Why Would Unknown Column Be Referenced in SQL Query - sql

I am in the process of updating some SQL queries to run against MariaDB instead of via SQL Anywhere. One query I'm running is erroring with this:
Error Code: 1054. Unknown column 'choice' in 'field list'
That is for this query:
(select firstname||' '||lastname||' ('||service||')' from staff_members where id_number = customer_assignment_reviews.staff_member_id) as Rep,
(select customer_firstname||' '|| customer_lastname from customers where id_number = customer_assignment_reviews.cs_id) as Cus,
last_modified as "Response Date",replace(review_reason,'’','') as "Reason",
(Select choice = CASE
when accepted = 0 then 'No'
when accepted = 1 then 'Yes'
end) as "Accepted?"
FROM customer_assignment_reviews
where staff_member_id in (Select id_number from kar.staff_members where division_id = 6)
and "Response Date" between today() - 7 and today() /* Date Range */
and "Accepted?" = 'No'
Order by 3 desc
Is this error message as straightforward as it sounds? It's simply saying the column "choice" doesn't exist on the target table?
I'm just trying to reason through why this code (which I inherited) would be referencing a column that does not exist. Could something be expected here at runtime?

You don't need to use subquery in SELECT list
-- ...
(Select choice = CASE
when accepted = 0 then 'No'
when accepted = 1 then 'Yes'
end) as "Accepted?"
when accepted = 0 then 'No'
when accepted = 1 then 'Yes'
end as "Accepted?"
Additionaly syntax SELECT alias = expression is only T-SQL specific:
SELECT alias = 1
SELECT 1 AS alias

What is this supposed to mean?
(Select choice = CASE
when accepted = 0 then 'No'
when accepted = 1 then 'Yes'
end) as "Accepted?"
Very importantly, a select is not needed here. You might mean:
(case when accepted = 0 then 'No'
when accepted = 1 then 'Yes'
end) as is_accepted -- prefer to not have to need escape characters
If accepted only takes those two values, you can simplify this to:
elt(accepted + 1, 'No', 'Yes') as is_accepted


How to check unique values in SQL

I have a table named Bank that contains a Bank_Values column. I need a calculated Bank_Value_Unique column to shows whether each Bank_Value exists somewhere else in the table (i.e. whether its count is greater than 1).
I prepared this query, but it does not work. Could anyone help me with this and/or modify this query?
(SELECT Bank_Value
FROM [Bank]
GROUP BY Bank_Value
THEN '0' ELSE '1'
END AS Bank_Key_Unique
FROM [Bank]
A windowed count should work:
END AS Bank_Value_Unique
It works also, but I found solution also:
select CASE WHEN NULLIF(LTRIM(RTRIM(Bank_Value)),'') =
(select Bank_Value
from Bank
group by Bank_Value
having (count(distinct Bank_Value) > 2 )) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END AS
from Bank
It was missing "distinct" in having part.

How can I use CASE clause twice in SQL Query

I am trying to apply two conditions in one SQL Query.
(select DISTINCT (
ABC.GemUserID = '99' )
OR ABC.GemUserID != '99'
THEN 'Yes'
END)) AS AllWell
This gives me output as "Yes" where as the CASE is true only for 1 file like below :
Current Result:
99 , Yes
99 , Yes
99 , Yes
Expected Result:
99 , No
99 , No
99 , Yes
I am using the below query but the SQL Query Intellisence is identifying it as wrong.
Wrong Query:
(select DISTINCT (
CASE WHEN ( ABC.GEMUserID = '99' THEN 'Yes' else 'No'
CASE WHEN ( ABC.GEMUserID != '99' THEN 'No' else 'Yes'
END)) AS AllWell
After fixing the above Wrong Query:
(select DISTINCT
(CASE WHEN ABC.GemUserID = '99' THEN 'Yes' else 'No' END),
(CASE WHEN ABC.GemUserID != '99' THEN 'No' else 'Yes' END))
AS AllWell
But I am getting error:
Msg 116, Level 16, State 1, Line 17 Only one expression can be
specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with
How to fix this?
select distinct is -- itself -- part of SQL syntax. The distinct is not a function. It should not be followed by parentheses. So, if I understand your question:
( CASE WHEN ABC.GEMUserID = '99' THEN 'Yes' else 'No' END),
( CASE WHEN ABC.GEMUserID <> '99' THEN 'No' else 'Yes' END) as AllWell
Do you plan on giving the first column a name?
ELSE 'No' -- This is automatically When ABC.GEMUserID <> '99'
END AS AllWell
According to the error, your query is a subquery (probably behind IN?) in a larger SQL command. Therefore, it is not possible for such subquery to return more than one column.
So your first query, you've said:
CASE WHEN userID = 99 OR userID != 99
In other words:
This is why it returns yes for everything (not sure what the difference between your current and expected result should be considering that the userID is 99 for all rows).
For your erroneous query, seems you're returning that select in the middle of another select (since you alias it at the end). Due to that, you cannot return more than one column in your nested select. You do not need the second CASE statement, simply change your query to:
(select DISTINCT
CASE WHEN ABC.GemUserID = '99' THEN 'Yes' Else 'No' End) AS AllWell
Assuming that you hold the missing pieces to the query such as the FROM.

sql case statement IN with group by

I have a 2 column table with the columns : "user_name" and "characteristic". Each user_name may appear multiple times with a different characteristic.
The values in characteristic are:
I want to write a sql statement that goes like this - but obviously this isn't working:
SELECT user_name,
when characteristic in ("online","instore") then 1
else 0
END as purchase_yn,
when characteristic in ("online","instore") and
characteristic in ("email",'account') then 1
else 0
END as purchaser_with_account
FROM my_table
GROUP BY user_name;
Essentially the first is a flag where I check for the presence of either value for that user_name.
The Second field is that they meet this criteria AND that they meet the criteria for having either 'email' or 'account'
An example the structure of your data would help better understand what you are trying to accomplish. But I think I get what you are trying to do.
You have to use an aggregate function in order to use a group by.
Something like SUM or AVG.
But you need first to build a pivot of your data and then you could use that pivot to check for your criterias:
This would create a table pivot that shows for each record what criterias are met:
case when characteristic = "online" then 1 else 0 end as online_yn,
case when characteristic = "instore" then 1 else 0 end as instore_yn,
case when characteristic = "account" then 1 else 0 end as account_yn,
case when characteristic = "email" then 1 else 0 end as email_yn,
FROM my_table
Now what you might wanted to do is to create an averaged version of these entries grouped by user_name and use those averages to create the fields you wanted. For that you need to use the same statement created earlier as an inline table :
case when avg(online_yn + instore_yn) >= 1 then 1 else 0 end as purchase_yn,
case when avg(online_yn + instore_yn) >= 1 and avg(email_yn + account_yn) >= 1 then 1 else 0 end as purchaser_with_account
case when characteristic = "online" then 1 else 0 end as online_yn,
case when characteristic = "instore" then 1 else 0 end as instore_yn,
case when characteristic = "account" then 1 else 0 end as account_yn,
case when characteristic = "email" then 1 else 0 end as email_yn,
FROM my_table) avg_table
group by
This should help.
It may not be efficient in terms of performance but you'll get what you want.
You just have to enclose the CASE expressions in COUNT aggregates:
SELECT user_name,
COUNT(case when characteristic in ("online","instore") then 1 END) as purchase_yn,
COUNT(case when characteristic in ("email",'account') then 1 END) as user_with_account
FROM my_table
GROUP BY user_name
If purchase_yn > 0 then you first flag is set. If purchase_yn > 0 and user_with_account > 0 then you second flag is set as well.
Note: You have to remove ELSE 0 from the CASE expressions because COUNT takes into account all not null values.
You haven't mentioned a specific RDBMS, but if SUM(DISTINCT ...) is available the following is quite nice:
WHEN characteristic in ('online','instore') THEN 1
END) AS purchase_yn,
WHEN characteristic in ('online','instore') THEN 1
WHEN characteristic in ('email','account') THEN 2
) = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as purchaser_with_account
If I correctly understand, if user have 'online' or 'instore', then for this user you want 1 as purchase_yn column, and if user also have 'email' or 'account', then 1 as purchaser_with_account column.
If this is correct, then one way is:
with your_table(user_name, characteristic) as(
select 1, 'online' union all
select 1, 'instore' union all
select 1, 'account' union all
select 1, 'email' union all
select 2, 'account' union all
select 2, 'email' union all
select 3, 'online'
-- below is actual query:
select your_table.user_name, coalesce(max(t1.purchase_yn), 0) as purchase_yn, coalesce(max(t2.purchaser_with_account), 0) as purchaser_with_account
from your_table
left join (SELECT user_name, 1 as purchase_yn from your_table where characteristic in('online','instore') ) t1
on your_table.user_name = t1.user_name
left join (SELECT user_name, 1 as purchaser_with_account from your_table where characteristic in('email', 'account') ) t2
on t1.user_name = t2.user_name
group by your_table.user_name

How can I write this select query in SQL Server?

I need to extract some data to analyse exceptions/logs, and I'm stuck at a point.
I have a table with a column called CallType, and a status which can be Success or Failure. This table also has a column called SessionId.
I need to do this:
Select all the SessionId's where all the CallType = 'A' are marked as Success, but there is at least one CallType = 'B' having a Failure for that session.
There will be a where clause to filter out some stuff.
I'm thinking something like:
select top 10 *
from Log nolock
where ProviderId=48 -- add more conditions here
group by SessionId
having --? what should go over here?
I would do this with conditional aggregation in the having clause:
select top 10 *
from Log nolock
where ProviderId=48 -- add more conditions here
group by SessionId
having sum(case when CallType = 'A' and Status = 'Failure' then 1 else 0 end) = 0 and
sum(case when CallType = 'B' and Status = 'Failure' then 1 else 0 end) > 0 and
sum(case when CallType = 'A' and Status = 'Success' then 1 else 0 end) > 0;
The having clause checks for three conditions by counting the number of rows that meet each one. If = 0, then no records are allowed. If > 0 then records are required.
That CallType A has no failures.
That CallType B has at least one failure.
That at least one CallType A success exists.
The third condition is ambiguous -- if is not clear if you actually need CallType As to be in the data, based on the question.
WHERE L.CallType='A'
AND L.[Status] = 'Success'
AND L.ProviderId = 48
WHERE L.SessionID = SessionID
AND CallType='B'
AND [Status] = 'Failure')
Having clause can only operate on aggregates within the group so this isn't the correct way to go about it since you are filtering out other rows you want to check against. I'd use EXISTS for this e.g.
edit: corrected the query
WHERE ProviderId = 48
AND CallType = 'A'
AND Status = 'Success'
AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Log WHERE L.SessionId = SessionId AND CallType = 'B' AND Status = 'Failure')
You can essentially filter out rows in the EXISTS part of the query using the aliased Log table (aliased L), matching all rows with the same session ID and seeing if any match the filters you required (failed with call type B)

In SQL (Tsql) what's a good way to check mutually exclusive options are correct

EDIT: damien the unbeliever, my apologies, trying to be terse I omitted saying that the design of the table is not under my control; this table is a "dump" of data we receive from another vendor, and I have to convert it from their format to ours. The reason I need a query is to find out if the data is consistent with assumptions in other parts of code. The solutions proposed looking for length or exact match of the concatenated strings are better than my pair of queries for the problem I described.
I have a working pair of queries for my problem, but I wondered if there's something a bit prettier. Exactly one of taxidflag1, taxidflag2, taxidflag3 should be filled in with * in each row. So I confirm they all have two blanks and one * like this. All fields are are non nullable.
select * from acct where 2 <>
(case when taxidFlag1 <> '' then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when taxidFlag2 <> '' then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when taxidFlag3 <> '' then 1 else 0 end)
select * from acct where 1 <>
(case when taxidFlag1 = '*' then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when taxidFlag2 = '*' then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when taxidFlag3 = '*' then 1 else 0 end)
You could do this:
select * from acct where taxidFlag1 + taxidFlag2 + taxidFlag3 = '*';
This condition is only true if two are empty ('') and one is a asterisk (*).
select *
acct a1
(select count(*) from acct unpivot (foo for taxidFlag in (taxidFlag1, taxidFlag2, taxidFlag3)) as unp where unp.row_id = a1.row_id and foo = '*') <> 1
where row_id is your primary key field.