How does Auth0 API validate an access token? - authorization

Everything is working except for what happens between Step 6 and Step 7. When my backend receives the access token from the browser, how does the backend validate that access token? I assume, that the backend doesn’t make a call to Auth0 to validate that token because there is no arrow back to Auth0 after Step 6. So, how does the backend know that the token it received is valid?
I have an SPA and a API which I would like to follow this flow:
And also this document how to API validates the Access Token?

The following is the standard way to validate the access token.
Check access token is well-formed.
Validates the signature which is used to sing the access token. In that case, backend application perform an API call to JWKS endpoint to retrieve the public key
Validates the standard claims
Validates the permissions(scopes)
More Details can be found here:
If you are using any auth0 SDK, it performs the validation as described.
Additionally, ID token is also required to be validated in the frontend client.

Between step 6 and 7 of the doc you referenced it dives into your backend validating this Access token. Depending on your backend there are a large number of quickstarts to help you gain traction moving forward. I will link the docs below along with Auth0 video training on identity to help solidify a great foundation when tackling the Authentication subject. Please let me know if this helps you!


Can RestSharp obtain an oauth2 access token from IdentityServer/DuendeServer for a user programmatically if given username/password?

We have Duende server for our UI and users provide their username and password and obtain an access token that is then used by our SPA app to call api's with the access token issued by our identity server.
I'm in a situation where I need to call the same API from a script and was wondering if RestSharp has some capability to obtain an access token if provided certain information (perhaps the users email/password etc that are typically entered into an interactive website) ?
I see that the RestSharp has some OAuth related "authenticators" but the documentation is unclear exactly what they achieve. I also dont see it mentioning anything about an email address and password.
I'm wondering if theres an option that is different than me generating a JWT elsewhere and supplying it directly to restsharp. I'd love if there was a programmatic way to generate the token directly from the IDP.
RestSharp documentation doesn't make it secret about how authenticators work. Both OAuth2 authenticators only add the necessary header or query string using the token you provide, but they don't request the token.
Duende server documentation explains in detail how to get a token based on the password grant (which is using the username and password).
Although the OAuth2 spec is stable, each API vendor has its own limitations. For example, Twitter API v2 only supports the client_credentials grant type. Therefore, it's not easy to create a generic OAuth2 client.
Still, it's quite easy to amend the Twitter authenticator sample from the docs and extend both request and response models to support the Duende server token request endpoint.

How to "sign in with Google" (id_token) *and* receive a code/access_token for specific scope (for the backend)

I'm building an application where a user should be able to sign in with Google, but afterwards, the backend server needs access to some data from the users's account (analytics.readonly scope).
If I understand it correctly, this can be done with the "OAuth Hybrid Flow": An id_token and an authorization_code are returned on the front channel, but the sensitive access_token and refresh_token can only be retrieved on the back channel.
Yet, Google does not seem to provide this functionality.
I imagined that my frontend could receive both an id_token and a code as URL parameters after the Google OAuth flow. The React frontend would then POST both the id_token and the code to my Flask backend.
The backend would then 1) check the id_token, 2) exchange the code for a refresh/access token and return an authenticated session cookie to the frontend.
Now my question:
Can I use just the returned authorization_code to sign in my users? (i.e. instead of an id_token?) What are the security implications? In that case I could just continue with the regular Authorization Code Flow on the backend.
Is there a way, to retrieve both an id_token and an authorization_code from Google at the same time that I have not found?
Is there any other way to achieve what I want? (Sign in with Google for Frontend, secure retrieval of access_token/refresh_token that only the backend needs)
I would handle the token management on the backend instead of doing it in the frontend.
The authorization code is only used as part of the authorization code flow.The code is just a random token and does not contain any user info, so you can't use it to signin the user.
You can't get the id_token and authorization_code at the same time, why would you? Auth code flow is a two step process, so you always get a code first, that you then can exhange for the id/access tokens.
I would consider looking at this this great video for how to approach authentication for SPA applications.

Single Signon Tokens usage in multiple applications

I am currently working on a small SingleSignon application. This way, I can save time whenever i make a new project, because the login process is mostly in place from the beginning.
To start with i think I should mention that many off my applications are build on Angular, so I often have multiple applications in one project:
The Angular app (HTML / Javascript)
The REST API (Either PHP or .NET (doesnt really matter))
I have been reading up on OAuth2, JWT and so on, and I understand that:
1) the application authorizes with the SSO API.
2) the SSO API responds (if successful) with an access token.
3) Add the access token to the header, and i have now access to the SSO APIs
What about my own API that belongs to the application itself? (See the image below for better understanding).
The API for the application knows nothing about the token I recieved from the SSO API, and would of course reject it...
SingleSignon Authorization flow
How would you normally implement this?
Should the application API also ask the SSO api on every request, to validate the token, or how? What would be best practice?`
After studying Auth0, I found out that if you are using Opaque tokens (croptographically random string, with no meaning), the token is being verified against the authorization server from the API, as I mentioned in my original post. If you are using JsonWebToken on the other hand, there is no need to contact the authorization server, but check validity of the token by its expiration and signature, AND audience should match the domain of the custom API
So therefore; If you have a custom resource / API, you can benefit from a selfsigned token like JWT, and define the custom resource url in the AUD grant of the token.
Then the resource can validate against the AUD grant.

Using openid-connect for authentication spa and rest api

I have an API Server (Resource server) and multiple apps, Web GUI (SPA) and a Desktop client and maybe more coming.
I'd like to use openid-connect besides http basic authentication for my API Server.
It should be configurable which openid provider to use. My own, facebook, google...
I only want to do authentication, I do not need their API. I only need some profile data like email or firstname.
Let's say I have configured google as my IdP and I'm currently using my Web GUI (SPA). I need to login, no problem, according to I redirect the user to google, get my authorization code and the Web Gui (SPA) gets an id_token and access_token from google.
No problem so far, but now the SPA has to work with my API Server and the API Server needs to authenticate every request (since it is a stateless rest api) coming from the Client (WebGui SPA) and needs to know which user actually did this.
So the access_token from google is meant to be used to access google api's right? But I also could just pass this access_token with every request to my api server and the api server calls to verify the access_token and get the account name (mail). But this doesn't sound right, does it?
I also have and id_token which I can verify without calling google server everytime. So could I also just pass the id_token as bearer with every request to my api server and the api server can verify the id_token? But according to openid-connect spec the access_token is actually the one which just get passed to the api server and the id_token must stay on the client.
But then the id_token would be completely useless to me, the API server needs to know who the user is, the client (Web GUI) doesn't really care.
Or since it is my own API Server, does my API Server actually needs to implement the whole oauth2 system by itself, just not authentication but creating access_token and more. So I would have a /api/tokensign to which I can pass the id_token from google, the API verifies the id_token and creates an access_token for my WebGUI (SPA). And this new access_token can be passed as bearer to every api request. This actually sounds as the best solution according to specs, but do I really need to implement oauth2 by myself into my API? Sounds like a heavy addition since A and B could also be implemented.
My rest-api needs authentication with every request so is A, B, C the right approach? Please don't tell me this is opinion based, it is not.
What is the right way using oauth2/openid-connect for authentication?
You can use all three methods you have mentioned above, but indeed with some considerations. I will explain them with regards to available specifications.
Scenario - Two systems S1, S2
S1 - Identity provider
S2 - API endpoint
What you need - Trust and use 'Tokens' issued by S1 to access S2
Explanations for proposed solutioins A, B and C
A - Verify tokens issued by S1 for each call
This can be done using the RFC7662 - OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection endpoint. This validation is valid by the specification so yes you can use the token verification endpoint.
Advantage for this method is that, if a token is revoked, the effect is instantaneous. The very next API call will fail. But indeed there's the implication on performance. You need an extra verification service call.
Note that you do not need to get the account name from this verification response. It could be taken from ID token and could be used to verify for extra protection.
B - Trust tokens issued by S1 for each call
Now this approach is something extended from RFC6750 - The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: Bearer Token Usage. You can indeed use ID toke to authenticate and authorise an end user. This link contains a good explanation on the ID token usage as a bearer token.
You can indeed verify the validity of token using MAC and even encryption. But be mindful to use short lived tokens and to always use TLS. And be mindful about refreshing tokens.! Because according to openID connect specification, ID token is not a mandatory item for a refresh token request.
C - A wrapper for federation
For this you can write your own solution or use an existing solutions (ex:- WSO2 identity server). This identity server will configured to choose the identity provider on your application (client like desktop app or web app). Identity server will do the necessary redirects and provide you the required tokens. But indeed you will need to use introspection endpoint to validate the token validity.
If you go one step ahead of this solution, you can try to implement a code exchange mechanism. You can exchange the token carry from external to tokens issued internally by one of your system (ex:- Google access token to your internal access token). The advantage of this approach is you have control over validation. Also since subsequent token validations are done internally, there should be a performance improvement.
Hope this explains some doubts you have.

Adding OAuth 2.0 authentication to a RESTful API

I have an API that requires authentication via OAuth 2.0. I originally anticipated using HWIOAuthBundle, however from investigation this is more to do with hooking up 3rd parties into Symfony's security/auth mechanism and does not provide the required mechanism for validating OAuth 2.0 Authorization headers.
I then found some information about FOSOAuthServerBundle which enables an application to become it's own OAuth 2.0 provider as well as providing the required security mechanisms to validate Authorization headers.
However the problem is that I would like integrate the OAuth 2.0 provider (authorisation server) in an external application (which contains the user base) and not include it within the API. Which will provide some mechanism for performing the token verification against this external app via (another) RESTful API.
RESTful API requires OAuth 2.0 authentication.
OAuth 2.0 authorisation server to be situated in a separate application.
I feel I should use Implicit grant and call the authorization server on each request to validate that the token is correct.
Is my thinking correct?
As far as I undesratnd your requirement, you require to authenticate your APIs via external OAuth Authorization Server:
Client needs to provide the access token retrieved in the above steps
along with the request to access the protected resource. Access token
will be sent as an authorization parameter in the request header.
Server will authenticate the request based on the token.
If token is valid then client will get an access to protected resource otherwise access is denied.
here is an example which might help you to achieve your requirement. Check this document .
Or simply, you can do with Jersey and Oauth
Also, you can check Apache Oltu and figure out the way to achieve your requirement.
A lot of the big companies like Google, Facebook etc have a separate authorization server from the API server. Check out Google's OAuth authorization flow below
You can also check Google's OAuth Documentation for the details.
So all you would need to do is implement a OAuth Provider so that you can authorize against that provider. There's a list of libraries available on the OAuth website: You can specifically look here; there is an example for running an OAuth Service Provider in Java.
oAuth can most definitely be a server other than your application server. Below is a picture of what the authentication sequence would look like:
-- Obviously, if the forum can't decode or validate the token, the forum would return a 401 status code instead of a 200 status code.
As long as your oAuth server & the Forum share the same public key, you're more than okay with splitting your oAuth Server & your application.
In fact, take a look at Paste the token you get from the oAuth server into there. It should be able to decode the token right away. Then, you can put your public key into the 'secret' text box to verify the token is verified.
Your application (Forum, in this example) should be able to do the same:
1) Grab the token from the Authorization header of the request
2) Decode the token
3) Check the expire date
4) Verify the token using the oAuth's public key
5) Return successful status code or a failure status code