MySQL2 Library NodeJS - Update Fails without error & RowsAffected on async call - node-mysql2

The way to get AffectedRows when non-Async is shown here:
My Code below - none of the console.logs after the update display in the console, certain columns are not being updated in the database, and no error or try catch is encountered. If there's an error, why don't I see it, otherwise, why don't I see the AffectedRows?
This is being called from another async function.
async function UpdatePassword(connection, rowID) {
... some code omitted here...
var [errQuery,results] = await
if (errQuery) throw errQuery;
console.log("Back from update");
console.log("AffectedRows=" + results.affectedRows);
} catch (err)
console.log("*** Catch Error:")
I think I have improved the code, but same issue. Non error, no console.log statements after the connection.query show up.
console.log("SQL Update=" + sqlUpdate);
var [rows, fields, errQuery] = await connection.query(sqlUpdate);
if (errQuery) throw errQuery;
console.log("Back from update");
console.log("AffectedRows=" + rows.affectedRows);
} catch (err2)
console.log("*** Catch Error:")
console.log ("end function");

Got the answer here:
The call from the first async routine to the second one needed an await.
for (let r=0; r < rows.length; ++r) {
await UpdatePassword(connection, rows[r].ID);
He recommended a for loop, instead of answer I got earlier here. If using .each or .map, you create another "inner" function, which is not async, and you can't call use the "await" keyword in that kind of logic.


Code not executing when awaiting dispatch in for loop

I can not find anything on this so I decided to ask it here.
I am using react-native and redux.
I left the business logic out of the code.
I have this function which calls another function that does an API call.
The function that does the API call needs to access "getState", that's the reason I use dispatch.
const getStuff = (day) => (dispatch) => {
const result = await dispatch(functionThatDoesAPIRequest(day)
Then I have this code that loops over days and in some cases needs to do the API call. In the case I was testing it does not need to access the API. I could not find the problem with my code until I placed the line between the if statement in comments. Then I changed the if to always be False and the error persisted when the line of code was not in comments, even though it could never reach that piece of code.
for (let i = 0; i < dayArray.length; i+=1) {
if (false) {
const resultThatIsNotNeeded = await dispatch(getStuff(dayArray[i])
// more business logic
Changing the for loop to a ForEach loop fixed this issue somehow. But I really have no clue why this fixed it.
dayArray.forEach(async (day, i) => {
if (false) {
const resultThatIsNotNeeded = await dispatch(getStuff(dayArray[i])
That is because on your forEach the await call is inside of a async function as it should be
On the for loop I don't see any of this code being executed within a async function

Why jest expects an anonymous function to catch an error?

I have not comprehended what's the reason behind the fact that expects a curried function when I want to test the output of the error message. If it was going to be a return value a direct call to the function leads to the value to be tested correctly in .toBe
function calculateMedian({numbers}) {
if (Array.isArray(numbers) && numbers.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Cannot calcuate median without any numbers');
However, if i were to test the following snipped without the anonymous function the test will simply fail. What is the reason behind it?
Passing Test
it('should throw an error when given an empty array', () => {
expect(() =>
numbers: [],
).toThrow('Cannot calcuate median without any numbers');
Failing Test
it('should throw an error when given an empty array', () => {
expect(calculateMedian({numbers: []})
).toThrow('Cannot calcuate median without any numbers');
expect and toThrow are just function calls. So, for the assertion on exception to work, the thing you pass as expect argument needs to allow for execution controlled by the testing framework.
The flow is similar to:
expect() saves the lambda as variable
toThrow() executes the saved variable in a try/catch block and tests the caught exception.
The way you would do it without the toThrow method would be similar to:
try {
calculateMedian({numbers: []};
} catch (err) {
expect(err.message).toBe('Cannot calcuate median without any numbers')
If, instead of passing a lambda/function you simply invoke the function, the error will be thrown before program control gets to the toThrow method. The test will fail because of the thrown error.

How to add negative assertions like not.toHaveText in Detox?

I need to set negation for some text content and tried the code below but as it isn't stated in the docs I expected it to fail and it sure did, so I would like to know how could I possibly achieve negation in this case.
await expect(element('myElemId'))).not.toHaveText('some text')
Unfortunately I don' think Detox has the ability to use the .not property of expect
However you could so something like this:
First create a function that returns a boolean if a specific text phrase exists. We use the fact that if a value doesn't exist it will throw and error, by wrapping it in a try/catch we can return a boolean that we can then use in our tests.
async function hasText (id, text) {
try {
await expect(element(;
return true;
} catch (err) {
return false;
You can then use it in the following way throwing an error if it returns true for having the text.
it('should not have some text', async () => {
await expect(element('myElemId'))).toBeVisible();
let result = await hasText('myElemId', 'some text');
// so if the text exists it will return true, as we don't want it to exist then we can throw our own error.
if (result) {
throw new Error('Should not have some text, but did.');
I know that this is not an elegant solution to the problem, and it would be much nicer if Detox gave us the APIs we needed but I suppose that this could be used in a pinch.
As of Detox version 17.11.4 you can do this
await expect(element(
await expect(element(by.text(options.text))).toBeNotVisible()
This is the correct way to do it using the recommended setup with Jest.

Parse Promises in Cloud Code / Express.js [duplicate]

I had a look at the bluebird promise FAQ, in which it mentions that .then(success, fail) is an antipattern. I don't quite understand its explanation as for the try and catch.
What's wrong with the following?
.then(function(res) { logger.log(res) }, function(err) { logger.log(err) })
It seems that the example is suggesting the following to be the correct way.
.then(function(res) { logger.log(res) })
.catch(function(err) { logger.log(err) })
What's the difference?
What's the difference?
The .then() call will return a promise that will be rejected in case the callback throws an error. This means, when your success logger fails, the error would be passed to the following .catch() callback, but not to the fail callback that goes alongside success.
Here's a control flow diagram:
To express it in synchronous code:
// some_promise_call().then(logger.log, logger.log)
then: {
try {
var results = some_call();
} catch(e) {
break then;
} // else
The second log (which is like the first argument to .then()) will only be executed in the case that no exception happened. The labelled block and the break statement feel a bit odd, this is actually what python has try-except-else for (recommended reading!).
// some_promise_call().then(logger.log).catch(logger.log)
try {
var results = some_call();
} catch(e) {
The catch logger will also handle exceptions from the success logger call.
So much for the difference.
I don't quite understand its explanation as for the try and catch
The argument is that usually, you want to catch errors in every step of the processing and that you shouldn't use it in chains. The expectation is that you only have one final handler which handles all errors - while, when you use the "antipattern", errors in some of the then-callbacks are not handled.
However, this pattern is actually very useful: When you want to handle errors that happened in exactly this step, and you want to do something entirely different when no error happened - i.e. when the error is unrecoverable. Be aware that this is branching your control flow. Of course, this is sometimes desired.
What's wrong with the following?
.then(function(res) { logger.log(res) }, function(err) { logger.log(err) })
That you had to repeat your callback. You rather want
.catch(function(e) {
return e; // it's OK, we'll just log it
.done(function(res) {
You also might consider using .finally() for this.
The two aren't quite identical. The difference is that the first example won't catch an exception that's thrown in your success handler. So if your method should only ever return resolved promises, as is often the case, you need a trailing catch handler (or yet another then with an empty success parameter). Sure, it may be that your then handler doesn't do anything that might potentially fail, in which case using one 2-parameter then could be fine.
But I believe the point of the text you linked to is that then is mostly useful versus callbacks in its ability to chain a bunch of asynchronous steps, and when you actually do this, the 2-parameter form of then subtly doesn't behave quite as expected, for the above reason. It's particularly counterintuitive when used mid-chain.
As someone who's done a lot of complex async stuff and bumped into corners like this more than I care to admit, I really recommend avoiding this anti-pattern and going with the separate handler approach.
By looking at advantages and disadvantages of both we can make a calculated guess as to which is appropriate for the situation.
These are the two main approaches to implementing promises. Both have it's pluses and minus
Catch Approach
.then(function(res) { logger.log(res) })
.catch(function(err) { logger.log(err) })
All errors are handled by one catch block.
Even catches any exception in the then block.
Chaining of multiple success callbacks
In case of chaining it becomes difficult to show different error messages.
Success/Error Approach
.then(function success(res) { logger.log(res) },
function error(err) { logger.log(err) })
You get fine grained error control.
You can have common error handling function for various categories of errors like db error, 500 error etc.
You will still need another catch if you wish to handler errors thrown by the success callback
Simple explain:
In ES2018
When the catch method is called with argument onRejected, the
following steps are taken:
Let promise be the this value.
Return ? Invoke(promise, "then", « undefined, onRejected »).
that means:
promise.then(f1).then(undefiend, f2)
Using .then().catch() lets you enable Promise Chaining which is required to fulfil a workflow. You may need to read some information from database then you want to pass it to an async API then you want to manipulate the response. You may want to push the response back into the database. Handling all these workflows with your concept is doable but very hard to manage. The better solution will be then().then().then().then().catch() which receives all errors in just once catch and lets you keep the maintainability of the code.
Using then() and catch() helps chain success and failure handler on the promise.catch() works on promise returned by then(). It handles,
If promise was rejected. See #3 in the picture
If error occurred in success handler of then(), between line numbers 4 to 7 below. See #2.a in the picture
(Failure callback on then() does not handle this.)
If error occurred in failure handler of then(), line number 8 below. See #3.b in the picture.
1. let promiseRef: Promise = this. aTimetakingTask (false);
2. promiseRef
3. .then(
4. (result) => {
5. /* successfully, resolved promise.
6. Work on data here */
7. },
8. (error) => console.log(error)
9. )
10. .catch( (e) => {
11. /* successfully, resolved promise.
12. Work on data here */
13. });
Note: Many times, failure handler might not be defined if catch() is
written already.
EDIT: reject() result in invoking catch() only if the error
handler in then() is not defined. Notice #3 in the picture to
the catch(). It is invoked when handler in line# 8 and 9 are not
It makes sense because promise returned by then() does not have an error if a callback is taking care of it.
Instead of words, good example. Following code (if first promise resolved):
() => { throw new Error('Error occurs'); },
err => console.log('This error is caught:', err)
is identical to:
err => console.log('This error is caught:', err)
() => { throw new Error('Error occurs'); }
But with rejected first promise, this is not identical:
() => { throw new Error('Error occurs'); },
err => console.log('This error is caught:', err)
err => console.log('This error is caught:', err)
() => { throw new Error('Error occurs'); }

How to Force an Exception from a Task to be Observed in a Continuation Task?

I have a task to perform an HttpWebRequest using
Task<WebResponse>.Factory.FromAsync(req.BeginGetRespone, req.EndGetResponse)
which can obviously fail with a WebException. To the caller I want to return a Task<HttpResult> where HttpResult is a helper type to encapsulate the response (or not). In this case a 4xx or 5xx response is not an exception.
Therefore I've attached two continuations to the request task. One with TaskContinuationOptions OnlyOnRanToCompletion and the other with OnlyOnOnFaulted. And then wrapped the whole thing in a Task<HttpResult> to pick up the one result whichever continuation completes.
Each of the three child tasks (request plus two continuations) is created with the AttachedToParent option.
But when the caller waits on the returned outer task, an AggregateException is thrown is the request failed.
I want to, in the on faulted continuation, observe the WebException so the client code can just look at the result. Adding a Wait in the on fault continuation throws, but a try-catch around this doesn't help. Nor does looking at the Exception property (as section "Observing Exceptions By Using the Task.Exception Property" hints here).
I could install a UnobservedTaskException event handler to filter, but as the event offers no direct link to the faulted task this will likely interact outside this part of the application and is a case of a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
Given an instance of a faulted Task<T> is there any means of flagging it as "fault handled"?
Simplified code:
public static Task<HttpResult> Start(Uri url) {
var webReq = BuildHttpWebRequest(url);
var result = new HttpResult();
var taskOuter = Task<HttpResult>.Factory.StartNew(() => {
var tRequest = Task<WebResponse>.Factory.FromAsync(
null, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent);
var tError = tRequest.ContinueWith<HttpResult>(
t => HandleWebRequestError(t, result),
var tSuccess = tRequest.ContinueWith<HttpResult>(
t => HandleWebRequestSuccess(t, result),
return result;
return taskOuter;
private static HttpDownloaderResult HandleWebRequestError(
Task<WebResponse> respTask,
HttpResult result) {
Debug.Assert(respTask.Status == TaskStatus.Faulted);
Debug.Assert(respTask.Exception.InnerException is WebException);
// Try and observe the fault: Doesn't help.
try {
} catch (AggregateException e) {
Log("HandleWebRequestError: waiting on antecedent task threw inner: "
+ e.InnerException.Message);
// ... populate result with details of the failure for the client ...
return result;
(HandleWebRequestSuccess will eventually spin off further tasks to get the content of the response...)
The client should be able to wait on the task and then look at its result, without it throwing due to a fault that is expected and already handled.
In the end I took the simplest route I could think of: hide the exception. This is possible because WebException has a property Response which gives access to the HttpWebResponse I want:
var requestTask = Task<WebResponse>.Factory.FromAsync(
ia => {
try {
return webReq.EndGetResponse(ia);
} catch (WebException exn) {
return exn.Response;
And then handle errors, redirects and success responses in the continuation task.