syntax for methods using raise / throw in Sorbet - sorbet

Is there a way to specify which exceptions a method might raise, so it's known for which a rescue might be needed?
In Java (Doc) it looks this way:
void example(int: x) throws Exception {
if x > 42 throw new Exception;
Maybe something like this!?
→ View on
# typed: true
extend T::Sig
sig {params(x: Integer).void.raises(StandardError)}
def example(x)
raise RuntimeError if x > 42
Don't get confused: Usual exceptions are handled using raise ... rescue in Ruby.
raise StandardError
rescue StandardError
But you can also throw objects and catch them in Ruby.
catch(:something) do
throw :something
I don't use this a lot. Actually trying to avoid it totally. But Sorbet might also have a syntax for this!? E.g.:
→ View on
# typed: true
extend T::Sig
sig {params(x: Integer).void.throws(:something)}
def example(x)
throw :something if x > 42
catch (:something) {example(42)}

Sorbet does not support checked exceptions.
The reason for that is that it's generally agreed between people working on Java today that they don't work well with other features of even Java. For example, in the snippet below
foo do
# code that calls into something that can throw
In Java you are formally forced to catch exceptions inside # and rethrow them as unchecked one, as in general the block might escape to heap.
Overall, if you look into languages that followed Java: Scala, Kotlin, neither of them supports checked exceptions.


Will it throw an exception if it is null?

I am pretty new Kotlin world and do not understand the following code snippet:
fun read(#PathParam("id") id: EnvStageId): Uni<Environment> =
createUni( {
it ?: throw WebApplicationException(Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)
.entity("Environment $id does not exist")
The question is, if it is null it will then throw an exception right?
The elvis operator ?: is not null or the continuation.
Yes. If it is null then it will throw an exception.
The thing is, sometimes it is better to crash: if that operation is supposed to always return something from the local db, then if it fails you get an alert that there is something very bad going on, crashalytica for prod are standard this days.
Maybe the design is exceptions throwing exceptions on low level implementations. I do not think so, because that seems to be mixing network with repository, so I will doubt it. But on the other hand it seems to be so, because someone wrote an special exception for that, if it so, then the next architecture layer should catch those exceptions and handle them gracefully.

How to find what exception some library code might throw

I am new to Kotlin and I have the following problem: In my project I am using a small library (JAR, no sources). In it there are few custom exception classes defined which inherit Exception class. Some methods throw these exceptions.
In my code I bump into the problem that I don't know what exception the library code might throw so I can catch it and thus sometimes the exception goes trough the roof.
What it is the usual way to handle such situations in Kotlin?
Normaly such exceptions should be declared in the documentation of the library that you are using (either the JavaDoc, KDoc, or a website). There is no structured way to get all exceptions a function can throw, other than decompiling the code and step through it yourself. (by using the build in decompiler, that jet brains ship in IntelliJ for example)
You could also catch all exceptions, but I would always argue, that this is not a good decision in almost all cases.
I don't exactly know the right approach in kotlin, but you may use the following idea from scala:
Try -
try Success(r) catch {
case NonFatal(e) => Failure(e)
If exception is not fatal:
case _: VirtualMachineError | _: ThreadDeath | _: InterruptedException | _: LinkageError | _: ControlThrowable => false
case _ => true
then just return Failure(e) otherwise throw it.
How can you use it? At least you will not end up like this:
try {
} catch {
case _ : Throwable => ... // catch all exceptions
Yes, you still don't know which exceptions code may throw, but using this approach you can control the general execution flow.
But of course, it will be much better if docs list exceptions which may be thrown.

listing all API errors with flask/qwagger [duplicate]

Is there a way knowing (at coding time) which exceptions to expect when executing python code?
I end up catching the base Exception class 90% of the time since I don't know which exception type might be thrown (reading the documentation doesn't always help, since many times an exception can be propagated from the deep. And many times the documentation is not updated or correct).
Is there some kind of tool to check this (like by reading the Python code and libs)?
I guess a solution could be only imprecise because of lack of static typing rules.
I'm not aware of some tool that checks exceptions, but you could come up with your own tool matching your needs (a good chance to play a little with static analysis).
As a first attempt, you could write a function that builds an AST, finds all Raise nodes, and then tries to figure out common patterns of raising exceptions (e. g. calling a constructor directly)
Let x be the following program:
x = '''\
if f(x):
raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'not found')
e = g(x)
raise e
Build the AST using the compiler package:
tree = compiler.parse(x)
Then define a Raise visitor class:
class RaiseVisitor(object):
def __init__(self):
self.nodes = []
def visitRaise(self, n):
And walk the AST collecting Raise nodes:
v = RaiseVisitor()
compiler.walk(tree, v)
>>> print v.nodes
[Getattr(Name('errno'), 'ENOENT'), Const('not found')],
None, None),
None, None),
Raise(Name('e'), None, None),
You may continue by resolving symbols using compiler symbol tables, analyzing data dependencies, etc. Or you may just deduce, that CallFunc(Name('IOError'), ...) "should definitely mean raising IOError", which is quite OK for quick practical results :)
You should only catch exceptions that you will handle.
Catching all exceptions by their concrete types is nonsense. You should catch specific exceptions you can and will handle. For other exceptions, you may write a generic catch that catches "base Exception", logs it (use str() function) and terminates your program (or does something else that's appropriate in a crashy situation).
If you really gonna handle all exceptions and are sure none of them are fatal (for example, if you're running the code in some kind of a sandboxed environment), then your approach of catching generic BaseException fits your aims.
You might be also interested in language exception reference, not a reference for the library you're using.
If the library reference is really poor and it doesn't re-throw its own exceptions when catching system ones, the only useful approach is to run tests (maybe add it to test suite, because if something is undocumented, it may change!). Delete a file crucial for your code and check what exception is being thrown. Supply too much data and check what error it yields.
You will have to run tests anyway, since, even if the method of getting the exceptions by source code existed, it wouldn't give you any idea how you should handle any of those. Maybe you should be showing error message "File needful.txt is not found!" when you catch IndexError? Only test can tell.
The correct tool to solve this problem is unittests. If you are having exceptions raised by real code that the unittests do not raise, then you need more unittests.
Consider this
def f(duck):
except ??? could be anything
duck can be any object
Obviously you can have an AttributeError if duck has no quack, a TypeError if duck has a quack but it is not callable. You have no idea what duck.quack() might raise though, maybe even a DuckError or something
Now supposing you have code like this
arr[i] = get_something_from_database()
If it raises an IndexError you don't know whether it has come from arr[i] or from deep inside the database function. usually it doesn't matter so much where the exception occurred, rather that something went wrong and what you wanted to happen didn't happen.
A handy technique is to catch and maybe reraise the exception like this
except Exception as e
#inspect e, decide what to do
Noone explained so far, why you can't have a full, 100% correct list of exceptions, so I thought it's worth commenting on. One of the reasons is a first-class function. Let's say that you have a function like this:
def apl(f,arg):
return f(arg)
Now apl can raise any exception that f raises. While there are not many functions like that in the core library, anything that uses list comprehension with custom filters, map, reduce, etc. are affected.
The documentation and the source analysers are the only "serious" sources of information here. Just keep in mind what they cannot do.
I ran into this when using socket, I wanted to find out all the error conditions I would run in to (so rather than trying to create errors and figure out what socket does I just wanted a concise list). Ultimately I ended up grep'ing "/usr/lib64/python2.4/test/" for "raise":
$ grep raise
Any exceptions raised by the clients during their tests
raise TypeError, "test_func must be a callable function"
raise NotImplementedError, "clientSetUp must be implemented."
def raise_error(*args, **kwargs):
raise socket.error
def raise_herror(*args, **kwargs):
raise socket.herror
def raise_gaierror(*args, **kwargs):
raise socket.gaierror
self.failUnlessRaises(socket.error, raise_error,
self.failUnlessRaises(socket.error, raise_herror,
self.failUnlessRaises(socket.error, raise_gaierror,
raise socket.error
# Check that setting it to an invalid value raises ValueError
# Check that setting it to an invalid type raises TypeError
def raise_timeout(*args, **kwargs):
self.failUnlessRaises(socket.timeout, raise_timeout,
def raise_timeout(*args, **kwargs):
self.failUnlessRaises(socket.timeout, raise_timeout,
Which is a pretty concise list of errors. Now of course this only works on a case by case basis and depends on the tests being accurate (which they usually are). Otherwise you need to pretty much catch all exceptions, log them and dissect them and figure out how to handle them (which with unit testing wouldn't be to difficult).
There are two ways that I found informative. The first one, run the code in iPython, which will display the exception type.
n = 2
str = 'me '
str + 2
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
In the second way we settle for catching too much and improve on it over time. Include a try expression in your code and catch except Exception as err. Print sufficient data to know what exception was thrown. As exceptions are thrown improve your code by adding a more precise except clause. When you feel that you have caught all relevant exceptions remove the all inclusive one. A good thing to do anyway because it swallows programming errors.
so something
except Exception as err:
print "Some message"
print err.__class__
print err
normally, you'd need to catch exception only around a few lines of code. You wouldn't want to put your whole main function into the try except clause. for every few line you always should now (or be able easily to check) what kind of exception might be raised.
docs have an exhaustive list of built-in exceptions. don't try to except those exception that you're not expecting, they might be handled/expected in the calling code.
edit: what might be thrown depends on obviously on what you're doing! accessing random element of a sequence: IndexError, random element of a dict: KeyError, etc.
Just try to run those few lines in IDLE and cause an exception. But unittest would be a better solution, naturally.
This is a copy and pasted answer I wrote for How to list all exceptions a function could raise in Python 3?, I hope that is allowed.
I needed to do something similar and found this post. I decided I
would write a little library to help.
Say hello to Deep-AST. It's very early alpha but it is pip
installable. It has all of the limitations mentioned in this post
and some additional ones but its already off to a really good start.
For example when parsing HTTPConnection.getresponse() from
http.client it parses 24489 AST Nodes. It finds 181 total raised
Exceptions (this includes duplicates) and 8 unique Exceptions were
raised. A working code example.
The biggest flaw is this it currently does work with a bare raise:
def foo():
except TypeError:
But I think this will be easy to solve and I plan on fixing it.
The library can handle more than just figuring out exceptions, what
about listing all Parent classes? It can handle that too!

Ignoring Exceptions in Object Oriented Programming

In some applications, I came across some lines of code which deliberately eats the exceptions. In my application the benefit of doing this is - To ignore the exception and just continue with the loop(The exception handled is for an error thrown inside the loop). The following lines of code looks evil to even an experienced developers. But is sensible to the context(I mean, that is the requirement - to process all the files in the directory).
//some lines of code which might throw exception
}catch(Exception e){
//no code to handle the error thrown
What other benefits can ignoring exceptions provide?
If it is a requirement to process all the files, if you get an exception during processing one of them, is not the requirement broken already? Either something failed or the exception is not needed.
If you want to continue the processing handle the exception, then continue. Why not just report the problem with processing a given file,so someone can later process it manually? Probably even stupid cerr << "Hey I had trouble with this file '" << file <<', so I skipped it.\n" would be better than nothing.
Exception is there to signal something. If you are ignoring it either you are doing something nasty, or the exception is not needed.
The only valid reason for ignoring the exception I can think of is when someone throws exceptions at you for no good reason. Then maybe, yeah, ignore.
This is generally the mark of bad code - you always want to handle your exceptions by at a minimum reporting what the exception is. Ignoring exceptions will let your program keep running, but generally exceptions are thrown for a reason and you or the user need to know what that reason is. Doing a catch-all and escaping just means the coder was too lazy to fix whatever problems cropped up.
The exception is if the coder is throwing exceptions merely to pass arguments, which is something I saw on DailyWTF once.
Usually we should not absorb the exception but there can be reason like there is a function which is out of business logic that is just to help some kind of extra functionality, then you do not want your application to break if that function throw the exception in that case you absorb/eat the exception. But I do not recommend the empty catch block, one should log this in ELMAH or other error logging tools for future.
I don't think there any any benefits of ignoring exceptions. It will only cause problems. If you want the code to be executed in the loop, after handling it, it will continue with the loop because exception is handled. You can always process the files in your directory even if you are not doing anything after handling exceptions.
It will be better if you write some log regarding the files for which exception is thrown
If you eat the exception. You may never know what is the actual cause of the problem.
Considerr this example
public class Test {
private int x;
public void someMethod(){
try {
x = 10/0;
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test test = new Test();
This will print simply 0 the default value of x as exception occured during division and value was not assigned to x
Here you are supposed to get actual result of the division. Well it will definitely throw an ArithMeticException because we are dividing by zero and we have not written anything in catch block. So if the exception occurs, nothing will be printed and value of x will be 0 always and we can't know whether the division is happend or not. So always handle exceptions properly.

Enforcing method order in a Python module [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed last year.
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What is the most Pythonic way to deal with a module in which methods must be called in a certain order?
As an example, I have an XML configuration that must be read before doing anything else because the configuration affects behavior.
The parse_config() must be called first with the configuration file provided. Calling other supporting methods, like query_data() won't work until parse_config() has been called.
I first implemented this as a singleton to ensure that a filename for the configuration is passed at the time of initialization, but I was noticing that modules are actually singletons. It's no longer a class, but just a regular module.
What's the best way to enforce the parse_config being called first in a module?
It is worth noting is that the function is actually parse_config(configfile).
If the object isn't valid before it's called, then call that method in __init__ (or use a factory function). You don't need any silly singletons, that's for sure.
The model I have been using is that subsequent functions are only available as methods on the return value of previous functions, like this:
class Second(object):
def two(self):
print "two"
return Third()
class Third(object):
def three(self):
print "three"
def one():
print "one"
return Second()
Properly designed, this style (which I admit is not terribly Pythonic, yet) makes for fluent libraries to handle complex pipeline operations where later steps in the library require both the results of early calculations and fresh input from the calling function.
An interesting result is error handling. What I've found is the best way of handling well-understood errors in pipeline steps is having a blank Error class that supposedly can handle every function in the pipeline (except initial one) but those functions (except possibly terminal ones) return only self:
class Error(object):
def two(self, *args):
print "two not done because of earlier errors"
return self
def three(self, *args):
print "three not done because of earlier errors"
class Second(object):
def two(self, arg):
if arg == 2:
print "two"
return Third()
print "two cannot be done"
return Error()
class Third(object):
def three(self):
print "three"
def one(arg):
if arg == 1:
print "one"
return Second()
print "one cannot be done"
return Error()
In your example, you'd have the Parser class, which would have almost nothing but a configure function that returned an instance of a ConfiguredParser class, which would do all the thing that only a properly configured parser could do. This gives you access to such things as multiple configurations and handling failed attempts at configuration.
As Cat Plus Plus said in other words, wrap the behaviour/functions up in a class and put all the required setup in the __init__ method.
You might complain that the functions don't seem like they naturally belong together in an object and, hence, this is bad OO design. If that's the case, think of your class/object as a form of name-spacing. It's much cleaner and more flexible than trying to enforce function calling order somehow or using singletons.
The simple requirement that a module needs to be "configured" before it is used is best handled by a class which does the "configuration" in the __init__ method, as in the currently-accepted answer. Other module functions become methods of the class. There is no benefit in trying to make a singleton ... the caller may well want to have two or more differently-configured gadgets operating simultaneously.
Moving on from that to a more complicated requirement, such as a temporal ordering of the methods:
This can be handled in a quite general fashion by maintaining state in attributes of the object, as is usually done in any OOPable language. Each method that has prerequisites must check that those prequisites are satisfied.
Poking in replacement methods is an obfuscation on a par with the COBOL ALTER verb, and made worse by using decorators -- it just wouldn't/shouldn't get past code review.
It comes down to how friendly you want your error messages to be if a function is called before it is configured.
Least friendly is to do nothing extra, and let the functions fail noisily with AttributeErrors, IndexErrors, etc.
Most friendly would be having stub functions that raise an informative exception, such as a custom ConfigError: configuration not initialized. When the ConfigParser() function is called it can then replace the stub functions with real functions.
Something like this:
class ConfigError(Exception):
"configuration errors"
def query_data():
raise ConfigError("parse_config() has not been called")
def _query_data():
def parse_config(config_file):
if failure:
raise ConfigError("bad file")
all_objects = globals()
for name in ('query_data', ):
working_func = all_objects['_'+name]
all_objects[name] = working_func
If you have very many functions you can add decorators to keep track of the function names, but that's an answer for a different question. ;)
Okay, I couldn't resist -- here is the decorator version, which makes my solution much easier to actually implement:
class ConfigError(Exception):
"various configuration errors"
class NeedsConfig(object):
def __init__(self, module_namespace):
self._namespace = module_namespace
self._functions = dict()
def __call__(self, func):
self._functions[func.__name__] = func
return self._stub
def _stub(*args, **kwargs):
raise ConfigError("parseconfig() needs to be called first")
def go_live(self):
for name, func in self._functions.items():
self._namespace[name] = func
And a sample run:
needs_parseconfig = NeedsConfig(globals())
def query_data():
print "got some data!"
def set_data():
print "set the data!"
def okay():
print "Okay!"
def parse_config(somefile):
except ConfigError, e:
print e
except ConfigError, e:
print e
print "this shouldn't happen!"
And the results:
parseconfig() needs to be called first
parseconfig() needs to be called first
got some data!
set the data!
As you can see, the decorator works by remembering the functions it decorates, and instead of returning a decorated function it returns a simple stub that raises a ConfigError if it is ever called. When the parse_config() routine is called, it needs to call the go_live() method which will then replace all the error raising stubs with the actual remembered functions.
A module doesn't do anything it isn't told to do so put your function calls at the bottom of the module so that when you import it, things get ran in the order you specify:
import testmod
def fun1():
def fun2():
When you run, you'll see fun1 is ran before fun2: