How to show property of a UserControl in Properties panel -

I created a UserControl in VB.NET. I used following code to set some text to a TextBox via code, it works when I refer to it via code, but the issue is it doesn't show up in Properties window.
Dim text1_text As String = Nothing
Description("The text to be shown in textbox"),
Property Text1 As String
Return text1_text
End Get
text1_text = Value
TextBox1.Text = Value
End Set
End Property


How do I save textboxes with tabs depending which tab is open?

I am trying to create a document writer in
So I decided to add a tab control, so I can create a new tab when I press a button. I would like to save the text in the tab that is open. I created a function the returns the text depending on what tab is open, but that only works for the two default tabs. I don't know how I would save if I've created a new tab.
The function to get the text is this:
Public Function getText() As String
If tabPage1.Visible = True Then
Return mainText.Text
ElseIf tabPage2.Visible = True Then
Return textBox1.Text
End If
End Function
I've done some research online, I've even looked at SharpDevelop's source code and I couldn't find anything.
Thanks in advance!
Public Sub setText(Byval value As String)
If tabPage1.Visible = True Then
mainText.Text = value
ElseIf tabPage2.Visible = True Then
textBox1.Text = value
End If
End Sub
Does anyone know how I would do an open feature determined on what tab is open (as before.)
If I understand you correctly, you are trying to have a textbox in each of your tabPages generated dynamically. If this is the case you could generalize your GetText function with this code
Function GetText() As String
If tabControl1.SelectedTab IsNot Nothing Then
Return tabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.OfType(Of TextBox)().First().Text
End If
End Function
This requires that you have at least one textbox in each page (and your TabControl is named tabControl1). The SelectedTab property (if not nothing) is the current tabPage displayed by your tabControl

Accessing multiple PictureBoxes (or any form control) in Visual Basic?

So I'm making a game in VB for learning purposes and now I'm struggling with this problem:
I'm trying to do a For loop that draws the level map. However, I just can't seem to figure out it. This is an example of what I'm trying to do:
For index as integer = 1 to 192
PictureBox(index).Image = bg(map(x,y)) 'this is causing me problems
if x=16 then
End If
But since PictureBox(index).Image doesn't seem to be the correct answer, it simply throws me an error.
Is there any way to do this?
Shortly, I need to set PictureBox.Image's from 1 to 192 like this without having 192 lines of code:
PictureBox1.Image = bg(map(0,0))
PictureBox2.Image = bg(map(1,0))
PictureBox3.Image = bg(map(2,0))
PictureBox4.Image = bg(map(3,0))
Instead I wan't to set them in a For loop. I don't want to have extra lines of code.
The PictureBoxes are added in the editor.
In the designer set the property Tag of each PictureBox to the string value composed by the x and y required to pass to the map function
For example:
PictureBox1 should have the Tag property set to "0,0"
PictureBox2 set the Tag property to "1,0",
PictureBox17 will have the Tag property set to "0,1"
and so on until you have mapped all your pictureboxes with the correct values.
Then your code could be changed to
' Assuming the PictureBox are all childs of the Form
For Each pic in Me.Controls.OfType(Of PictureBox)()
Dim tag = pic.Tag
' You could omit this check if you have only the pictureboxes
' set with a valid Tag property
if Not string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag) Then
Dim xyCoords = tag.ToString().Split(","c)
pic.Image = bg(map(Convert.ToInt32(xyCoords(0),
End if
I'm going to make a huge assumption here and assume that you already have the PictureBox's on the form prior to reaching this code and they have Id's PictureBox1 through PictureBox192. The code would look like the following. You need to:
1. Retrieve the element by its ID
2. Cast/convert it from an object to a PictureBox
3. Set it's Image property appropriately.
Dim pBox As PictureBox ' To store each pic box in
For index as integer = 1 to 192
pBox = Me.Controls.Find(PictureBox&&index) ' Try to find pic box by ID
If Not pBox Is Nothing Then ' If able to find element by this ID
DirectCast(pBox, PictureBox).Image = bg(map(x,y))
End If
if x=16 then
End If

Access a dynamically created textbox text from another sub. And I also want to be user-configurable and access the user-configured text

Textbox.text I want to access. And I want it user-configurable before I want to access the altered text.
Dim qbox As New TextBox
qbox.Size = New Size(20, 20)
qbox.Location = New Point(90, 10)
qbox.Parent = addtocart
qbox.Name = "quarts"
qbox.Text = "ss"**
how I dynamically add it inside a series of other dynamic controls:
How I tried to access it:
qb.Text = CType(Me.Controls("flpp").Controls("tile").Controls("addtocart").Controls("qbox"), TextBox).Text
I generated to textbox at runtime. Of course it's dynamic. I'm new to VB and I'm just experimenting a school project. I wanted the textbox text to be configurable and then access that configured value. I've been brain-cracking for days about this. when I run the thing, I "getObject reference not set to an instance of an object." under NullReferenceException was unhandled" something like this. I don't get it.
WinForms? If yes, and you want to find that control "by name", then use the Controls.Find() function:
Dim ctlName As String = "quarts"
Dim matches() As Control = Me.Controls.Find(ctlName, True)
If matches.Length > 0 AndAlso TypeOf matches(0) Is TextBox Then
Dim tb As TextBox = DirectCast(matches(0), TextBox)
' ... use "tb" somehow ...
Dim value As String = tb.Text
End If

refer to name with variable in visual studio 2010 vb

I'm trying to assign text from "comp" in the form "home" to a textbox with the name "d1" in the form "home".
but this needs to be done with a counter in the form "home".
The code is in a module.
What I've tried=
home.controls("d" & home.counter).text = home.comp.text
I keep getting an error:
use the new keyword to create an object instance ==> the textbox exists in the form
check to determine if the object is null before calling the method ==> the textbox is empty
get general help for this exception
You could use Controls.Find:
Dim controls = home.Controls.Find("d" & home.counter, True)
If controls.Length > 0 Then
Dim txt = TryCast(controls(0), TextBoxBase)
If txt IsNot Nothing Then
txt.Text = home.comp.text
End If
End If
However, normally i would not use this approach since it's error-prone. Why don't you provide a public property in the Home-form that you can access? This property would get/set the TextBox' Text.
For example:
Public Property HomeCompText As String
Return txtHomeComp.Text
End Get
Set(value As String)
txtHomeComp.Text = value
End Set
End Property
Now you can use this clear, safe and maintainable code:
home.HomeCompText = home.comp.text
You could even change the underlying control.

should changing the parent of a listbox change the selected index?

You wouldn’t think so, but it does when the listbox is bound to a datasource (as far as I can see).
I’ve reduced the behaviour to the code below. The "if" line toggles between loading a list via data binding and loading a list “manually” (both use the same data table). In each case I set the selected index afterwards, and then change the parent form. With manual loading, the selected index is retained, with binding it is lost. I cannot see how this makes any sense – I don't see why changing the host form should alter any property of the list. Is this a bug?
Public Class Form1
Sub main() Handles Me.Load
Dim ListControl1 As ListBox = New ListBox
ListControl1.Parent = Me
Dim dt = New DataTable
dt.Rows.Add({1, "Red"})
dt.Rows.Add({2, "Green"})
dt.Rows.Add({3, "Blue"})
ListControl1.ValueMember = dt.Columns(0).ColumnName
ListControl1.DisplayMember = dt.Columns(1).ColumnName
If False Then
ListControl1.DataSource = dt
For i = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
End If
ListControl1.SelectedIndex = 2
Dim z As Form = New Form
ListControl1.Parent = z
End Sub
End Class
The correct way of adding a control to a form is not to set its parent, but to add it to the Controls collection of the form. If I do it like this I do not get an exception (the three last lines commented out as you write in your comment).
Me.Controls.Add(ListControl1) ' Instead of ListControl1.Parent = Me