How to emit data to kotlin flow [duplicate] - kotlin

I wanted to know how can I send/emit items to a Kotlin.Flow, so my use case is:
In the consumer/ViewModel/Presenter I can subscribe with the collect function:
fun observe() {
coroutineScope.launch {
// 1. Send event
reopsitory.observe().collect {
But the issue is in the Repository side, with RxJava we could use a Behaviorsubject expose it as an Observable/Flowable and emit new items like this:
But whenever I build a new flow:
flow {
I can only collect. How can I send values to a flow?

If you want to get the latest value on subscription/collection you should use a ConflatedBroadcastChannel:
private val channel = ConflatedBroadcastChannel<Boolean>()
This will replicate BehaviourSubject, to expose the channel as a Flow:
// Repository
fun observe() {
return channel.asFlow()
Now to send an event/value to that exposed Flow simple send to this channel.
// Repository
fun someLogicalOp() {
channel.send(false) // This gets sent to the ViewModel/Presenter and printed.
If you wish to only receive values after you start collecting you should use a BroadcastChannel instead.
To make it clear:
Behaves as an Rx's PublishedSubject
private val channel = BroadcastChannel<Boolean>(1)
fun broadcastChannelTest() {
// 1. Send event
// 2. Start collecting
.collect {
// 3. Send another event
Only false gets printed as the first event was sent before collect { }.
Behaves as an Rx's BehaviourSubject
private val confChannel = ConflatedBroadcastChannel<Boolean>()
fun conflatedBroadcastChannelTest() {
// 1. Send event
// 2. Start collecting
.collect {
// 3. Send another event
Both events are printed, you always get the latest value (if present).
Also, want to mention Kotlin's team development on DataFlow (name pending):
Which seems better suited to this use case (as it will be a cold stream).

Take a look at MutableStateFlow documentation as it is a replacement for ConflatedBroadcastChannel that is going to be deprecated, very soon.
For a better context, look at the whole discussion on the original issue on Kotlin's repository on Github.

Kotlin Coroutines 1.4.0 is now available with MutableSharedFlow, which replaces the need for Channel. MutableSharedFlow cleanup is also built in so you don't need to manually OPEN & CLOSE it, unlike Channel. Please use MutableSharedFlow if you need a Subject-like api for Flow
Since your question had the android tag I'll add an Android implementation that allows you to easily create a BehaviorSubject or a PublishSubject that handles its own lifecycle.
This is relevant in Android because you don't want to forget to close the channel and leak memory. This implementation avoids the need to explicitly "dispose" of the reactive stream by tying it to the creation and destruction of the Fragment/Activity. Similar to LiveData
interface EventReceiver<Message> {
val eventFlow: Flow<Message>
interface EventSender<Message> {
fun postEvent(message: Message)
val initialMessage: Message?
class LifecycleEventSender<Message>(
lifecycle: Lifecycle,
private val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
private val channel: BroadcastChannel<Message>,
override val initialMessage: Message?
) : EventSender<Message>, LifecycleObserver {
init {
override fun postEvent(message: Message) {
if (!channel.isClosedForSend) {
coroutineScope.launch { channel.send(message) }
} else {
Log.e("LifecycleEventSender","Channel is closed. Cannot send message: $message")
fun create() {
initialMessage?.let { postEvent(it) }
fun destroy() {
class ChannelEventReceiver<Message>(channel: BroadcastChannel<Message>) :
EventReceiver<Message> {
override val eventFlow: Flow<Message> = channel.asFlow()
abstract class EventRelay<Message>(
lifecycle: Lifecycle,
coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
channel: BroadcastChannel<Message>,
initialMessage: Message? = null
) : EventReceiver<Message> by ChannelEventReceiver<Message>(channel),
EventSender<Message> by LifecycleEventSender<Message>(
By using the Lifecycle library from Android, I can now create a BehaviorSubject that cleans itself up after the activity/fragment has been destroyed
class BehaviorSubject<String>(
lifecycle: Lifecycle,
coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
initialMessage = "Initial Message"
) : EventRelay<String>(
or I can create a PublishSubject by using a buffered BroadcastChannel
class PublishSubject<String>(
lifecycle: Lifecycle,
coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
initialMessage = "Initial Message"
) : EventRelay<String>(
And now I can do something like this
class MyActivity: Activity() {
val behaviorSubject = BehaviorSubject(
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
.onEach { stringEvent ->
Log.d("BehaviorSubjectFlow", stringEvent)
// "BehaviorSubjectFlow: Initial Message"
// "BehaviorSubjectFlow: Next Message"
override fun onResume() {
behaviorSubject.postEvent("Next Message")


LiveData Observer isn't triggered for the second time

I'm expecting that the observer will be triggered when I'm hitting API by clicking one of the side menu. When I clicked one of the menu, Retrofit actually gave me the response with the correct value. The problem is, the Observer isn't getting triggered for the second time. I've trace the problem and find out that my Repository isn't returning a value even though my Retrofit already update the MutableLiveData.
override fun getDisastersByFilter(filter: String?): LiveData<ApiResponse<DisastersDTO?>> {
val result = MutableLiveData<ApiResponse<DisastersDTO?>>()
apiService.getDisastersByFilter(filter).enqueue(object : Callback<DisastersResponse> {
override fun onResponse(
call: Call<DisastersResponse>,
response: Response<DisastersResponse>
) {
if(response.isSuccessful) {
val data = response.body()
data?.disastersDTO?.let {
Log.d("RemoteDataSource", "$it")
} ?: run {
result.postValue(ApiResponse.Error("Bencana alam tidak ditemukan"))
} else {
result.postValue(ApiResponse.Error("Terjadi kesalahan!"))
override fun onFailure(call: Call<DisastersResponse>, t: Throwable) {
Log.d("RemoteDataSource", t.localizedMessage!!)
return result
override fun getDisastersByFilter(filter: String?): LiveData<Resource<List<Disaster>>> =
remoteDataSource.getDisastersByFilter(filter).map {
when (it) {
is ApiResponse.Empty -> Resource.Error("Terjadi error")
is ApiResponse.Error -> Resource.Error(it.errorMessage)
is ApiResponse.Loading -> Resource.Loading()
is ApiResponse.Success -> Resource.Success(
fun getDisastersByFilter(filter: String? = "gempa"): LiveData<Resource<List<Disaster>>> =
Here's the **MapsFragment**
private val viewModel: SharedViewModel by activityViewModels()
viewModel.getDisastersByFilter("gempa").observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
when (it) {
is Resource.Success -> {
Log.d("MapsFragmentFilter", "${}") { listDisaster ->
if(listDisaster.isNotEmpty()) {
addGeofence(listDisaster) { disaster ->
is Resource.Error -> Toast.makeText(context, "Filter Error", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
is Resource.Loading -> {}
Here's the MainActivity that triggers the function to hit API
private val viewModel: SharedViewModel by viewModels()
binding.navViewMaps.setNavigationItemSelectedListener { menu ->
when (menu.itemId) { -> viewModel.getDisastersByFilter("gempa") -> viewModel.getDisastersByFilter("banjir") -> viewModel.getDisasters()
I can't be sure from what you've posted, but your menu options call getDisastersByFilter on your SharedViewModel, and it looks like that eventually calls through to getDisastersByFilter in RemoteDataSource.
That function creates a new LiveData and returns it, and all your other functions (including the one in viewModel) just return that new LiveData. So if you want to see the result that's eventually posted to it, you need to observe that new one.
I don't know where the fragment code you posted is from, but it looks like you're just calling and observing viewModel.getDisastersByFilter once. So when that first happens, it does the data fetch and you get a result on the LiveData it returned. That LiveData won't receive any more results, from the looks of your code - it's a one-time, disposable thing that receives a result later, and then it's useless.
If I've got that right, you need to rework how you're handling your LiveDatas. The fragment needs to get the result of every viewModel.getDisastersByFilter call, so it can observe the result - it might be better if your activity passes an event to the fragment ("this item was clicked") and the fragment handles calling the VM, and it can observe the result while it's at it (pass it to a function that wires that up so you don't have to keep repeating your observer code)
The other approach would be to have the Fragment observe a currentData livedata, that's wired up to show the value of a different source livedata. Then when you call getDisastersByFilter, that source livedata is swapped for the new one. The currentData one gets any new values posted to this new source, and the fragment only has to observe that single LiveData once. All the data gets piped into it by the VM.
I don't have time to do an example, but have a look at this Transformations stuff (this is one of the developers' blogs):
What I believe you are doing wrong is using LiveData in the first place while using a retrofit.
You are getting a response asynchronously while your code is running synchronously. So, you need to make use of suspending functions by using suspend.
And while calling this function from ViewModel, wrap it with viewModelScope.launch{}
fun getDisastersByFilter(filter: String? = "gempa") = viewModelScope.launch {
// do something....
// assign the values to MutableLiveData or MutableStateFlows
You should either be using RxJava or CallbackFlow.
I prefer Flows, given below is an example of how your code might look if you use callback flow.
suspend fun getDisastersByFilter(filter: String?): Flow<ApiResponse<DisastersDTO?>> =
callbackFlow {
.enqueue(object : Callback<DisastersResponse> {
override fun onResponse(
call: Call<DisastersResponse>,
response: Response<DisastersResponse>
) {
if (response.isSuccessful) {
val data = response.body()
data?.disastersDTO?.let {
// result.postValue(ApiResponse.Success(it))
Log.d("RemoteDataSource", "$it")
} ?: run {
trySend(ApiResponse.Error("Bencana alam tidak ditemukan"))
// result.postValue(ApiResponse.Error("Bencana alam tidak ditemukan"))
} else {
trySend(ApiResponse.Error("Terjadi kesalahan!"))
// result.postValue(ApiResponse.Error("Terjadi kesalahan!"))
override fun onFailure(call: Call<DisastersResponse>, t: Throwable) {
// result.postValue(ApiResponse.Error(t.localizedMessage!!))
Log.d("RemoteDataSource", t.localizedMessage!!)

Kotlin SharedFlow ViewModel emits before subscribed

I am trying to use SharedFlow as data provider for a Fragment in MVVM architecture.
In the Fragment class:
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) { { value ->
In the ViewModel class:
private val _data: MutableSharedFlow<DataState> = MutableSharedFlow()
val data: SharedFlow<DataState> = _data
fun init() {
//(listen for other data providers that generate data for SharedFlow)
viewModelCoroutineScope.launch {
val dataCollection = interactor.getDataCollection()
dataCollection.forEach { data ->
if (data != null) {
_data.emit(DataState(data = data))
The problem is that in 50% cases viewmodel.init() starts before subscriber under scope is connected to Flow - which results in some data lost.
Why SharedFlow is used? That is because ViewModel have subscriptions to other data sources which could send a lot of data instances in the irregular way all needed to collect, so StateFlow/LiveData with their "store only last value" is not good for this.
When I've tried to pin viewmodel.init() to subscriber coroutine like this:
val job = viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) { { value ->
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
the ViewModel emits data, but Fragment is never collects it.
What is right way to guarantee that subscribers is on before call of the ViewModel to start data sending through SharedFlow?
You should give your SharedFlow a replay value of 1 so late subscribers will still get the most recent value. You need this anyway. If the screen rotates, the recreated Fragment will need the latest value to show in the UI.
private val _data: MutableSharedFlow<DataState> = MutableSharedFlow(replay = 1)
But actually, it would be better to use shareIn instead of MutableSharedFlow, because then you can pause collection when there are no active subscribers, so you can avoid unnecessary monitoring of resources when the associated Fragment is off-screen. Like this:
val data: SharedFlow<DataState> = interactor.getDataCollection()
.mapNotNull { it?.let(::DataState) }
.shareIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.whileSubscribed(5000L), replay = 1)
If getDataCollection() is a suspend function, you could do it like this:
val data: SharedFlow<DataState> = flow {
.mapNotNull { it?.let(::DataState) }
.shareIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.whileSubscribed(5000L), replay = 1)
If it's not a suspend function, why do you have a getter function at all? Kotlin uses properties instead.

Flow message not delivered in unit test

I have a consumer that reads messages off MutableSharedFlow (which acts as an EventBus in my application). I am trying to write a unit test to show that passing a message into the Flow triggers my Listener.
This is my Flow definition:
class MessageBus {
private val _messages = MutableSharedFlow<Message>()
val messages = _messages.asSharedFlow()
suspend fun send(message: Message) {
Here is the Listener:
class Listener(private val messageBus: MessageBus) {
private val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + SupervisorJob())
init {
scope.launch {
messageBus.messages.collectLatest { message ->
when (message) {
is CustomMessage -> handleCustomMessage(message)
And finally here is my unit test:
class CommandTest {
fun `should process CustomMessage`(): Unit = runBlocking {
val messageBus = MessageBus()
val listener = Listener(messageBus)
messageBus.send(CustomMessage("test command"))
//argumentCaptor...verify[removed for brevity]
Unfortunately the above code does not trigger the break point in my Listener (breakpoint on line init is triggered, but a message is never received and no breakpoints triggered in the collectLatest block).
I even tried adding a Thread.sleep(5_000) before the verify statement but the result is the same. Am I missing something obvious with how coroutines work?
Edit: if it matters this is not an Android project. Simply Kotlin + Ktor
I imagine that since the code is in the init block in the Listener once you initialize val listener = Listener(messageBus, this) in the test it reads all messages and at this point you have none then in the next line you emit a message messageBus.send(CustomMessage("test command")) but your launch block should have finished by then. You can emit the message first or place your launch in an loop or in a different method that can be called after you emit the message
First of all I would recomend reading this article about how to test flows in Android.
Secondly in your example the issues arise from having the scope inside the Listener hardcoded. You should pass the scope as a parameter and inject it in the test:
class Listener(private val messageBus: MessageBus, private val scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + SupervisorJob()))
class CommandTest {
fun `should process CustomMessage`(): Unit = runBlockingTest {
val messageBus = MessageBus()
val listener = Listener(messageBus, this)
messageBus.send(CustomMessage("test command"))
//argumentCaptor...verify[removed for brevity]
I would also recomend using runBlockingTest instead of runBlocking so your tests don't have to actually wait. It will also fail in case any coroutines are left running once the test finishes.
You could use something like this
class Emitter {
private val emitter: MutableSharedFlow<String> = MutableSharedFlow()
suspend fun publish(messages: Flow<String>) = messages.onEach {
fun stream(): Flow<String> = emitter
the collect at the end of your onEach will be used to trigger the collection initially as a terminal operation... I need further understanding on emit because it does not work as I expect in all cases and when used in this way you have initially it does not post anything in your Flow unless you collect first to process
Then in your collector itself
class Collector {
suspend fun collect(emitter: Emitter): Unit = coroutineScope {
println("Starting collection...") { println("collecting message: $it") }
then your main (or test)
fun main() = runBlocking {
withContext(Dispatchers.Default + Job()) {
val emitter = Emitter()
val collector = Collector()
launch {
emitter.publish(listOf("article#1", "article#2", "article#3", "article#4").asFlow())
Starting collection...
collecting message: article#1
collecting message: article#2
collecting message: article#3
collecting message: article#4

Android Kotlin Coroutines: what is the difference between flow, callbackFlow, channelFlow,... other flow constructors

I have code that should change SharedPreferences into obsarvable storage with flow so I've code like this
internal val onKeyValueChange: Flow<String> = channelFlow {
val callback = SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { _, key ->
coroutineScope.launch {
awaitClose {
or this
internal val onKeyValueChange: Flow<String> = callbackFlow {
val callback = SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { _, key ->
coroutineScope.launch {
awaitClose {
Then I observe this preferences for token, userId, companyId and then log into but there is odd thing as I need to build app three times like changing token not causes tokenFlow to emit anything, then second time new userId not causes userIdFlow to emit anything, then after 3rd login I can logout/login and it works. On logout I am clearing all 3 properties stores in prefs token, userId, companyId.
For callbackFlow:
You cannot use emit() as the simple Flow (because it's a suspend function) inside a callback. Therefore the callbackFlow offers you a synchronized way to do it with the trySend() option.
fun observeData() = flow {
myAwesomeInterface.addListener{ result ->
emit(result) // NOT ALLOWED
So, coroutines offer you the option of callbackFlow:
fun observeData() = callbackFlow {
myAwesomeInterface.addListener{ result ->
trySend(result) // ALLOWED
awaitClose{ myAwesomeInterface.removeListener() }
For channelFlow:
The main difference with it and the basic Flow is described in the documentation:
A channel with the default buffer size is used. Use the buffer
operator on the resulting flow to specify a user-defined value and to
control what happens when data is produced faster than consumed, i.e.
to control the back-pressure behavior.
The trySend() still stands for the same thing. It's just a synchronized way (a non suspending way) for emit() or send()
I suggest you to check Romans Elizarov blog for more detailed information especially this post.
Regarding your code, for callbackFlow you wont' be needing a coroutine launch:
coroutineScope.launch {
Just use trySend()
Another Example, maybe much concrete:
private fun test() {
lifecycleScope.launch {
someFlow().collectLatest {
Log.d("TAG", "Finally we received the result: $it")
// Cancel this listener, so it will not be subscribed anymore to the callbackFlow. awaitClose() will be triggered.
// cancel()
* Define a callbackFlow.
private fun someFlow() = callbackFlow {
// A dummy class which will run some business logic and which will sent result back to listeners through ApiCallback methods.
val service = ServiceTest() // a REST API class for example
// A simple callback interface which will be called from ServiceTest
val callback = object : ApiCallback {
override fun someApiMethod(data: String) {
// Sending method used by callbackFlow. Into a Flow we have emit(...) or for a ChannelFlow we have send(...)
override fun anotherApiMethod(data: String) {
// Sending method used by callbackFlow. Into a Flow we have emit(...) or for a ChannelFlow we have send(...)
// Register the ApiCallback for later usage by ServiceTest
// Dummy sample usage of callback flow.
// When a listener subscribed through .collectLatest {} is calling cancel() the awaitClose will get executed.
awaitClose {
interface ApiCallback {
fun someApiMethod(data: String)
fun anotherApiMethod(data: String)
class ServiceTest {
private var callback: ApiCallback? = null
fun unregister() {
callback = null
Log.d("TAG", "Unregister the callback in the service class")
fun register(callback: ApiCallback) {
Log.d("TAG", "Register the callback in the service class")
this.callback = callback
fun execute(value: Int) {
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
if (value < 2) {
callback?.someApiMethod("message sent through someApiMethod: $value.")
} else {
callback?.anotherApiMethod("message sent through anotherApiMethod: $value.")

How to suspend kotlin coroutine until notified

I would like to suspend a kotlin coroutine until a method is called from outside, just like the old Java object.wait() and object.notify() methods. How do I do that?
Here: Correctly implementing wait and notify in Kotlin is an answer how to implement this with Kotlin threads (blocking). And here: Suspend coroutine until condition is true is an answer how to do this with CompleteableDeferreds but I do not want to have to create a new instance of CompleteableDeferred every time.
I am doing this currently:
var nextIndex = 0
fun handleNext(): Boolean {
if (nextIndex < apps.size) {
//Do the actual work on apps[nextIndex]
//only execute again if nextIndex is a valid index
return nextIndex < apps.size
// The returned function will be called multiple times, which I would like to replace with something like notify()
return ::handleNext
Channels can be used for this (though they are more general):
When capacity is 0 – it creates RendezvousChannel. This channel does not have any buffer at all. An element is transferred from sender to receiver only when send and receive invocations meet in time (rendezvous), so send suspends until another coroutine invokes receive and receive suspends until another coroutine invokes send.
So create
val channel = Channel<Unit>(0)
And use channel.receive() for object.wait(), and channel.offer(Unit) for object.notify() (or send if you want to wait until the other coroutine receives).
For notifyAll, you can use BroadcastChannel instead.
You can of course easily encapsulate it:
inline class Waiter(private val channel: Channel<Unit> = Channel<Unit>(0)) {
suspend fun doWait() { channel.receive() }
fun doNotify() { channel.offer(Unit) }
It is possible to use the basic suspendCoroutine{..} function for that, e.g.
class SuspendWait() {
private lateinit var myCont: Continuation<Unit>
suspend fun sleepAndWait() = suspendCoroutine<Unit>{ cont ->
myCont = cont
fun resume() {
val cont = myCont
myCont = null
It is clear, the code have issues, e.g. myCont field is not synchonized, it is expected that sleepAndWait is called before the resume and so on, hope the idea is clear now.
There is another solution with the Mutex class from the kotlinx.coroutines library.
class SuspendWait2 {
private val mutex = Mutex(locaked = true)
suspend fun sleepAndWait() = mutex.withLock{}
fun resume() {
I suggest using a CompletableJob for that.
My use case:
suspend fun onLoad() {
var job1: CompletableJob? = Job()
var job2: CompletableJob? = Job()
lifecycleScope.launch {
someList.collect {
lifecycleScope.launch {
otherList.collect {
joinAll(job1!!, job2!!) // suspends until both jobs are done
job1 = null
job2 = null
// Do something one time