How to get over 200 records from zoho server via ZCRMSDK in Net core? - api

I have get all records from zoho api via .net. When I call module.getrecords(); ZohoCRM returned last 200 records, but I need all.
var response = module.GetRecords();
List<ZCRMRecord> records = response.BulkData;

Get module records over 200 records using ZOHO CRM APIs :
This time, You can't access over 200 records with a request and get maximum 200 records with each request and insert, update or delete maximum 100 records with each request.
These are ZOHO APIs limitations. If in future, the ZOHO updates records limitation to get records from APIs then you can access.
And alternate solution is that if you want to get maximum records then you can get records one by one and hold & merge new geted data with previous data list.
You can call this url one by one with page incremented value using web request with hold previous data then it will be possible otherwise not.
To click on following link for more information about ZOHO CRM APIs limitation.
API Limit


Is there an API call to list all available product id's (ID's alone) in Shopify?

I use POSTMAN GUI for retrieving a list of items from Shopify API.
I would like to know if there exists a way to get available product id's alone, preferably as a list of values over a single api GET call. The one I know of is
It returns a list of all product information, and looping over them/traversing the json is not very efficient. I hope there must be an easy way to fetch all ID's alone in one go. Should there be not?
You can add /admin/api/2022-04/products.json?fields=id to the end of your request to limit the output only for a single field or multiply.
Please note that if you have more than 250 products you will need to make more than one request, since the request is limited to 250 products.
You can make one call to the Admin API for all your product IDs using the Bulk Query. That will result in you receiving a URL where you download a file in JSONL format with every single product ID in your store, without the paging or limits of other approaches.

Power BI and API paginated data

I am trying to pull in all data from an API. Unfortunately, the API only allows 500 records per page. I followed the steps from the post here - How to get paginated data from API in Power BI. Instead of selecting the "total_pages" I selected "total_rows." I had this working, where my result was all 4675 rows. Something happened and now I get over 1 millions rows and the query is still pulling in rows. I have looked at this for so long and cannot see what is wrong. Can anyone help?
The parameters in the API are businessObjectTypeId, pageSize, and pageNum
API Function in PBI
API Query in PBI

Pagination rules' Value in Azure Data Factory V2 (for Rest API)

I am trying to fill in Value box inside Pagination rules explained on this article which was published recently (in May 25th 2021).
My Request URL is this one:
So, based on my URL's data, I would like to know how to insert all rows (total 15,315 rows) instead of 500 rows.
I am new to Rest API, and I guess I was looking for an indicator that points to the next set of records.
Currently, when I run Azure Data Factory V2 without Pagination rules, it only inserts 500 rows of data into Azure database.
This is the solution I got from my issue: GET Entity Values Limited to 1000?

I have an entity that I have populated with multiple thousands of values via the Wit API (
The script to add them seems to have completed successfully, but when I try to retrieve the entity to verify all of it's values, only 1000 are returned.
This appears to be a limit on the GET Entity API call ( Is there a way to retrieve all entity values if there are more than 1000?
Can you try with the following pagination params in your url:
For example limit=1000&offset=1 should retrieve the expression from 1001 to 2000

Fetching 50000 records at time using soql

I am using the below code to get the records from a dataset having 500k records in my mvc app.
var soqlCountry = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).Limit(50000)
But this returns only 1000 records.
How to get 50000 records please help??
The SoqlQuery class was limiting you to 1000 internally. I've sent the developer of SODA.NET a a pull request to fix that.
In the meantime, you can try out my branch.