How can I draw Yearly series using monthly data from a DateTimeIndex in Matplotlib? - pandas

I have monthly data of 6 variables from 2014 until 2018 in one dataset.
I'm trying to draw 6 subplots (one for each variable) with monthly X axis (Jan, Feb....) and 5 series (one for each year) with their legend.
This is part of the data:
I created 5 series (one for each year) per variable (30 in total) and I'm getting the expected output but using MANY lines of code.
What is the best way to achieve this using less lines of code?
This is an example how I created the series:
CL2014 = data_total['Charity Lottery'].where(data_total['Date'].dt.year == 2014)[0:12]
CL2015 = data_total['Charity Lottery'].where(data_total['Date'].dt.year == 2015)[12:24]
This is an example of how I'm plotting the series:
axCL.plot(xvals, CL2014)
axCL.plot(xvals, CL2015)
axCL.plot(xvals, CL2016)
axCL.plot(xvals, CL2017)
axCL.plot(xvals, CL2018)

There's no need to litter your namespace with 30 variables. Seaborn makes the job very easy but you need to normalize your dataframe first. This is what "normalized" or "unpivoted" looks like (Seaborn calls this "long form"):
Date variable value
2014-01-01 Charity Lottery ...
2014-01-01 Racecourse ...
2014-04-01 Bingo Halls ...
2014-04-01 Casino ...
Your screenshot is a "pivoted" or "wide form" dataframe.
df_plot = pd.melt(df, id_vars='Date')
df_plot['Year'] = df_plot['Date'].dt.year
df_plot['Month'] = df_plot['Date'].dt.strftime('%b')
import seaborn as sns
plot = sns.catplot(data=df_plot, x='Month', y='value',
row='Year', col='variable', kind='bar',
plot.savefig('figure.png', dpi=300)
Result (all numbers are randomly generated):

I would try using .groupby(), it is really powerful for parsing down things like this:
for _, group in data_total.groupby([year, month])[[x_variable, y_variable]]:
plt.plot(group[x_variables], group[y_variables])
So here the groupby will separate your data_total DataFrame into year/month subsets, with the [[]] on the end to parse it down to the x_variable (assuming it is in your data_total DataFrame) and your y_variable, which you can make any of those features you are interested in.
I would decompose your datetime column into separate year and month columns, then use those new columns inside that groupby as the [year, month]. You might be able to pass in the dt.year and dt.month like you had before... not sure, try it both ways!


Groupby and plot

I have a dataset with multiple rows for a same date. For example:
date col1 col2
1854-11-09 314.2 567.9
1854-11-17 322.8 678.9
1854-11-17 432.8 435.0
1854-11-21 678.9 476.2
1854-11-21 872.7 892.0
1854-11-21 656.9 490.2
1854-11-21 278.9 586.8
I want to plot graphs for individual dates for the last two columns. For example: there will a x-y graph with one point for the 1st date. For the 2nd date there will be 2 points (2 x-axis data, 2 y-axis data), for the 3rd date 4 data points and so on.
I tried groupby but it is not working.
I am also confused about the best way to potray such result because there are two many dates, any suggestion on that front is also welcome.
The following solution might work for you.
Convert your data into a dataframe using pandas, this is how it should look:
date x y
0 1854-11-09 314.2 567.9
1 1854-11-17 322.8 678.9
2 1854-11-17 432.8 435.0
3 1854-11-21 678.9 476.2
4 1854-11-21 872.7 892.0
Then use groupby by 'date' and for each group values use matplotlib's scatter plot to plot the x-y coordinates or points.
for group, values in data.groupby(data['date']):
plt.scatter(values['x'], values['y'], c ='r')
Finally, this is how the plot will look like:

How to plot a stacked bar using the groupby data from the dataframe in python?

I am reading huge csv file using pandas module.
filename = pd.read_csv(filepath)
Converted to Dataframe,
df = pd.DataFrame(filename, index=None)
From the csv file, I am concerned with the three columns of name country, year, and value.
I have groupby the country names and sum the values of it as in the following code and plot it as a bar graph.
where, x axis is country and y axis is value.
Now, I want to make this bar graph as a stacked bar and used the third column year with different color bars representing each year. Looking forward for an easy way.
Note that, year column contains years from 2000 to 2019.
from what i understand you should try something like :
df.groupby(['country', 'Year']).value.sum().unstack().plot(kind='bar', stacked=True)

Group DataFrame by binning a column::Float64, in Julia

Say I have a DataFrame with a column of Float64s, I'd like to group the dataframe by binning that column. I hear the cut function might help, but it's not defined over dataframes. Some work has been done (, but I'd rather use a library function rather than copy-pasting code from the Internet. Pointers?
EDIT Bonus karma for finding a way of doing this by month over UNIX timestamps :)
You could bin dataframes based on a column of Float64s like this. Here my bins are increments of 0.1 from 0.0 to 1.0, binning the dataframe based on a column of 100 random numbers between 0.0 and 1.0.
using DataFrames #load DataFrames
df = DataFrame(index = rand(Float64,100)) #Make a DataFrame with some random Float64 numbers
df_array = map(x->df[(df[:index] .>= x[1]) .& (df[:index] .<x[2]),:],zip(0.0:0.1:0.9,0.1:0.1:1.0)) #Map an anonymous function that gets every row between two numbers specified by a tuple called x, and map that anonymous function to an array of tuples generated using the zip function.
This will produce an array of 10 dataframes, each one with a different 0.1-sized bin.
As for the UNIX timestamp question, I'm not as familiar with that side of things, but after playing around a bit maybe something like this could work:
using Dates
df = DataFrame(unixtime = rand(1E9:1:1.1E9,100)) #Make a dataframe with floats containing pretend unix time stamps
df[:date] = Dates.unix2datetime.(df[:unixtime]) #convert those timestamps to DateTime types
df[:year_month] = map(date->string(Dates.Year.(date))*" "*string(Dates.Month.(date)),df[:date]) #Make a string for every month in your time range
df_array = map(ym->df[df[:year_month] .== ym,:],unique(df[:year_month])) #Bin based on each unique year_month string

how to group pandas timestamps plot several plots in one figure and stack them together in matplotlib?

I have a data frame with perfectly organised timestamps, like below:
It's a web log, and the timestamps go though the whole year. I want to cut them into each day and show the visits within each hour and plot them into the same figure and stack them all together. Just like the pic shown below:
I am doing well on cutting them into days and plot the visits of a day individually, but I am having trouble plotting them and stacking them together. The primary tool I am using is Pandas and Matplotlib.
Any advices and suggestions? Much Appreciated!
My Code is as below:
The timestamps are:
And the dataframe looks like this:
I plotted the timestamp density through the whole period used the code below:
timestamps_series_all = pd.DatetimeIndex(pd.Series(unique_visitors_df.time_stamp))
timestamps_series_all_toBePlotted = pd.Series(1, index=timestamps_series_all)
and got the result:
I plotted timestamps within one day using the code:
timestamps_series_oneDay = pd.DatetimeIndex(pd.Series(unique_visitors_df.time_stamp.loc[unique_visitors_df["date"] == "2014-08-01"]))
timestamps_series_oneDay_toBePlotted = pd.Series(1, index=timestamps_series_oneDay)
and the result:
And now I am stuck.
I'd really appreciate all of your help!
I think you need pivot:
# to L
df = pd.DataFrame({'date':L})
print (df.head())
0 2014-08-01 00:05:46
1 2014-08-01 00:14:47
2 2014-08-01 00:16:05
3 2014-08-01 00:20:46
4 2014-08-01 00:23:22
#convert to datetime if necessary
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'] )
#resample by Hours, get count and create df
df = df.resample('H', on='date').size().to_frame('count')
#extract date and hour
df['days'] =
df['hours'] = df.index.hour
#pivot and plot
#maybe check parameter kind='density' from
#df.pivot(index='days', columns='hours', values='count').plot(rot='90')
#edit: last line change to below:
df.pivot(index='hours', columns='days', values='count').plot(rot='90')

pandas dataframe interpolating missing days

I have a pandas dataframe with several columns. I have dates for business days excluding holidays and some other random holes. Is there an interpolation method for filling in these gaps and and getting a dataframe for all business days?
You may use reindex() method of DataFrame:
x = pd.date_range('2013-01-01','2013-01-07',freq='D')
y = range(7)
To add missing days (like holidays) you need to reindex it:
x2= pd.date_range('2013-01-01','2013-01-07',freq='4H')
Then you may fill the gaps in values using interpolate() method of Series (different interpolation methods are available):