Scrapy yield from a non call back method - scrapy

I am trying to scrape a html file that has a json object with all the required test case data , but processing of the json happens in "find" and "parseTestCaseDetails" method where iteratively i get the test case details , which i finally parse in "findInterestedFields" , so my requirement is to yield the details of test cases to a json file from the the last method called in the hierarchy i.e findInterestedFields , is it possible to achieve this??
Thanks in advance!
import scrapy
import datetime
import json
import re
import collections
import time
import os
import js2xml
from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector
class AltiplanoAVInprogressTCSpiderTest(scrapy.Spider):
name = "AltiplanoAVInprogressTCSpiderTest"
buildNumber = []
FormatedBuildTime = []
keys = []
def start_requests(self):
print os.environ["jenkinsdomain"]
urls = [
os.environ["jenkinsdomain"] + "/job/InprogressFlakyAndBlockedTestCaseDetails/lastSuccessfulBuild/"
for url in urls:
print url
yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse, errback=self.parseerror)
def parseerror(self, failure):
print failure
def parse(self, response):
hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
buildNumberString ='normalize-space(//*[#id="main-panel"]/h1/text())').extract_first()
self.buildNumber = buildNumberString.split("#")[-1].split("(")[0].strip()
buildTimeUnformatd = buildNumberString.split("(")[-1].split(")")[0].strip().replace("PM", "").replace("AM", "")
buildTimeUnformatd = buildTimeUnformatd.strip()
t = time.strptime(buildTimeUnformatd, "%b %d, %Y %I:%M:%S")
self.FormatedBuildTime = time.strftime('%d %b %y %H:%M IST', t)
static_testDetailsUrl = os.environ[
"jenkinsdomain"] + "XX/Inprogress-ANV.html"
yield scrapy.Request(url=static_testDetailsUrl, callback=self.parseTestDetails, errback=self.parseerror)
def find(self, key, dictionary):
for k, v in dictionary.iteritems():
if k == key:
yield v
elif isinstance(v, dict):
for result in self.find(key, v):
yield result
elif isinstance(v, list):
for d in v:
for result in self.find(key, d):
yield result
def parseTestCaseDetails(self, testcases):
# get the list of test cases and again parse them one by one to get the name and other fields
for testcase in testcases:
def findInterestedFields(self, dictionary):
jsonLoad = json.dumps(dictionary, indent=4)
loaded_json = json.loads(jsonLoad)
readabledatetime ="%d %b %y %H:%M IST")
for k, v in loaded_json.iteritems():
if k == "name":
testcaseName = v
if k == "fullName":
testcaseSuit = v
if k == "doc":
testcaseDoc = v
yield {"name":"avInprogresstestcases",'avInprogresstestcases':{
def parseTestDetails(self, response):
data = response.xpath('//script[4]/text()').extract_first().strip()
jstree = js2xml.parse(data)
testDetailsInJson = js2xml.jsonlike.getall(jstree)
jsonLoad = json.dumps(testDetailsInJson[0], indent=4)
loaded_json = json.loads(jsonLoad)
list(self.find('tests', loaded_json))


No adapter found for objects of type: 'itemadapter.adapter.ItemAdapter'

I want to change the names of images downloaded from a webpage. I want to use standard names given by the website as opposed to cleaning the request url for it.
I have the following
from itemadapter import ItemAdapter
from scrapy.pipelines.images import ImagesPipeline
class ScrapyExercisesPipeline:
def process_item(self, item, spider):
adapter = ItemAdapter(item)
return adapter
class DownfilesPipeline(ImagesPipeline):
def file_path(self, request, response=None, info=None, item=None):
adapter = ScrapyExercisesPipeline().process_item()[0]
image_name: str = f'{adapter}.jpg'
return image_name
This produces the following error:
raise TypeError(f"No adapter found for objects of type: {type(item)} ({item})")
TypeError: No adapter found for objects of type: <class 'itemadapter.adapter.ItemAdapter'> (<ItemAdapter for ScrapyExercisesItem(name='unknown267', images=[''])>)
import scrapy
from scrapy_exercises.items import ScrapyExercisesItem
class TestSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'test'
#allowed_domains = ['x']
start_urls = ['']
def start_requests(self):
for url in self.start_urls:
yield scrapy.Request(
cb_kwargs = {'pg':0}
def parse(self, response,pg):
content_page = response.xpath("//div[#class='view-content']//div")
for cnt in content_page:
image_url = cnt.xpath(".//img//#src").get()
image_name = cnt.xpath(".//img//#alt").get()
if image_url != None:
items = ScrapyExercisesItem()
if image_name == '':
items['name'] = 'unknown'+f'{pg}'
items['images'] = [image_url]
yield items
items['name'] = image_name
items['images'] = [image_url]
yield items
#'scrapy.pipelines.images.ImagesPipeline': 1,
'scrapy_exercises.pipelines.DownfilesPipeline': 55
from pathlib import Path
import os
BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
IMAGES_STORE = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'images')
You are calling on a pipeline from within your pipeline while that pipeline is also registered in your settings to be run as a pipeline. It would be simpler to just extract the name field from your item in your DownFilesPipeLine and return it.
Change your file to:
from itemadapter import ItemAdapter
from scrapy.pipelines.images import ImagesPipeline
class DownfilesPipeline(ImagesPipeline):
def file_path(self, request, response=None, info=None, item=None):
return item['name'] + '.jpg'
You also need to turn off the ScrapyExercisesPipeline in your settings

scrapy-playwright returning nothing but an error

I'm learning Scrapy-playwright and it's fighting me. I'm attempting to gather store locations from a site using the CrawlSpider with a rule including a process_request that triggers the request to run through playwright. In my callback def I can print a value found on the page, but not return or yield anything. I've attempted to cache the data into an item, and return/yield a dict, all of which produces the error.
ERROR: Spider must return request, item, or None, got 'Deferred'
I'm stumped.
import re
import scrapy
from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor
from banners.items import StoreItem
from import PageCoroutine
from scrapy.http.response import Response
def set_playwright_true(request, response):
request.meta["playwright"] = True
request.meta["playwright_include_page"] = True
request.meta["playwright_page_coroutines"] = ('wait_for_selector', '')
return request
class StoreSpider(CrawlSpider):
name = "retailer"
allowed_domains = ['']
start_urls = ['']
custom_settings = {
"http": "scrapy_playwright.handler.ScrapyPlaywrightDownloadHandler" ,
"https": "scrapy_playwright.handler.ScrapyPlaywrightDownloadHandler" ,
} ,
'TWISTED_REACTOR': "twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor" ,
rules = (
Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=(r'store/[0-9]+'), deny=(r'store/[0-9]+.+/.+')), callback='parse_item', follow=False, process_request=set_playwright_true),
async def parse_item(self, response):
items = []
item = StoreItem()'***** Start processing ' + response.url + '. *****')
Name = response.css('meta[itemprop=alternateName]').attrib['content'] + ' - ' + response.css('').get()
item['Name'] = Name
item['StoreID'] = response.css('meta[itemprop=storeID]').attrib['content']
item['Address1'] = response.css('').get()
item['City'] = response.css('').get()
item['State'] = response.css('').get()
item['Zip'] = response.css('').get()
item['Phone'] = response.css('').get()
item['Latitude'] = response.css('meta[itemprop=latitude]').attrib['content']
item['Longitude'] = response.css('meta[itemprop=longitude]').attrib['content']
Changing parse_item from an async def to a plain def resolved the issue.
async def parse_item(self, response):
changed to
def parse_item(self, response):

Only crawler the first page and save detailed contents as dataframe in Python

I'm trying to loop pages, crawler and save detailed contents from this link:
Based on the code from here, I've modified the code to:
import pandas as pd
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def get_main_urls() -> list:
start_url = f"{BASE_URL}/index.html"
return [start_url] + [f"{BASE_URL}/index_{i}.html" for i in range(1, 6)]
def get_follow_urls(urls: list, session: requests.Session()) -> iter:
for url in urls[:1]: # remove [:1] to scrape all the pages
body = session.get(url).content
s = BeautifulSoup(body, "lxml").find_all("td", {"width": "60%"})
yield from [f"{BASE_URL}{a.find('a')['href'][1:]}" for a in s]
updated_df = pd.DataFrame()
with requests.Session() as connection_session: # reuse your connection!
for follow_url in get_follow_urls(get_main_urls(), connection_session):
key = follow_url.rsplit("/")[-1].replace(".html", "")
# print(f"Fetching data for {key}...")
dfs = pd.read_html(
for df in dfs:
# df = dfs[0].T
df = dfs[0].T.iloc[1:, :].copy()
updated_df = updated_df.append(df)
cols = ['项目编号', '转让/出租标的名称', '转让方/出租方名称', '转让标的评估价/年租金评估价(元)',
'转让底价/年租金底价(元)', '受让方/承租方名称', '成交价/成交年租金(元)', '成交日期']
updated_df.columns = cols
updated_df.to_excel('./data.xlsx', index = False)
But it only successfully crawler the first page, how could I crawler all the pages and also add url column? Thanks.
Is this what you're looking for? This processes all the urls and dumps a list of dataframes to a single excel file.
Here's how:
import pandas as pd
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
'项目编号', '转让/出租标的名称', '转让方/出租方名称',
'转让标的评估价/年租金评估价(元)', '转让底价/年租金底价(元)',
'受让方/承租方名称', '成交价/成交年租金(元)', '成交日期', 'URL'
def get_main_urls() -> list:
start_url = f"{BASE_URL}/index.html"
return [start_url] + [f"{BASE_URL}/index_{i}.html" for i in range(1, 6)]
def get_follow_urls(urls: list, session: requests.Session()) -> iter:
for url in urls:
body = session.get(url).content
s = BeautifulSoup(body, "lxml").find_all("td", {"width": "60%"})
yield from [f"{BASE_URL}{a.find('a')['href'][1:]}" for a in s]
def post_process(list_of_dataframes: list, source_url: str) -> pd.DataFrame():
temp_df = list_of_dataframes[0]
temp_df = temp_df.append(
pd.Series(["URL", source_url], index=temp_df.columns),
return temp_df.T.iloc[1:, :].copy()
def dump_to_excel(post_processed_dfs: list):
df = pd.concat(post_processed_dfs)
df.columns = COLUMNS
df.to_excel("scraped_data.xlsx", index=False)
processed_dfs = []
with requests.Session() as connection_session: # reuse your connection!
for follow_url in get_follow_urls(get_main_urls(), connection_session):
key = follow_url.rsplit("/")[-1].replace(".html", "")
print(f"Fetching data for {key}...")
df_list = pd.read_html(
processed_dfs.append(post_process(df_list, follow_url))

Scrapy does not work for pages with pagination page> 1, although the links given are correct

Scrapy does not work for pages with pagination page> 1, although the links given are correct. My code:
Linux, Debian 9, Python 3.5, MongoDB, Scrapy, Scrapy-Splash
import scrapy
import copy
import datetime
import json
import pymongo
from webscrapy.items import WebscrapyItem
from scrapy.conf import settings
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
class YooxSpiderSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'yoox-spider'
allowed_domains = ['']
base_url = ''
job = {}
start_url = ''
splash_url = ''
connection = pymongo.MongoClient(settings['MONGODB_SERVER'],
db = connection[settings['MONGODB_DB']]
def __init__(self, job_id):
self.job ={'_id':ObjectId(job_id)})
self.start_url = self.job['start_url']
self.splash_url = self.job['splash_url']
def start_requests(self):
# job['start_url'] - This is the starting link for the desired category, for example Yoox/Woman or Yoox/Men
print("------------- start ---------")
yield scrapy.Request(url=''.join((self.splash_url, self.start_url)), callback=self.parse)
def parse(self, response):
for cat in [response.xpath(
#url_category = response.urljoin('/render.html?url=' + cat.xpath('./a/#href').extract_first())
sub_url_category = cat.xpath('./a/#href').extract_first()
if sub_url_category:
url_category = ''.join((self.base_url, cat.xpath('./a/#href').extract_first()))
Item = WebscrapyItem()
Item['job_id'] = self.job['_id']
Item['basecat'] = self.job['basecat']
Item['gender'] = self.job['gender']
Item['category'] = cat.xpath('./a/text()').extract_first().strip()
Item['url_category'] = url_category
yield scrapy.Request(url=''.join((self.splash_url, url_category)), meta={'Item': Item}, callback=self.parse_data, dont_filter=True)
def parse_data(self, response):
print(' ++++++++ current page ++++++++ ', response.url)
# Getting product references and product_id
for product in response.xpath("//div[#id='itemsGrid']/div[#id='srpage1']/div[#class='col-8-24']"):
sub_url_product = product.xpath('./div/div/a/#href').extract_first()
#url_product = response.urljoin('/render.html?url=' + product.xpath('./div/div/a/#href').extract_first())
if sub_url_product:
Item = copy.deepcopy(response.meta['Item'])
product_id = product.xpath('./div/#id').extract_first()
price = product.xpath("./div/div[#class='itemData text-center']/a[#class='itemlink']/div[#class='price']/span/text()").extract()[-1][2:]
sizes = [size for size in product.xpath("./div/div/a[#class='itemlink']/div[#class='colorSize']/div[#class='size text-light']/span/text()").extract()]
available_products = {
'basecat': Item['basecat'],
'category': Item['category'],
'job_id': Item['job_id'],
'product_id': product_id,
#if not
#print('NEW product: ', product_id)
cutout_images = [
Item['dt'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
Item['product_id'] = product_id
Item['url_product'] = ''.join((self.base_url, sub_url_product))
Item['data'] = {
'cutout_image': cutout_images,
'data-category': product.xpath("./div/#data-category").extract_first(),
'microcategory': product.xpath("./div/div/a[#class='itemlink']/div[#class='microcategory font-sans']/text()").extract_first().strip(),
'price': price,
#currency - получаю из первого символа стоимости товара
'currency': product.xpath("./div/div[#class='itemData text-center']/a[#class='itemlink']/div[#class='price']/span/text()").extract()[-1][0],
'brand': product.xpath("./div/div/a[#class='itemlink']/div[#class='brand font-bold text-uppercase']/text()").extract_first(),
#yield scrapy.Request(url=''.join((self.splash_url, Item['url_product'])), meta={'Item': Item}, callback=self.parse_details, dont_filter=True)
yield Item
#next_page_url = response.xpath("//div[#id='navigation-bar-top']/div[#class='col-6-24']/div[#id='pagination-lite']/a[#class='pure-menu-item nextPage js-track-me']/#href").extract_first()
next_page_url = response.xpath(
"//div[#id='navigation-bar-bottom']/div[#class='col-16-24']/ul[#class='pagination list-inline pull-right text-center js-pagination']/li[#class='next-page']/a/#href").extract_first()
if next_page_url:
print(' ++++++++ next page ++++++++ ', next_page_url)
yield scrapy.Request(url=''.join((self.splash_url, next_page_url)), callback=self.parse_data, dont_filter=True)
print(' ++++++++ NEXT CATEGORY ++++++++ ')
def parse_details(self, response):
# Производим глубокое копирование для избежания перемешивания данных
Item = copy.deepcopy(response.meta['Item'])
#other_data = json.loads(response.xpath('//section[#id="product"]/script[#type="application/ld+json"]//text()').extract_first())
Item['details'] = {
'header': response.xpath("//div[#id='itemData']/div[#id='js-item-details']/div[#id='itemTitle']/h1/a/text()").extract_first().strip(),
'price': response.xpath("//div[#id='itemData']/div[#id='js-item-details']/div[#id='item-price']/span[#class='font-bold']/span[1]/text()").extract_first(),
'priceCurrency': response.xpath("//div[#id='itemData']/div[#id='js-item-details']/div[#id='item-price']/span[#class='font-bold']/span[2]/#content").extract_first(),
#'colorName': response.xpath("//div[#id='js-item-color-size']/div[#id='itemColors']/div[#class='dataTitleBox font-bold text-uppercase text-size-xs margin-bottom']/span[#class='select-color-size-label']/text()").extract_first(),
#'reference': response.xpath("//div[#class='info-section']/div[#class='product-info-wrapper _product-info'][1]/p[#class='product-color']/span[2]/text()").extract_first(),
'description': response.xpath("//div[#id='itemContent']/div[#class='row text-size-default info-2cols']/div[#class='info-col-1 item-info-column col-1-2']/ul/li[#id='itemDescription']/div[#class='info-body font-sans padding-half-top']/text()").extract_first(),
#'sizeList': response.xpath("//div[#id='js-item-details']/div[#id='js-item-color-size']/div[#id='itemSizes']/ul").extract_first(),
#'other_data': other_data,
yield Item
Parsing works only for the first pages of all categories, although there is code and refers to callback = pars_data:
if next_page_url:
yield scrapy.Request(url=''.join((self.splash_url, next_page_url)), callback=self.parse_data)
A message is displayed on the console url for new page=2, but every current page url is new category (((. Please help my.
++++++++ next page ++++++++ https://***/us/women/shoponline/underwear_mc/2#/dept=women&gender=D&page=2&attributes=%7b%27ctgr%27%3a%5b%27ntm%27%5d%7d&season=X

Getting repeated requests from same url with different values

I am trying to crawl some data as my side project but I am having a problem gathering it. I have been trying for two day without much luck.
First problem:
When I crawl the post form the main page I get a wrong token.
Second problem:
I have read and I have tried to implement scrapy docs request to get the phone number but in vain,
or this answer
Third problem:
How would I go to implement the next page (comment out code inside
Fourth problem:
I am now able to get the phone numbers but I am getting repeated requests to the same url with different values, [see results]
I would really appreciate if anyone could give me a direction.
My main goal is to crawl post that have phone numbers
I have tried to search stackoverflow but I couldn't find the proper post.
Many Thanks
BOT_NAME = 'crawler'
SPIDER_MODULES = ['crawler.spiders']
NEWSPIDER_MODULE = 'crawler.spiders'enter code here
USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.93 Safari/537.36"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import json
import scrapy
from scrapy import Request, Item, Field, Selector
def complete_link(string):
return string
class MyItem(Item):
token = Field()
post_id = Field()
post_url = Field()
phone_num = Field()
phone_url = Field()
class GumtreeSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "gumtree"
allowed_domains = [""]
start_urls = [
def parse(self, response):
item = MyItem()
for href in response.css('a.listing-link::attr(href)').extract():
domain = '' + href
request = Request(domain, callback=self.parse_post, meta={'domain':domain,'item':item})
yield request
# next_page = response.css('li.pagination-next a::attr("href")').extract_first()
# if next_page is not None:
# next_page = response.urljoin(next_page)
# yield Request(next_page, callback=self.parse)
def parse_post(self, response):
item = response.meta['item']
item['post_url'] = response.meta['domain']
post_id = re.match('.*?([0-9]+)$', item['post_url'])
if post_id:
item['post_id'] =
token = response.xpath('//script[contains(., "revealSellerTelephoneNumberToken")]').extract()
arr_token = re.findall(r'"([^"]*)"', str(token))
if len(arr_token) == 15:
item['token'] = arr_token[-2]
request = Request('' + item['post_id'], headers={'X-GUMTREE-TOKEN':item['token']}, callback=self.parse_phone, meta={'item':item})
yield request
def parse_phone(self, response):
item = response.meta['item']
phone = json.loads(response.body_as_unicode())
item['phone_num'] = phone['data']
return item
results: [scrapy crawl gumtree -o ..\result.json]
{"post_url": "", "post_id": "1214586540", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE0ODYyMjgwMTUsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC93d3cuZ3VtdHJlZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0ODYyNDk2MTQsImlhdCI6MTQ4NjIyODAxNCwiYWR2ZXJ0X2lkIjoxMjE0NTg2NTQwfQ.Lv0aCIKHo_2DbTcIw7RvE535PFAD5OX16_SFMDz--Cs", "phone_num": "004407488470949"},
{"post_url": "", "post_id": "1214586540", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE0ODYyMjgwMTUsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC93d3cuZ3VtdHJlZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0ODYyNDk2MTQsImlhdCI6MTQ4NjIyODAxNCwiYWR2ZXJ0X2lkIjoxMjE0NTg2NTQwfQ.Lv0aCIKHo_2DbTcIw7RvE535PFAD5OX16_SFMDz--Cs", "phone_num": "004407488470949"},
{"post_url": "", "post_id": "1214586540", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE0ODYyMjgwMTUsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC93d3cuZ3VtdHJlZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0ODYyNDk2MTQsImlhdCI6MTQ4NjIyODAxNCwiYWR2ZXJ0X2lkIjoxMjE0NTg2NTQwfQ.Lv0aCIKHo_2DbTcIw7RvE535PFAD5OX16_SFMDz--Cs", "phone_num": "01527853397"},
Have you checked that meta['item'] actually being passed to parse_token()?
I'd do the following:
meta = { 'item': item }
request = Request(response.urljoin(href), meta=meta, callback=self.parse_token)
yield request
I have found the solution.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re, json, scrapy
from crawler.items import CrawlerItem
from scrapy import Request, Item, Field, Selector
gumtree = ''
getphone = ''
class GumtreeSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "gumtree"
allowed_domains = [""]
start_urls = [
def parse(self, response):
item = CrawlerItem()
pid = []
arr_url = []
for href in response.css('a.listing-link::attr(href)').extract():
if len(href) > 0:
post_id = u''.join(href).encode('utf-8').strip()
post_id = re.match('.*?([0-9]+)$', post_id)
if post_id:
domain = gumtree + href
i = 0
while i < len(arr_url):
url = u''.join(arr_url[i]).encode('utf-8').strip()
request = Request(url, callback=self.parse_post, meta={'url':url,'item':item,'pid':pid[i]}, headers={'Referer':gumtree})
i += 1
yield request
next_page = response.css('li.pagination-next a::attr("href")').extract_first()
if next_page is not None:
next_page = response.urljoin(next_page)
yield Request(next_page, callback=self.parse)
def parse_post(self, response):
item = response.meta['item']
item['post_id'] = response.meta['pid']
item['post_url'] = response.meta['url']
token = response.xpath('//script[contains(., "revealSellerTelephoneNumberToken")]').extract()
arr_token = re.findall(r'"([^"]*)"', str(token))
if len(arr_token) == 15:
item['token'] = arr_token[-2]
ref = item['post_url']
req = Request(getphone + item['post_id'], callback=self.parse_phone, headers={'X-GUMTREE-TOKEN':item['token'], 'Referer':ref}, meta={'url':response.meta['url'],'item':item})
return req
def parse_phone(self, response):
item = response.meta['item']
item['post_url'] = response.meta['url']
phone = json.loads(response.body_as_unicode())
item['phone_num'] = u''.join(phone['data']).encode('utf-8').strip()
return item