How to insert an image on Pentaho dashboard with condition? - pentaho

I know how to insert an image using add image avaible on Layout Panel or using HTML.
However I want to make a condition : If the image is not avaible or doesn't exist, there is a default image I want to display.
So I think I need to do it with js function.
What is the best way for it?

you can use image tag in html for that.
<img id="img" src="SomeImage.jpg" onerror="this.onerror=null; this.src=default.png" alt="" width="100" height="120">


Nuxt+Tailwind: background-image with arbitrary values

While creating a project on the Nuxt + Tailwind stack, I stumbled upon another problem.
Following the documentation I wanted to add a background image, but css does not display it (other Tailwind classes work)
<div class="bg-[url('img/stories/desktop/18-days-voyage.jpg')]">
<h3>The Mountains</h3>
<p>by John Appleseed</p>
Read story
However, if I am use the img tag with the same path to the image, then it displays.
<img src="img/stories/desktop/18-days-voyage.jpg" alt="" />
Need to make the first way work. Can you tell me where to dig? Thanks in advance.

How to set payment image icon on footer Bigcommerce?

've recently added Zipmoney as a payment option but my theme doesn't support the logo to display in the footer.
I've looked at the community answers which gave code to add to the footer template but my footer refers to another 'payment' icon file to display the icons. See copied code below. Just wondering if anyone can help me out with where I can add the logo image to display next to existing icons in the footer? And does it resize automagically? Or do I need to make sure the image I upload is the correct size?
{{> components/common/payment-icons}}
for easy. upload zip logo at image manager then open open /templates/components/common/payment-icons.html
paste that image code after like below sample
{{#if show_accept_visa}}
<svg class=”footer-payment-icon”><use xlink:href=”#icon-logo-visa”></use></svg>
<img src="zip image path">

jsreport template dynamic generate 2D Barcode

I am a new user for JSReport, I want to build a template for phantomjs PDF that include a 2D Barcode, however, 2D Barcode content generate dynamically. Could anyone can guild? Thanks for helping.
This depends how you want to generate the barcode image.
One option is to use external (free) service which does this for you, then you just need to insert html image with proper url
<img src=''/>
You would typically fill the code using handlebars in jsreport like this
<img src='{{code}}&style=197&type=C128B&width=180&height=50&xres=1&font=3'/>
Playground demo
Another option is using an npm module that can render the barcodes serverside like the bwip-js.
Playground demo
Thank you for give me some key point. I also found below script can generate 2D barcode also.
< img id='barcode'
height="100" />
I know this is an old question.
I need this function but the url does not work
Google has a solution
<img src='{{rowinfo.qrCode}}&chs=200x200&choe=UTF-8'/>

How to make work DataURL and Lightbox together

I want to use Lightbox. Images are binding from back-end in VB.NET(database-sqlserver).
Here is HTML which is inside a datalist controler:
<a href='<%# Eval("images")%>' rel="lightbox[Brussels]">
<img alt="" src='<%# Eval("images")%>' height="150" width="150" class=" img img-thumbnail" />
I am not storing the images filepath. Just storing the images in varbinary(max) So cant give href attribute of Link.
I referenced hyperlink href attribute via dataurl.Its value is coming in base64
dr("images") = "data:Image/png;base64," & Convert.ToBase64String(imgbyte)
where imgbyte is byte array().
Whenever I am clicking on the Image(binded from database),it should come in front using Lightbox.
But problem is arousing as image poping out is partial clear or 30% clear rest blured or nothing at all.Don't know the exact reason why?
I have read somewhere that Internet Explorer 6 or 7 is not using dataurl. And it can show upto 32kb size image. But I have checked it in IE11.It does't work.
Any possibility how can we show images of big size using dataurl in LightBox?
Any other possibility how can we achieve this?
The only way I see is to implement a custom endpoint, say Generic Handler or a more tailored one, which returns a proper binary stream by providing the Identifier of the corresponding image.
For example
This endpoint will be reachable via URL and such URL can be fed to LightBox, while keeping your images stored in a Table rather than a physical file.
In the end, your aspx code could like the following
<a href='<%# Eval("images")%>' rel="lightbox[Brussels]">
<img alt="" src="/MyCustomImageProvider.ashx?Id=<%# Eval("imageId")%>" height="150" width="150" class=" img img-thumbnail" />

nitmedia/wkhtml2pdf images not working on laravel

I've included the package, the pdf gets generated but somehow the images dont appear on the pdf. The HTML content and CSS works like expected.
When i return the view as how you'd normally return a view in laravel, the receipt displays nicely along with the images.
But when i:
return PDF::html('', $data);
The images dont appear.
My view file has the image like so:
<img class="img-responsive" src="img/receipt/banner.jpg">
The image is within:
This is a laravel app running on homestead environment.
You need to use absolute path in image src attribute instead of relative. Smth like:
<img class="img-responsive" src="">
You can use
<base href="" />
into your head and it will help for all your links