Implementing React native maps with redux - react-native

Can anyone recommend me some articles / docs or (better yet) tutorials on a comprehensive implementation of Redux with React-Native-Maps? I am currrently working on a project that would requires such.
I want to have the global state of the user location and destination.
Also, I want to be able to multiple map render, with different destinations.
I assume I should be able to achieve this with redux, however my knowledge of redux is quite basic, like the todo app example.
Kindly advice otherwise or share your thoughts.

I think its best if you start with getting a practical understanding of Redux, the TODO app will not take you far. start with this
Once you are comfortable with Redux, this is a repo that integrates react native maps, (camera as a bonus) and react Redux application.
Hope this Helps!


Best way to maintain application state in in React-Native?

I worked with react(for web) and used Redux. It seems to me very comfortable. Now I'm working with React-Native and want to maintain somehow my application state. I wanted to use redux, but read in some guides that on React-Native today this is not a very good practice(it's better to use react-contexts). So I'm a little bit confused. Could you explain me what is the better way to maintain\change React-Native application state?

best prebuilt components for login page and user module for react native?

I'm creating a new mobile app in RN which will require a login page. I can build all of this from scratch of course but I wanted to find out, based on the latest technology and trends, the most common tools, technologies and aproaches that RN devs are currently using for this. Essentially, if you were to create a brand new mobile app in RN today, what approaches and components would you use? My preference is to implement the login module for free, except for my labor, unless there's a high quality aternative for a few dollars per month, which saves a significant amount of implementation/troubleshooting/overhead/etc that a lot of RN devs are currently leveraging.
Your question is quite open ended but here you go.
UI Components
You need your new app to look good and user friendly, these two are what i would almost always choose between they provide all the components you need to have an elegant app and are light-weight dependencies:
State Management
Almost always you will need to share certain values, arrays, objects, etc. between components, to achieve this i usually decide between:
React Context - if i am building a simple small scale application.
React Redux - if the application needs to be highly scalable and need enable certain features Redux can help with (i.e. offline application usage, etc.)
Note: i would highly recommend you using Redux for state management, true the boilerplate is a pain but it will help you greatly on the long run.
Expo - Pretty much most of my applications use expo platform, i would say your application development timeline is cut by 1/3 using it, however the greatest downside would be the inability to integrate native modules with it like how you use link in a normal react native application.
Axios - For any HTTP related requests
React Navigation - For handling my application routing and navigation
If you are actually just starting a new application, i have just finished setting up a quick boilerplate that pretty much uses all the technologies i mentioned above. as well as pre-setup authentication flow, theming (Light and Dark theme) and some extra stuff!
Check it out on GitHub :)
Hope this Helps!

How to create a real life-like 3D avatar with react-native?

This question can sound a bit off-topic or more of tech capacity or capability. Let's say I am pretty new to this whole thing. I recently came across with and and really got curious how they are doing it. Let's say I want to use a real life-like 3D avatar in a react native app, any ideas where to start with? How do I create an avatar in React Native app?
I am well aware of there are API we can pay and use it.
Any help would be appreciated.
I guess what your requirement is to create 3D objects for Augmented reality, if I am correct. Currently Apple and Android provides their own framework for that. IOS's AR kit and android's AR Core is a bit different in terms of code structure(I mean how they approach problems, their functionality etc). I'll consider them a bit advance topic better done on native platforms. Answering your question, I haven't come across any such library in react native and I don't think we'll see any soon as react native is still maturing and still has a lot to do to become stable.
I've seen projects in react native having AR elements, but that was done entirely in native and bridged to react native (hybrid)

What are the best ways to Handle data in React-Native Mobile App?

Since I'm from a Objective-c / Swift background and new to React and React-Native, it's difficult to sink into the new environment. I had a couple of research on React-Native, which helped me to understand some basic concepts like components, States, props etc.
I am stuck at the part where how the React-native apps handles the data, like storing and fetching. In ios, we can use core data framework to handle all those stuff. During those research, I came across Redux & AsyncStorage. Most of the tutorials recommend using Redux for storing data. But What I understood is that they help to store or handles States of the application and AsyncStorage is used only as a key-value storage.
From an iOS developer point of view, what could be the best solution in handling the data when coming to a React-Native app (Like coreData).
I did have a peek at this query:
What are my options for storing data when using React Native? (iOS and Android)
But I'm not satisfied with the solution. Could anyone please help me out here?
I know it's already in the associated link you supplied but just adding redux-persists with redux handles most of the storage requirements for iOS, Android, Electron and Web apps.
As for the complexity, at the end of the day, in most storage engine cases, it's all JSON stringified under the hood so nesting isn't much of an issue if you need a more complex dataset.
redux-persists manages the storage engine for you.
More info:

Should I create my ReactNative App with Redux?

I starting to learn ReactNative to develop Android and iOS Applications. Before that I programming Mobile-Applications with Java and Swift.
The last weeks I search a lot in the web to get experience from other developer that use ReactNative or other "Cross-Platform-Frameworks". Early I hear about Redux and that many developer use it.
I programming some examples in Redux to understand the concept, I have understood something but not quite everything.
So I come to my main question, is it better to programming a ReactNative App for both platforms with Redux ? What are the pros and cons ? And it is better for a beginner to start with ReactNative without Redux ?
Hopefully anyone can answer my question and share his experience, so I understand Redux better.
I'd say first get a good understanding of how React works and read about React best practices because thats what React Native uses to compose hierarchy of native views in React native app.
For a simple app you don't have to use Redux.You can always add it later.