Combine numbers to 1 row - sql

I have 2 rows, I need to sum 1 column together and make 1 row. Is this possible?
I really just need these 2 rows...
To combine into this row. Only difference is the Pay_Amount fields are summed.
I'm at the point where I have the rows isolated using partition by but am not sure where to go from here. Thanks!

You can use an aggregate function.
select Location, client_no, MAX(Price), MAX(Tax_1), MAX(Tax_2), SUM(Pay_Amount)
from table
group by location, client_no


Removing exact duplicate rows from presto

With the following table (assuming it has many other rows and columns), how could I query it while removing duplicates?
Note that while all 3 rows are about the same order, only row 3 is a duplicate -- since row 2 tells us about the tips of that order.
Using distinct order_id would remove rows 2 and 3, while I am looking to only remove row 3.
Appreciate any ideas
If you want a new result set, you can use:
select distinct t.*
from t;
I would suggest saving this into a new table, if you need to materialize the result.

How to distinguish rows in a database table on the basis of two or more columns while returning all columns in sql server

I want to distinguish Rows on the basis of two or more columns value of the same table at the same time returns all columns from the table.
Ex: I have this table
DB Table
I want my result to be displayed as: filter on the basis of type and Number only. As in abover table type and Number for first and second Row is same so it should be suppressed in result.
txn item Discrip Category type Number Mode
60 2 Loyalty L 6174 XXXXXXX1390 0
60 4 Visa C 1600 XXXXXXXXXXXX4108 1
I have tried with sub query but yet unsuccessful. Please suggest what to try.
You can do what you want with row_number():
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by type, number order by item) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum = 1;

Query to find duplicate values for two fields

Sorry for the Title, But didn't know how to explain.
I have a table that have 2 fields A and B.
I want find all rows in the table that have duplicate A (more than one record) but at the same time A will consider as a duplicate only if B is different in both rows.
10 10
10 10 // This is not duplicate
10 10
10 5 // this is a duplicate
How to to this in a single query
Let's break this down into how you would go about constructing such a query. You don't make it clear whether you're looking for all values of A or all rows but let's assume all values of A initially.
The first step therefore is to create a list of all values of A. This can be done two ways, DISTINCT or GROUP BY. I'm going to use GROUP BY because of what else you want to do:
select a
from your_table
group by a
This returns a single column that is unique on A. Now, how can you change this to give you the unique values? The most obvious thing to use is the HAVING clause, which allows you to restrict on aggregated values. For instance the following will give you all values of A which only appear once in the table
select a
from your_table
group by a
having count(*) = 1
That is the count of all values of A inside the group is 1. You don't want this of course, you want to do this with the column B. You need there to exist more than one value of B in order for the situation you want to identify to be possible (if there's only one value of B then it's impossible). This gets us to
select a
from your_table
group by a
having count(b) > 1
This still isn't enough as you want two different values of B. The above just counts the number of records with the column B. Inside an aggregate function you use the DISTINCT keyword to determine unique values; bringing us to:
select a
from your_table
group by a
having count(distinct b) > 1
To transcribe this into English this means select all unique values of A from YOUR_TABLE that have more than one values of B in the group.
You can use this method, or something similar, to build up your own queries as you create them. Determine what you want to achieve and slowly build up to it.
select FIELD from your_table group by FIELD having count(b) > 1
take in consideration that this will return count of all duplicate
if you have values
it will return 3 for value 1 not 2

SQL Server Sum multiple rows into one - no temp table

I would like to see a most concise way to do what is outlined in this SO question: Sum values from multiple rows into one row
that is, combine multiple rows while summing a column.
But how to then delete the duplicates. In other words I have data like this:
Person Value
1 10
1 20
2 15
And I want to sum the values for any duplicates (on the Person col) into a single row and get rid of the other duplicates on the Person value. So my output would be:
Person Value
1 30
2 15
And I would like to do this without using a temp table. I think that I'll need to use OVER PARTITION BY but just not sure. Just trying to challenge myself in not doing it the temp table way. Working with SQL Server 2008 R2
Simply put, give me a concise stmt getting from my input to my output in the same table. So if my table name is People if I do a select * from People on it before the operation that I am asking in this question I get the first set above and then when I do a select * from People after the operation, I get the second set of data above.
Not sure why not using Temp table but here's one way to avoid it (tho imho this is an overkill):
UPDATE MyTable SET VALUE = (SELECT SUM(Value) FROM MyTable MT WHERE MT.Person = MyTable.Person);
FROM MyTable)
First query updates every duplicate person to the summary value. Second query removes duplicate persons.
All you're asking for is a simple SUM() aggregate function and a GROUP BY
SELECT Person, SUM(Value)
FROM myTable
The SUM() by itself would sum up the values in a column, but when you add a secondary column and GROUP BY it, SQL will show distinct values from the secondary column and perform the aggregate function by those distinct categories.

How to index two columns automatically in sql

I have a table in sql having two fields 'JOB_NUMBER' 'SRno', the relation between the two is such that each job number has many SRNO starting from 1,2,3 and so on,every new Job number has to have a SR no starting form 1,
so my ideal table should some what look like this:
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 2
3 1 and so on.......
What I want to do is to achive this indexing in sql itself ,can I do this ,is so how?
If there is another column on the table that is something like a timestamp (e.g. time submitted), then you can do something like:
select job_number,
row_number() over (partition by job_number order by time_submitted asc) as SRno
from tbl
You could make that into a view and you're good to go. Keep in mind that this will be sensitive to data modifications (i.e. if someone inserts a row between two other rows, the rows after the inserted one will be "renumbered"). Also keep in mind that this won't store the SRno on the table; it has to be calculated dynamically.
You mean auto-numbering (indexing is something different in DBMS's). It can be achieved using a trigger. But that's DBMS-specific issue. Check if your database supports triggers.
Are you looking for something like this..
select JOB_NUMBER,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by JOB_NUMBER order by JOB_NUMBER)
as SRno from table_jobs