how to fix 'InvalidRegistration' FCM - firebase-cloud-messaging

I'm getting the InvalidRegistration error in response of my post request for sending push notification.
When I use the Firebase console to send push notification it works all fine.
so I copy the exact registration token I've used in console. I also get my api-key from my project-settings/cloud-messaging.
for sending the post request I've used postman.
I've sent my post request to
my postman header has this attributes:
key: Authorization value: key=<api-key-i-got-from-console>
key: Content-Type value: application/json
my body is:
"to" : "fDj8iG5ajZI:APA91bHfs_AjdxOc5Qn-1Plr_OfitrdCTchb4syhPGC0DhPMGiWggJ9mQ5W00ombqowlUSCUOfH_0N3KA-KF0VjQvj5mcMNUMUBgTblpsNzra60kwrbtH2ikfdBa8lenh__olBpGZD4O'",
"collapse_key" : "type_a",
"notification" : {
"body" : "plz work",
"title": "title"
I get this response from the Firebase
"multicast_id": 5801302802423881516,
"success": 0,
"failure": 1,
"canonical_ids": 0,
"results": [
"error": "InvalidRegistration"
I did the same with fcm and django-push-notification and got the same result I have no clue what am I doing wrong since my token works with the console and I can send push notifications from the console.

it was my bad that I had an extra ' in the end of my token...


insert multiple rows in a data extension by using rest api

I'm trying to insert multiple rows in my data extension by using a POST request on postman. I'm using this documentation :
Details of my first POST request :
My URL :
My body (by using the informations of the package created on marketing cloud) :
"client_id": "ssd6ssd6ssd6ssd6ssd6ss",
"client_secret": "p3sp3sp3sp3sp3sp3sp3sp3",
"account_id": "7842222",
"grant_type": "client_credentials"
I send the request => Status 200 OK
I copy the tokken access.
I create a second POST request.
Tab Authorization, Type = Bearer Token, I paste my token access
Details of my second POST request :
My URL :
My body :
POST /hub/v1/dataevents/EXTERNAL_KEY_OF_MY_DATA_EXTENSION/rowset
Content-Type: application/json
"ID_Crawl": "test123"
"Source": "2013-05-23T14:32:00Z",
"Type_contenu": "no",
"Statut_Notification": "non lu",
"Champ": "20081105",
"Origine_contenus": "test blablablablablablabla",
"Date_crawl": 02/02/2023
"ID_Crawl": "test"
"Source": "2013-05-23T14:32:00Z",
"Type_contenu": "ok",
"Statut_Notification": "valide",
"Champ": "00000007",
"Origine_contenus": "test blablablablablablabla",
"Date_crawl": "02/02/2023"
I send the request and I had an error message (Status:400 Bad request means that bad synthax):
{"documentation":"","errorcode":0,"message":"Bad Request"}
Does someone know where is my mistake ?
Sorry if it seems that my mistake is a stupid one, I'm completely a beginner in api call

FCM API returns a success response but push notification is not delivered to user

I am sending push notification using FCM legacy API and by request looks like the following
"collapse_key" : "type_a",
"priority" : "high",
"notification" : {
"body" : "Getting this?",
"title": "Let me know if you got this message",
"icon": "ic_launcher"
"data": {
"one": "two"
This request returns the following response
"multicast_id": 144107415xxxxxxxxx,
"success": 1,
"failure": 0,
"canonical_ids": 0,
"results": [
"message_id": "0:1581xxxxx5%32xxxxxxxxx"
But the user never receives any push notification. This happens for most of the user but about 10% of total user does receive push notification send by the same mechanism. I am out of sorts regarding this, I don't know whats going on or even how to go about debugging this. Has anyone run into this issue? The app is written in React Native and uses invertase/react-native-firebase for firebase features. Thanks

unable to get response from an api

I a requesting an API to get response but it gives below some "JWT_TOKEN_MiSSING" response:
"response": {
"ids": "",
"time": 1505890122982,
"status": "failure"
API is: ""
I tried passing all the headers but no luck.
It seems that this API use JWT TOKEN or other tokens (such as HTTP BASIC AUTHENTICATION) to authenticate, you need to know this and add it to your request headers.

Twitter Insights API with Postman

I'm trying to read insights of my Twitter account with Twitter Insights API and when I request to that given end point I get and error called :
"errors": [
"message": "This request is not properly authenticated"
"request": {
"params": {}
This is the end point I tried :
I used the given credentials like Consumer Key, Secret and Token, Token secret.
Can anyone explain me why I'm getting this error ? And what I should do ?
Here is a screenshot
You have to check box "Add params to header"
Everything else should be ok. Just check Consumer Key, Consumer Secret,... data

GCM Unauthorized Error 401

I'm not able to get response from GCM even i'm providing correct server API key generated by google.
Problem : I want to make a push notification using GCM from my sails app.
I'm posting below code to ""
Code : 1
"title":"Hello Notify",
"text":"Notification By Sails"
Code : 2
"title":"Hello Notify",
"text":"Notification By Sails"
I'm getting response as below.
"statusCode": 401,
"body": "<HTML>\n
<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" TEXT=\"#000000\">\n
<H2>Error 401</H2>\n
The headers should be HTTP headers, not element in the payload.
Make sure you have enabled the right API in Cloud Console. If sending with a Server API key, you need to have "Google Cloud Messaging for Android" enabled.