Download attachment from Circuit Conversation via REST API - circuit-sdk

I'd like to download an attachment from the conversation via REST API (Circuit Sandbox)
If I query the Conversation Item, I can see the attachments and within that the fileID. Then, if I am logged with a user account who is a member of the conversation, I can run the following to download the attachment or paste it in the browser where I am logged to the sandbox:
start chrome
And that works. Is there a way to achieve the same with a Bot via REST?

A regular GET request will work.
curl<fileId> \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
and here is the REST notation.
GET rest/fileapi?fileid=<fileId> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>
The access token for a bot (client credentials grant) is obtained via OAuth 2.0:
curl \
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<CLIENT_ID>&client_secret=<CLIENT_SECRET>&scope=READ_CONVERSATIONS,WRITE_CONVERSATIONS'
REST notation:
POST /oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Google Sheet Update Api : Getting error [Request is missing required authentication credential]

I am calling Google Sheet Update Request in Postman with following parameters:
Request Type : PUT
Headers : Authorization - MyAccessToken
Request Body :
Getting Response :
Note : For Updating into Spreadsheet, I follow these steps :
Create an application on Google Api Console using this link and then move to Credentials section. Click Create Credentials, then OAuth Client ID, Create Application type as Web Application. For now leave the Restrictions Section. Then Create. Now Application is created.
Add some project Name in the OAuth Consent Screen Tab
Now, Authorize the API using this link. In the right corner, open the Settings Icon. Select Use your own OAuth Credentials as true. Add the Client Id and Client secret from the Project on Google Api Console. Select the Scope as under the Google Sheet Api v4 in the dropdown, then Authorize the API.
If Get redirect_mismatch_uri. then Copy the redirect URI till the oathPlayground or before the prompt parameter and paste it into the Authorized Redirect URI under the restrictions Section of project in Google Api Console. Then Access Token will be generated,
Get Access Token. Copy this access token in the request which I defined earlier.
But Getting error. I am not able to figure out the problem.
Thanks in Advance..
Since you already have a refresh token, you can retrieve access token using refresh token. As a sample, it shows a method of how to retrieve access token using refresh token by curl. The access token retrieved by refresh token has the expiration time. Please confirm it.
You can see the detail infomation here.
Curl command :
curl -L \
--data "refresh_token=### refresh token ###" \
--data "client_id=### client id ###" \
--data "client_secret=### client secret ###" \
--data "grant_type=refresh_token" \
Result :
"access_token": "### access token ###",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600
Below curl command is for retrieving the information of access token. If the expiration time of access token had been over, the response is {"error_description": "Invalid Value"}. If it's not, you can see a following response.
Retrieve information of access token :
curl -L \
--data "access_token=### access token ###" \
Result :
"issued_to": "#####",
"audience": "#####",
"scope": "#####",
"expires_in": 1234,
"access_type": "offline"
This sample code is for updating the range of sheet1!A1:C2 to [["test1","test2","test3"],["test4","test5","test6"]].
Sample code :
curl -L -X PUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ### access token ###" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"values":[["test1","test2","test3"],["test4","test5","test6"]]}' \
" spreadsheet ID ###/values/sheet1%21a1%3ac2?valueInputOption=USER_ENTERED"
Result :
"spreadsheetId": "### spreadsheet ID ###",
"updatedRange": "sheet1!A1:C2",
"updatedRows": 2,
"updatedColumns": 3,
"updatedCells": 6

Docker Hub API v2 token authentication issue

Currently, I'm working on a very light version of Docker containers orchestrator and I have to be able to get image digest from public Docker Hub registry. I want to use Docker Registry API v2 for this purposes.
I'm trying to get authorization token using following API call:
... and I get a response like following:
It seems that everything is okay and I'm trying to use obtained token for my next API call:
... and here what I've got:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Docker-Distribution-Api-Version: registry/2.0
Www-Authenticate: Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:alpine:pull",error="invalid_token"
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2016 12:27:54 GMT
Content-Length: 138
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
{"errors":[{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"authentication required","detail":[{"Type":"repository","Name":"alpine","Action":"pull"}]}]}
Does anybody have ideas why token aouthentication fails for such simple flow?
The response in the Www-Authenticate header is trying to tell you what you need, although it could be more helpful.
First thing: the service you want is
Second thing: the repository name in the scope is incomplete. Official repositories only have a single-part name like alpine for the CLI, but in the registry it's properly called library/alpine.
So your token request should be:
curl ""
And then your image request is:
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJh..."
And then you'll get the response.

What does '--user' mean with curl

I'm working with an API and I have to send a POST request. I know how to set a header (-H) and (-d) is the body, but what is "--user".
If I submit this with Postman, or in a text editor with axios or just regular XMLRequest, where do I add this?
The docs say it is for regular http auth.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user "<client_id>:<client_secret>" \
-d '{"grant_type": "client_credentials", "scope": "public"}' \
Late to the party, but here goes...
You can use curl with the -v (verbose) parameter to see the headers sent. You will then see that the information provided with --user is transformed into a header, such as:
Authorization: Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l
The text after the Basic keyword is a base64 encoded text string of the username:password combination provided with the --user parameter
To manually generate the base64 encoded credentials on Linux, you can simply call:
echo -n "username:password" | base64 -w0
For windows, save the "username:password" to a file, then use certutil.exe to create a base64 encoded file:
certutil -encode credentials.txt credentials.asc
To test this end to end, you can remove --user username:password and substitute with --header Authorization: Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l and it will still authenticate just fine.
In summary, to do this manually without curl, you would need to base64 encode username:password combination. You would then need to set the HTTP Authorization header with the type as Basic along with the base64 encoded string.
--user parameter in curl used for server authentication. So if you don't define authentication type via other parameters like --digest or --negotiate, it means USER parameter for http basic authentication, it also could be combined with :PASSWORD chunk to set a password as well. The full answer on your question depends on what kind authentication is used behind API you are sending request to, and maybe curl would not be enough for it, as it support a limited set of authentication schemes ...
--user (or -u) in curl provides a basic auth to your request.
In Postman you can achieve the same result with a choice in Authorization tab.
--user "<client_id>:<client_secret>" becomes
Type: Basic Auth
Username: client_id
Password: client_secret
Specify the user name and password to use for server authentication. If you simply specify the user name, curl will prompt for a password.
If your curl request does not have any -- user, then
server that requires authentication sends back a 401 response code and an associated WWW-Authenticate: header that lists all the authentication methods that the server supports.
< HTTP/1.1 401
< WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="oauth2/client"
Then you will know the server is using Basic authentication
You can add --basic to explicitly tell it is Basic authentication
Please refer to HTTP authentication for more information
Sometimes (depending on server implementation) the --user will negotiate a digest authenticated session. The headers for digest users are a one-time use. I believe a request to the server will first fail with a 401, but include a WWW-Authenticate response, including the digest realm, and the nonce secret. With these, a second request can be made with a new header Authorization value.
Authorization: Digest username="LXAIQKBC", realm="MMS Public API", nonce="rE3sYnLXEhVMbh72JyUK7kfLIb+bAbKj", uri="/api/atlas/v1.0/groups", cnonce="YTVhM4YwMDB3ZjZjMTkxbCNiODA1ODnxZDFjOGMyMzE=", nc=00000001, qop=auth, response="7a5fcb8e4f92a665315bf62cdd87a67d", algorithm="MD5"
As an addition to Jahmic's answer, Nodejs programmers can do this to convert to base64 string:
const cryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
const base64Str = cryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(cryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(`${username}:${password}`))

Github API 502 error

I'm trying to add a user to a Github repository via their API, but I always get a 502 Bad Gateway error.
With curl I send a request like this (<...> replaced by a real owner, repo, etc.):
curl -i -H 'Authorization: token xxxxxxxxxx' -XPUT<owner>/<repo>/collaborators/<username>
I also tried it with this url:
curl -i -H 'Authorization: token xxxxxxxxxx' -XPUT<id>/members/<username>
As token I used a newly created Personal Access Tokens
But both times I get this back
HTTP/1.0 502 Bad Gateway
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
<html><body><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1>
The server returned an invalid or incomplete response.
A GET on each URL works fine but a DELETE doesn't work either. So maybe it has to do with curl.
Quoting the reply from GitHub's support with changes in italic:
You're just getting trolled by HTTP and curl.
When you make a PUT request with no body, curl doesn't explicitly set a Content-Length header for that request. However, PUT requests with no Content-Length confuse servers and they respond in weird ways.
Can you please try explicitly setting the Content-Lenght header to 0, or supplying an empty body when making that request (so that curl can set the header for you)? You can accomplish that adding -d "" in your command.

GCM send message fails with 401 (Unauthorized)

I am trying to publish a message to GCM. But the send call fails with 401 status.
I am passing the Authorization header.
Passing the correct API key (with allow any IP).
I have Enabled the Cloud messaging service.
I have also tried using the browser key in place of API key(with no referrer)
The curl request looks like this >
curl -v --header "Authorization:key=VALID API KEY" --header Content-Type:"application/json" -d "{\"registration_ids\":[\"r1\"]}"
POST /gcm/send HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.24.0 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.24.0 NSS/ zlib/1.2.5 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.2.2
Accept: */*
Authorization:key= VALID API KEY With allow all IP
Content-Length: 28
Nothing seems to work. Any idea on why this happens?