How to create a multi-select with Vuetify - vue.js

I am creating a multiple-v-select for users, so they can select multiple options. A computed property filters this selection. I cannot get this to work with multiple options.
Removing the multiple setting from v-select works, but that means that users can only select one option, while they should be able to select more than one.
multiple />
export default {
data () {
return {
officeperks: ['Tafeltennis','Tafelvoetbal', 'Pooltafel']
computed: {
filtered() {
return => {
let officeperks = this.selectofficeperks;
if (officeperks != '') {
return (officeperks.includes(result.jobofficeperks))
When selecting multiple options it does not give a result from the computed filter. The jobs array gets filled by data from Firestore, the values are exactly the same.
If I remove the multiple setting, it does return a value, but I'm guessing that's because it only tries to find one value, which is not what I want. Users have to be able to select multiple values.


Vue-Native checkbox change value

I want to be able to change the value of a checkbox by clicking on it. recentContacts are loading just fine, and specifying initial checked values in the computed function works well. The :on-press seems to change the value but does not reflect in the UI.
Please Help
<nb-list-item v-for="contact in recentContacts" v-bind:key="contact.uid">
<nb-checkbox :on-press="() => contact.checked =! contact.checked" :checked="contact.checked"></nb-checkbox>
<nb-text>{{contact.firstName}} {{contact.lastName}}</nb-text>
export default {
computed: {
recentContacts() {
return => {
rc.checked = false;
return rc;
I am guessing because VUEX is imutable. I've got this to work by having recentContacts inside of the data attribute instead of computed just not how I want to do things.

Vue + Vue-Paginate: Array will not refresh once empty

I am using vue-paginate in my app and I've noticed that once my array is empty, refreshing its value to an array with contents does not display.
<transition-group name="zoom">
<div v-for="recipe in paginated('recipes')" :key="">
<recipe class=""
This is how things get displayed, and my recipe array changes depending on a search. If I type in "b" into my search, results for banana, and bbq would show. If I typed "ba" the result for bbq is removed, and once I backspace the search to "b" it would re-appear as expected.
If I type "bx" every result is removed and when I backspace the search to "b", no results re-appear.
Any idea why this might happen?
When I inspect the component in chrome I see:
pageItemsCount:"-15-0 of 222"
Even though the list prop is:
Paginate needs a key in order to know when to re-render after the collection it's looking at reaches a length of zero. If you add a key to the paginate element, things should function as expected.
:key="recipes ? recipes.length : 0" // You need some key that will update when the filtered result updates
See "Filtering the paginated list" is not working on vue-paginate node for a slightly more in depth answer.
I found a hacky workaround that fixed it for my app. First, I added a ref to my <paginate></paginate> component ref="paginator". Then I created a computed property:
emptyArray () {
return == 0
then I created a watcher that looks for a change from length == 0 to length != 0:
watch: {
emptyArray: function(newVal, oldVal) {
if ( newVal === false && oldVal === true ) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.$refs.paginator) {
}, 100)
The timeout was necessary otherwise the component thought there was no page 1.
Using :key in the element has certain bugs. It will not work properly if you have multiple search on the table. In that case input will lose focus by typing single character. Here is the better alternative:
searchFilter() {
//Your Search condition
if ( newVal.length !==0 && oldVal.length ===0 ) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.$refs.paginator) {
}, 50)

Vue.js how to sort filtered results by date

We are launching an events application where users can search upcoming music festivals. We also want the filtered search results to display in chronological order by "startDate".
Our event cards:
<v-card flat class="pa-2 mb-3 eventcard" v-for="event in filteredEvents" :key=""></v-card>
Then our computed property:
filteredEvents: function(){
return this.$store.getters.loadedEvents.filter((event) => {
return event.title.toLowerCase().match(
And finally, an example of an event start date:
Per the docs, I've tried adding "_.orderBy(this.event, 'startDate')" but I just get the error is not a function
Any ideas? Thanks!
use .sort
export default {
filteredEvents: function() {
return this.$store.getters.loadedEvents
.filter(event => {
return event.title.toLowerCase().match(;
.sort(function(a, b) {
// Turn your strings into dates, and then subtract them
// to get a value that is either negative, positive, or zero.
return new Date(b.startDate) - new Date(a.startDate);
method from

Filter data with array- vuejs 2

I have an array object, and i want to filter that array. I already know how to filter data by single value using computed property,
computed: {
filteredValue() {
return this.graphData.filter(data => data.YEAR === this.selectedYears)
But i want to filter data by multiple value/array. Suppose i have an array object that has Year: 1901-2000. and i only want to filter only those year which are selected (like 1901, 1902, 1903). Can anyone help me with that.
I think you need to maintain an array of selectedYears.Then,use use it like this.
computed: {
filteredValue() {
return this.graphData.filter(data => this.selectedYears.includes(data.YEAR);

React-Native + Redux: Random number of form fields

I am a newbie to react-native, redux and saga and have run into a use case that I have not been able to find a solution for. I understand how to map state to properties and pass around the state between action, reducer and saga. This makes sense to me so far. This is where things seem to get dicey. I have a form that requires a variable number of form fields at any given time depending upon what is returned from the database.
As an example, let's say I have a structure like this:
name: ‘’,
vehicleMake: ‘’,
vehicleModel: ‘’,
carLotCity: ‘’,
carLotState: ‘’,
carLotZipCode: ‘’,
localPartsManufacturers: [{name: ‘’, address: ‘’, zipCode}]
Everything from name to carLotZipCode would only require one text field, however, the localPartsManufacturers array could represent any number of object that each would need their own set of text fields per each object. How would I account for this with redux as far as mapping the fields to the state and mapping the state to the properties? I am confused about how to begin with this scenario. I understand how to project mapping when the fields are fixed.
I would keep the data as it is coming from the backend. That way you'll avoid normalizing it. I think we just have to be smarter when rendering the fields. Here's what I'm suggesting:
function onTextFieldChange(name, index) {
// either name = `name`, `vehicleMake`, ...
// or
// name = `localPartsManufacturers` and `index` = 0
function createTextField(name, index) {
return <input
name={ name }
onChange={ () => onTextFieldChange(name, index) } />;
function Form({ fields }) {
return (
Object.keys(fields).reduce((allFields, fieldName) => {
const field = fields[fieldName];
if (Array.isArray(field)) {
allFields = allFields.concat(;
} else {
return allFields;
}, [])
Form receives all the data as you have it in the store. Then we check if the field is an array. If it is an array we loop over the fields inside and generate inputs same as the other properties createTextField. The tricky part here is how to update the data in the store. Notice that we are passing an index when the text field data is changed. In the reducer we have to write something like:
const { name, index, value } = event.payload;
if (typeof index !== 'undefined') {
state[name][index] = value;
} else {
state[name] = value;
return state;
There is nothing preventing you from keeping a list, map, set or any other object in Redux.
The only thing remaining then, is how you map the state to your props, and how you use them. Instead of mapping a single element from the collection to a prop, you map the entire collection to a single prop, and then iterate over the collection in your render method.
In the action you can pass a new collection back, which is comprised of the form fields making up the parts list. Then, your reducer will replace the collection itself.
Or, upon changing an element in the part collection, you can send an action with its id, find it in the collection in the reducer and replace the element that was changed / add the new one / remove the deleted one.