Secondary Navigation Links (Absolute and Relative positioning) (CSS) - css-position

All my secondary header navigation links can only go (top left, bottom left, top right, etc.).
Currently enabled as "top left", however I want two out of those four links to be "top right".
Current code works perfect, other than after the 75% resizing mark, the links discombobulate.
#media screen and (min-width: 800px)

It has been said that using absolute positioning within flex-box will not work reliably. I'm going to guess that, because I was viewing your site in Firefox and Chrome and did not see the issue, that you are viewing your site in Safari, where the issue can be seen.
In any case, due to the above, I would recommend using Javascript in order to move the navigation items to the desired location. Then, add some additional CSS in order to get those newly-moved items to look like the others.
First, remove the CSS you've added that addresses those navigation items.
Then add this via site-wide Footer code injection:
(function() {
var targetLinks = document.querySelectorAll(".Header a[href='/terms-of-use'], .Header a[href='/privacy']");
var targetParent = document.querySelector(".Header-inner [data-nc-container='top-right']");
var i;
for (i=0; i<targetLinks.length; i++) {
And finally, add this via the CSS Editor:
body:not(.tweak-header-secondary-nav-hover-style-button):not(.tweak-header-secondary-nav-inherit-styles) [data-nc-container='top-right'] .Header-nav-item {
margin: 0 .618em;
padding: .618em 0;
font-family: myriad-pro;
-webkit-flex-shrink: 0;
flex-shrink: 0;
[data-nc-base="header"] [data-nc-container="top-right"] [data-nc-element="cart"] {
padding-left: 33px;
[data-nc-container='top-left'] [href='/privacy'] {
display: none;
[data-nc-container='top-left'] [href='/terms-of-use'] {
display: none;


Ag-Grid dropdown popup is hidden

I'm trying to load a custom dropdown celleditor component into my Ag-Grid in Vue3. I have reproduced the issue here:
The problem is that the options are hidden under the rows.
I have found one cheaty way of fixing this by overriding:
.ag-row-focus {
z-index: 999;
.ag-grid-cell {
overflow-y:visible !important;
overflow-x:visible !important;
z-index: 999 !important;
The problem with this approach is that it's completely dependent on ag-row-focus. If a user has a specific row selected and then clicks on the dropdown of another row, say the one above, then the selected row is still another row and therefore, the options are still hidden. There were also other issues, for instance that the dropdown itself with these overflow settings do not respect the cell width and height anymore (especially the height). When the text is larger than intended, it is also when collapsed breaking the height rules for that cell.
Ag-Grid versions used:
"ag-grid-community": "26.1.0",
"ag-grid-vue3": "26.1.2",
I got most of the behavior now working by adding the css below. Remaining issue is that the text inside the dropdown also overflows and gets too big due to which it goes onto other cells & the height goes further than the row. Expected behavior is probably here that the text gets cut off.
.ag-grid-cell {
overflow: visible !important;
z-index: 10030 !important;
.ag-row {
z-index: 0;
} {
z-index: 1;
.ag-center-cols-clipper {
overflow: visible !important;
z-index: 5;
.ag-center-cols-viewport {
overflow: visible !important;
Updated sandbox:

How do I make ion-menu-button larger?

How do I make the ion-menu-button (hamburger menu button) larger?
The ion-menu-button component creates an ion-icon with font-size set to 26px. There is no attribute to set size and CSS seems to have no impact.
I reported this as a bug to the Ionic team and they "fixed" it here: although i still don't see how to modify the size.
ion-icon {
--font-size: 100px !important;
font-size: 70px;
does nothing
Sorted it out on my own. There was a
.sc-ion-buttons-md-h {
display: flew;
wrapper that was limiting the size of the button. Once i removed that:
.sc-ion-buttons-md-h {
display: block !important;
and used ion-grid to place button on the left side of my header, i could then use:
ion-menu-button {
font-size: 50px !important;
to set the size of my menu button.

How to disable sticky toolbar in classic editor when page is scrolled?

I want to disable sticky toolbar which appears on top of page when page is scrolled. How it can be done ?
I resolve this problem by CSS {
z-index: var(--ck-z-modal);
position: sticky;
top: 0;
} {
display : none !important;
} .ck-sticky-panel__content_sticky {
position: unset;
The fact that the toolbar appears in the wrong place when the editor is in an overflowed container is a bug that we are aware of. But in this case, I'd recommend you to not use the classic editor at all. If you want to have more control over where the toolbar goes, e.g. the DecoupledEditor (demo) allow controlling the toolbar. This editor type doesn't do anything with the toolbar itself – it just creates it and it's up to you where you're gonna insert it.
Another option would be implementing your own custom editor, but that'd be necessary only if you wanted to make even more customizations
I'm having same issue with the classic-editor, the position of the .sticky_panel is changing on the event of focus in the .editor_editable.
at some point when it's not visible within the display and click inside it goes all up to first element .
CSS only: .ck-sticky-panel__content_sticky {​​​​​​​​​​​
    position: absolute !important;
In my editor build, I did a hack like this:
const stickyUpdateInterval = setInterval(() => {
}, 100);
editor.on('destroy', () => {
This is just a crude hack that will update sticky balloon all the time.
If you know exactly in which overflow container your editor will be mounted, you can do something more clever, like listen to scroll events and update only then (this is what CKEditor is doing for the window, BTW, that's why it's not working when you put it in a container).
I have spent some time trying to get the CKEditor Classic component "sticky toolbar" to work nicely in Angular with a scrolling pane and there are 2 issues I had to overcome.
The position of the toolbar when sticky this defaults to the top
of the browser page (view port) - so (in Angular) you need to
configure this setting in the HTML template :
[config]="{ui:{viewportOffset:{ top: 58, right: 0, bottom: 0, left:
Making the editor respond to scrolling. This was a more difficult
one to resolve for me. The solution I have is (thanks to panta82
above) is to catch the scroll events and call a function in the
editor to check if the toolbar should be sticky or not .. it's
called checkIfShouldBeSticky :)
Here is a working sample in StackBlitz
I faced the same issue,
if you have header then below css will also help
#media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.ck-sticky-panel__content {
top: 180px !important;
#media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.ck-sticky-panel__content {
top: 128px !important;
document.getElementById('main')?.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
}, 100)

Ionic 2 - Property Binding to make app invisible

I'm a bit of a noob to ionic so this may be a dumb question.
On the press of a button I want to overlay my entire app with a black image (or make everything invisible) but still have the buttons working underneath.
My app is based on the tab sample app.
So far I've tried the following
.dark-overlay {
background-color: #000 !important;
opacity: 1;
<ion-content class="dark-overlay" (ng-hide)="showOverlay">
<div tappable (click)="stealthMode()"><img src="assets/img/stealthMode.png" width="100%" scroll="false"></div>
stealthMode () {
this.myElements = document.querySelectorAll("dark-overlay");
for (var i = 0; i < myElements.length; i++) {
myElements[i].style.opacity = 0;
Even if i can get this to work it's not going to be the final answer as setting the opacity in app.scss to 0 still leaves the tabbar visible but I need that to go black too.
I think it's related to property binding.
Any ideas?
you need to use pointer-events to let events go through your dark overlay.
I have demonstrated that in this Plunkr (go to second tab which shows home page)
pointer-events: none;
and have this in home.html
<button (click)="stealthMode()">Tint</button>
<div class="dark-overlay" [hidden]="showOverlay"></div>
and this in home.ts
showOverlay:boolean = false;
this.showOverlay = !this.showOverlay;
You can make a binding to render that part dynamically using angular directives.
Check this for clean implementation:

Disabling and greying out all the contents of a dojo grid

Well, my application requires me to disable the entire grid , on a button click.
I tried to use
var grid = dijit.byId('myGrid');
grid .set('disabled',true); , but it's not working.
I basically need to 'grey out' all the contents of the grid , so that the user cannot select any row. Thus, just changing the CSS doesn't help me.
Please reply.
I actually don't know, but I have a rather ghastly way to do it myself. I create a partly transparent overlay over the grid when it's disabled.
So I'll have this CSS:
.gridOverlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0;
z-index: 99;
display: none;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.02);
.disabledGrid { color: #DDD; }
.disabledGrid .gridOverlay { display: block; }
And my button's click event will be something like this:
dojo.connect(dojo.byId("btn"), "onclick", function()
//dojo.byId, not dijit.byId, to get the outer DOM node
var grid = dojo.byId("myGrid");
if(!dojo.query(".gridOverlay", grid).length)
dojo.create("div", {"class": "gridOverlay"}, grid);
dojo.toggleClass(grid, "disabledGrid");
Like I said, ghastly, but for my use it actually did the trick. YMMV :)