiness bar_u{
in_b_c_subtype :int;
!b : bah_u;
b2 : bah_u;
unit bah_u {
extend any_unit {
!path_to_parent :string;
!my_e_path : string;
post_generate() is also {
if not me is a sys {
path_to_parent = get_parent_unit().e_path();
my_e_path = e_path();
print_pointers() is {
for each ( wf ) in rf_manager.get_struct_of_instance(me).as_a(rf_like_struct).sd_.all_when_fields {
if not str_match(,"/___/"){
for each (sub_unit) in get_all_units(any_unit) {
struct wank_s {
oh_joy: int;
extend sys {
foo : A'sub_typiness B'other_sub_typiness foo_u is instance;
bar : B'sub_typiness C'other_sub_typiness bar_u is instance;
keep bar.b2 == foo.b;
wank : wank_s;
connect_pointers() is also {
foo.bar_ptr = bar;
bar.foo_ptr = foo;
bar.b = foo.b;
!possible_ptr : any_unit;
!is_a_unit : bool;
!an_e_path : string;
!a_unit : any_unit;
!a_field : field;
-- rf_manager.get_all_unit_instances
my_specman( cmd : string ) : bool is {
try {
} else {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
check_generation() is also {
var all_units : list of any_unit;
for each any_unit(u) in get_all_units(any_unit) {
for each ( wf ) in rf_manager.get_struct_of_instance(u).as_a(rf_like_struct).sd_.all_when_fields {
--print wf.source_ref;
--print wf.source_ref.to_string().as_a(uint);
--if wf.source_ref.to_string().as_a(uint) > 1000 and not str_match(,"/___/"){
if not str_match(,"/___|driver_trans/"){
an_e_path = append(u.e_path(),".",;
an_e_path = append(an_e_path, " - marked_as_reachable=",wf.fgi.marked_as_reachable);
if wf.base_type is a struct_descriptor (s){
an_e_path = append(an_e_path, " - instantiated == ", s.instantiated);
if wf.base_type is a struct_descriptor (s) and not s is a list_descriptor and not s is a long_descriptor {
sys.is_a_unit = FALSE;
if not my_specman(append("sys.is_a_unit = ( ",u.e_path(),".",,
" != NULL)")) {
sys.is_a_unit = FALSE;
if sys.is_a_unit {
if not my_specman(append(" sys.is_a_unit = (",u.e_path(),".",,
".as_a(any_struct) == ",u.e_path(),".",,".get_enclosing_unit(any_unit).as_a(any_struct))")) {
sys.is_a_unit = FALSE;
if sys.is_a_unit and str_match(,"/([\w_]+'+[\w_']*)[\w_]+/") {
if not my_specman( append( "sys.is_a_unit = ( ",u.e_path(),
" is a ", $1, " ",
")")) {
sys.is_a_unit = FALSE;
if is_a_unit {
sys.a_unit = NULL;
if not my_specman(append("sys.a_unit = (",u.e_path(),".",,
".as_a(any_unit))")) {
sys.a_unit = NULL;
if sys.a_unit != NULL {
sys.an_e_path = NULL;
var printout := append(":: ",u.e_path(), ".",;
compute my_specman(append( "sys.an_e_path = ",u.e_path(),".",,
if append(u.e_path(),".", != sys.an_e_path {
printout = append(printout, " -> ");
printout = append(printout, sys.an_e_path);
if wf.fgi != NULL and wf.fgi.gcs.size() > 0 and (
wf.fgi.gcs[0].last_reduction != UNDEF or
wf.fgi.gcs[0].gcois.size() > 0 ) {
printout = append(printout, " GENERATED POINTER");
--out( " ",an_e_path);
--specman(append("print ",u.e_path(),".",;
--for each ( m ) in rf_manager.get_struct_of_instance(u).as_a(rf_like_struct).sd_.methods {
-- if m != NULL {
-- out(;
-- };
--print u.get_all_attribute_names();
--print u.get_attribute("agent");
--print u.agent_kind();
-- for each (m) in rf_manager.get_struct_of_instance(u).get_declared_methods() {
-- print m;
-- };
-- out("fields at '",u.e_path(),"'s struct level:");
-- for each (f) in rf_manager.get_struct_of_instance(u).get_declared_fields() {
-- out( " ",u.e_path()," -> ",f.f_.short_name);
-- };
-- out("fields at '",u.e_path(),"'s exact sub-type level:");
-- for each (f) in rf_manager.get_exact_subtype_of_instance(u).get_declared_fields() {
-- out( " ",u.e_path()," -> ",f.f_.short_name);
-- };
-- out("");
-- for each any_unit(u) in {sys;foo;bar} {
-- for each (i) in rf_manager.get_all_unit_instances(u) {
-- if i != u {
-- out(u.e_path(), " has unit ", i.e_path());
-- };
-- };
-- };
Running with:
specman -c 'load rf_test.e; gen'
Generating the test using seed 1...
::'sub_typiness'foo_ptr ->
:: ->
::'sub_typiness'bar_ptr ->
:: sys.logger.base_unit -> sys
:: sys.logger
Starting the test ...
Running the test ...