IntelliJ IDEA - Directories appearing in Project Files but not in Project - intellij-idea

So I created an empty project, but when I create a new directory in the Project window, it does not show up. The directory is actually created, and if I navigate to the Project Files list I can see it there, but as far as I can tell there is no way to make even my src folder part of the actual project. This creates all kinds of problems when I have to move/refactor files, and I'm amazed that something so common and simple is so difficult.

You've created a folder, not a package. If ur using maven or grade, can I suggest u use them to generate an intelij project for you. The command escapes me but a quick Google should tell you

You can manually mark your directory as a sources root:


IntelliJ different project settings based on used IDE

I have a Git repo with two directories:
backend (PHP/Laravel code)
frontend (TypeScript/Vue code)
I would like that backend is marked as excluded when the project is opened in WebStorm and frontend to be excluded when it is opened in PhpStorm.
This is to ensure that searches/indexing only happen for the files that I would actually edit in that specific IDE.
When I change the excluded directory it seems to automatically apply this to the other IDE as well. Is there some way to keep this setting separate?
I intentionally have both frontend and backend in one repository.
Opening the subdirectories in their own IDEA projects does not seem
to be an option because the Git integration only works when the
project is in the root folder of the repository.
When I change the excluded directory it seems to automatically apply this to the other IDE as well.
It is expected. That's because the project settings are stored in the .idea subfolder. All IDEA-based IDEs use the same .idea settings format. So opening the same folder/project in different IDEs simply makes them use that already-made config (shared between IDEs).
Plus, both PhpStorm and WebStorm use the same module type ID (WEB_MODULE) and can have only 1 module in total in a project. IntelliJ IDEA and some other IDEs (like PyCharm for example) can work with projects that can have more than one module and of different types.
Is there some way to keep this setting separate?
Yes, with the help of a small workaround: you need to store .idea used by another IDE in another place. As simple as that.
The setup and steps:
Lets assume that you have your project in C:\Projects\MyProject.
Make a brand new empty project in another place, e.g. C:\Projects\IDEProjectsStore\MyProject-frontend. It will be used for a frontend.
Go to Settings/Preferences | Directories and remove an existing Content Root (which will be C:\Projects\IDEProjectsStore\MyProject-frontend from the previous step).
Add new Content Root instead -- point to the actual project (C:\Projects\MyProject from step #1)
Save and configure as needed.
What you will have now:
This frontend project will now have its settings stored in C:\Projects\IDEProjectsStore\MyProject-frontend\.idea while another (original project with backend) will have them in C:\Projects\MyProject\.idea.
Projects (project-specific IDE settings) are stored in 2 separate places while they both use the same folder with the code.
Basically: a project in the IDE's eyes is an .idea folder with a parent folder added as a Content Root by default. Our workaround keeps the second project in a different folder while sharing the same Content Root between them. -- that's a ticket that asks for a straightforward way of doing this.
I would like that backend is marked as excluded when the project is opened in WebStorm and frontend to be excluded when it is opened in PhpStorm.
Why do you need two IDEs for this?
In case if you do not know: PhpStorm = WebStorm + PHP + Database. You do not really need WebStorm here. Just install any missing plugins that come bundled with WebStorm.

SBT is loading project definition from wrong location

When starting SBT I see
Loading project definition from /Users/shruti/.sbt/0.13/staging/0156a9e3df5385400375/xyz/project
which is not where my project is located. (I wouldn't care, but the changes I make are not being reflected in this copy.) I searched my entire project but this path is not defined or written anywhere, neither in scalaopts. A grep over all files doesn't work either.
Does anybody know where this path is defined or how to change it?
sbt uses the staging area when the folder containing the project is not read/write. Making the project folder read/write should fix this.

IDEA: How do I see subdirectories in an empty project?

I wish to use IDEA to edit a directory full of files of no particular type. So, I create a new project of type Empty Project and point it at my directory.
The project view now shows the files in the directory itself. But, it doesn't show any subdirectories. This is very strange.
Even more strangely, I can still use New -> Directory to create a new directory. From the command line I can see that the directory has been created; but, from within IDEA, it's still not appearing.
What's going on here? And, more importantly, how can I actually get it to show me my subdirectories?
This is IntelliJ IDEA 12.1.1. I did find IntelliJ does not show project folders, which sounds similar. But, it is referring to a different version of IDEA and they're not using an Empty Project. So, I don't think it's relevant.
In IntelliJ, you have to create at least one module. As CrazyCoder said in the comments, adding a module sets the root folder of what to display in the Project pane.
Here are steps that I took to show empty folders.
In a terminal window
mkdir one
mkdir one/two
mkdir one/two/three
mkdir one/two/three/four
In Intellij 15.0.2, I created a new project, selected Empty Project and set the Project Location to the one folder.
After creating the project, IntelliJ prompts me with a Project Structure dialog with Modules selected in the navigation tree. I clicked the '+' button in the middle pane to add a module. I chose Static Web as the module type to prevent creation of an additional src folder. I set the Content root and the Module file location of the module to the same one folder.
I clicked Finish and then Ok. This gave me this structure

Intellij Idea problem with text file impossible to read

I have a problem using Intellij Idea.
I am absolutely unable to load text file as InputStream - it doesnt matter where do I put the file (main/java, main/resources...) it just can't find the file - in Eclipse everything works just fine.
I tried setings->compiler->resource patterns and added ?*.txt but that doesn't seem to work either.
Any help is appreciated.
If you load it as a File, make sure that Working Directory is properly set in IDEA Run/Debug Configuration, since it's the default directory where Java will look for a file when you try to access it like new File("file.txt"). Working directory should be set to the directory of your project containing .txt files.
If you load files as a classpath resource, then they should reside somewhere under Source root and will be copied to the classpath according to Settings | Compiler | Resource Patterns.
If you can't get it working, upload your project somewhere including IDEA project files so that we can point to your mistake.
Look at the image, notice that the txt files are in the project root, and not the source folders (in blue).
If you open the Project Structure dialog, and click on Modules and select your module - are the correct folders marked as Source Folders on the sources tab?
Link for how to get to Project Structure dialog
Also, if you print out the absolute path of that file you are trying to read, is that anywhere near where you expect it to be?
An easy way to figure out the same would be to try creating a file in the same fashion and see where it gets created in your project. You can put your input file at the same location and it should work just fine (if it doesn't, you should check your resource pattern which might be causing the file to be not copied over in the build output).
This method actually gives you the working directory of your intellij settings which is pointed out in the accepted answer. Just sharing as I had similar trouble and I figured out this way. :)

How do i navigate through folders in code behind?

I need to address a file in my code. this file isn't located in my main project, but in a library project. When i call AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, i end up in the start project's (let's call it mainproject) debug folder. What i want to to is call and go up 3 levels, so i leave debug, then bin and then mainproject. Then i would navigate to libraryproject and to folder where file is located.
What i've tried so far is do AD.CD.BD\..\.. or AD.CD.BD/../..
I thought i remembered those, but it's a no go.
Does anyone know how to do this.
Thanks in advance
It is concerning to see you wanting to codify paths based on project build paths. What happens when you release the project and these project directories don't exist.
I would recommend that if there is a file your project needs to execute is from a library project that doesn't get copied across during the build that you use a post build step to copy this file to the same location as your assembly. Alternatively you may be able to set the build action on the file in your project which might get this file to your main project build output directory.
Three levels up would be ../../../ wouldn't it?