Distinguishing Bound from Unbound Variables - variables

I'm trying to write a macro, called different, to test whether two user-provided arguments are provisionally eq, where the arguments may be bound or unbound. But I'm getting lost in the possibilities (and perhaps logic). The following seems to work, but needs enhancement (including avoiding variable capture and multiple evaluation):
(defmacro different (item1 item2)
`(not (eq (if (boundp ',item1) ,item1 ',item1)
(if (boundp ',item2) ,item2 ',item2))))
The basic idea is to look for any unbound variable, quote it, and then see if that is eq to the value of the other variable. (The goal is to save the end-user from having to decide when to quote arguments, since bound variables are otherwise marked.)
So now:
if x is unbound and y is bound to 'x, or
y is unbound and x is bound to 'y
(different x y) => NIL
if x is unbound and y is bound to 'z, or
y is unbound and x is bound to 'z
(different x y) => T
The main problem is that item1 or item2 can be designators for arbitrary lisp objects (in which case equalp would be substituted for eq). For example:
(defparameter x 3)
(different x 3) => NIL (since they are equalp)
(defparameter x '(a b c))
(different x (c b a)) => T (where (c b a) gets quoted)
Can this be factored into the macro, and can the if statements be brought outside the backquote?

There are only six cases to deal with
Here is a mapping of what is to be done:
For b ≡ bound symbol
For u ≡ unbound symbol
For e ≡ any other value
b b -> eq
b u -> equalp
u u -> equalp
e e -> equalp
e u -> ERROR (makes no sense)
e b -> equalp
Hopefully this helps you organize your branching logic. I like to pull some paper and work through branching when I get an explosion like this. Normally it is possible to reduce it using predicate calculus, or come up with another representation that has less branches.


What is eq_rect and where is it defined in Coq?

From what I have read, eq_rect and equality seem deeply interlinked. Weirdly, I'm not able to find a definition on the manual for it.
Where does it come from, and what does it state?
If you use Locate eq_rect you will find that eq_rect is located in Coq.Init.Logic, but if you look in that file there is no eq_rect in it. So, what's going on?
When you define an inductive type, Coq in many cases automatically generates 3 induction principles for you, appending _rect, _rec, _ind to the name of the type.
To understand what eq_rect means you need its type,
Check eq_rect.
here we go:
: forall (A : Type) (x : A) (P : A -> Type),
P x -> forall y : A, x = y -> P y
and you need to understand the notion of Leibniz's equality:
Leibniz characterized the notion of equality as follows:
Given any x and y, x = y if and only if, given any predicate P, P(x) if and only if P(y).
In this law, "P(x) if and only if P(y)" can be weakened to "P(x) if P(y)"; the modified law is equivalent to the original, since a statement that applies to "any x and y" applies just as well to "any y and x".
Speaking less formally, the above quotation says that if x and y are equal, their "behavior" for every predicate is the same.
To see more clearly that Leibniz's equality directly corresponds to eq_rect we can rearrange the order of parameters of eq_rect into the following equivalent formulation:
: forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Type) (x y : A),
x = y -> P x -> P y

Unique variable names in Z3

I need to rely on the fact that two Z3 variables
can not have the same name.
To be sure of that,
I've used tuple_example1() from test_capi.c in z3/examples/c and changed the original code from:
// some code before that ...
x = mk_real_var(ctx, "x");
y = mk_real_var(ctx, "y"); // originally y is called "y"
// some code after that ...
// some code before that ...
x = mk_real_var(ctx, "x");
y = mk_real_var(ctx, "x"); // but now both x and y are called "x"
// some code after that ...
And (as expected) the output changed from:
tuple_sort: (real, real)
prove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies x = 1
disprove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies y = 1
y -> 0.0
x -> 1.0
tuple_sort: (real, real)
prove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies x = 1
disprove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies y = 1
BUG: unexpected result.
However, when I looked closer, I found out that Z3 did not really fail or anything, it is just a naive (driver) print out to console.
So I went ahead and wrote the exact same test with y being an int sort called "x".
To my surprise, Z3 could handle two variables with the same name when they have different sorts:
tuple_sort: (real, real)
prove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies x = 1
disprove: get_x(mk_pair(x, y)) = 1 implies y = 1
x -> 1.0
x -> 0
Is that really what's going on? or is it just a coincidence??
Any help is very much appreciated, thanks!
In general, SMT-Lib does allow repeated variable names, so long as they have different sorts. See page 27 of the standard. In particular, it says:
Concretely, a variable can be any symbol, while a function symbol
can be any identifier (i.e., a symbol or an indexed symbol). As a
consequence, contextual information is needed during parsing to know
whether an identifier is to be treated as a variable or a function
symbol. For variables, this information is provided by the three
binders which are the only mechanism to introduce variables. Function
symbols, in contrast, are predefined, as explained later. Recall that
every function symbol f is separately associated with one or more
ranks, each specifying the sorts of f’s arguments and result. To
simplify sort checking, a function symbol in a term can be annotated
with one of its result sorts σ. Such an annotated function symbol is a
qualified identifier of the form (as f σ).
Also on page 31 of the same document, it further clarifies "ambiguity" thusly:
Except for patterns in match expressions, every occurrence of an
ambiguous function symbol f in a term must occur as a qualified
identifier of the form (as f σ) where σ is the intended output sort of
that occurrence
So, in SMT-Lib lingo, you'd write like this:
(declare-fun x () Int)
(declare-fun x () Real)
(assert (= (as x Real) 2.5))
(assert (= (as x Int) 2))
This produces:
(define-fun x () Int
(define-fun x () Real
(/ 5.0 2.0))
What you are observing in the C-interface is essentially a rendering of the same. Of course, how much "checking" is enforced by the interface is totally solver specific as SMT-Lib says nothing about C API's or API's for other languages. That actually explains the BUG line you see in the output there. At this point, the behavior is entirely solver specific.
But long story short, SMT-Lib does indeed allow two variables have the same name used so long as they have different sorts.

Understanding 'impossible'

Type-Driven Development with Idris presents:
twoPlusTwoNotFive : 2 + 2 = 5 -> Void
twoPlusTwoNotFive Refl impossible
Is the above a function or value? If it's the former, then why is there no variable arguments, e.g.
add1 : Int -> Int
add1 x = x + 1
In particular, I'm confused at the lack of = in twoPlusTwoNotFive.
impossible calls out combinations of arguments which are, well, impossible. Idris absolves you of the responsibility to provide a right-hand side when a case is impossible.
In this instance, we're writing a function of type (2 + 2 = 5) -> Void. Void is a type with no values, so if we succeed in implementing such a function we should expect that all of its cases will turn out to be impossible. Now, = has only one constructor (Refl : x = x), and it can't be used here because it requires ='s arguments to be definitionally equal - they have to be the same x. So, naturally, it's impossible. There's no way anyone could successfully call this function at runtime, and we're saved from having to prove something that isn't true, which would have been quite a big ask.
Here's another example: you can't index into an empty vector. Scrutinising the Vect and finding it to be [] tells us that n ~ Z; since Fin n is the type of natural numbers less than n there's no value a caller could use to fill in the second argument.
at : Vect n a -> Fin n -> a
at [] FZ impossible
at [] (FS i) impossible
at (x::xs) FZ = x
at (x::xs) (FS i) = at xs i
Much of the time you're allowed to omit impossible cases altogether.
I slightly prefer Agda's notation for the same concept, which uses the symbol () to explicitly pinpoint which bit of the input expression is impossible.
twoPlusTwoNotFive : (2 + 2 ≡ 5) -> ⊥
twoPlusTwoNotFive () -- again, no RHS
at : forall {n}{A : Set} -> Vec A n -> Fin n -> A
at [] ()
at (x ∷ xs) zero = x
at (x ∷ xs) (suc i) = at xs i
I like it because sometimes you only learn that a case is impossible after doing some further pattern matching on the arguments; when the impossible thing is buried several layers down it's nice to have a visual aid to help you spot where it was.

How to remove an element from a list without using remove function in LISP

(defun my_remove(e list1 list2)
(if (null list1)
((setf x car(list1))
(if (!= x e)
((my_append e list2 )
(setf y cdr(list1))
(my_remove(e y list2)))
((setf y cdr(list1))
(my_remove(e y list2))
I am trying to write a function to remove an element from a list but i am getting an error that "It should be lambada function" and I don't know that my code is correct or wrong.
Problems with your code
There are a few problems with your code. First, let's look at it with standard indentation
(defun my_remove(e list1 list2)
(if (null list1)
((setf x car(list1)) ; (i)
(if (!= x e)
((my_append e list2 ) ; (ii)
(setf y cdr(list1)) ; (iii)
(my_remove(e y list2))) ; (iv)
((setf y cdr(list1)) ; (v)
(my_remove(e y list2))))))) ; (vi)
Each of the marked lines has a problem. The syntax for a function call in Lisp is
(function argument…)
That means that in your line (i), you're trying to call a function named (setf x car(list1)) with an argument (if (!= x e) …). Of course, that's not the name of a function, and I suspect that even if it was, you didn't want to call it with the argument (if (!= x e) …). Similarly
(setf x car (list1))
Is trying to to set x to the value of the value of a variable car (and there isn't one), and then assign a new value to the place (list1). Since the syntax for a function call is (function argument…), you want instead:
(setf x (car list1))
If you're trying to sequence forms, you might consider using cond, in which you can provide multiple forms, or progn (see In Common Lisp, why do multi-expression bodies of (if) statements require (progn)?).
For instance, instead of
((my_append e list2 ) ; (ii)
(setf y cdr(list1)) ; (iii)
(my_remove(e y list2))) ; (iv)
you probably want
(my_append e list2 ) ; (ii)
(setf y cdr(list1)) ; (iii)
(my_remove(e y list2))) ; (iv)
You'll have some problems with that, too, though. In (iii) and (iv), you'll need to use (cdr list1) and (my_remove e y list2), as discussed above, but you also have the problem that you're evaluating (ii) and (iii), but you're discarding the value.
A simplified approach
I think it might be to your benefit if you think about a simple definition of my-remove. In general, a list is either the empty list () or a cons cell whose car is the first element of the list and whose cdr is the rest of the list. You can use a definition like this, then:
if list is empty, then return list (it's empty, so it certainly doesn't contain x)
if list is not empty, then
if the first element of the list is x, then return remove(x,rest(list))
else, the first element of the list is not x, so return a new list whose first element is the first element of list, and whose rest is remove(x,rest(list)).
In code, that looks like:
(defun my-remove (element list)
(if (endp list)
(if (eql element (first list))
(my-remove element (rest list))
(list* (first list)
(my-remove element (rest list))))))
CL-USER> (my-remove 1 '(1 2 3 1 2 3))
(2 3 2 3)
Those nested ifs look a bit ugly, and you might want to use cond here, even though you don't need the multiple expression bodies that it permits:
(defun my-remove (element list)
((endp list)
((eql element (first list))
(my-remove element (rest list)))
(list* (first list) (my-remove element (rest list))))))
Since a cond clause with no body whose test form evaluates to true returns the value of the test form, you can even make that last clause a bit simpler:
(defun my-remove (element list)
((endp list) list)
((eql element (first list)) (my-remove element (rest list)))
((list* (first list) (my-remove element (rest list))))))

What's the -> operator in Prolog and how can I use it?

I've read about it in a book but it wasn't explained at all. I also never saw it in a program. Is part of Prolog syntax? What's it for? Do you use it?
It represents implication. The righthand side is only executed if the lefthand side is true. Thus, if you have this code,
implication(X) :-
(X = a ->
write('Argument a received.'), nl
; X = b ->
write('Argument b received.'), nl
write('Received unknown argument.'), nl
Then it will write different things depending on it argument:
?- implication(a).
Argument a received.
?- implication(b).
Argument b received.
?- implication(c).
Received unknown argument.
(link to documentation.)
It's a local version of the cut, see for example the section on control predicated in the SWI manual.
It is mostly used to implement if-then-else by (condition -> true-branch ; false-branch). Once the condition succeeds there is no backtracking from the true branch back into the condition or into the false branch, but backtracking out of the if-then-else is still possible:
?- member(X,[1,2,3]), (X=1 -> Y=a ; X=2 -> Y=b ; Y=c).
X = 1,
Y = a ;
X = 2,
Y = b ;
X = 3,
Y = c.
?- member(X,[1,2,3]), (X=1, !, Y=a ; X=2 -> Y=b ; Y=c).
X = 1,
Y = a.
Therefore it is called a local cut.
It is possible to avoid using it by writing something more wordy. If I rewrite Stephan's predicate:
implication(X) :-
X = a,
write('Argument a received.'), nl
X = b,
write('Argument b received.'), nl
X \= a,
X \= b,
write('Received unknown argument.'), nl
(Yeah I don't think there is any problem with using it, but my boss was paranoid about it for some reason, so we always used the above approach.)
With either version, you need to be careful that you are covering all cases you intend to cover, especially if you have many branches.
ETA: I am not sure if this is completely equivalent to Stephan's, because of backtracking if you have implication(X). But I don't have a Prolog interpreter right now to check.