Can we tell Vision to group horizontally line by line? - google-vision

Following this official sample, the OCR is not grouping the words into correct Paragraphs:
Is there any way to tell Vision group them line by line horizontally as below?


How can I italicize part of a ggplot2 plot title when knitting the figure in an RMarkdown file?

If I'm just working in R to save a plot as a PNG I'm able to use the {ggtext} package to incorporate basic markdown into elements of my plots, but {ggtext} outputs garbled text when I try using element_markdown() in an R chunk.
I've also tried:
my.title <- expression(paste0(italic("Species name"), " Rest of Title"))
ggplot... + labs(title = my.title)
with no luck (when knitting).
It appears gsub() will do the trick, but I would be interested in knowing if there is a more elegant solution.

Tableau: add 3 different paths (Bar, lines and dotted) lines in one visual

I have a question about Tableau and I was hopping to get some help here.
Visualize 3 different paths(bars, line and dotted line) in one visual.
What I have done:
To visualize two paths(bars and line) in one visual I have used Dual Axis which works well. Problem is that now, one if the lines we have I would like to show it as a dotted line, but if I change one, it seems that all the other lines are changed to the same path. Would you know how to tackle this this challenge?
Adding screenshot for more clarification.
Thanks in advance!

Select line after finding keyword

I wanted to make a piece of code that selects the line in a text file when it finds the keyword that it's searching for. I have no clue what to actually do, what I searched up didn't help, was outdated, or for another language. I would need this code for Thank you.
An example of what I mean.
Let's say we wanna search for: SO11
And there's other lines.
(1) : HJ6
(2) : 46J
(3) : SO11
(4) : NTE
(5) : 4UJ
And the searched line is in line 3. I want it to select line 3 and have it dimmed into a string so I can use it for future things.
Try breaking you question up into smaller chunks. You might be thinking to broadly.
For example:
Read Text File
While reading text file If file contains SO11 then save that line to variable.(Looping through that file.)
Do stuff with that variable.
Give that a try and let us know how it goes.

Knitr Spin and Rmarkdown Fig.cap (figure caption). Producing double numbering pdf document

I am referring to this Suppress automatic figure numbering in pdf output with r markdown/knitr
which I don't think was answered fully.
Essentially, I am using knitr::spin and rmarkdown to produce word, pdf and html documents.
For word, there appears to be no numbering when one puts in
+fig.1, fig.cap = "Figure name"
You only get an output Figure name in the caption.
To solve that, I used captioner class.
figs = captioner("Figure")
That works fine for word
But I am not faced with rewriting the script for pdf document as the caption turns up as figure 1: figure 1: The name
I am using knitr::spin to actually generate the RMD document for forward outputs in word and pdf.
I am not sure I can use hooks in knitr::spin, as I have tried it as advertised but can't get it to work.
I also tried
header-includes: \usepackage{caption} \usepackage{float}
as suggested somehere to surpress the prefix for pdf but I get errors from pandoc. It uses pdf2latex.
I am not sure how one would query the output format in knitr::spin to actually produce different actions for different formats which could be a solution although cumbersome.
Thank you so much for your help from a novice.

identify paragraphs of pdf fiiles using itextsharp

Because of some semantic analysis work, I need identify paragraphs from pdf files with iTextSharp. I know the coordinates of iTextSharp live in the left bottom corner of a page. I find three features to define the paragraph boundaries:
if the horizontal axis of the first word in one line is less than that of the general lines;
if the leading of two consecutive lines is larger than that of the general ones;
if one line ends with "." and the horizontal axis of the ending word is less than that of the other lines
However, I am stuck on the second one. How can I know the general leading between two lines in a paragraph? I mean there are different gaps between two consecutive lines, because some letters like 'f','g' need more space than the others like 'a','n' and so on.
Thanks for your help!
I'm assuming that you are parsing your PDF files using the parser functionality available in iTextSharp. See for instance Extract font height and rotation from PDF files with iText/iTextSharp to see how others have done this before you. A more elaborate article can be found here: Using Open Source PDF Technology to Solve the Unstructured Data Problem in Healthcare
Your question is: how can I calculate the leading? That is: how do I know the distance between the base lines of two consecutive lines?
When you parse a PDF using iTextSharp, you see each line as a series of TextRenderInfo object. These objects allow you to get the base line of the text:
LineSegment baseline = renderInfo.GetBaseline();
Vector startpoint = baseline.GetStartPoint();
This Vector consists of different elements: Getting Coordinates of string using ITextExtractionStrategy and LocationTextExtractionStrategy in Itextsharp
You need startpoint[Vector.I2]. See also: How to detect newline from PDF using iTextSharp
The difference between that value for two consecutive lines give you the value of the leading in its modern meaning. In the old times of printing, every character was a block of a fixed size. Printers (the people, not the machines) put a strip of lead between the rows of blocks to create some extra space between the lines. In modern computing, the word was preserved, but its meaning changed. There are no "blocks" anymore, but you could work with the font size. The font size is an average size of the glyphs in a font. Some glyphs will take more space in the height, some will take less, but taking both the leading (distance between baselines) and the font size (average height of each glyph) into account, you can get a fair idea of the "space between the lines".