Add some rule for XML parsing - antlr

Add some rule for parsing of the XML, but it doesn't work when I try compile project. I have the next error:
Error 2 unknown attribute reference 'closeTag' in '$closeTag.text' D:\DevExpress\ControlEvaluation\RichEditControl\WindowsFormsRichEdit\WindowsFormsRichEdit\XMLParser.g4 40 29 WindowsFormsRichEdit
Error 1 unknown attribute reference 'openTag' in '$openTag.text' D:\DevExpress\ControlEvaluation\RichEditControl\WindowsFormsRichEdit\WindowsFormsRichEdit\XMLParser.g4 40 8 WindowsFormsRichEdit
element : '<' openTag=Name attribute* '>' content '<' '/' closeTag=Name '>'
| {$openTag.text.equals($closeTag.text)}?
| '<' Name attribute* '/>'

The closeTag is defined in your first alternative, but you refer to it in the second alternative. It doesn't exist there.

Don't do semantic checks in the parser. The equality of open and close tag names is a semantic enforcement. Instead parse the input without such constraints like you want to implement here and instead run a semantic phase once you got the parse tree. This will allow you also to print much better error messages (e.g. "Open and close tag must be the same", instead of "No viable alt").
For this semantic check use the generated parse tree listener (or rather your derivation of that class).


Failed to parse command using ANTLR3 grammar, if command has same word which is declared as rule

I have facing a problem while parsing some command with the parser which, I have implemented using ANLTR3. Parser fails to parse those commands which contains 'any-word' that is declared as lexer rule in the grammar.
For Example take a look following grammar:
show :
SHOW TABLES '[' projectName? tableName']' -> ^(SHOW TABLES_ ^(PROJECT_NAME projectName)? ^(DATASET_TABLE tableName));
If i try to parse command 'SHOW TABLES [sample-project:SHOW]' then parse fails for this command.But if I change the SHOW word then it works.
SHOW TABLES [sample-project:SHOW] - this works.
I don't want to get name as string which is surrounded in quotes(").
Can anyone suggest solution? I am using ANTLR3.
Thanks in advance.
This is a typical effect of using a reserved word as identifier. In ANTLR when you define a reserved word like your SHOW rule it will implicitly excluded from a identifier rule you might have defined after that keyword rule.
The solution to allow such keywords also as identifiers in rules like your tablName is to make that rule accept certain (or all) keywords that could be accepted in that place (and will not act as keywords then). Example:
| <others go here>

antlr4: need to convert sequences of symbols to characters in lexer

I am writing a parser for Wolfram Language. The language has a concept of "named characters", which are specified by a name delimited by \[, and ]. For example: \[Pi].
Suppose I want to specify a regular expression for an identifier. Identifiers can include named characters. I see two ways to do it: one is to have a preprocessor that would convert all named characters to their unicode representation, and two is to enumerate all possible named characters in their source form as part of the regular expression.
The second approach does not seem feasible because there are a lot of named characters. I would prefer to have ranges of unicode characters in my regex.
So I want to preprocess my token stream. In other words, it seems to me that the lexer needs to check if the named characters syntax is correct and then look up the name and convert it to unicode.
But if the syntax is incorrect or the name does not exist I need to tell the user about it. How do I propagate this error to the user and yet let antlr4 recover from the error and resume? Maybe I can sort of "pipe" lexers/parsers? (I am new to antlr).
In Wolfram Language I can have this string as an identifier: \[Pi]Squared. The part between brackets is called "named character". There is a limited set of named characters, each of which corresponds to a unicode code point. I am trying to figure out how to tokenize identifiers like this.
I could have a rule for my token like this (simplified to just a combination of named characters and ASCII characters):
NAME : ('\\[' [a-z]+ ']'|[a-zA-Z])+ ;
but I would like to check if the named character actually exists (and other attributes such as if it is a letter, but the latter part is outside of the scope of the question), so this regex won't work.
I considered making a list of allowed named characters and just making a long regex that enumerates all of them, but this seems ugly.
What would be a good approach to this?
A common approach is to write the lexer/parser to allow syntactically correct input and defer semantic issues to the analysis of the generated parse tree. In this case, the lexer can naively accept named characters:
NChar : NCBeg .? RBrack ;
fragment NCBeg : '\\[' ;
fragment LBrack: '[' ;
fragment RBrack: ']' ;
In the parser, allow the NChar's to exist in the parse-tree as discrete terminal nodes:
idents : ident+ ;
ident : NChar // named character string
| ID // simple character string?
| Literal // something quoted?
| ....
This makes analysis of the parse tree considerably easier: each ident context will contain only one non-null value for a discretely identifiable alt; and isolates analysis of all ordering issues to the idents context.
For an input \[Pi]Squared, the parse tree form that would be easiest to analyze would be an idents node with two well-ordered children, \[Pi] and Squared.
Best practice would not be to pack both children into the same token - would just have to later manually break the token text into the two parts to check if it is contains a valid named character and whether the particular sequence of parts is allowable.
No regex is going to allow conclusive verification of the named characters. That will require a list. Tightening the lexer definition of an NChar can, however, achieve a result equivalent to a regex:
NChar : NCBeg [A-Z][A-Za-z]+ RBrack ;
If the concern is that there might be a space after the named character, consider that this circumstance is likely better treated with a semantic warning as opposed to a syntactic error. Rather than skipping whitespace in the lexer, put the whitespace on the hidden channel. Then, in the verification analysis of each idents context, check the hidden channel for intervening whitespace and issue a warning as appropriate.
A parse-tree visitor can then examine, validate, and warn as appropriate regarding unknown or misspelled named characters.
To do the validation in the parser, if more desirable, use a predicated rule to distinguish known from unknown named characters:
#members {
ArrayList<String> keyList = .... // list of named chars
public boolean inList(String id) {
return keyList.contains(id) ;
nChar : known
| unknown
known : NChar { inList($NChar.getText()) }? ;
unknown : NChar { error("Unknown " + $NChar.getText()); } ;
The inList function could implement a distance metric to detect misspellings, but correcting the text directly in the parse-tree is a bit complex. Easier to do when implemented as a parse-tree decoration during a visitor operation.
Finally, a scrape and munge of the named characters into a usable map (both unicode and ascii) is likely worthwhile to handle both representations as well as conversions and misspelling.

When is EOF needed in ANTLR 4?

The TestDriver in ANTLRWorks2 seems kind of finicky about when it'll accept a grammer without and explicit EOF and when it will not. The Hello grammar in the ANTLR4 Getting Started Guide doesn't use EOF anywhere, so I inferred that it's better to avoid explicit EOF if possible.
What is the best practice for using EOF? When do you actually need it?
You should include an explicit EOF at the end of your entry rule any time you are trying to parse an entire input file. If you do not include the EOF, it means you are not trying to parse the entire input, and it's acceptable to parse only a portion of the input if it means avoiding a syntax error.
For example, consider the following rule:
file : item*;
This rule means "Parse as many item elements as possible, and then stop." In other words, this rule will never attempt to recover from a syntax error because it will always assume that the syntax error is part of some syntactic construct that's beyond the scope of the file rule. Syntax errors will not even be reported, because the parser will simply stop.
If instead I had the following rule:
file : item* EOF;
In means "A file consists exactly of a sequence of zero-or-more item elements." If a syntax error is reached while parsing an item element, this rule will attempt to recover from (and report) the syntax error and continue because the EOF is required and has not yet been reached.
For rules where you are only trying to parse a portion of the input, ANTLR 4 often works, but not always. The following issue describes a technical problem where ANTLR 4 does not always make the correct decision if the EOF is omitted.
Unfortunately the performance impact of this change is substantial, so until that is resolved there will be edge cases that do not behave as you expect.

Antlr 3 keywords and identifiers colliding

Surprise, I am building an SQL like language parser for a project.
I had it mostly working, but when I started testing it against real requests it would be handling, I realized it was behaving differently on the inside than I thought.
The main issue in the following grammar is that I define a lexer rule PCT_WITHIN for the language keyword 'pct_within'. This works fine, but if I try to match a field like 'attributes.pct_vac', I get the field having text of '' and a pretty ANTLR error of:
line 1:15 mismatched character u'v' expecting 'c'
grammar Select;
options {
eval returns [value]
: field EOF
field returns [value]
: fieldsegments {print $field.text}
: fieldsegment (DOT (fieldsegment))*
WS : ('\t' | ' ' | '\r' | '\n')+ {self.skip();};
ICHAR : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z');
PCT_CONTAINS : 'pct_contains';
USCORE : '_';
DOT : '.';
I have been reading everything I can find on the topic. How the Lexer consumes stuff as it finds it even if it is wrong. How you can use semantic predication to remove ambiguity/how to use lookahead. But everything I read hasn't helped me fix this issue.
Honestly I don't see how it even CAN be an issue. I must be missing something super obvious because other grammars I see have Lexer rules like EXISTS but that doesn't cause the parser to take a string like 'existsOrNot' and spit out and IDENTIFIER with the text of 'rNot'.
What am I missing or doing completely wrong?
Convert your fieldsegment parser rule into a lexer rule. As it stands now it will accept input like
_ abc"
which is probably not what you want. The keyword "pct_contains" won't be matched by this rule since it is defined separately. If you want to accept the keyword in certain sequences as regular identifier you will have to include it in the accepted identifier rule.

Mismatched double token

In ANTLR, I have a MismatchedTokenException with the following definition:
type : IDENTIFIER ('<' (type (',' type)*) '>')?;
And the following test:
The exception occurs when parsing the first >. ANTLR tries parsing both '>>' at once, and fails.
With a silent whitespace channel, the following test does work:
A<B,C<D> >
In which ANTLR is clearly instructed to treat each token separately.
How can I fix that?
I could not reproduce that. The parser generated by:
grammar T;
type : IDENTIFIER ('<' (type (',' type)*) '>')?;
parses the input A<B,C<D>> (without spaces) into the following parse tree:
You'll need to provide the grammar that causes this input to produce a MismatchedTokenException.
Perhaps you're using ANTLRWorks' interpreter (or Eclipse's ANTLR-IDE, which uses the same interpreter)? In that case, that is probably the problem: it's notoriously buggy. Don't use it, but use ANTLRWorks' debugger: it's great (the image posted above comes from the debugger).
Lazlo Bonin wrote:
Got it. I had a << token defined. Quickly, is there a way to priorize token recognition over another?
No, the lexer simply tries to match as much as possible. So if it can create a token matching << (or >>), it will do so in favor of two single < (or >) tokens. Only when two (or more) lexer rules match the same amount of characters, a prioritization is made: the rule defined first will then "win" over the one(s) defined later in the grammar.