In RStudio using bookdown, I am unable to compile a PDF version of my book. I get an error message "mathspec.sty" file not found - pdf

In RStudio (Windows 10) using bookdown, I am unable to compile a PDF version of my book. I get an error message "mathspec.sty" file not found. I installed it on my MikTex folder, but the error persists. How to solve this?
Then, I tried to compile to pdfdocument. Now, I got errors from Latex because bookdown is unable to link to my preamble.tex file. How to make preamble.tex visible?

I changed the latex _engine to pdflatex in the output.yml configuration file. This solved the problem for me, although I would still like to know how to use xelatex (i.e. where to include the mathspec.sty file).


Merge PDF PHP with PdfMerger

I use this project to merge some PDFs :
But recently it stops working, because of certain unsupported PDF.
I have an example of a file which doesn't work.
I can reproduce the problem locally, but there is no error in PHP logs, nothing.
How could I know what is going on in my PDF ?
Here is the properties of this faulty PDF in Acrobat :

In R 3.5 blogdown:::serve_site() cannot render .Rmd file

After I updated R to 3.5, I found I couldn't render .Rmd file. I tried to reinstall the relevant packages, but it seemed it didn't solve the problem. More specifically, the error message is:
Rendering content/post/mypost.Rmd
Fatal error: cannot open file 'C:/Users/John': No such file or directory
Error in render_page(f) :
Failed to render 'content/post/mypost.Rmd'
My blogdown.Rproj is under the folder C:\Users\John Smith\Documents\GitHub\blogdown. I am not sure why the path in the error message only shows cannot open file 'C:/Users/John', the remaining part of the path was missing. Note the space in "John Smith"
Your help will be really appreciated!
You ran into the same problem as Is this a bug in R 3.5?, and I just applied a workaround in the devel version of blogdown:

Trying to convert iOS project using WinObjC, but getting missing sys/types.h error

I'm running ....\bin\vsimporter.exe (with default settings) in my project folder and the .sln file seems to build successfully, but when I try running the simulator (on Win32 Solution Platforms, debug build), I get a bunch of errors. Most of the errors involve a missing file from the iOS 8.4 SDK (sys/types.h):
Error unknown argument: '-Xanalyzer'
Error 'sys/types.h' file not found
Error unknown type name 'XSym'
Am I supposed to include the iOS8.4 SDK? Any help/suggestions would be great.
I had the types.h problem too. Try to manually retarget to the Win 10 SDK:
Right-click on the solution and hit retarget, select the latest Win 10 SDK from the list, select all projects and click ok. The types.h problem should be gone.
Retarget answer worked for me to get rid of the errors with missing header files.
To get rid of the -Xanalyzer issue, I removed it from the .vcxproj file as a command line option using a text editor.
For the pods, I manually copied them from a Mac that already had them downloaded.

AIX 7.1 missing Xm/Xm.h header

I've written a sample c file which includes Xm/Xm.h. When compile it, I have the following error, "fatal error: Xm/Xm.h: No such file or directory"
I'm using AIX 7.1. What package do I need to install to fix this problem and where can I find it? I was not able to find anything online regarding this issue. Thank you.
I just got the same error message.
You need to install (with installp on Aix):
either openmotif (and openmotif-dev)
or lesstif2-dev (smaller then openmotif, and can be enough)
(as mentioned in this answer)

Not getting TBB to compile test examples

I am not getting TBB to work. I am following the steps in the "Getting started" document.
I am doing the following steps:
downloading the linux files + the sources files.
extracting them in 1 directory
calling make
going to tbb.../bin calling source intel64
going to examples/Getting_started/sub_string_finder
calling make
I then get the error:
sub_string_finder.cpp:32:30: fatal error: tbb/parallel_for.h: No such file or directory
I really googled a lot but can't find any related stuff.
I did also try to add some -I statement but it didnt help
I assume it is kind of a including/linking problem but I dont know how to fix.
This is all done on fedora 16 64bit. (kernel 3.1.4) // TBB version 4.0
The solution was to install tbb-devel package.