Nested Set Analysis in QlikSense - qlikview

My User_ID has several images and with this piece of code I receive the largest IMAGE_NR .
max({$<USER_ID = {'8638087'}> } IMAGE_NR)
Every image number is linked to an IMAGE_ID. How do I get this?
In words:
Give me IMAGE_ID where IMAGE_NR = largest IMAGE_NR of my USER_ID
I tried following that doesn't work:
sum({$<max({<USER_ID={'8638087'}> } IMAGE_NR)>} IMAGE_ID)
Thank you for any thoughts!

Here is a step-by-step solution.
You mention that this already brings back the correct IMAGE_NR:
max({$<USER_ID = {'8638087'}> } IMAGE_NR)
Now you want the IMAGE_ID. The logic is:
I generally prefer to avoid search mode (double quotes inside element list) and instead use a higher evaluation level on the top calculation, so I would recommend:
& max({$<USER_ID = {'8638087'}> } IMAGE_NR)
& '}>} IMAGE_ID)'
This would also provide you a nice preview formula in the formula editor, something like:
only({<IMAGE_NR={210391287}>} IMAGE_ID)

I didn't test it, but i believe it's something like :
only({<IMAGE_NR={'$(=max(IMAGE_NR))'}, USER_ID={'8638087'}>} IMAGE_ID)

If the dimension of the table is USER_ID then this will return the IMAGE_ID of the maximum IMAGE_NR per USER_ID. Should work / return results for any dimension, but then will have to be read as maximum IMAGE_NR per whatever that dimesion is. The minus on IMAGE_NR is to get the largest/last sorted value
If you're using it in a text box with no dimension then you can also add the set analysis
firstsortedvalue({<USER_ID={'8638087'}>} IMAGE_ID,-IMAGE_NR)


Is there a more efficient way to return all records in a "traversed" link'ed list?

I have a generic (non-V) class with a LINKMAP field that links a chain of time-series data. Each record links to the next record based on a key of the next month/day/hour/etc. and a value of the #rid of the next record. I could use edges (non-lightweight, with a single property the same as the LINKMAP key), but I don't want to because I only need a one-direction link and want to use the least amount of storage space (plus my assumption is that while using edges might offer slightly easier querying, it wouldn't offer any benefit in terms of performance or storage space).
I currently have the following batch query:
let r = select from data where key='AAA';
let y = select expand(links['2017']) from $r;
let m = select expand(links['07']) from $y;
let d = select expand(links['15']) from $m;
let h = select expand(links['10']) from $d;
return (select $r[0], $y[0], $m[0], $d[0], $h[0])
This works, in the sense that I get a result set with the #rids of each record in the link'ed list.
I have two questions:
Is there a more efficient way to do this query? I've tried various TRAVERSE options with $path and such, but nothing else I attempted worked at all. I did not try MATCH because I'm not using edges.
The current result set is flat, with each value prop ($r, $y, etc.) containing the corresponding #rid. That's OK for my purposes, but I'd like to know if there's a way to return the actual records instead of just the #rids. Nothing I've tried works.
PS - I'm using orientjs, but the batch runs identically from the console as well.

Orientdb sql auto increment: id is always null (sql batch, update increment, variables)

I was looking at another question in stackoverflow regarding auto increment fields in orientdb, where one of the answers was to create our own vertex with counter field.
However, when I'm trying to execute the following code (both java api and console script batch), It is not working.
Do note however that the id is returned good (did some debug attempts, returning the id variable only), and the vertex is created.
However, the vertex id is always null (unless I set it explicit, that is).
The script:
script sql
LET id = UPDATE CCounter INCREMENT value=1 RETURN AFTER $current WHERE name='session'
LET csession = CREATE VERTEX CDate SET id=$id.result, meet_date='2015-01-01 15:23:00'
I tried playing around with $id and $current , but nothing seems to work.
Currently I am doing it in a 2-transaction mode; one to get the id, and another to create the vertex. I really hope there is a better way though.
I am using version 2.0-M2
You should execute
LET csession = CREATE VERTEX CDate SET id=$id.value, meet_date='2015-01-01 15:23:00'
Note the $id.value in place of $id.result.
As stated in a comment to Lvca, the answer was:
(1) Change the field name. Id seems to be reserved (ish). It's probably possible to still bypass it and use a field named 'id', but I didn't want to mess around with it.
(2) From some reason, the result was a collection (shown as '[id]'). It took me some time to figure it out, but I just had to choose the first value from it.
(3) Also, there are 2 'values' here. One of the field ($current.value), and the second one(not sure where it's coming from).
Final solution that works:
script sql
LET id = UPDATE CCounter INCREMENT value = 1 RETURN AFTER $current.value WHERE name='session'
LET csession = CREATE VERTEX CDate SET data_id=$id[0].value, meet_date='2015-01-01 15:23:00'

Apache solr - more like this score

I have a small index with ~1000 documents with only two fields:
- id (string)
- content (text_general)
I noticed that when I do MLT search by id for similar content, the original document(which id is the searched id) have a score 5.241327.
There is 1:1 duplicated document and for the duplicated content it is returning score = 1.5258181. Why? Why it is not 5.241327 when it is 100% duplicate.
Another question is can I in any way to get similarity documents by content by passing some text in the query.
/mlt/?q=content:Some encoded long text&mlt.fl=content
I am trying to check if there is similar content uploaded and the check must be performed at new content upload time.
It might be worth to try some different parameters. I also use MLT on only one field, I use the following parameters:
'mlt.boost': 'true',
'mlt.fl': 'my_field_name',
'mlt.maxqt': 1000,
'mlt.mindf': '0',
'mlt.mintf': '0',
'qt': 'mlt',
'rows': '10'
See for an explanation of the parameters. I think with a small index mindf might be important and I see the default mintf (term frequency) is 2, so I assume an ID is only one term, so this is probably ignored!
First, how does Solr More-Like-This works?
A regular Solr query is conducted (e.g. "?q=content:Some encoded long text&.....".
For each document returned by the above query, More-Like-This conduct More like this query...
So, the first result set "response", is just like any Solr query results set.
The More-Like-This appears below and start with something like that (Json format):
For an explanation about More Like This algorithm, please read that:
If you didn't solved the problem yet, please let me know and I will guide you through.

Magento Bulk update attributes

I am missing the SQL out of this to Bulk update attributes by SKU/UPC.
Running EE1.10 FYI
I have all the rest of the code working but I"m not sure the who/what/why of
actually updating our attributes, and haven't been able to find them, my logic
Open a CSV and grab all skus and associated attrib into a 2d array
Parse the SKU into an entity_id
Take the entity_id and the attribute and run updates until finished
Take the rest of the day of since its Friday
Here's my (almost finished) code, I would GREATLY appreciate some help.
* FUNCTION: updateAttrib
* REQS: $db_magento
* Session resource
* REQS: entity_id
* Product entity value
* REQS: $attrib
* Attribute to alter
See my response for working production code. Hope this helps someone in the Magento community.
While this may technically work, the code you have written is just about the last way you should do this.
In Magento, you really should be using the models provided by the code and not write database queries on your own.
In your case, if you need to update attributes for 1 or many products, there is a way for you to do that very quickly (and pretty safely).
If you look in: /app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/controllers/Catalog/Product/Action/AttributeController.php you will find that this controller is dedicated to updating multiple products quickly.
If you look in the saveAction() function you will find the following line of code:
->updateAttributes($this->_getHelper()->getProductIds(), $attributesData, $storeId);
This code is responsible for updating all the product IDs you want, only the changed attributes for any single store at a time.
The first parameter is basically an array of Product IDs. If you only want to update a single product, just put it in an array.
The second parameter is an array that contains the attributes you want to update for the given products. For example if you wanted to update price to $10 and weight to 5, you would pass the following array:
array('price' => 10.00, 'weight' => 5)
Then finally, the third and final attribute is the store ID you want these updates to happen to. Most likely this number will either be 1 or 0.
I would play around with this function call and use this instead of writing and maintaining your own database queries.
General Update Query will be like:
catalog_product_entity_[backend_type] cpex
cpex.value = ?
WHERE cpex.attribute_id = ?
AND cpex.entity_id = ?
In order to find the [backend_type] associated with the attribute:
WHERE entity_type_id =
  WHERE entity_type_code = 'catalog_product')
AND attribute_id = ?
You can get more info from the following blog article:
Hope this helps you.

jqGrid/NHibernate/SQL: navigate to selected record

I use jqGrid to display data which is retrieved using NHibernate. jqGrid does paging for me, I just tell NHibernate to get "count" rows starting from "n".
Also, I would like to highlight specific record. For example, in list of employees I'd like a specific employee (id) to be shown and pre-selected in table.
The problem is that this employee may be on non-current page. E.g. I display 20 rows from 0, but "highlighted" employee is #25 and is on second page.
It is possible to pass initial page to jqGrid, so, if I somehow use NHibernate to find what page the "highlighted" employee is on, it will just navigate to that page and then I'll use .setSelection(id) method of jqGrid.
So, the problem is narrowed down to this one: given specific search query like the one below, how do I tell NHibernate to calculate the page where the "highlighted" employee is?
A sample query (simplified):
var query = Session.CreateCriteria<T>();
foreach (var sr in request.SearchFields)
query = query.Add(Expression.Like(sr.Key, "%" + sr.Value + "%"));
query.SetFirstResult((request.Page - 1) * request.Rows)
Here, I need to alter (calculate) request.Page so that it points to the page where request.SelectedId is.
Also, one interesting thing is, if sort order is not defined, will I get the same results when I run the search query twice? I'd say that SQL Server may optimize query because order is not defined... in which case I'll only get predictable result if I pull ALL query data once, and then will programmatically in C# slice the specified portion of query results - so that no second query occur. But it will be much slower, of course.
Or, is there another way?
Pretty sure you'd have to figure out the page with another query. This would surely require you to define the column to order by. You'll need to get the order by and restriction working together to count the rows before that particular id. Once you have the number of rows before your id, you can figure what page you need to select and perform the usual paging query.
OK, so currently I do this:
var iquery = GetPagedCriteria<T>(request, true)
var ids = iquery.List<Guid>();
var index = ids.IndexOf(new Guid(request.SelectedId));
if (index >= 0)
request.Page = index / request.Rows + 1;
and in jqGrid setup options
url: "${Url.Href<MyController>(c => c.JsonIndex(null))}?_SelectedId=${Id}",
// remove _SelectedId from url once loaded because we only need to find its page once
gridComplete: function() {
$("#grid").setGridParam({url: "${Url.Href<MyController>(c => c.JsonIndex(null))}"});
loadComplete: function() {
That is, in request I lookup for index of id and set page if found (jqGrid even understands to display the appropriate page number in the pager because I return the page number to in in json data). In grid setup, I setup url to include the lookup id first, but after grid is loaded I remove it from url so that prev/next buttons work. However I always try to highlight the selected id in the grid.
And of course I always use sorting or the method won't work.
One problem still exists is that I pull all ids from db which is a bit of performance hit. If someone can tell how to find index of the id in the filtered/sorted query I'd accept the answer (since that's the real problem); if no then I'll accept my own answer ;-)
UPDATE: hm, if I sort by id initially I'll be able to use the technique like "SELECT COUNT(*) ... WHERE id < selectedid". This will eliminate the "pull ids" problem... but I'd like to sort by name initially, anyway.
UPDATE: after implemented, I've found a neat side-effect of this technique... when sorting, the active/selected item is preserved ;-) This works if _SelectedId is reset only when page is changed, not when grid is loaded.
UPDATE: here's sources that include the above technique: