How to pulls related values in PostgreSQL? - sql

Here is my problem.
I have two tables like user and customer. Users can be related to some customer(s).
For example, I have a user who relates to two customers, and the other user relates to three customers, etc.
This is my code that creating tables and inserting values;
create table tbl_user
id int,
username varchar(100),
relatedcustom_id int
create table tbl_custom
id int,
name varchar(100)
insert into tbl_custom values(1,'john'),
insert into tbl_user values (1,'cst_moose',1),
I want to pull the user name(s) that relates to customers that id is 1 and 2.
Here is my select code;
select username from tbl_user where exists (select 1 from tbl_custom
id in(1,2))
select username from tbl_user where exists (select 1 from tbl_custom
id not in(1,2))
But this query demonstrates nothing.
The other select code ;
select username from tbl_user where relatedcustom_id in (1,2)
select username from tbl_user where relatedcustom_id not in (1,2)
This query shows like this;
What I want to do is a Select - As - From with the following fields

I want to pull the user name(s) that relates to customers that id is 1 and 2.
You can use aggregation and having:
select username
from tbl_user
group by username
having sum( (relatedcustom_id = 1)::int ) > 0 and
sum( (relatedcustom_id = 2)::int ) > 0 and
sum( (relatedcustom_id not in (1, 2)::int ) ) = 0;

One of the possible solution is to use arrays:
select username
from tbl_user
where relatedcustom_id in (1,2) -- to filter out unrelated data
group by username
having array[1,2] <# array_agg(relatedcustom_id);
-- or '{1,2}' <# array_agg(relatedcustom_id);


How to merge users in PostgreSQL

I need to make something to merge some users in PGSQL but I think that pgsql don't own the MERGE property. I just want to know how to make two users to be matched like this :
id | name | username | mail
1 | toto | tata |
2 | titi | tutu |
Here I want to chose which data I would like I want to say that I want to merge only username from 2 to 1 so the result would be :
id | name | username | mail
1 | toto | tutu |
You just need to select all the columns for first id and the column you need with second id will be a subquery in select list. Please check below answer for selecting merged result.
Schema and insert statements:
create table users (id int , name varchar(50), username varchar(50), mail varchar(50));
insert into users values (1 , 'toto' , 'tata' , '');
insert into users values (2 , 'titi' , 'tutu' , '');
select id,name,(select username from users where id=2) username,mail from users where id=1
db<fiddle here
To merge the rows within the table you can first update first row with data from second row then delete the second row. Try this:
Schema and insert statements:
create table users (id int , name varchar(50), username varchar(50), mail varchar(50));
insert into users values (1 , 'toto' , 'tata' , '');
insert into users values (2 , 'titi' , 'tutu' , '');
Update query:
update users set username=(select username from users where id=2) where id=1;
delete from users where id=2;
Select query:
select * from users
db<fiddle here
You could use aggregation:
select min(id) as id,
max(name) filter (where id = 1) as name,
max(username) filter (where id = 2) as username,
max(mail) filter (where id = 1) as mail
from t
where id in (1, 2);
This assumes that you want to pull particular column values from particular ids.
Or you could use join:
select,, t2.username, t1.mail
from t t1 join
t t2
on = 1 and = 2;
If you actually want to change the data, use update and delete:
update t t1
set username = t2.username
from t t2
where = 1 and = 2;
delete from t
where = 2;
Here is a db<>fiddle.

Postgresql - Insert when select return something

Is it possible to run select query, check if row exist and then insert some values? I would like to do that in one query. I think about SELECT .. CASE .. THEN, for example:
SELECT user_id, CASE when user_id > 0 then (INSERT INTO another_table ...) ELSE return 0 END
FROM users WHERE user_id = 10
Now I'm able to do that with 2 queries, first do SELECT and second INSERT values (if first query return something).
in general the construct is:
INSERT INTO another_table
SELECT value1,value2..etc
where exists (SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE user_id = 10)
or in this particular case:
INSERT INTO another_table
SELECT value1,value2..etc
FROM users WHERE user_id = 10
If no such user, no rows will be selected and so inserted

Find the rows that has the same column

I want to know how to do the following in SQL :
FROM table_A
WHERE id IN(:myValues)
AND other_colum has the same value
For example, if i've a conversation table(iduser,idconversation), I want SQL query that returns some of Ids that have the same conversation id. It should return
With 35,37 the idUsers and 105,106 the conversations they have in common.
To go further, i work with Doctrine and PostegreSQL, and the table that I want to query is generated (many to many relation) but i've difficulty to integrate sub-query.
**public function getAllCommonConversationByUserId($ids)
return $this->createQueryBuilder('c')
->innerJoin('c.idUser', 'recievedConversation')
->where('recievedConversation IN (:ids)')
->andWhere('$qb->expr()->eq("SELECT id FROM table GROUP BY(id) HAVING COUNT(*) >1")')
->setParameter(':ids', $ids)
FROM table_A
WHERE idconversation in ('105','106') and iduser in ('35','37')
Are you saying if the idconversation is duplicate? (showing multiple times?)
If so:
Select *
From table
where idconversation in
Select idconversation
From table
group by (idconversation)
Having count(*) >1
--where iduser in ('35','37')
Try to do this:
select id, conversation
from [your table name]
conversation in (
select conversation
from [your table name]
where id in (35)
It return all of the participants of the conversation with user id = 35
If you have duplicates in your table, please add distinct to select statement.
You can get the conversations using group by and having:
SELECT conversationid
FROM table_A
WHERE userid in (35, 37)
GROUP BY userid
HAVING count(distinct userid) = 2;
If you want the original rows, you can join back to the original table.

insert 2 select sql result into one insert sql

i have a table with 2 fields. How can i insert those 2 fields from result of 2 sql result.
insert into access (user,page)
(select id as user from users where id =5,
select pagename as page from pages where id =10)
There is no relation between 2 tables . i dont think i can join .
insert into access ("user", page) values
( (select id as user from users where id =5),
(select pagename as page from pages where id =10)
insert into access (user,page)
select as user,
pages.pagename as page
from users,pages
where = 5
and = 10

SQL - Is there a query that will do "foreach A in table, if !B, insert B"?

I have a table with 2 columns:
nid realm
1 domain_id
1 domain_site
2 domain_id
3 domain_id
I want every entry to have 1 entry for domain id, and 1 for domain site. So I want to end up with:
nid realm
1 domain_id
1 domain_site
2 domain_id
2 domain_site
3 domain_id
3 domain_site
If I was doing this in PHP, I'd just foreach through the whole list and insert the extra line whenever it didn't exist. Unfortunately I only have PHPmyAdmin access to this DB. Is there a way to do this in straight SQL?
(If it makes a difference: The table has about 3000 rows currently, of which I think about 2000 will need the extra line inserted. Also, this is a one-time thing so it does not need to be optimized/uber-slick.)
SELECT `alt1`.`nid`, `alt2`.`realm`
FROM `table` AS `alt1`, `table` AS `alt2`
I think this will do it, but I don't have a place to test it right now and I'm used to Sql Server rather than MySQL:
SELECT id.nid, r.realm
FROM (SELECT nid FROM `table` GROUP BY nid) id
CROSS JOIN (SELECT realm FROM `table` GROUP BY realm) r
LEFT JOIN `table` t ON t.nid=id.nid AND t.realm=r.realm
insert into MyTable
(nid, realm)
select nid, 'domain_id'
from MyTable m where not exists (
select 1
from MyTable
where MyTable.nid = m.nid and realm = 'domain_id'
union all
select nid, 'domain_site'
from MyTable m where not exists (
select 1
from MyTable
where MyTable.nid = m.nid and realm = 'domain_site'
If you have a UNIQUE constraint over (nid, realm), you could do this:
INSERT IGNORE INTO nidTable (nid, realm)
SELECT nid, 'domain_site'
FROM nidTable WHERE realm = 'domain_id';