Can NServiceBus TimeToBeReceived be set on a per-message basis? - nservicebus

I've seen in the documentation that TimeToBeReceived can be set on a message class or on the endpoint itself. I have a message class that should use TimeToBeReceived, but I'd like to alter the specific length of time for each individual message. Is this possible? I would have thought the option would be in the SendOptions, but I don't see it there.

Since this was never officially answered, I suppose I'll do so myself. The answer is no, this functionality is not supported by NServiceBus.


Default* properties to appy to multiple channels?

With spring cloud stream, you can avoid redundant properties for each individual channel, by specifying "default" properties.
For example, if I have 2 channels bound to the same destination/exchange, I can do:
And queue1 and queue2 will both by bound to myExchange.
That works as documented, and I do it for some properties.
But....I'd like to do the same for RabbitMQ binding properties.
For example, if I want DLQ for all of my consumers/queues, do something like:
Otherwise, I have to specify those same 3 lines for every channel.
Is there any way to do this? I've tried several different permutations to no avail.
BTW, I'm on version 1.2.1.RELEASE of spring-cloud-starter-stream-rabbit.
It is supported. Please see section of the user guide
To avoid repetition, Spring Cloud Stream supports setting values for all channels, in the format of<property>=<value>
According to Spring Cloud Stream documentation, it is possible since version 2.1.0.RELEASE.
See 9.2 Binding Properties.
When it comes to avoiding repetitions for extended binding properties,
this format should be used<binder-type>.default.<producer|consumer>.<property>=<value>
Unfortunately so far I couldn't make it work. Did anyone get it?
It is not supported yet.
See 3.2. RabbitMQ Consumer Properties
The following properties are available for Rabbit consumers only and must be prefixed with
including ttl/dlq*

How to remove all the properties (INVOCATION/INBOUND/OUTBOUND/SESSION) in a specific scope in mule

I am having a problem where my rabbit mq message put is erroring and it does not tell me what the root cause for the put failure is. Looking at stackoverflow, I see that my problem is identical to what was reported here-to store a message in rabbitmq from mule-as far as exception goes.
Now I am trying to find out if there is a way to remove all the properties present in the message or if the removal can be performed per scope (i.e. INVOCATION/INBOUND/OUTBOUND/SESSION). Reason being, I dont know which property, if at all, is causing this.
I did look at <remove-property> & <message-properties-transformer> but they work on a specific property only (& not all).
are you sure that <remove-property> works on specific properties only? i recall using this transformer with a wildcard to achieve something similar to what you are trying to do:
<remove-property propertyName="*" doc:name="Property"/>
You could do it with this inside a Groovy Transformer:
import org.mule.api.transport.PropertyScope
message.getPropertyNames(PropertyScope.OUTBOUND).each {p -> message.removeProperty(p, PropertyScope.OUTBOUND)}
I would be looking at scopes OUTBOUND and SESSION, as the other scopes shouldn't be propagated over a transport boundary.

Discard message from nServiceBus mutator

I need to discard a message if a specific header is present.
I tried to implement a IMutateTransportMessages and call DoNotContinueDispatchingCurrentMessageToHandlers() method inside MutateIncoming but the message is dispatched to handlers anyway.
I can discard the message using an handler but I don't like it because I need also to specify the handlers' order.
Any solution?
I don't think this will be possible from a message mutator. After all, this isn't really the kind of activity a message mutator should be doing - it has nothing to do with changing the structure of the message.
I agree with you that it sounds messy to do this in a handler, because you're right - then you are very dependent upon the handler order.
Discarding a message due to the presence (or absence) of a header is an infrastructure concern, and since you are using NServiceBus V5, the best way to customize the infrastructure is by customizing the message handling pipeline.
Here's the relevant documentation that covers creating a behavior and inserting it into the pipeline but here's the short version:
You need to create a behavior that implements IBehavior<IncomingContext>. All of the behaviors together form a behavior chain that progress to the next step by calling next() - an Action present in the implementation) method.
Within the behavior, check for your header. To stop processing the message, just don't call next() and call context.DoNotInvokeAnyMoreHandlers() instead.
Create a class inheriting RegisterStep which, from its constructor, will define where in the pipeline to insert your behavior. You could register it right before the MutateIncomingTransportMessage step.
Create a class implementing INeedInitialization (note that this could be the same as the RegisterStep class) which calls busConfig.Pipeline.Register<TClassThatInheritsRegisterStep>().
Again, that's the short version. Check out the docs for the full story and an example.
Shameless plug: This process is also described in detail in Learning NServiceBus - Second Edition in Chapter 7, with an example.

Mule Web Service Consumer Warning : Operation Messages With More then 1 Part Are Not Supported

Hi I am working with Mule Web Service Consumer and i was trying to call operation with Multiple Parameters it is warning me that
Warning : Operation Messages With More then 1 Part Are Not Supported
I just want to pass multiple parameters to access my SOAP method to achieve the task.
Is this the problem with Web Service Consumer or is their any way to deal with this.
I'm afraid this is a known limitation of the web services consumer. However you can accomplish this with the cxf component.
I having the same issue and found some information around it ...
There is a improvement logged in JIRA, may help if you vote for it :)
This link suggests that you can still use WSConsumer but need to do some hand crafting of the request XML ... I could not understand what that exactly it meant so if anyone has an example on it would be great
PS: The problem I had with using CXF component is that it does not play well with the new Dataweave transformer as the Dataweave needs to be placed within the response block and from there it cannot datasense the response coming out from the CXF component
The Solution here is very simple. You just have to comment other messages and then load metadata for non-commented message (for one which you're trying to load metadata). Repeat this procedure for all the other messages and you're good to go.
Hope this helps !

How do I set CurrentMessageContext.TimeSent for testing in NServiceBus?

I'm testing an NServiceBus saga that sends a command. The command has an attribute that tracks the time an action was performed. The handler for the message assigns CurrentMessageContext.TimeSent to LastSentOn in the outgoing message.
When I try to test the outgoing message, LastSentOn always has the value DateTime.MinValue, so....
How do I set CurrentMessageContext.TimeSent for testing in NServiceBus?
Josh - this is not a direct answer to your question, but have you seen this?
Looks like CurrentMessageContext.TimeSent has been deprecated and is now just a setting in the message headers. Perhaps you can use the header value instead.