React Native App with Expo - QR code not loading - react-native

I'm following this tutorial:
yarn global add create-react-native-app
create-react-native-app my-app-name
cd my-app-name
yarn start
I am on the same network as my phone (Android). No VPN. I am in the root folder of my app. It says Loading dependency graph, done. so I know it's running.
Firewall is also off for this as well and this is not a timeout error.
When I scan the QR code:
Something went wrong. Could not load exp://
What could be my issue?
New error: Uncaught Error: Failed to connect to /

Try opening the debugger in chrome and then select tunnel if your device and the development pc are not connected to the same server.

Try the Enter URL manually option
First make sure you are on the same wifi ( computer || laptop and mobile device)
Second open cmd and run command ipconfig their you will get IPv4 Address copy it
Go to your expo go app tap on Enter URL manually
Enter exp://your_IPv4_Address:19000 ( Example -- exp:// )
Connect now -- It should work

In my case, I used tunnel and there was a problem with the sdk version - I have 39.0.0 and I should use only 36, 37 or 38 - that is the message that i have got from expo, so all I did is to get into the app.json file, and add the following line in expo (or just change it if it already exist):
"sdkVersion": "38.0.0"
and it should look like:
"expo": {
"name": "DoneWithIt",
"slug": "DoneWithIt",
"sdkVersion": "38.0.0",
"version": "1.0.0",
In the package.json file in dependencies, change the version to 38.0.0 in "expo" and "react-native" :
"dependencies": {
"expo": "~38.0.0",
"expo-status-bar": "~1.0.2",
"react": "16.13.1",
"react-dom": "16.13.1",
"react-native": "
"react-native-web": "~0.13.12"
then run:
cd yourAppName
npm start
and it will be loaded on your phone.
you can watch it from here:
In this video he uses 32.0.0 so be aware to the updated version (in my case 38.0.0 was good for 09/2020)

Just delete the node_modules folder from your application and then run npm install to get the dependencies.
Now run expo start or npm start, the QR code will load now.

On node v12.18. In the package.json downgrade expo and react-native connector. 38 works instead of 40.
"expo": "~38.0.0",
"react-native": "",
Then remove node_modules and reinstall them
rm -rf node_modules
npm install
then run again :
npm start
QR should work this time

I had this problem after and expo update. Instead of running
npm/yarn start
(executes expo start --dev-client)
npm run run
(executes expo start)

run the command
expo start --tunnel


npm start command gives error in react native

I have been using /programming react native app since last 2 months.
Always it used to work fine , I could code and run the simulator on my iphone . The environment details are as follows:
EXPO --version 3.1.2 , npm -v 6.9.0, node -v12.4.0
Suddenly, yesterday when I started the project by command 'expo start' it did not start, got a message expo is not installed. Hence I installed expo cli.
Now I typed the command 'expo start', however it gives error
It opens the Metro builder but stops with error
I am unable to start the project and continue coding the app
I tried following troubleshooting :
removed 'node_modules' folder , re-installed 'npm install'
however the same issue persists.
The project should start , I should be able to run the simulator in phone
The project did not start with 'expo start'
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.1006]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\Jituni>cd C:\Users\Jituni\bholmentorworld
C:\Users\Jituni\bholmentorworld>expo start
Starting project at C:\Users\Jituni\bholmentorworld
Expo DevTools is running at http://localhost:19002
Opening DevTools in the browser... (press shift-d to disable)
Error: Can't find react-native in package.json dependencies
Error: React Native is not installed. Please run `npm install` in your project directory.
Couldn't start project. Please fix the errors and restart the project.
Set EXPO_DEBUG=true in your env to view the stack trace.
this is the dependencies.
"dependencies": {
"eslint": "^6.2.1",
"expo": "^33.0.0",
"firebase": "^6.4.0",
"react": "16.8.3",
"react-dom": "^16.8.6",
"react-native-gesture-handler": "^1.2.2",
"react-native-reanimated": "^1.0.1",
"react-native-web": "^0.11.4",
"react-navigation": "^3.11.1"
you hadn't installed the react-native in your dependencies.
you should make the new project with expo-cli.
FIRST, run this command -> expo init projectname
at this step, select the blank project selection.
then you can see the generated project.
SECOND, merge the dependencies. and then run npm install or yarn install.
LAST, run react-native project with npm start or yarn start.

Requiring unknown module "11" error on iOS simulator

When I run the react native project with react-native run-ios.It shows the following error on my iOS simulator.On my android simulator, it is totally ok.I have deleted node module and reinstalled.But the error is still there.I don't want to entirely delete my ios/build folder since I have manually added library dependencies in there and that third party libraries were working properly in my react native project.Can someone help me with this?
Error Message
Requiring unknown module "11".If you are sure the module is there, try
restarting Metro Bundler.You may also want to run yarn or npm install(
depending on your environment ).
"name": "AwwsomeProject",
"version": "0.0.1",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"start": "node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start",
"test": "jest"
"dependencies": {
"react": "16.3.1",
"react-native": "0.55.4",
"react-native-navigation": "^1.1.473",
"react-native-vector-icons": "^4.6.0"
"devDependencies": {
"babel-jest": "23.2.0",
"babel-preset-react-native": "4.0.0",
"jest": "23.2.0",
"react-test-renderer": "16.3.1"
"jest": {
"preset": "react-native"
Restarting packager fixed my issue.
I fixed the issue with the instructions from the following page:
Basically it asks you to terminate the processes running on a specific port.
Run the following command to find the id for the process that is listening on port 8081:
$ sudo lsof -i :8081
Then run the following to terminate the process:
$ kill -9 <PID>
I just killed all node processes
killall node
🙌 and launched again
I had the same problem. Running npm install or yarn install should fix the issue.
I had the same problem while working with my react native app and expo. Same screen with 'Requiring Unknown Module 1".
This is how I fixed it:
I closed Expo
I closed the Metro bundler on my local host
I closed the packager on my terminal with Ctlr + C
I restarted with npm start
I relaunched the project on Expo.
It worked for me.
I had this issue on Android (React-Native-CLI).
Terminating the application and restarting metro server absolutely solved the issue.
yarn react-native start
Using yarn, I did the following (for Android emulation):
From root directory in your project:
cd android
./gradlew clean
cd ..
yarn start --reset-cache
yarn android
Looks like node and the application inside simulator hangs sometimes. I encountered this several times on macOS / iOS.
yarn install did not help.
restarting simulation with expo run:ios / yarn start / yarn ios did not help.
What helped was killall node and killall <your_mobile_app_name>.
npm run ios fixed for me after npm start

failed building javascript bundle about #expo/vector-icons

I use react-native-app and expo to build a project called UdaciFitness, but I come across some problems when I use 'import '#expo/vector-icon''
the error message in windows CMD is
17:41:21: Unable to resolve #expo/vector-icons" from "./C:\\Users\\acer\\WebstormProjects\\UdaciFitness\\node_modules\\expo\\src\\Icon.js"
17:41:21: Failed building JavaScript bundle
18:16:28: Unable to resolve #expo/vector-icons" from "./C:\\Users\\acer\\WebstormProjects\\UdaciFitness\\node_modules\\expo\\src\\Icon.js"
here is part of my package.json:
"dependencies": {
"expo": "^25.0.0",
"react": "16.2.0",
"react-native": "0.52.0"
You need to install #expo/vector-icons. Run yarn add #expo/vector-icons in your project directory to add it to package.json and install the package. Then restart the Expo tools and load your project again.

Failed to start Watchman watch mode

I am developing a React Native app. My code is error free, but it is facing build problems. I get an error in the Metro Bundler when I execute the command react-native run-android. The error says:
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Failed to start watch mode.
I also tried adding Watchman to node_modules using the command $yarn add watchman.
I get a prompt that it is deprecated.
How should I solve the error?
My package.json contains the following:
"dependencies": {
"expo": "^25.0.0",
"native-base": "^2.3.7",
"react": "16.2.0",
"react-native": "0.52.0",
"react-native-vector-icons": "^4.5.0",
"react-navigation": "^1.0.0-beta.27",
"watchman": "^1.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"babel-jest": "22.1.0",
"babel-preset-react-native": "4.0.0",
"jest": "22.1.3",
"react-test-renderer": "16.2.0"
To have watchman in windows do the following:
(1)Download watchman zip file from the link here
(2) Unzip the folder
(3) Place the watchman.exe file in the folder that is registered in the PATH (environment variable) (Eg: Place the watchman.exe file in C:/ProgramFiles/ and make sure the PATH = 'C:/ProgramFiles')
Done! You would never face this error again!
I have also faced the same issue.Then I have
Deleted the node modules and installed them again by using npm install.
Then clean gradle by '.\gradlew'
Then run the app by 'npx react-native run-android'.
The above steps helped me to resolve the error.
You have to install watchman using brew:
brew install watchman
in windows npm install watchman
I tried the following:
Restarting my system
Deleting npm/yarn cache.
Most of the times the above methods worked but not always. So, here's one-time permanent solution (for Windows)
Download the Watchman v2021.01.11
Unzip, Rename the folder "Watchman" and paste the C:/Program Files.
Open the folder and copy the location of bin folder (would be C:/Program Files/Watchman/bin)
Go to Environment variables, search of PATH variable and append the copied location of bin
same issue I got on metro Android
I tried the following Steps:-
1.npx react-native start --reset-cache android && ./gradlew clean && cd..
3.npx react-native run-android
In mac, I used
watchman watch-del-all
on Terminal
then I re-run the XCode. It's working
Failed to start Watchman watch mode (Windows)
I tried a lot to fixed the issue and at last, I restart my windows now it's working.

React Native version mismatch

Want to improve this post? Provide detailed answers to this question, including citations and an explanation of why your answer is correct. Answers without enough detail may be edited or deleted.
Getting the following message when I init a new project and then launch the Xcode emulator:
React-Native Version Mismatch
Javascript Version 0.50.1
Native version: 0.50.0
Make sure you have rebuilt the native code. ...
Does anyone know what is going on here and can help me?
This is what I've done with it:
Close all terminals and run build again.
You may forget to close nodejs terminal from another project, and they happen to have installed different react version.
So the code fetches from nodejs server conflicts with the native one.
In case you created your react-native app using create-react-native-app. You should have a app.json (expo). and a package.json file, check if the expo versions match and change accordingly. For example in my case the problem was that in the app.json file I had a 25.0.0 version for the expo sdkVersion attribute, I change that to 23.0.0 and everything worked.
"dependencies": {
"expo": "^23.0.4",
"react": "16.0.0",
"react-native": "^0.50.4"
"expo": {
"sdkVersion": "23.0.0" // before was 25.0.0
Just go to your android/app/build.gradle and then add to the dependencies section:
compile ("com.facebook.react:react-native:0.50.3") { force = true }
/// the react native version can be found in package.json
For Android developers who couldn't get it fixed by just closing and rebuilding, Manually uninstall the app on the emulator/device.
just force react native version in your android's app level gradle file, in the dependencies section.
compile ("com.facebook.react:react-native:0.52.0") { force = true }
worked for me
If you're running your React Native app through Expo, upgrading React Native is liable to cause this error (as noted at
If that's your scenario, your options are:
Bump Expo (which is listed in your package.json) to a version that is compatible with your React Native version (if one exists, which may not be the case - judging by the linked issue, I figure that Expo support trails React Native releases).
Discard your changes, delete and reinstall your Node modules, Eject from Expo, and then (after checking that you can still run your app post-ejection) try your upgrade again.
I've never seen this error before, but whenever I can't get Xcode and React-Native to play well together, I do a couple of things. Check what version of Xcode I'm working with. If it needs to be updated, I update it. Then clearing watchman and the cache are the second place I go. I don't use the reset cache command. It always says that I need to verify the cache, so I skip that (you can do it though, I just get confused). I use rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-* to get rid of any cached builds. If that doesn't work, I try to build the app in Xcode, then work my way from there, to build it with react-native run-ios. With this error message, it seems you might start by trying to build it with Xcode. Hope that helps...let me know your progress with it. Good luck! (Also, you could update to RN 0.51 as another attempt to get your versions synced.)
I had this problem for the longest time and none of the above solutions helped. I was in the middle of upgrading react native in a create-react-native-app project until I found out that not all versions of Expo support the latest React Native.
Found this page linked in the documentation that shows which version combinations of React Native, React, and Expo are officially supported:
Editing the app.json and package.json files to match the corresponding versions and running npm install got everything working again.
I am using a physical device, in my case this solved the problem:
Uninstall the app
lsof -i :8081
kill -9 PID
Rebuild the app (react-native run-android or react-native run-ios)
In your build.gradle file add the following
implementation ("com.facebook.react:react-native:0.51.0") {
force = true;
replace 0.51.0 with the version in your package.json
Try installing the dependencies again. That worked for me-
1.) yarn/npm install
2.) yarn/npm start --reset-cache
For me it was due to react-native version in dependency section of package.json file. It was:
"dependencies": {
"expo": "^27.0.1",
"react": "16.3.1",
"react-native": "~0.55.0"
I chaged it to:
"dependencies": {
"expo": "^27.0.1",
"react": "16.3.1",
"react-native": "0.52.0"
Now it works fine.
In my case installing a new virtual device helped. Now I am using 1 device per app.
It happens sometimes when you try to run without closing the node server, in which the previous app was running, so try restarting React.To do so, just run the following commands:
1. To kill current processes
killall node -9
2. To Start React Native
react-native start
3. Then Run android
react-native run-android
For my case I'm facing it on iOS, and I've tried to reset and clear all cache using below command but failed too, despite many comments saying that the root cause is there is react packager running somewhere accidentally, I've restarted my mac and the problem still remained.
watchman watch-del-all && rm -rf node_modules/ && yarn cache clean && yarn install && yarn start --reset-cache
The solution is, to delete the build folder # /ios/build, then execute react-native run-ios solved it
I have tried the solutions above but adding this to AndroidManifest.xml seems to fix it.
For others with the same problem on iOS with CocoaPods:
I tried all of the solutions above, without luck. I have some packages with native dependencies in my project, and some of those needed pod modules being installed. The problem was that React was specified in my Podfile, but the React pod didn't automatically get upgraded by using react-native-git-upgrade.
The fix is to upgrade all installed pods, by running cd ios && pod install.
Expo users - make sure your app.json sdk version and package.json expo version are (may be equal) compatible to each other.
The fix we did was to make sure the ANDROID_HOME and PATH variables were set up prior to the build.
First, run the below two commands then the build the app for the device.
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/username/MyFiles/applications/androidsdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
This is working for me :
react-native start --reset-cache
I also had this issue using Expo and iOS Simulator. What worked for me was erasing the Simulator in Hardware > Erase All Content and Settings...
I have got the same issue while building my react native app for android and I did the following which worked for me.
The "JavaScript version 0.50.1" in the error console is the react-native version in your package.json file. Make sure it is the same version as "Native version 0.50.0" in the error console.
I have Updated the react-native version to the "Native Version 0.50.0" as prompted in the error console.
Rebuild the app react-native run-android.
Possible Fix:
Delete the package-lock.json
Run: watchman watch-del-all && rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-* && rm -rf $TMPDIR/haste-map-react-native-packager-* && rm -rf node_modules/&& npm install
If the problem persists, try to execute the project directly from the Xcode
This worked for me.
In my case (NOT using expo & Android build)
"dependencies": {
"react": "16.3.1",
"react-native": "0.55.2"
And app.json
"sdkVersion": "27"
resolved the issue
I was trying to build and run a React Native app from WebStorm and ran into this problem. The simple solution for me was:
watchman watch-del-all
On macOS, if watchman is not already installed, install it using Homebrew:
brew install watchman
In my case, I changed the expo version manually. I got the same issue because I forgot to update sdkVersion in app.json and babel-preset-expo in package.json
After that run: expo r -c to clear cache and start the app.
This Answer is Published in 2020,
Fix this Error in 3 steps:
First step: I changed the value of expo in package.json file to the latest supported version, according to expo documents(visit here).
Second step: I changed the value of sdkVersion in app.json file to the same value of expo in package.json.( equal number to last step).
Third step : I changed the value of react-native in package.json file to the same value of React Native Version , according to expo documents(visit here).
now your ready to go.
use npm install to install specified version of dependencies and then npm start to run the project
I got this classing when TypeScript type definitions mismatched.
E.G react-native at 0.61.5 in dependencies and #types/react-native at 0.60.0 in devDependencies.
As soon as I updated devDependencies it worked. Didn't have to restart anything.
edit your package.json for your javascript version
"react-native": "^0.50.1",
after run
npm install
For me, who is running with a monorepo, there was a hidden react-native version inside yarn.lock. It was not present in any package.json, but was never deleted.
I removed that particular react-native version from yarn.lock, and did a
yarn install
This cleaned out alot of old stuff and made sure that things was working fine.