How do I display records in the same row although I am using group by on 2 columns that appear in different rows right now? - sql

This is the output I am getting now but I want all the records for one gateway in one row I am trying to find the damage count and total count of packages processed by an airport in a week. Currently I am grouping by airport and week so I am getting the records in different rows for an airport and week. I want to have the records for a particular airport in a single row with weeks being in the same row.
I tried putting a conditional group by but that did not work.
select tmp.gateway,tmp.weekbucket, sum(tmp.damaged_count) as DamageCount, sum(tmp.total_count) as TotalCount, round(sum(tmp.DPMO),0) as DPMO from
select a.gateway,
date_trunc('week', (a.processing_date + interval '1 day')) - interval '1 day' as weekbucket,
count(distinct(b.fulfillment_shipment_id||b.package_id)) as damaged_count,
count(distinct(a.fulfillment_shipment_id||a.package_id)) as total_count,
count(distinct(b.fulfillment_shipment_id||b.package_id))*1.00/count(distinct(a.Fulfillment_Shipment_id || a.package_id))*1000000 as DPMO
from booker.d_air_shipments_na a
left join trex.d_ps_packages b
on (a.fulfillment_shipment_id||a.package_id =b.Fulfillment_Shipment_id||b.package_id)
where a.processing_date >= current_date-7
and (exception_summary in ('Reprint-Damaged Label') or exception_summary IS NULL)
and substring(route, position(a.gateway IN route) +6, 1) <> 'K'
group by a.gateway, weekbucket) as tmp
group by tmp.gateway, tmp.weekbucket
order by tmp.gateway, tmp.weekbucket desc;

As you get two week's days starting and ending hence its likely that youll get 2 rows for each. Can try to remove week bucket from group by after performing your actual select/within the inner select and put a max on week bucket with summing both counts of both start and end of week dates.
sum(tmp.damaged_count) as
sum(tmp.total_count) as TotalCount,
round(sum(tmp.DPMO),0) as DPMO
select a.gateway,
date_trunc('week', (a.processing_date +
interval '1 day')) - interval '1 day' as
weekbucket, count(distinct(b.fulfillment_shipment_id||b
.package_id)) as damaged_count,
count(distinct(a.fulfillment_shipment_id||a .package_id)) as total_count,
count(distinct(b.fulfillment_shipment_id||b.package_id))*1.00/count(distinct(a.Fulfillment_Shipment_id || a.package_id))*1000000 as DPMO
from booker.d_air_shipments_na a
left join trex.d_ps_packages b
on (a.fulfillment_shipment_id||a.package_id =b.Fulfillment_Shipment_id||b.package_id)
where a.processing_date >= current_date-7
and (exception_summary in ('Reprint-Damaged Label') or exception_summary IS NULL)
and substring(route, position(a.gateway IN route) +6, 1) <> 'K'
group by a.gateway, weekbucket) as tmp
group by tmp.gateway
order by tmp.gateway,
max(tmp.weekbucket) desc;

So you want to pivot the two weeks into a single row with two sets of aggregates?:
min(case when rn = 1 then tmp.damaged_count end) as DamageCountWeek1,
min(case when rn = 2 then tmp.damaged_count end) as DamageCountWeek2,
min(case when rn = 1 then tmp.total_count end) as TotalCountWeek1,
min(case when rn = 2 then tmp.total_count end) as TotalCountWeek2,
min(case when rn = 1 then round(tmp.DPMO, 0) end) as DPMOWeek1,
min(case when rn = 2 then round(tmp.DPMO, 0) end) as DPMOWeek2,
from (
select row_number() over (partition by gateway order by weekbucket) as rn,
) as tmp
group by tmp.gateway
order by tmp.gateway;


PostgreSQL showing different time periods in a single query

I have a query that will return the ratio of issuances from (issuances from specific network with specific time period / total issuances). so the issuances from specific network with a specific time period divided to total issuances from all networks. Right now it returns the ratios of issuances only from last year (year-to-date I mean), I want to include several time periods in it such as one month ago, 2 month ago etc. LEFT JOIN usually works but I couldn't figure it out for this one. How do I do it?
Here is the query:
count(*) / ((select count(*) FROM issuances_extended
where status = 'completed' and
issued_at >= date_trunc('year',current_date)) * 1.) as issuance_ratio_ytd
FROM issuances_extended as IR1 WHERE status = 'completed' and
(issued_at >= date_trunc('year',current_date))
order by
I would break your query into CTEs something like this:
with periods (period_name, period_range) as (
('YTD', daterange(date_trunc('year', current_date), null)),
('LY', daterange(date_trunc('year', current_date - 'interval 1 year'),
date_trunc('year', current_date))),
('MTD', daterange(date_trunc('month', current_date - 'interval 1 month'),
date_trunc('month', current_date));
-- Add whatever other intervals you want to see
), period_totals as ( -- Get period totals
select p.period_name, p.period_range, count(*) as total_issuances
from periods p
join issuances_extended i
on i.status = 'completed'
and i.issued_at <# p.period_range
select p.period_name, p.period_range,, count(*) as network_issuances,
1.0 * count(*) / p.total_issuances as issuance_ratio
from period_totals p
join issuances_extended i
on i.status = 'completed'
and i.issued_at <# p.period_range
group by p.period_name, p.period_range,, p.total_issuances;
The problem with this is that you get rows instead of columns, but you can use a spreadsheet program or reporting tool to pivot if you need to. This method simplifies the calculations and lets you add whatever period ranges you want by adding more values to the periods CTE.
Something like this? Obviously not tested
count(*)/((select count(*) FROM issuances_extended
where status = 'completed' and
issued_at between mon.t and current_date ) * 1.) as issuance_ratio_ytd
issuances_extended as IR1 ,
'2022-07-01'::date, '1 month') AS t)
AS mon
status = 'completed' and
(issued_at between mon.t and current_date)
I've managed to join these tables, so I am answering my question for those who would need some help. To add more tables all you have to do is put new queries in LEFT JOIN and acknowledge them in the base query (IR3, IR4, blabla etc.)
count(*) / (
status = 'completed'
and issued_at >= date_trunc('year', current_date)
) * 1./ 100
) as issuances_ratio_ytd,
max(coalesce(IR2.issuances_ratio_m0, 0)) as issuances_ratio_m0
issuances_extended as IR1
count(*) / (
status = 'completed'
and issued_at >= date_trunc('month', current_date)
) * 1./ 100
) as issuances_ratio_m0
status = 'completed'
and (issued_at >= date_trunc('month', current_date))
) AS IR2 ON =
status = 'completed'
and (issued_at >= date_trunc('year', current_date))
order by

How to get the difference between (multiple) two different rows?

I have a set of data containing some fields: month, customer_id, row_num (RANK), and verified_date.
The rank field indicates the first (1) and second (2) purchase of each customer. I would like to know the time difference between first and second purchase for each customer and show only its first month = month where row_num = 1.
So my expected result is like below image:
I'm using StandardSQL in Google Bigquery.
row_num, verified_date
from table
GROUP BY 1, 2```
We can try using a pivot query here, aggregating by the customer_id:
MAX(CASE WHEN row_num = 1 THEN month END) AS month,
1 AS row_num,
DATE_DIFF(MAX(CASE WHEN row_num = 2 THEN verified_date END),
MAX(CASE WHEN row_num = 1 THEN verified_date END), DAY) AS difference
FROM yourTable

Group by in columns and rows, counts and percentages per day

I have a table that has data like following.
attr |time
abc |2018-08-06 10:17:25.282546
def |2018-08-06 10:17:25.325676
pqr |2018-08-05 10:17:25.366823
abc |2018-08-06 10:17:25.407941
def |2018-08-05 10:17:25.449249
I want to group them and count by attr column row wise and also create additional columns in to show their counts per day and percentages as shown below.
attr |day1_count| day1_%| day2_count| day2_%
abc |2 |66.6% | 0 | 0.0%
def |1 |33.3% | 1 | 50.0%
pqr |0 |0.0% | 1 | 50.0%
I'm able to display one count by using group by but unable to find out how to even seperate them to multiple columns. I tried to generate day1 percentage with
SELECT attr, count(attr), count(attr) / sum(sub.day1_count) * 100 as percentage from (
SELECT attr, count(*) as day1_count FROM my_table WHERE DATEPART(week, time) = DATEPART(day, GETDate()) GROUP BY attr) as sub
GROUP BY attr;
But this also is not giving me correct answer, I'm getting all zeroes for percentage and count as 1. Any help is appreciated. I'm trying to do this in Redshift which follows postgresql syntax.
Let's nail the logic before presenting:
with CTE1 as
select attr, DATEPART(day, time) as theday, count(*) as thecount
from MyTable
, CTE2 as
select theday, sum(thecount) as daytotal
from CTE1
group by theday
select t1.attr, t1.theday, t1.thecount, t1.thecount/t2.daytotal as percentofday
from CTE1 t1
inner join CTE2 t2
on t1.theday = t2.theday
From here you can pivot to create a day by day if you feel the need
I am trying to enhance the query #johnHC btw if you needs for 7days then you have to those days in case when
with CTE1 as
select attr, time::date as theday, count(*) as thecount
from t group by attr,time::date
, CTE2 as
select theday, sum(thecount) as daytotal
from CTE1
group by theday
CTE3 as
select t1.attr, EXTRACT(DOW FROM t1.theday) as day_nmbr,t1.theday, t1.thecount, t1.thecount/t2.daytotal as percentofday
from CTE1 t1
inner join CTE2 t2
on t1.theday = t2.theday
select CTE3.attr,
max(case when day_nmbr=0 then CTE3.thecount end) as day1Cnt,
max(case when day_nmbr=0 then percentofday end) as day1,
max(case when day_nmbr=1 then CTE3.thecount end) as day2Cnt,
max( case when day_nmbr=1 then percentofday end) day2
from CTE3 group by CTE3.attr!17/54ace/20
In case that you have only 2 days:!17/3bdad/3 (days descending as in your example from left to right)!17/3bdad/5 (days ascending)
The main idea is already mentioned in the other answers. Instead of joining the CTEs for calculating the values I am using window functions which is a bit shorter and more readable I think. The pivot is done the same way.
COALESCE(max(count) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 0), 0) as day1_count, -- D
COALESCE(max(percent) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 0), 0) as day1_percent,
COALESCE(max(count) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 1), 0) as day2_count,
COALESCE(max(percent) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 1), 0) as day2_percent
Add more days here
SELECT *, (count::float/count_per_day)::decimal(5, 2) as percent -- C
MAX(time::date) OVER () - time::date as day_number, -- B
count(*) OVER (partition by time::date, attr) as count, -- A
count(*) OVER (partition by time::date) as count_per_day
FROM test_table
A counting the rows per day and counting the rows per day AND attr
B for more readability I convert the date into numbers. Here I take the difference between current date of the row and the maximum date available in the table. So I get a counter from 0 (first day) up to n - 1 (last day)
C calculating the percentage and rounding
D pivot by filter the day numbers. The COALESCE avoids the NULL values and switched them into 0. To add more days you can multiply these columns.
Edit: Made the day counter more flexible for more days; new SQL Fiddle
Basically, I see this as conditional aggregation. But you need to get an enumerator for the date for the pivoting. So:
SELECT attr,
COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 1) as day1_count,
COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 1) / cnt as day1_percent,
COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 2) as day2_count,
COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE day_number = 2) / cnt as day2_percent
DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY time::date DESC) as day_number,
1.0 * COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY attr) as cnt
FROM test_table
) s
GROUP BY attr, cnt
ORDER BY attr;
Here is a SQL Fiddle.

SQL Date intelligence: filtering data by seconds ran from last known valid result

Help! We're trying to create a new column (Is Valid?) to reproduce the logic below.
It is a binary result that:
it is 1 if it is the first known value of an ID
it is 1 if it is 3 seconds or later than the previous "1" of that ID
Note 1: this is not the difference in seconds from the previous record
It is 0 if it is less than 3 seconds than the previous "1" of that ID
Note 2: there are many IDs in the data set
Note 3: original dataset has ID and Date
Attached a PoC of the data and the expected result.
You would have to do this using a recursive CTE, which is quite expensive:
with tt as (
select t.*, row_number() over (partition by id order by time) as seqnum
from t
recursive cte as (
select t.*, time as grp_start
from tt
where seqnum = 1
union all
select tt.*,
(case when tt.time < cte.grp_start + interval '3 second'
then tt.time
else tt.grp_start
from cte join
on tt.seqnum = cte.seqnum + 1
select cte.*,
(case when grp_start = lag(grp_start) over (partition by id order by time)
then 0 else 1
end) as isValid
from cte;

SQL: grouping by number of entries and entry date

I have the following table log:
event_time | name |
2014-07-16 11:40 Bob
2014-07-16 10:00 John
2014-07-16 09:20 Bob
2014-07-16 08:20 Bob
2014-07-15 11:20 Bob
2014-07-15 10:20 John
2014-07-15 09:00 Bob
I would like to generate a report, where I can group data by number of entries per day and by entry day. So the resulting report for the table above would be something like this:
event_date | 0-2 | 3 | 4-99 |
2014-07-16 1 1 0
2014-07-15 2 0 0
I use the following approached to solve it:
Select with grouping in range
How to select the count of values grouped by ranges
If I find answer before anybody post it here, I will share it.
I would like to count a number of daily entries for each name. Then I check to which column this value belongs to, and the I add 1 to that column.
I took it in two steps. Inner query gets the base counts. The outer query uses case statements to sum counts.
SQL Fiddle Example
select event_date,
sum(case when cnt between 0 and 2 then 1 else 0 end) as "0-2",
sum(case when cnt = 3 then 1 else 0 end) as "3",
sum(case when cnt between 4 and 99 then 1 else 0 end) as "4-99"
(select cast(event_time as date) as event_date,
count(1) as cnt
from log
group by cast(event_time as date), name) baseCnt
group by event_date
order by event_date
try like this
select da,sum(case when c<3 then 1 else 0 end) as "0-2",
sum(case when c=3 then 1 else 0 end) as "3",
sum(case when c>3 then 1 else 0 end) as "4-66" from (
select cast(event_time as date) as da,count(*) as c from
table1 group by cast(event_time as date),name) as aa group by da
First aggregate in two steps:
WHEN ct < 3 THEN '0-2'
WHEN ct > 3 THEN '4_or_more'
ELSE '3'
END AS cat
,count(*)::int AS val
SELECT event_time::date AS day, count(*) AS ct
FROM tbl
) sub
Names should be completely irrelevant according to your description.
Then take the query and run it through crosstab():
FROM crosstab(
WHEN ct < 3 THEN '0-2'
WHEN ct > 3 THEN '4_or_more'
ELSE '3'
END AS cat
,count(*)::int AS val
SELECT event_time::date AS day, count(*) AS ct
FROM tbl
) sub
ORDER BY 1,2$$
,$$VALUES ('0-2'::text), ('3'), ('4_or_more')$$
) AS f (day date, "0-2" int, "3" int, "4_or_more" int);
crosstab() is supplied by the additional module tablefunc. Details and instructions in this related answer:
PostgreSQL Crosstab Query
This is a variation on a PIVOT query (although PostgreSQL supports this via the crosstab(...) table functions). The existing answers cover the basic technique, I just prefer to construct queries without the use of CASE, where possible.
To get started, we need a couple of things. The first is essentially a Calendar Table, or entries from one (if you don't already have one, they're among the most useful dimension tables). If you don't have one, the entries for the specified dates can easily be generated:
WITH Calendar_Range AS (SELECT startOfDay, startOfDay + INTERVAL '1 DAY' AS nextDay
CAST('2014-08-01' AS DATE),
INTERVAL '1 DAY') AS dr(startOfDay))
SQL Fiddle Demo
This is primarily used to create the first step in the double aggregate, like so:
SELECT Calendar_Range.startOfDay, COUNT(
FROM Calendar_Range
ON Log.event_time >= Calendar_Range.startOfDay
AND Log.event_time < Calendar_Range.nextDay
GROUP BY Calendar_Range.startOfDay,
SQL Fiddle Demo
Remember that most aggregate columns with a nullable expression (here, COUNT( will ignore null values (not count them). This is also one of the few times it's acceptable to not include a grouped-by column in the SELECT list (normally it makes the results ambiguous). For the actual queries I'll put this into a subquery, but it would also work as a CTE.
We also need a way to construct our COUNT ranges. That's pretty easy too:
Count_Range AS (SELECT text, start, LEAD(start) OVER(ORDER BY start) as next
FROM (VALUES('0 - 2', 0),
('3', 3),
('4+', 4)) e(text, start))
SQL Fiddle Demo
We'll be querying these as "exclusive upper-bound" as well.
We now have all the pieces we need to do the query. We can actually use these virtual tables to make queries in both veins of the current answers.
First, the SUM(CASE...) style.
For this query, we'll take advantage of the null-ignoring qualities of aggregate functions again:
WITH Calendar_Range AS (SELECT startOfDay, startOfDay + INTERVAL '1 DAY' AS nextDay
CAST('2014-07-17' AS DATE),
INTERVAL '1 DAY') AS dr(startOfDay)),
Count_Range AS (SELECT text, start, LEAD(start) OVER(ORDER BY start) as next
FROM (VALUES('0 - 2', 0),
('3', 3),
('4+', 4)) e(text, start))
SELECT startOfDay,
COUNT(Zero_To_Two.text) AS Zero_To_Two,
COUNT(Three.text) AS Three,
COUNT(Four_And_Up.text) AS Four_And_Up
FROM (SELECT Calendar_Range.startOfDay, COUNT( AS count
FROM Calendar_Range
ON Log.event_time >= Calendar_Range.startOfDay
AND Log.event_time < Calendar_Range.nextDay
GROUP BY Calendar_Range.startOfDay, Entry_Count
LEFT JOIN Count_Range Zero_To_Two
ON Zero_To_Two.text = '0 - 2'
AND Entry_Count.count >= Zero_To_Two.start
AND Entry_Count.count <
LEFT JOIN Count_Range Three
ON Three.text = '3'
AND Entry_Count.count >= Three.start
AND Entry_Count.count <
LEFT JOIN Count_Range Four_And_Up
ON Four_And_Up.text = '4+'
AND Entry_Count.count >= Four_And_Up.start
GROUP BY startOfDay
ORDER BY startOfDay
SQL Fiddle Example
The other option is of course the crosstab query, where the CASE was being used to segment the results. We'll use the Count_Range table to decode the values for us:
SELECT startOfDay, "0 -2", "3", "4+"
FROM CROSSTAB($$WITH Calendar_Range AS (SELECT startOfDay, startOfDay + INTERVAL '1 DAY' AS nextDay
CAST('2014-07-17' AS DATE),
INTERVAL '1 DAY') AS dr(startOfDay)),
Count_Range AS (SELECT text, start, LEAD(start) OVER(ORDER BY start) as next
FROM (VALUES('0 - 2', 0),
('3', 3),
('4+', 4)) e(text, start))
SELECT Calendar_Range.startOfDay, Count_Range.text, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM (SELECT Calendar_Range.startOfDay, COUNT( AS count
FROM Calendar_Range
ON Log.event_time >= Calendar_Range.startOfDay
AND Log.event_time < Calendar_Range.nextDay
GROUP BY Calendar_Range.startOfDay, Entry_Count
JOIN Count_Range
ON Entry_Count.count >= Count_Range.start
AND (Entry_Count.count < Count_Range.end OR Count_Range.end IS NULL)
GROUP BY Calendar_Range.startOfDay, Count_Range.text
ORDER BY Calendar_Range.startOfDay, Count_Range.text$$,
$$VALUES('0 - 2', '3', '4+')$$) Data(startOfDay DATE, "0 - 2" INT, "3" INT, "4+" INT)
(I believe this is correct, but don't have a way to test it - Fiddle doesn't seem to have the crosstab functionality loaded. In particular, CTEs probably must go inside the function itself, but I'm not sure....)